Their owner (or province) risked their lives to test them.

Independently, without anyone's consent.

Of course, if someone is in danger, they immediately help through the teleport, but they turn off the communication without even notifying anyone in advance and even power down the teleport system.

Even if Evel is inexperienced and somewhat harmed, it is fortunate that she has a sense of saving people in front of her eyes. She is a hostage and sleeps, and she will kill one more executive at the Three Taiji Pole. If she were running around, she would have lost an arm and a leg, not a joke.

This was a serious problem.

In a way, it gives them the sense that their lives were being treated like objects.

Of course, this is only for those with a common organization, a common mindset.

"Are you in a lot of pain? Ugh! You're bleeding all the time! What are you trying to do? You sealed your abilities in that situation!"

"You were bitten enough to bleed, why did you scream?!"

Even though Jinwoo knew that Jinwoo sealed his ability to apologize to them, he was angry because of his actions of wanting to be punished by himself, but Ichia and Aki were distracted as soon as they returned to the battleship to heal his wounds.

"Well, I appreciate your concern, but I'm trying to talk to you right now."

I'd like to give you a detailed explanation once you've set the stage, but I'm not in a situation where Iscilia and Aki can talk while healing Jinwoo's wounds with a first aid kit.

"Open your mouth."

"No, I mean..."


"… Yes……."

She finally opens her mouth gently to Iselia's resolute voice, and she begins to heal her wounds while wiping off her blood.

To be honest, it's simple to just break the seal of abilities and use regenerative abilities, or go to the medical room and get treated, but treating wounds in this old-fashioned way is a punishment in some ways.


Jinwoo, who used to act like a mad dog with the word "crazy light," became calm in the hands of the trainers, and Harin couldn't help laughing.

Whether it was because of her smile or because of Jinwoo's weak appearance, there was a surprisingly lighter atmosphere, and after all the emergency treatment, both Iscilia and Aki stood side by side without returning to their seats.

With a sense of their arrogance that they would never be far away, he quickly got to the point without being able to say anything out loud to them to go back to where they were.

"This time, I was clearly insulted. But to make a good excuse, all this time around China, we needed the struggle and experience of the enemy, even in times of crisis, because the size of the enemy is no joke. I'll listen to all your complaints, complaints, and complaints this time."

Now that I have the opportunity to pursue myself, the one who has something to say shut up and said as much as he wants, and Azura, who is surprisingly the least loyal, said favorably.

"You'll face a crisis like this in the face of most everyday reflexes. Honestly, I was a little nervous myself. I wondered if these little girls had the strength to die because the teleport system was so easy to escape from the crisis of death."

"That's pretty offensive. No matter how old you are, it's too shallow, isn't it?"

Noah blurted his eyes at the beast, and even the young slaves who had become sluggish young maidens gave Noah an unpleasant look, but could not give Asura even the slightest bit of tension.

"Hehehehe. Don't look at me like that. I'm praising you for a while."


"Yes. That woman, Evel, who was inexperienced and foolish enough to save a simple soldier and was foolish enough to save her life and kill us, she would have faced a mortal crisis several times. You knew that, didn't you? The girl who was attacked by one of us and didn't get hurt?"


Obviously it is.

Even when Evel was attacked by an ally to rescue a Chinese military officer, she was perfectly fine despite several authentic attacks on this side.

Despite the lack of experience in dealing with the attacks on this side, God and Azura were in crisis because of her artifacts, and if they were dedicated only to attacking, they would have created a truly dangerous situation.

Nevertheless, even in a situation where Evel could not ignore the chance of giving up her rescue and suddenly countering, young slaves were not even a little reluctant to attack Evel.

Azura was praising that part.

"I'm praising you for fighting such an opponent without breaking my will."

"Hmph. Tea, thank you."

Harin, who hung around Noah, taunted Asura with his tongue out, was just a cute joke to him.

After understanding and moving on from what Azura expected to be the least loyal, and the biggest vice versa, his personality included, his loyalty and obedience to Jinwoo crossed over playfully.

"I hope you'll do a lot of 'things' in exchange for worrying about us!"

"... Here I come. I'll do all kinds of things. After I got it from something over here."

Young slaves were lightly accused of 'doing things,' and the problem was easily solved by knowing the angles of Jinwoo's executives.

The slaves who had to crawl through the dust clouds to move around quite quickly left the bridge to take a bath, chattering, and headed straight for the training ground to see if Azura had in mind the fact that her attacks were not common to Evel.


Inside the bridge, there remained a god, Lyelus, who refused to fall next to Pericia and Jinwoo, who instructed Turkish soldiers, and some report made it seem like God had something to say.

"Seems like you have a lot to say. I've got all the time in the world, so tell me what you want."

Jinwoo opened his arms appropriately and waited for the next ambassador of God with a "I am generous."

"I just wanted to say thank you."

"… Huh?"

Jin woo tilted his head, not understanding why he was grateful.

"If it weren't for you, I'd be a part of the Pentagon that volunteers to be a righteous organization in that way of thinking. No, I'm just thinking about the future of my parents being safe and wandering around, and I'm about to burst into flames."

