I've been practicing martial arts in my own underworld for 10 years.

And again, as the body and consciousness continued, the body changed accordingly with the aftermath of training in the deep detail.

Of course, I know that I need to train my body here to demonstrate my true abilities during the Great Bewilderment.

However, even at this level, I can boast that I am not tired at all even if I move for a few days. Not only that, I'm not tired of standing around all day with a heavy burden.

… "The god who had just thought of following Noah's group around the department store, sighing and chattering.

'What? I'm definitely stronger than usual because I've gained the energy of the Unsullied and the Great Universe.'

I don't understand.

Honestly, even if I put all the loads that I am carrying together, I can only lift them with one hand if I don't have the attention of the people around me.

Then why are you so tired so quickly?

And why is it that the self with the power of the shameless is so exhausted, and other than this ability, those women, who are like ordinary people, are still so exhausted and so enlarged?

"Huh? That's a new one."

"Hey, what do you think of this? Does it look good?"

"Hmm... I could go out lightly with this...."


God sighed at them like crazy.

But if there was one thing that was better, it was that all of these purchases were not to stick to men and suck their backs.

Who's to say a competent woman will spend her own money?

'By the way, the teleport of the Battleship consumes more energy the more volume there is……. Do you mind if I take all this with me?'

It was later discovered that all of these shopping items were also reported as a side effect, and the day was consuming so much that it was no longer possible to use the teleport.

Anyway, when God, who is now carrying more things than his own weight, is determined to continue to pull out the corresponding allowance under the burden of constant transmission,


He feels a peculiar sensation coming from the west, turning his gaze toward you without even knowing it.

Of course, the wall of the department store caught his eye, but he sensed that he had felt a strange sensation somewhere beyond the department store.

No, actually, one of the three former students felt that someone's experience was familiar with the current energy.

Whose memory knows about this energy? '

With all four people's memories mixed up, sometimes a familiar experience is the only flaw that takes a little time to figure out whose familiarity is due to whose memories.

"Hey! What are you doing there! Can't you see my arm hurts?"

'… That damn Miss Coco……!'

It's understandable for Harin to be half a year younger than himself (5-year-old difference). Once he was the leader of this organization and was once the representative of Korea, he was the position others looked up to.

To be honest, God had also felt a reasonable appeal to her appearance. Once you have a good appearance, good ability, and calm personality, you are the perfect woman to feel rational attraction.

In fact, Harin was a calm and sincere person because he was leading his colleagues until the entrance of the Three Taiji Dynasty, but now he was like a sister-in-law who was sticking close to his sister and harassing herself.

Although the scorned sister-in-law is more malicious than the scorned mother-in-law, God realized that Harin was more hateful to his mother-in-law than the scorned mother-in-law.

'Well, there's plenty of time anyway, so it doesn't matter. We'll figure it out later.'

You can enjoy a holiday for a week, and after receiving today's allowance, you can slowly check the senses you just felt.

"If you keep running late, you'll lose your allowance!"


When Harin acted as a Korean powerhouse, the god who had shattered all the desired images ran out with a sigh and carried the additional goods that Noah's group had bought.


"Ha! Haha! (Ahh! Hot! Chuckle! Chuckle!"

The thick, freshly baked tacoyaki in his mouth burst out and cooled the hot tacoyaki that was in his mouth, raising his head up to the taste and heat of the live-filled flour dough that filled his mouth.

Hot and spicy food were not objectively a type of pain, not a taste, but because they were an element that determined the degree of taste, hot or spicy food was an area that was not controlled by the strength of body strengthening.

"Here's some water."

Sitting in a chair close to Jinwoo, Iscilia gives him some bottled water she bought beforehand, but he holds out his hand tightly and eats the tacoyaki in his mouth as if it were fine.


However, since the taste of the food was also faded, it was only after being swallowed that the eunuch that had inhaled the bottled water gave a sip of water to Cecilia.

"The sauce looks a little too sweet, but it's worth it. Try it."

"Hmmm... I hate being so hot... Ahhh--"

She says no, but she opens her mouth and asks you to feed her.

