Limit Breaker
Chapter 4
When all the families were wiping their heads about how to become the best wedding anniversary, Aki appeared as the door in the room reopened.
Families who were having several meetings for the surprise party started hurrying to pick up on her appearance, and Hideda opened his mouth as an excuse to distract her.
"You still awake?"
"Yes…. My body is tired, but I'm surprised... I'm going to sleep after calming down a bit..."
In response, the family was worried that she had suffered a lot, but Aki was not the problem at the moment.
'It's... moving... inside...' I h-think I'll go...! '
Inside the long skirt, fluid was oozing down from her legs, the corneal stone.
It's because Jinwoo put a vibrator in her anus and vagina.
The problem is that the vibrator with full thickness and length of the vagina and anus is painful because the vibrator vibrates and stirs the torso like a living creature.
In particular, the vaginal vibrator is a work that has a distinct taste for gingivitis and has been designed to stimulate the uterus to its fullest extent by forming small protrusions on the pharynx.
- 30 minutes of wearing these and spending the last time with my family. -
Aki, who received this order from Jinwoo, walked toward the couch with a crooked gait, slightly bent, because a vibrator full of anal and vaginal movements prevented her from straightening her waist.
"Mom, are you sick?"
And, of course, her strange behavior was captured by her family.
At first, Hides and Shinpei, who did not want to tell her that they were preparing a surprise party, opened their mouths because they were worried.
"You look red too.... If you're sick, tell me. I'm going to the pharmacy now……."
I asked for it because I was worried that Shinpei would run away right away, but Archie shook his head.
"N-no. I was surprised and couldn't calm down.... So I just need a little rest......"
Then I took a step forward.
"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!"
However, after a slight twist in the pelvis to take a step, the vibrational vibrator bending forcefully in the anus and vagina brings pleasure and almost sinks into place without even knowing it.
At that time, as the amount of amniotic fluid leaked from the vagina increased, he climbed down his thigh and dipped it into his thigh. Even with the pleasures of burning his head, Aki judged that the amniotic fluid would fall to the ground and find this situation. He squeezed all his strength and headed towards the carpeted couch.
Boom, boom, boom-
Her footsteps were naturally louder because she forced her lower half to be full of strength, and in the meantime, she tried to look as natural as possible, but of course, the family bowed their heads to the usual and different forms of Aki.
The moment I reached the carpeted couch, squeezing all my strength.
Suddenly, the vibrators in the vagina and anus began to rattle and scratch at the walls and vaginas, even crazier.
'It's... gone... He... left in front of his family...'
Until now, Archie has been moving slowly, but he suddenly moved fast and hit his peak. He managed to manage his face as much as he could, but it turned out that he was making an exaggerated look, whether he was smiling or not.
"Mom, are you sure you're okay?"
Shinpei came to me worried, but Aki opened his mouth with a tireless voice while checking how he was making supplies on the sofa while soaking his hotel slippers on the rolling legs.
"The baby... Len kicked me... He's not sick... so don't worry..."
"Len must have been as surprised as you were. You should rest here."
Then, as Shinpei raised his body to sit on a soft, luxurious couch, Aki thought it would be better to sit down. He moved at a difficult crawling speed and headed to Shinpei's seat.
Archie, bent down like he was about to sit on the couch, slowly adjusted his pace as he lowered his body.
'Slowly, slowly, sit down. If I get any shocked, I'll leave again...'
At that moment, Aki had a natural fact in his head.
'Wait……. If you sit like this, you'll get mouthwash on the couch...!'
Currently progressive, drooling fluid from the vagina down the thighs without rest.
What if I'm sitting on the couch in a situation like this?
When she tries to get up again, thinking she shouldn't be on the couch, Suzune pulls her shoulders towards the couch from behind.
"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!"
Aki held back the screaming groaning with one hand, and the other hand grabbed her skirt tightly and trembled.
When the vaginal vibrator came up slightly on the couch, it broke the balance that was being maintained, forcefully stabbing the uterus, and reached the climax again.
