China's sudden attack on the Four Thousand Territories caused great outrage, and fury began to rise even further by Turkish claims that they were controlling the monsters, understanding why their armies sent to Turkey had collapsed.

Though I don't know how they hacked the satellites, China, considering it had hired some skilled hackers, began supplying all units with weapons dedicated to monsters.

However, the problem was that I was starting to lose a lot of support, even in China, after I blew up 300,000 troops in Turkey.

It was crowded, but it was a matter of equipment, supplies, and food to supply them.

After all, if Turkish monsters were controlling them, and they were saying threats like that, China would once again emphasize the dangers of monsters around the world and demand an army to stand up to Turkish forces to rule the world.

Surprisingly, however, in Turkey, we simply do not need China. If we eliminate China, the Axis of Evil, we will reveal to the world how we can control monsters. "It's official," he said, "that prevented the world from helping China.

Of course, the embassies in each country tried to claim that Turkey is an unreliable country, and the loss of more than 1.2 billion marketplaces would be problematic.

The problem is that the country has been subjected to bullying, using 1.2 billion markets, or making an advantageous trade provision for China.

In the first place, China's distribution market was unfair to foreigners.

Of course, it is common sense to think, 'Foreigners should not monopolize their own country's commerce, so they need some control.' However, China seriously overstepped its boundaries.

In the beginning, the Chinese mind said, "It's better for you to see trillions of damage than for us to avoid 100 million. Then don't even think about selling us anything. 'This situation occurred to Korea once around the year 2000.

With garlic imports from China skyrocketing, as domestic garlic islands and retail prices plummeted, the South Korean government decided it was time for all of our garlic to die.

Safeguard is an urgent import restriction measure to protect the domestic industry through the import surge of certain products. It was introduced by the World Trade Organization (WTO), which, regardless of the industry of other countries, determined that trading would, of course, be passive for the world to protect its own industry.

The PRC has sanctioned the full import of its mobile phones and polyethylene, as it retaliates against exporting garlic when South Korea dares to act on its safeguards.

Retaliation against Safeguard is, of course, against international regulations.

I took the liberty of blocking my export route. If you allow me to retaliate, don't sell this to me, 'the global trade activity will be slowed, of course.

The problem is that China at the time did not join the WTO.

Therefore, South Korea has become a situation that cannot be complained of to WTO or anyone else, and the South Korea's negative opinion suggests that Safeguard's actions are not compelling to China.

China insisted that it would never accept unreasonable protective trade measures, 'Prove your damage is really our fault,' but South Korea did not prove it properly at the time and had to give China the lead.

This move by China, regardless of international relations, made the surrounding countries frown, and China had no idea who would make them feel crisis until now.

Leaders from each country who received a formal request for Chinese salvation began to think.

Monster damage vs. blockade of Chinese trade

The minds of the leaders who thought which was more beneficial to them were not easily able to choose either side, and Turkey also began to move in this situation.

The ambassadors from Turkey insisted that they were struggling.

"After destroying China, our Turkish nation will form a new coalition by liberating all minority nations that were oppressed by China. Of course, the market size must be reduced, because it's smaller than China. But think about that plus the amount of damage you've taken as a monster and the proportion of taxes you've spent on defending a monster."

In other words, after destroying China, they asked us to calculate the synergy that would be obtained by showing them how to control the monsters.

The march of Turkey has made leaders of each country increasingly complex, and has left most countries lacking the size of militaries to send to China.

No, in some countries I would send soldiers to Turkey, so there were places where they would ask me to first show them how to control monsters.

The damage caused by monsters was unimaginable.

Didn't Korea cope well with the lack of talent?

It wasn't handled well by the Korean government, it was handled well by Harin.

Harin, an eight-rank S-rank Talent, defeated all dangerous monsters, and those with lower ratings were able to gain experience while dealing with only monsters who fit their level, and the shade of Harin allowed them to grow vigorously to play a role of one person.

Moreover, since more than 50% of Seoul's economy was concentrated in the capital, Harin did not feel much damage to the monsters while guarding Seoul like an iron fence.

Her light personality since she became a slave to Jin Woo is the reaction of her life that she had to deal with all these talented crimes and monsters without time to be cared for by someone as a child.

After all, the Chinese government's request and the Turkish ambassador's persuasion to buy some time immediately initiated the next plan.


Currrrrrrrr ----

"Oh... It's coming...!"

The prefecture, in other words, the municipality of Tibet.

However, it is only a municipality of horses, and there is little Tibet can do about it, and citizens can't even protest legitimate peace in China.

The troops here are not meant to prevent foreign invasion, but to force the Tibetans to disband if they protest.

If the military disbanded protesters in Korea, all sorts of media would have been disbanded because of the nationalism and the birth of the military empire, but when you say that here, you're just saying, "Please, I want to get beaten to death."

Chinese forces dispatched to suppress the Tibetans swallowed a dry swallow in the face of an army advancing towards them, flying enormous dust from afar.