His wife, who was more cute than him, put a big smile on her mouth and took a picture of Takoyaki.

"Mmmm... Ugh!"

The hot dough that burst out of her mouth tightened her eyes and squeezed her body, and as if waiting for this to happen, she put another egg of tacoyaki in her mouth that was used to the heat.

"Ahh... It's really hot... But it's still delicious."

Both men and women continued to talk and enjoy the atmosphere of a normal date.


Suddenly, Jinwoo gave an unfair look and sigh.

"What's the matter?"

"The kids around you keep looking at you. I'm gonna smack him in the face with rage."

Like he said, most of the men passing by were looking at her with their eyes glaring, or with their eyes wide open.

Jiwoo, who felt as if he were a zoo monkey, leaned against his shoulders and was about to attack.

"Don't feel bad. If you think they own a female that they'll never have, don't you think that's something you can enjoy?"

"Hmm... Neither do I."

As she said, the eyes of men were mostly a mixture of envy and envy.

Among them were those who had a hostile look, "What the fuck is that?" but instead, they had the pleasure of showing that they had an attractive female named Cecilia.

After knowing Jinwoo's nature, Iscilia changed her frustration in this way and asked about the next destination when Takoyaki's contents fell by less than half.

"I'm almost done eating. Where are you going next?"

"Mr. Yasukuni."

"Yes? Why there?"

"I'm going to do a dictionary."

Although she did not hide her curiosity from Jin Woo saying that she would go to the most hateful place in Korea, she already knew Jinwoo's familiar personality and mind.

You're trying to get a quote on how to modify it. '

The Yasukuni Shrine is a symbol of Japanese militarism and a shrine to those who still dream of imperialism.

It is not at all strange that Jinwoo plans to transform the Yasukuni Shrine into the worst form for Japanese people after the Japanese penalty, in any way, if she is making life a pleasure of beating up the places, objects, and lives that the other person values the most.

The reason he wants to go to Yasukuni Shrine now is because he wants to see what he looks like with his own two eyes and draw out a rough quote.

That way, Jinwoo and Iscilia, who ate all the takoyaki and put the rest in the garbage can, moved to the road and picked up a taxi and headed towards the Yasukuni Shrine.

Decades later, two men and women arrived at the Yasukuni Shrine in central Tokyo to pay for a taxi and set out for the gentleman.

"Hmm... Very well organized."

The path to the shrine of Yasukuni was made of neat stone steps, with little or no rubbish on top.

However, Jinwoo did not mind rolling his head about how to 'renovate' it more widely than the atmosphere of such a clean gentleman.

"There seem to be a lot of people watching."

"We declared war on the whole world that we were going to attack Japan."

As they spoke, the Yasukuni shrines were dressed in simple attire, but a handsome men waiting for each point, checking their surroundings with fierce eyes.

"If I go back like this, I'll live with suspicion."

Iscilia noticed that the only thing she could do was advertise that the Japanese were going inside the huge Japanese front gate and turning their backs like this.

"I'm sure something's bothering you. Well, I was gonna check inside anyway, so it doesn't matter."

Jinwoo, who wanted to feel more like enjoying the sightseeing, decided not to do anything suspicious,

"Is this your first time in Japan?"

Behind them, you hear a gracefully raised woman's voice.

Jinwoo and Iscilia turned their heads back to a sudden voice and identified a Japanese woman who had let down perfectly dark and shiny hair to her waist.

Long-eyed tails, slender jawlines and distinct features for Japanese. Black eyes that can only be said to be as brilliant as jewelry.

"Huh…? Wait... I think I saw it somewhere..."

Jinwoo stimulated her brain, gathering glabella in her appearance, which she clearly saw somewhere.

"Probably because one of my features is different. because if I use my abilities, I get blonde hair."

"……. ……. Oh, it's Liz Fujimi!"

Jinwoo, who then noticed the other person's identity, was surprised and said her name.

I was really, really surprised, not kidding.

No matter how hard I tried to find my prey here, it was completely unexpected.