I would have unconsciously blocked it with the strength of physical strengthening, but I was attracted to Suzune's power because she put the limiter back on her ankle because Jinwoo said 'It's not fun to endure it with the strength of physical strengthening'.
Jinwoo's handmade vibrator did not make any sounds that could be heard by his family, but whenever the biceps of the vibrator pierced the uterus and swirled around, Archie still wanted to vomit out his groan right now.
Whether or not he knew the situation, his family gathered near the couch and had a loving conversation to reassure Aki that he was surprised by the morning.
'Th-the uterus... opened...'
The pharynx of the vibrator is twisting and stirring the uterus in the vagina.
Moreover, the vibrator was shaken in the anus, so it felt as if the uterus had been opened.
'Please... get lost...' I want to groan like an animal...! I want to open my crotch and stab my uterus with a vibrator...! So please disappear...! '
Aki, who had taken out all her affections for the last family by pleasure, sat on the couch for 30 minutes, in agony and suffering for a dozen times, ordered Suzune to drink water, then deliberately fell on her couch and headed back to the room to change her clothes.
"Heheh heh. Good job."
Jinwoo, who was hiding under the bed, showed up with a mean smile, checking that only Aki was coming in.
"Hah... Hah..."
"Whew! What a face!"
Aki's appearance was completely chaotic.
The face covered in sweat, the eyes loosened helplessly, and the face of a female who tasted a dozen peaks as her tongue crept out of her mouth.
Until now, I endured it somehow in front of my family, but when I got up from the couch and headed to the room, I couldn't bear it anymore and I became this face.
As soon as she saw him, Aki tried to collapse forward, relaxing his legs, and as he took her body and shoved his tongue into her lips for a deep kiss.
"Ugh... Ugh... '
Since the peak increased the saliva, the filthy saliva and whistling resounded in the room, and after the kiss, Aki opened his mouth with a helpless voice.
"Now… that's it…? So..."
He tried to tell me to get out of here, but Jinwoo shook his head with a smile that was even worse than that just now.
"Heheheheh. I'd be disappointed if I could finish this. There's another play I can only play for one day."
"Hah... Hah..."
Aki realizes that he should enjoy playing only one possible game today and is really trying to undermine all of his reason for refusing to say what he has to say.
When Aki went back into the room, she and her children decided to spend some time distributing their wedding anniversary party plans and gifts for each other.
Hidden praised himself for thinking that he had built a farm just as well as a child, as Shinpei and Suzune went back to their two-person room to discuss things.
'No. All of these results were Aki's greatest strength.'
No matter how hard I tried, it was Aki who always comforted me, and even though I was busy and didn't care about my children, my wife did not throw up once and obediently supported me.
When I watch the news on TV or on the Internet, violent violence caused by familial discord, and even terrible stories of parents killing their children or their children killing their parents sometimes pop up, but every time I see such an article, I again realize that I am the happiest husband and wife in the world.
Aki obediently backed herself up, making her a great big business and giving her a thorough education. During puberty, she had some problems, but she encouraged her great children.
'I may be the most successful man on the planet.'
Hidden praised himself for being the happiest and most successful man on the planet. He opened the door in the room and saw Aki lying on one side of the bed and sleeping comfortably.
'I don't know why I did it yesterday... but I'm so sorry, honey. I'll make sure you have the best wedding anniversary you'll ever forget.'
Then he lay down on his spare bed and had a long meeting with his children, feeling thirsty and raising his upper body again.
There's water. '
Hidden found a cup of water on one side of the table next to the bed with the lamp up, and he made sure that the water was on the table on the Aki side. He smiled thinking that his wife had floated water for him beforehand.
'I saw earlier that my body didn't behave properly and my face turned red and I was sweating....'
He was so happy that he did this for himself in such a difficult situation, but he went back to bed after halfway through time drinking a lot of warm water.
'I'm going to ask the company tomorrow to take a vacation… hmm….'
I thought about what I had to do again, and then suddenly I fell asleep.