After gaining roughly everything in the Four Thousand region, Turkish troops immediately gathered and headed for the municipality of Tibet.

That number is all Turkish troops.

They invaded Tibet without leaving at least any troops to occupy the Four Thousand Territories, even though they had disabled the Four Thousand Territories.

Turkistan, who has hacked the artificial satellite every time monsters make a move so far, has not attempted to hack this time and has made a bold move.

Of course, China as well as the hacked artificial satellite nations have taken measures to alter the code, strengthen the security system, and so on, but have not overcome Jihad's system, Perisha's brain, and the artificial intelligence of the masjid that assists her.

However, in Turkish march without hacking, the Chinese government decided it had no more reason to hack.

After discovering Turkish movements into the autonomy of Tibet, the Chinese government once again fell into chaos.

Why didn't you take over 4,000 territories?

If you have captured enemy territory, of course, you must leave troops to maintain the occupation.

Then why?

After much deliberation, the Chinese government was able to answer Turkish traffic.

- They're not fighting a territorial war. It's an act of genocide. -

Harishen Mukham, who declared war on China and insisted on genocide.

At that time, I thought it was an outcry of willingness to never back down, but it wasn't.

Turkey was focused on attacking China itself, rather than trying to gain territory.

Some of the brightest defenders of Tibet realized this when they heard that Turkish troops were coming to attack them with full force.

That's why I had to be afraid.

They don't intend to make prisoners.

They don't spend time on mind-grabbing for territory.

They're homicidal fanatics focused solely on killing themselves!

All Chinese troops in the autonomous district of Tibet fortified their defensible terrain while gathering as many weapons and personnel as possible.

Now, if we get to the right range, all we have to do is unleash all sorts of artillery on our enemies, like firearms, multitool missiles, and so on.

"Huh? But there's too few of them."

"I heard monsters are with you...."

But when the Chinese military sensed that something was wrong, they used the telescope to see the number of enemies advancing towards us, flying dust clouds.

"Huh…? Decreased... huh...?"

Initially, it was reported that the number of Turkish infantry troops was approximately 10,000 and the number of monsters was so large that it was not easy to measure, but it was at least 500.

However, after reviewing the number of enemies advancing with dirt, we found that moving this way was all about jeep-like tactical vehicles and unusual monsters.


"Th-the earthquake!?"

"Now's the time!"

When attacking the Four Thousand region, the Chinese have still not figured out how Turkish troops were exposed and attacked the Four Thousand region, hacking all communications vehicles and artificial satellites by the Jihad.

That is why we can write the word 'if only' towards the current earthquake.




Subsequently, the earthquake stopped and the ground rose, creating a tunnel in the ground where the chariot could pass.

"Monsters... monster!!"

"The dungeon! They're coming to the dungeon!"

Kuang! Kuang! Kuaang!

Monsters crawling out of the massive underground tunnels and dungeons that continue to erupt without the screams of soldiers and officers.

"Damn……! I can't handle a million or 10 million like this...!"

Modern weapons are fundamentally seeking to be stronger, more precise, and farther away.

In other words, the White Soldier War is a very special situation or a battle that is only used in the battlefield. It is a battle that is far from the ideals of all modern armies.

However, they were aiming for that, denying themselves the direction of any modern weapon that could attack them from a distance, whether purposeful, multi-extension missiles, acrobatic pods or whatever.

Melee warfare using the overwhelming specs of monsters.

This means that no matter how powerful the firepower is, it cannot be used, and if we are fought in this way, and not jokingly, the armies of the world will be unable to take on the latest weapons of war, even if we join forces together!

We are creating a special battlefield using enemy monsters to force the fight of medieval infantry!



Quasique, Wadduki!

Soldiers were bitten to death by monsters everywhere, and modern weapons were destroyed without any effort.

"Damn… damn…!"

If I'd known this, I should have fortified the middle of the city!!

A Chinese military commander regretted the hellish landscape unfolding before his eyes.

Judging that Turkish rebels inside Tibet would already be working together, fighting during the Civil War was thought to be a fight surrounded by bombs that might turn into enemies, and we had no choice but to think so.

But the number of people who thought it was the best was the worst.

"Did... God abandon us...?" "

Though the commander thought he had lived his whole life devoted to China, he muttered powerlessly looking up at the sky, but his gaze at the sky was blazing with a huge snake and swallowed him all at once.

There were many talents within the troops, but there was only a small resistance in the intensive attack of thousands of monsters.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The strategy of the Three Tails is very simple.

Let's just avoid a gunfight.

Avoiding costly firefights at a distance from each other, but it is the ultimate battle of the Three Tai Poles: an ambush to save the catacombs of surprise using a teleport system, or a white soldier to dig a tunnel and force the monsters to override all modern weapons.

But this is the only answer to the reality of the Three Tai Drama -_- ㅋ

For your information, the garlic dispute described above was a real case.

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