Confronting this talent with the title of Japan's strongest. What Jin Woo should do here...

"Wow! What a Fujimine! Sign!"

It was as if he had met a celebrity.

'If you're too calm, don't be too embarrassed. Here, we show our behavior as "ordinary people."'

If you behave calmly, of course, the other person has seen many of these abilities, and if you are too embarrassed, it becomes a point of suspicion. Therefore, Jiwoo judged Vestra to be acting like a fan who met a celebrity.

"Hohohoho. I'll sign it later. But are you two... lovers?"

The reason I spilled my tail in the 'two of you' part is that no matter how young Isaiah looks, she looks much younger than Jinwoo.

However, it seems to me that the atmosphere is too sticky to be a relationship between my son and my mother, so I think I decided that I am in love.

'That's not a coincidence. She came here to check on us.'

At first, I considered it a miraculous coincidence, but judging by her actions to investigate their situation, I learned that this side was suspicious and approached with the intention to overwhelm the situation with haste.

'This kind of celebrity came in person means that our behavior was just as suspicious…….'

It probably means that she approached them for a reason because she was waiting near the Yasukuni Shrine for the Declaration of War.

Jinwoo insisted that pretending to be Japanese would only amplify doubts.

"Yes, that's right. I'm Kenz Sage, an American Japanese. This is my wife, Jenny Mary. As you can see, it's a couple under the hood."

"You can call me Mary. Take good care of him, Mr. Fujimine."

Jin Woo, who naturally made himself and Isilia's aliases so that he could roll his head desperately to avoid buying suspicion, explained that he was an American Japanese.

"I was born in the United States and trained in American culture, and despite my own country, it felt exotic. But somehow I felt at ease, and I realized that half of my blood was mixed with Japanese blood."

"Yes. Even though I was born in a foreign country and grew up in a foreign culture, I still have Japanese blood. Welcome home."

"Wa-ha-ha-ha! Welcome from Ryjin Fujimine! I'm so glad you came to Japan!"

Fujimine welcomed Jin Woo with a gentle smile, as he is a very famous talent in public, and replied with a dazzling smile as if he felt good about the visions of celebrities.

'Phew, how could we overcome the crisis? But if you try to fall, of course you will be suspicious. Here....'

Feeling somewhat less suspicion from the way she looks at them, she opens her mouth cautiously in the minds of ordinary people, as described above, rather than trying to fall somehow.

"Excuse me... but could you show me how to commit treason?" "


"Yes. I came here to bless our marriage, but I honestly don't know what to do first. I was thinking about how to explain it to someone else... Do you mind if I ask if I don't mind?"

Common criminals will, of course, be reluctant to stay with Fujimines and try to fall somehow.

However, because of this, they appealed to being foreigners who really knew nothing about tourism.

"I'm going to ask you to do the same."

Lysias also asked Fujimine to bow her head slightly as if she were kissing Jinwoo's play. When she approached the Japanese gentleman and woman with doubts, Fujimine smiled and replied with a sales smile.

"Yes. If it's all right with me, I'll show you how to worship. Let's go together." "

As a result, Jinwoo and Isilia had an unexpected encounter, following Fujimine, whose suspicious eyes were cleared, they headed to the gates of the Yasukuni Shrine.


In addition, Iscilia, who had succeeded in acting but was very nervous in her heart, tried to relax while feeling the body temperature of her loved one by forcefully grasping her clasped hands.


Jinwoo, who was not very nervous because he had eaten lies and smoke to despise his opponent, rewarded Iscilia with a little strength and held her soft hands.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

A lot of people said, "Shouldn't we be feeding Fujimine or Masjid as expected?"

But nevertheless, I declared that Aki would be fed… because of Aki's settings.

I can't talk right now. That's how Aki showed up, "Shock and awe, you little twerps! 'Cause I can put it on you -- -- blah blah.

The biggest rice cake on this side is the strange feeling that God has captured from the west.

Well, there's a lot of jihad, but it doesn't mean it's possible to kill Japan in a heartbeat, so I want everyone to enjoy the story.

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