Limit Breaker
Chapter 5
Heroes who entered Japan in anger over the persecution of the Taipei Pole were able to cooperate closely with other heroes and stayed in large enough cities for the enemy to attack.
That's why Japan's urban population grew that much, but for the first time, it didn't create as much confusion as the heroes, so it was just a little bit more crowded for ordinary citizens to feel.
It was the Yakuzana villains who played in Japan who took the fall.
"Shit! Again!"
Among the Yakuzas working in Tokyo, Mooro Oh, a mid-level executive, was badly impaired by the report below.
"All the guys caught in the drug trade went maimed, and the heroes who raided the drug trade burned them down."
Ongoing reports of his subordinates almost endured the thought of his insides bursting.
This report was not once or twice, so it became somewhat adaptable.
"Even before the heroes were disbanded, all operations were announced...."
"What the hell is wrong with you bastards!"
Yes, it is.
It's good to have a reputation for defeating Sam Tai drama or to have angry heroes come to Japan. Seeing how quiet it is, he searched for the Yakuza's illegal trade scenes.
However, one consolation was not only that he was going through this, but that other executives were also going through this phenomenon and could not blame anyone for their mistakes.
"Phew……. Tell the boys down there to be quiet. I told you to get in trouble if you want."
Wu, who instructed his subordinates, sighed, saying there wouldn't be a bigger problem than this.
"What are you...!"
At that time, a member of the distal tissue, clothed in torn clothes, came through the door.
Osamu, who was still irritated to the very top of his head, tried to answer nervously to that member, but he had to change his annoying tone to a question because he was severely injured and had one arm bent in a strange direction.
"What!? What's going on?"
No sales activities today. Even the heroes had no reason to attack the Yakuza who were playing with nothing, so Ozaki couldn't understand who was attacking him.
"Th-those who have never seen them... dragged them all away...!"
"What? Take him away!?"
"Yes… yes…! We've tried to resist... but they're all capable...!"
Ordinary Yakuza cannot defeat this power.
I understand you were forced into this, but why did you take your men?
"What are the characteristics of your outfit? What kind of hero attacks our children for no reason!?"
Heroes and villains stand out as one.
By reference, the features mentioned herein mean the external part, namely the outward part, not the personality part.
After all, knowing the costume was the only way to find out which hero had been attacked, so it was the office that was preparing to contact the top to take legal action using the raid for no reason.
"They weren't... heroes...!" "
Even though it seemed to be quite painful, Oh Samuel's eyes turned pale because of the fact that the attackers were not heroes.
Perhaps another Yakuza organization was trying to ambush their business to get at this point, but his answer was completely unexpected.
"W-wook Il-seungcheon! Uk-il Ascension... attacked us...!"
"Wook Il Ascension?!"
The location of Uk-Il-cheon in Japan is so strange.
Although UKhye Il-cheon is a malicious organization, it is said to be for a clean Japanese empire and attacks Yakuzana villains in the country.
In fact, Heisei and Fujimine had already talked to their superiors and raised their heads as they dealt with those who had the lowest rank or signs of treachery, but there was no good feeling for Ogre Ascension who interfered with their work because Ogre's office did not know such important secrets as the middle office.
Anyway, the underling explained:
They were all seized, all detained, and they moved somewhere, crumpled up in a container cargo hold.
I don't know how it was transported, but when the cargo opened, it was inside a giant human laboratory.
The first thing I saw was a giant monster that looked beyond the reinforcing glass.
The giant spider slaps the reinforced glass with his viciously sharp forelegs, but before him, masked people are doing something.
The Yakuza are terrified and embarrassed by the situation in front of them, but they dare not resist.
Two tribes, one male and one female, who had simply subdued them, looked up and watched, and unmanned weapons that looked like robots were pointing guns at them. Who would come at them with a can?
At that time, a young man covered his mouth with a mask approached and spit out this line to the Yakuza.
You are the luckiest sons in the world who will be the cornerstones of a great Japanese empire! You are the scum of a society that despises its citizens, but your sacrifice has saved countless lives! -
Here, a brave Yakuza asked me what nonsense I was talking about.
What the hell is this? Where are we? Why did you bring us here? Etc.
However, when the man covered his face with a mask bounced off his hand, the two tribesmen who had defeated the Yakuza simply overwhelmed him and dragged him somewhere.
