Limit Breaker
Chapter 8
Perhaps the most dangerous of all criminal organizations is the Mafia, the Triad and the Yakuza.
Among them, the Russian mafia acquired all sorts of military weapons after the Soviet Union collapsed, and the appearance of a mafia son operating a chariot or missile is truly shocking and terrifying.
Lilya Smirnova is the culmination of such a mafia world.
Of course, it is not an overwhelming distinction, and there are many silverware lists that cannot be ignored more lightly than her.
Although silver medals work together to take their place at the top, Lillia has retained her place and won over the obstacles and resistance of such silver medals.
That's why she was so angry.
"Get the fuck out of here! You little minx!"
With rage, the white frost begins to form with the temperature of the crypt around her.
In fact, she froze an enemy or a traitor in the vicinity and publicly executed him for ripping off limbs one by one.
Until just now, the whole human body with hot blood was shattered into ice, giving it overwhelming horror, so it was foolish to choose an approach with her who was angry.
However, there was a runner who knew Liliya's abilities.
Asura, an old man with a large scar head, lunges through his spear like a club, ignoring the white frost sitting on his body.
She flicks her fingers without panic, and a slippery ice sheet appears beneath Azura, believing in the resistance of body reinforcement like this.
An avalanche that slipped on the ice momentarily.
At the same time, a sharp ice trench formed around him, causing him to lose his balance in either direction and stab in the ice trench.
Other people would have been stabbed with an ice pick, because it was already out of balance, but Asura has spent her life sharpening and wiping out practical martial arts for revenge.
The ice sheet created momentarily caused a huge imbalance. This is irreversible.
That's why Asura slaps the handle of the spear to the ground rather than force it to find balance, and flies it towards Liliya like a high leap stick.
Liliya makes sharp arrows made of ice and shoots them at the beast, but she swings her spear freely and breaks the ice with her spear and handle.
"How can it be that simple in the air? '
In the first place, Liliya would have been only a mid-boss if she had been as good as the Russian mafia.
The power of the ice she makes can easily be torn apart by metal, and even with an explosion that doesn't have a scratch on it.
The appearance of Azura, who lightly smashed the ice arrows with such power and robbery in unstable places in the air, was clearly intimidating.
Lillia makes an ice sheet with a light backward stroke, and she moves back and forth like a figure player.
At the same time, Aki emerges from behind her, halved and swung her legs with an even shorter ninja.
I'm fine!
At the same time, the wall of ice rose to protect Liliya's calf, and when the unexpected interference caused Ninjas to swing as they cut through the ice, Liliya had already dodged far away.
It appears to be a fierce workshop, but Liliya is furious as she pulls her teeth.
"You guys...! You're looking out for me! You're treating me like a toy!"
Her own minions were outstanding elite talent.
When dealing with these abilities, it was Aki and Asura, who were like the beasts.
Aki securely dealt with his men one by one using various abilities, and after King Shun had been killed by Qiu, Asura revealed his fierceness as he tore apart the unsuspecting Unsullied.
However, Liliya thought it was obvious that they were mocking her because they clearly did not take a critical hit to capture her captive, but only in areas that were not life-threatening.
"Hmmm! This character is quite difficult to tame."
"Can't you just cut off one limb while talking like that?"
Asura has suggested that "It's annoying, so let's just cut off an arm and a leg and get started" towards Aki, who is checking around Liliya, who is difficult to tame.
"No. Did you not hear what your master said?"
When Aki pushed the sharp end, Asura scratched the back of her head and argued again.
"I mean, isn't that all you need to do to survive? Excellent and experienced. It's impossible to keep someone like that prisoner alive."
Asura is fulfilling Jin Woo's orders to take Liliya captive, but to be honest, she's clearly in a hurry because she wants to kill the Chinese and deal with it from the front.
"Then I'll take it from here. You'll have to go somewhere else. It's time to become more aggressive with the collapse of the independence, so there will be plenty of places for you to work."
Aki, who read his thoughts, determined that it was impossible for him to cooperate with people who were facing elsewhere.
"Is that okay!?"
"Yes, one to one is enough for this level of opponent. If you want to help me with my mission, please keep the enemy away from here."
"I see! I'll never let them near here!" "
Asura, who was overjoyed and overjoyed, immediately flew to another place, asking for communication from Perisha on where to go.
"Hm. You have a lot of confidence in your teleporting skills, sneaking around back there. You had to push me away with that old man. A 1: 1 would be like you... Ugh!?"
At that moment, Aki's eyes sank down, gazing indifferently into Liliya's eyes.
I don't feel alive or preoccupied, but I feel as if my indifferent eyes are watching me.