- Ahhhh! -
= Kuhahaha! My uterus is getting dirty!? I'll open your uterus wide enough to give birth to you! =
- I'll give birth to your penis! -
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!
Hides began to suffer from his wife's coitus echoing in his ears and a nightmare of an unheard man's voice.
However, he did not wake up unconscious as if forced to sleep by something, and Hides continued to have nightmares with a slightly faint mind.
= Huhuhuhuhuhuhu! The villains who hated the Black Wolf will be appalled at this sight! I can't believe Nari, the hero who killed himself with his evil hands, looks like this! =
- Ah-ah-ah-ah! Even heroes want to have sex...! If you fall in love with a dick like this... Gaaaaaa! If this young dick stabs your uterus, you won't be able to resist it, no matter how heroic you are! Ohh! -
= Now tell me, Aki! You're leaving your husband and following me! =
- In a situation like this... Ugh! Ahhhh! -
= Tell me or I'll stop talking! =
- I'll d-tell you...! Please don't lose your cock! -
= Then tell me quickly! =
- I-I... Tomonori Aki... abandoned Tonomori's castle... and his children... and his husband... and everyone...! -
Following the young man's voice, Aki's voice, who had declared that he would abandon Tomonori's castle and abandon his family, rose to its peak, and Hides screamed and got up from bed.
"Huff... Puff... Puff...!"
He breathes a heavy breath as his sweat flows, instinctively turning his head to Aki lying next to him crooked.
Late - late -
There, I could see Aki resting peacefully asleep with his back turned to him and his body turned to his side.
"Was it a... nightmare...?"
A nightmare. No, a complete nightmare.
If you're a black wolf, don't you know that when you were young, the hero's name vanished like a reclusive, brief act around the world?
A black wolf whose wife terrified all the villains of Japan? Such a beautiful, obedient, hypothetical woman?
Hides felt dizzy again after relieving himself that he had been having nightmares because he thought that he had remained guilty of doing bad things to his loving wife.
"Ugh... Why are you so sleepy...?" "
When Hides heard that an unknown terrorist had committed brute force terrorism in the town he lived in today, he remembered that he was brilliant and trying to find Aki, not joking about the eyelids.
'Well, I guess I was a little tired without knowing because I was consuming more physical strength than usual.'
He sweated a lot, and when he ate half as much water, he shoved it into his mouth. As soon as he got his upper body back on the bed, he snored and fell into his horse.
Knuckle! Knuckle!
"Ahhhh... Ahhhh...!" "
Aki, who thought she was sleeping, squeezed the bed and groaned, and the blanket peeled at her will, and her vagina was hidden inside the blanket, piercing her fingers and raising herself up.
"Whoa! I'm really scared this time!"
Hideda suddenly woke up with his upper body under a blanket. The lower body breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the empty water cup, which had to take a rather ugly pose to pull it out of the bed.
"I see. You woke up with half a cup of sleeping pills. Now that I've had the other half of the cup, I'll sleep through the morning without any fuss."
Then, looking down at Aki, who was struggling with his fingers, he looked down at her with a sinister expression.
"You have a lot of husbands! You must love them! I never thought I'd make it through the sleeping pills. Aki is a terrible woman to abandon a husband like this."
"P-grumpy…! Don't say such mean things...!"
Now, I decided to abandon myself, but once I had lived with my husband for more than 20 years, I was ashamed to feel the warmth of Jinwoo and muttered while covering my face with my hands.
Aki in her mid-40s was so cute that she put her body on top of her body, felt each other's body temperature, and licked her sweaty neck.
"By the way, I'm glad the sleeping pill still works. There's something wrong with these sweats."
"Ahhhh… hahhhh…."
Aki grunts at the sensation of licking his neck, turning his head to show off his licking neck as if it were not so bad.
"Hmmm... Hmmm...!"
She bites her soft neck with her lips, sucking the ball deep enough and partially turning red on her soft neck.
"Hehe. I've only known this cute girl six times in my life for over 20 years. I've been trying to find a woman's happiness, and I feel so sorry for her."