God didn't speak out, either, but he was thinking the same thing as Asura.

However, if you put out your insides, Harin will scratch your insides like his mother-in-law, so I just didn't express it on the outside.

Now that he had said everything he wanted to say, God complained about Ibel's poor sense of justice, the Pentagon leader, rather than repeating what Azura had said.

"That woman, Evel, is half the planet. Maybe if you were an older, self-righteous hero, you'd say something different."

"But the essence was the same. It was just the difference between good packaging and bad packaging, all of them would be the same."

Evel's interest is focused on the Kali Empire.

In other words, there is little interest in the problems within the Earth.

"But I don't know if it's okay to let her go. No matter how inexperienced you may be, you're a grade-10 enhanced Talent, right?"

"Tsk. Well, I'm a little embarrassed, to be honest. I know we must seize the opportunity to reduce the power of our enemies, but she was the best ingredient to make a delicious dish once she cooked properly. The best ingredients came from underripe conditions, so the cooking won't taste good."

If Evel were a man, Jinwoo would have killed her, shouting for Azarabia.

No, if it had not been for the beginning of the game, we would have had to reduce the power of our enemies in the future, so we would have put our hands in some way.

However, in a stable situation with powerful power and organization, I chose to grow up to be a tasty cook rather than carelessly assisting in the position of a hero of justice, a supreme competent person, and a super-rare slave being an alien.

"I'll take care of her first, so get some rest. I did a lot of hard work."

"Yes, I'll be going now."

As God stepped off the bridge, he turned his gaze to Riellus, who had been quietly waiting in human form so far.

"Yes, you have something to report?"

Ji-Woo, who received a message from Riellus that there was something to report, postponed her report for the last time to keep her warm.

She steps forward and opens her mouth to explain what she was about to report to Jinwoo.

"When the hero of the Pentagon named Evel appeared, she asked Platina to catch a human female with wings, but she ignored my instructions and attacked only a group of humans who were already finished. Moreover, it seemed like it was only the first time, but after a while, it was almost like I was wasting my time."

"... Phew."

Unlike Riellus, an artificially-born beast, Platinum grew up gradually from the beast supply to crush its enemies, pretending to be a beast of pride or rejection.

At first, I thought it was because I wasn't used to following other people's orders, but if Evel did not deliberately follow orders while attacking her slaves, this was an insurmountable problem.

"I see. I'll have to think about that for a minute. Well done.Rest well too. Oh, no. Turkish soldiers are gathering Chinese prisoners and dead bodies on the ground, so if you want to eat, go down there too."


A slight excitement at the thought of melting the delicious human innards and flesh to his liking, Riellus went down to the ground in a unique cry, and after finishing Riellus's report, he stood up on a chair in the rain and put his hands around the waist of Iscilia and Aki.

"Well, let's get you cleaned up, queens."

"I'm not going to put you to sleep tonight, so be strong."

"And seal up this power today. I'm going to torture you!"

"Yay, yay."

Despite the devastation and anxiety that comes from living with the best abilities and suddenly returning to normal people, I was bullied by Iscilia and Aki all day long by ordinary people during the day because it was clear that Iscilia and Aki would die trying to stop them.

Well, verbal harassment is, in fact, all it takes is a little bit of a nasty prank to be taken care of.

A portion of Turkish soldiers, with the support of the Persians, began tracking down a small number of survivors who had been successful in escaping the battlefield with maneuverable spears and grunts, while stripping the Chinese military corpse and gathering the remains as food for monsters, clothing, military boots and other weapons and supplies for the Triple Pole.

It was a great advantage for Turkish soldiers to be loyal to the Three Taipei Pole through the battle between Ibel and the Southern Imperial God, although it was possible to defeat a great Chinese army and obtain a large quantity of supplies to maintain 300,000.

To be honest, the majority of Turkish soldiers expected to dispose of them, but it didn't matter if they were thoroughly exploited, at least if they could retaliate against the Chinese military.

But the god of the South Palace was in the same position as they were. Some soldiers thought that believing in him wouldn't be a bad thing because each of his ambassadors gave him sympathy and gave the hand of salvation to the god of the South Palace.

Jinwoo was also devastated in the worst case, but Turkish land was to be taken over at this opportunity because there had to be one country in the mountains that could be safely re-housed until cooldown, recovering injuries and regenerating troops.

If Qiu realizes that he does not intend to abandon them, the current events will be synergistic and develop into deep loyalty to the three Taiji Pole, and a mountain troop will be born who follows the three Tai Pole perfectly.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I think it's time to write a scene now that it's time to cool down.

Target is already flagged platinum.

When I took my hand off the scene for a moment and looked at it widely, Platinum felt like it was better to train animals.

It's been treated too humanely.

Everyone misunderstands me, but all of the violent episodes that I've written have been the result of some thoughtful thinking.

It's not in my nature! I love sweet cardamom too!

... it's a small matter of taking your husbands' wives and enjoying them.

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