"Do you know anything about ninjas?"
What's all this nonsense?
"Ninjas are mostly illusions. Westerners who are so obsessed with Japanese culture that they think that ninjas are doing things like spitting fire out of their mouths, summoning frogs and snakes, and using throwing stars to catch shadows and keep them from moving."
Soft and gorgeous.
However, beyond that tone of voice, Liliya makes and stabs an ice pick around Aki's body to catch the flow, but Aki, who lightly avoided the teleport, appears a little closer than he did just now.
"Most ninja hallucinations are fiction. Do you know why ninjas only work at night? The reason for this is to narrow your vision at night and make it easier to create illusions. Oh, don't you smell a little dirt right now?"
At the same time, Liliya senses a slight stink of rough dirt at the end of her nose.
"Ninjas spray drugs that make them hallucinate in advance and make them inhale. Of course, ninjas take drugs that they can train or resist to be immune to. And then we can use strange gestures and illusions to create an absurd situation that we can either knock out or suppress. That is, creating environments and situations that make you hallucinate. This is the truth of ninjas that Westerners don't know."
At the same time, Liliya found Aki's body expanding to two as it was divided to the left and to the right.
With a blurred vision, there were 2 to 4, 4 to 8, and 8 to 16.
Numerous appearances encircled Liliya, and she was baffled and ready to attack or move in either direction.
"But I'm not that traditional ninja. Rather, a ninja with the ability to suit the tastes of the Westerners."
At the same time, the sixteen Akis slowly began to circle around Lillia, and the voices of Aki, who had been so careless, began to feel a sense of intention.
"But there's one traditional ninja, and there's one just like me. I would give my life for the sake of my true master. Loyalty accepted for its owner by any unjust command."
Liliya is wary of the Aki surrounding her, but behind her, Aki touches her cheek with his hands.
Liliya quickly drops a sharp ice pick behind her back, and the ice pick plunges into Aki's head.
I can feel it! '
Liliya, who was talking nonchalantly and cautiously, thought it was a good idea, but Aki's figure with an ice pick on her head disappears into smoke.
There was definitely a feeling.
Touching his cheek was a hand that really felt the warmth of a person.
And that was the hallucination?
Despite the fact that she was able to mess with Lillia's brain signal with her mind control skills at the same time as the drugs that ninjas were using, it was extremely effective.
Aki did not use her mind control skills when fighting Liliya, which led her to believe that what she was seeing was the influence of drugs by deliberately explaining Ninja's truth.
If she realizes that this is a mind-controlled ability, she could break her fantasy in a heartbeat, and she was a strong woman.
"Lord Shifu, master of my body and soul, has commanded me to take you captive. You will soon be his slave, but his personality will get you into a lot of trouble, so I'll take my chances now to show you his magnificence."
The dozens of Aki who deceived Lilya rushed towards her, saying so, and she hurriedly sprinkled cold air to counter her indisputable aggression.
A single unarmed man whips his fist as if he were making a move, whipping the opponent's ankle with his toes.
An attack by a body strengthener that can break even rocks lightly would shatter your ankle if it were an ordinary person, but unfortunately your opponent who was attacked is completely intact.
The creature of dead skin, whose edges are very sharp and beast-shaped, swings his arm like crazy, but the unmanned instinctively feels alive and leaps backwards and dodges.
Despite its slender evasiveness, the bloodscopic side was extremely high, causing a small biota to appear on the unmanned body. However, the expression of the unmanned person appears brighter because the wound is not even on the axis of the wound.
'His attack is like a beast. Accumulating damage while dodging diligently will not solve it!'
The appearance of the bloodshed swinging like a beast was very sharp and threatening, but thanks to its unmanned pupillary vision, it made it possible to avoid the attacks of bloodshot that only wiggle blindly.
At this rate, the unmanned people who thought they could capture enough were curious, and the Chinese military also appeared and stopped the monsters slaughtering their allies. As they went up, their morale shifted to counterattack.
"Ugh... Ugh! Fall back! Fall back! While the scorpions are stalling, fall back!"
At that time, as the number of UAVs increased, the Asian Liberation Army panicked and retreated, and a figure appeared to be the leader of the UAVs shouted.
"Don't be chased! I'll leave that filthy fool alone! For now, it's important to reduce the number of these monsters by one more!"
With soldiers of that level, it's best to prioritize later.
All the officials of the Pentagon have been killed! In order to prevent morale from going down, we must defeat our enemies here! '
A man who is the leader of the UAVs reported that he had been cleared out of the building, but the elite UAVs and ambassadors leading King Chen set out, and news of the defeat of the masters and a large group of UAVs came to the attention of the survivors.