"Yes... I wish... I wish I knew the happiness of this woman..."
"Let's say that again. Ah, things are a little different. Let's change the lines. Now, do as I say. Hidden is a fool."
"Hidden is a fool...."
Following her light swearing, Jinwoo grinned her head with a smile.
"As expected, Aki is a good kid."
Although he was called a 'good child' to a gentleman than himself, Archie blushed his cheeks and even smiled in a cheerful manner.
'Ahh... It's warm... It seems to calm down... ….'
As he stroked his head, Hides suddenly woke up and felt a calm heart, but his eyes had to be rolled round in the next episode of Jinwoo.
"Well, let's get a little more intense. Hidden is an idiot."
Aki, who had never had such a low insult until now, could not keep his mouth shut, added with a disappointed expression.
"You can't? You're a man. You're sleeping unconsciously. It was just a little joy that you became my woman...."
"Hee-hee's a jerk...!"
Aki hurriedly cursed at her ex-husband in a desperate way, and Jinwoo smiled again.
"You idiot who can't even eat food in front of his eyes."
"Fools who can't even eat food in front of their eyes...!"
Thus, the insult to Hidden became stronger, but Aki insulted his ex-husband as Jinwoo instructed him.
"You incompetent bastard who hasn't felt a woman's happiness in over 20 years! You've only had three minutes of pain and grief! What's so great about that? Even a 100-year-old will be healthier than you!"
Even though he only cursed the bastard, the more he cursed Hides, the more he grew resentful towards him and added the ambassador himself.
After being completely unconscious of sleeping pills, he cursed at his sleeping husband, but he became fluffy. Aki later realized what he had done and was ashamed.
"I'm... sorry... Such a vulgar thing in front of you..."
"No, no, it's okay. If I'm that disappointed in you, it means my love is lacking."
Page -
Then, a deep, short kiss on Aki's cheek backs Aki, who's ashamed, puts her stuff back into her vagina.
"Hehe. I can't stop screaming my moan that I didn't scream before."
He ordered her to join him for 30 minutes in front of his family, deliberately wanting to drain her power.
It was the prelude of the plan to consume the stamina she could endure to create a cheerful moaning for the young man's body by her husband's side.
And Aki, who had been depleted of stamina to endure groaning in front of his family dozens of times in a short period of 30 minutes as he planned, was relentless as if he was trying to reward the groaning he had not just screamed.
Pow, pow, pow! Pussy!
As she heavily shakes her waist and starts stabbing her uterus, Aki lets out a crooked, crooked back like a crook, and every time he swings his waist, an obscene groan erupts from his mouth in succession.
"Aheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ♥"
"Aki! Will you be my woman!?"
Jinwoo grabs his waist and waves it back and forth like crazy, and Aki opens his hands to him, tearing the bedspread apart.
He clasps his hands together as if to clasp his way up towards him, and she swears by his body temperature as she cries.
"Yes, I will! I'll throw away the castle of Tomonori! My kids, my husband! I'll throw my whole family away! Ohhhh! So... So..."
Something more to say, Jinwoo deliberately slows her down and gives her space.
"Please... take care of the lone female wolf... who lost her owner... and her nest... ♥"
The next morning, Hidden's family woke up and moved east and west to look for her.
But Hides' families didn't find Aki, and after a long time, they found a new love. Everyone, please bless me ♥ 'I couldn't even find a trace until I received the box marked' Please bless me ♥ '.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Hmm... I've fixed this one a lot.
As you all expected, it's a finale for the Aki attack.) to finish the job.
However, when I fixed it and fixed it because it didn't taste like the last piece of the attack, I couldn't join it yesterday.
Ugh... I know I'm sorry. Honestly, the quality wasn't bad before editing, so there was no problem roughly raising it.
But I can't afford not to get sick of it! Because this novel is a typical writer's daughter novel. If I'm not satisfied as a writer, all I have to do is revise it until I'm satisfied!
Huh? When did I say that?
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