And the place he showed up again was in the lab with a giant, vicious spider monster at first sight.
The Yakuza who entered it forcibly ran away screaming, but the spider monster was cruelly butchering the yakuza with his front legs, then finally bitten with a poison tooth and melted his insides, sucking the liquid right away, leaving only skin like a shell.
The man opened his mouth again.
- We gave you the chance to become a crusader, scum that would interfere with the future of the Japanese Empire! Thank you for the tears and for kneeling down. How dare you bite me!? You are an unholy people! You are useless scum to this country! How do you not know that with your sacrifice, we can stop the invasion of the Tritiac and even slaughter American pigs? -
A voice stained with anger and life that was completely different from what you just said.
According to his signal, the Yakuza had to go into the Spider Monster Room one by one to play with and feed the monsters. Standing in front of the reinforced glass, they saw something moving, and they quietly opened their mouths and briefly discussed.
At that time, people were encouraged in a desperate manner by a yakuza, brutally or brutally by a monster, and it would be less painful to die by gunfire than to die by a spider beast. Here, they roared out of a cargo container.
Suddenly, those who appear to be scientists quickly fled somewhere, and the Yakuza find their escape route under attack by two-man raiders and machine soldiers.
The only one who survived was himself, and only after he had escaped as an industrial building a little farther downtown, he arrived here, enduring the pain of being stunned by his mission to report this.
"Th-that can't be..."
Such an experiment was being conducted in the middle of Tokyo!?
Moreover, Ohsam felt frightened and furious at the same time that his men were being hunted by the beast.
Although they did not reveal who they were, the ambassador that the man said was an ambassador with a sense of imperialism, so it was enough to estimate who was behind it.
"What's the location? Where is it?"
"Above…… location."
After barely surviving the most important question, Yakuza desperately squeezed out all his strength and put together everything he remembered to give him his location.
"P-boss... Please... the enemy..."
When I felt relieved that I had achieved the important mission that I had to tell him about, and that I had survived, I couldn't overcome the pain I felt all over my body, so I passed out and fell unconscious, and the servant who reported to Ozaki hurriedly ran to check on his condition.
"Fuck……. This is how it comes out...!"
They admit that they are the evils of society by illegal acts. Nevertheless, it does not necessarily have to be driven out by the prey of monsters.
Ozaki chewed his teeth tightly and vomited his anger at the UKil Ascension, which crushed even the least human rights he had as a human being.
However, realistically, all they have to do is ask for their own sustenance.
'No, wait.'
At that moment, O'Samuels remembered the existence of the heroes who were interfering with their work, and he had never imagined that heroes who were just provoking their anger would feel this strong until just now.
On that day, Japan was exposed to the UKil Ascension Laboratory, which was unveiled by the Heroes who received Osamu's information.
Heisei, one of the leaders of the rising tide, tried to prevent the story of the rising tide from spreading out in Japan, while controlling Japan's media in a sudden panic. However, news groups from different countries, who were preparing to post the attack of the Great Depression, spread to Japan as well as the rest of the world.
Rather, a conspiracy theory was raised that the government was watching the rise of the tide of the tide, only knowing that the media had been controlled to prevent the Japanese government from releasing a large feature called the UK-I-Seong Laboratory.
When this happened, the heroes who wanted fame and honor wanted to fulfill their purpose by attacking the rising sky, which said they had teamed up with Across, and the heroes who had come to Japan with their grudges to attack the Three Tai Pole were furious with the fact that the rising sky was a living human being and focused on confirming the existence of the seven and a half thousand.
Of course, there were many of the many heroes who had psychometric abilities, so it was discovered that they were cultivating and producing monsters by raiding the 'real' Wook Il 1000 secret laboratory, and it was certainly spread around the world in real time.
Honestly, the initial raid site was not surprising except that there were a lot of awkwardness in doing biological experiments with humans, but it turned the target to the increasingly unexplained ascension of cultivating monsters rather than the trilateral ascension of cultivating monsters who didn't know when to attack.
And temporarily relocate to the secret place of Uk-Il-seon.
"The fact that it produces monsters should not be known...!!"
Fujimine punched the table in the conference room with his face as if his usual relaxation had disappeared due to the discovery of the strongest weapon.
"How the hell did psycho metrics find out about our secret base!?"