The death of King Chen and the High Priestesses was shocking, but they could not remain here.
War doesn't solve everything by itself, so if I reduce the number of enemies, I will be forced to retreat or struggle to conserve my power no matter what.
Hang in there and the cavalry's coming! We just have to hold out until then! '
Hearing that a large militia was dispatched from the United States, a leader who was confident that if he managed to survive a few days, he would be able to lead them into a quantitative battle to prevent the attacks of the Tai Pole and set up his own balls here to boost the morale of the unmanned.
The magicians attacked the scorpions with their respective weapons, and the scorpions resisted as they swung their arms around the roof, but the overwhelming numbers of unarmed men were weighing the damage ahead of the wheel.
"Good! Keep them...!" "
Suddenly, you hear a huge bang with the sound of a cannonball flying.
Tsk, tsk.
The Unsullied, who flew into the air from the shock of the explosion into the air as their ears creak, were caught in a sudden bombing.
Bang, bang! Boom!
Without understanding what was going on, they began to die miserably, exploding unmanned and Chinese soldiers who had become torn apart by continuous bombings. Only a handful of people with strong physical strength survived.
"Cough! Cough!"
A handful of unruly wounds were inflicted by large-scale bombardments, forcefully scrambling their ears.
Clattering -
A bloodshed rushing in with a scream cut from the unmanned man's head to his body, standing on an animal claw.
Another group of unarmed men who saw the blood spatter attack as it split apart and died quickly turned to retreat.
Tata, Tata, Tata--
At that time, soldiers from the Asian Liberation Army, who thought they had fled, began large-scale maneuvers toward the wounds of surviving UAVs.
While the situation was disadvantageous, he actually instructed Ferrissa to retreat outside the bombing range and conduct the play.
The shooting of the osteopaths, a weapon dedicated to shooting, was possible to injure the bodies of the scorpions, but those who did not know about this situation were rightly beaten.
Pump, puff, puff!
"Hehe! Cough!"
You can ignore a bullet with a smile, but a painful groan comes from the mouths of the unmanned as the bullet enters the wound opened by the explosion.
They were so badly injured that they couldn't move their legs that they were killed by soldiers' brawling and bloodshed, and this was happening elsewhere.
Ferrissa, who so tragically operated her troops so that they could respond immediately to any situation, until she was sure that the Chinese leaders had disappeared to perform the operation, began cooking thoroughly on the ground after handling the situation on the right side.
Boom, boom, boom! Qar--
There was a bombing of the main gates to tear down the buildings and buildings that were most disturbing in the Civil War, and Beijing, the capital of China, began to be destroyed by cannonballs.
There is not a single person in the Tritiac who opposes a nation's capital, whether it falls or not, because it was the ultimate goal of ruling, and Turkish and Tibetan people to destroy Beijing.
Building forests were easily moved to cover, concealment, ambush and defensiveness, and the Chinese side, which naturally fought guerrilla wars, was pushed out into a healthy area, but Perisha did not stop firing at the goal of taking down Beijing properly.
Chinese commanders also realized this move, and decided to retreat after feeling that urban warfare in Beijing was no longer against them.
Tin ordered Beijing to be protected, but the battle was meaningless and the placenta of his soldiers was just a misnomer who gave the civilians guns and ammunition.
Since most of our armor has been destroyed by our enemies, we can't launch an all-out war.
Retreat is the only answer.
After deciding to retreat, China again made a cruel decision.
"Take us with you!"
"Aaaah! Please take me! I don't want to die here!!"
"You bastards! If you're going to do this, why did you tell us to fight?"
In retreat, he discarded the conscripts who were obstacles.
The Chinese military's decision was not hesitant, as they could have been a time stampede to stop their enemies, and the human resources were widespread anyway.
The Chinese soldiers, who were left behind in transport vehicles, abandoned the conscripts and began to retreat, but the conscripts didn't realize they had been abandoned until later and went after them, asking for their lives.
Literally the level of ethnic migration.
The conscripts fled everywhere to save lives with nothing but heavy guns and ammunition, but a massacre spread throughout the history of killing and surrendering the troops of the three Tai Poles under the direction of the Persians who confirmed the Chinese military's retreat.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Bang, bang! Tick-tock, tick-tock!
I want to use it!!
All this time, my desire for bread gods grew up in my mind. (A novel written by a writer who wants to fuck God more than a true reader)
Oh, and by the way, Lillia is so cranky that she's going to make herself gentle in a pretty fun way.
It's not a bake sale or anything, um... it's not fun to say in advance, so just pass.
No one will be interested, but the aliens flying towards Russia will be on the next side or the next.
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