The descriptions and materials used in Wok-il Ascension have been distributed through complex distribution networks so that psychological metrics can't be read, and have been supplied slowly and discreetly, mobilizing to unrelated ordinary citizens.
That's why so far, many secret bases of Wok-il Ascension have not been discovered, because psycho metrics cannot pinpoint the location of Wok-il Ascension.
"That's ……."
Prime Minister Heisei was unable to speak for a moment.
In a way, this happened because it was with Iris.
When Iri stole data about various Nodes in Wok-il Ascension by Jin Woo's command and said that the Three Tai Dragon attack, she expected to attack from the secret laboratory in Wok-il Ascension, so she was more careless than usual.
That carelessness gave a big clue to psycho metrics who wanted to dig up the sky, and using that clue, several secret labs were attacked.
To be honest, the careless ones were also the problem, but it was too big for Iri to hand over the data of the Wok Il Chun to Samtaegeum.
That's why Iri was on her knees, miserable as if to give the order right now.
Fujimines lets out the name of the man who caused them such trouble in a furious voice.
If we set up a fake Uk-Il Ascension Base on purpose, we will use the Yakuys who have a habit of retaliation to make us feel vengeful.
The Yakuza will naturally hand this information over to the heroes who interfere with their work, and will induce the heroes to raid to show the results of cruel biological experiments led by the Ukmai Empire.
"You're so full of shit. Several labs were destroyed in one day because we were too busy moving our Nodes to avoid the attack in Taipei Pole."
'Bad luck...? In one day...?'
At that time, Iri, who was bowing her head as if she had sinned against Fujimine's ambassador, looked as if she had realized something.
At one time, Iri, who knows the genius of Perisha better than anyone here, figured out that all of this was a conspiracy based on Perisha's calculations.
It wasn't bad luck.
Perisha predicted the reaction of the rising tide, so she deliberately attacked the Yakuza and created a misleading secret laboratory, creating an atmosphere of cruel biological experiments that allowed heroes to attack the laboratory of the rising tide.
Moreover, considering that psycho metrics discovered the location of the secret laboratory in Wok-Il Heaven in just one day, it was clear that Ferrissa had lured the base of Wok-Il Heaven to be visited by psycho metrics before moving to the current location.
Because they discovered their important Nodes when they announced that they were going to attack, so they moved quickly and left a trace of carelessness behind!
No, it's weird to think about it.
In this vast Tokyo, psychopaths with three times the size of Seoul City and no clues in the forests of numerous buildings seek out old secret nodes in one day?
It's not bad luck, it's what brought Ferrissa into this!
However, now that he had committed a sin, Iri, who had no right to speak up, could not comment on Perisha while the atmosphere of self-condemnation faded.
Jinwoo watched the articles related to Wok-il Ascension which appeared on the screen in front of his eyes, patting the head of Perisha who was shaking back and forth and biting the sheep between his legs.
"Hehe. Saladin's an idiot, too. You call a smart kid a failure and try to use him as a one-time suicide bomber."
Jinwoo praised Perisha's head, who had planned everything from beginning to end to making her face against foreign heroes living in Japan, with a loving look on her face.
"Well done, Perisha. Today, as a reward, I'm going to give you a reward for doing whatever you want with your dick."
"Ahhhh… thank you…."
Perisha, a beauty with an easygoing atmosphere, began to blush, blush, make her the happiest smile as a female, and enjoyed the sheep of snow to her heart's content. In her appearance, other slaves who played the scientist role of fake increasingly skyrocketing said that they didn't have a genius brain like Perisha.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
This is what I've been saying since I used the Two-Way Annunciation (2010), and in my novel, no matter how long and flying a character is, it doesn't fit the level of the writer's head.
Novel Genius Level = Writer's Knowledge Level
because it's a formula, so if you're a genius and you've set it up, and you've got some stupid plan or strategy, and you curse, then of course, that insult is the same as insulting a writer's level of knowledge. So when the trick comes out of a genius character, even writers who don't react to ripples desperately make excuses, trying to show you that this is what you have to do. (And the fight between the reader and the writer begins)
So when Pericia is plotting or manipulating the whole thing, I'm activating the whole brain to try to write "look as smart as I can."
So what I'm trying to say is,
"Don't swear at me, Ferrissa! Woosh!"
You don't have to curse at other characters for being stubborn and stupid. But don't swear at the knowledge level of Perisha! I'm gonna get hurt!
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