Yihan, the poisonous Demon King who had the advantage in the original situation, did not expect the special effect of the six-pointed star. With this small miscalculation, the situation was suddenly reversed. Just under a single blow, with his own power Coping with the combined attack of the three of Huo Tongzong, it would be strange not to suffer a big loss.

Such changes and development made the onlookers stunned. When they saw the arrogant look of the three Huo Tongzong trio, recalling the ridicule of their own just now, they closed their mouths and silently talked to this Huo Tongzong three. The person opened a long distance, obviously not wanting to provoke these three people, it seems that Huo Tongzong is worthy of the well-known Sect on Pengqiu Island, and its deterrence is still deep-rooted.

After Huo Tongzong’s Sect Master Wu Jing laughed wildly, they stared coldly at the crowd. When they saw Ding Hao, they all smiled viciously. It seems that Ding Hao has become them. What’s in the bag, it seems that it will not escape.

Swept by the cold eyes of these three people, Ding Hao was also cold in his heart. Although he had just dealt with Situ Jian’s chase, he could still be proud of himself, but if the three of Huo Tongzong intercepted at the same time, he could It’s hard to say whether you can escape easily.

Thinking of this, Ding Hao’s lightning glow flashed wildly, not knowing what he was secretly plotting against.

At this time, the poisonous Demon King, Yihan, who was thrown aside far away, finally stopped retreating, and stood in the sky with difficulty, and smiled sadly: “Didn’t expect your Huo Tongzong’s Sect Protecting Treasure really has some ways, and I am not afraid of my poisonous power. If so, I will fight with you either the fish dies or the net splits, when I am afraid you will not succeed!”

Voice As soon as he fell, Wang Yihan did not retreat but moved forward, and moved towards the three of them again. The rippling black air almost wanted to cover half of the sky. The black lines were erratic, like the tentacles of a giant octopus, sweeping in all directions. Moving, boundless.

Although the imposing manner of the poisonous Demon King is astonishing, Ding Hao knows that this is just a flash in the pan. Just after the three blows with Huo Tongzong, the poisonous Demon King is already seriously injured. Now This wave of attacks is just a desperate attempt. If the three of them cannot be beheaded, he will undoubtedly die, but Ding Hao is not optimistic about his actions, and secretly worried about him.

haha a few grinning laughs, the three of Huo Tongzong arrogantly fired the six-pointed magic circle again. Of course, the three of Wu Jing also saw that the poisonous Demon King Yihan was just strong support, as long as he waved him. If the offensive is resolved, then Wang Yihan will be really helpless, and even the opportunity to escape will be lost.

I saw that the six-pointed star followed the trio’s exercises, bursting out dazzling rays of light, rushing into the black energy unstoppably, and for a while, the black energy was blasted by the rays of light. The black lines were cut off by the bright radiance one after another. In just a moment, the black gas in the sky dissipated, leaving only the still dazzling six-pointed star standing proudly in the void, and the brilliance it emits seems to be the same as that of Yueyue Zhenghui.

At this moment, the silhouette of the poisonous Demon King Yihan, which was originally covered by the black gas, also appeared in front of everyone. I saw a large blood stain at the corner of Wang Yihan’s mouth, which is still slowly infiltrating out now. , It seems that he has completely lost the strength to fight again.

Although the three of Huo Tongzong’s Wu Jing were panting violently, they were not injured anymore. With only one blow, the outcome was determined!

Although Ding Hao had long expected that Demon King would be in a bad situation, he still didn’t expect him to lose so quickly. When he saw the current situation, Ding Hao kept thinking about whether he should It’s time to save yourself. If you want to save yourself, your strength is low, and it’s still unclear. The key is to catch yourself on it too. But if you don’t save yourself, you don’t know whether you can escape. Uncertain attention.

At this moment, the three of Huo Tongzong’s Wu Jing had already grinned and walked towards the extremely embarrassed Wang Yihan in the sky. Seeing this, Ding Hao finally made up his mind, coldly snorted, and silhouette instantly raised it to extreme speed. , In the sky, I saw a white line faintly. The next moment Ding Hao was already standing beside the poisonous Demon King Yihan, staring coldly at the three of Huo Tongzong who came slowly.

When the three of them saw the sudden appearance of Ding Hao silhouette, they were not surprised at all. They seemed to have expected Ding Hao to be rescued. At this moment, Ding Hao had just fallen down. Knowing that the movement of these three people is so slow, it is obvious that they are waiting for themselves to come, and now the three of them have surrounded themselves from three sides, if they want to escape with their own speed, it is even more difficult.

Seeing Ding Hao appearing next to him, the poisonous Demon King smiled weakly and said softly: “Little brother, why are you doing this? You obviously have nothing to do with this matter, why do you have to participate in this trip? Muddy water, if you want to escape with your speed, these three people are helpless. It’s fine now, and they have to die here with me. It’s really worthless!”

haha gave a long laugh, Ding Hao said solemnly: “In life, you should act happily. If you don’t do anything, how happy is it, even more how, whether these three despicable people can really keep you and me, hehe, even Young If the Master wants to be buried here, he must be buried with one or two!”

As soon as this word came out, the poisonous Demon King Yihan looked in a daze. It seemed that Ding Hao could not have said this, but when he thought of it Ding Hao is just the strength of Nascent Soul Stage, shook the head again, and sighed softly.

And when the three of Huo Tongzong’s Wu Jing heard what Ding Hao said, they all showed disdain. They only listened to Wu Jing gloomy and coldly said: “What thing are you, although I don’t know how you can achieve it. Such a speed, but based on your Nascent Soul Stage’s cultivation base, you dare to say that you will hurt us. This is really the biggest joke that the old man has heard for so many years!”

“Don’t talk with him, The old man didn’t want to see the alive silhouette of this demon spawn for a moment, and trouble Sect Master to leave this kid alive. The old man will let him taste all the pain in the world, and must not let him die easily!” Situ Jian suddenly slammed. Speaking of Wu Jing’s words, gnashing teeth said.

Looking at the ferocious Situ sword, Wu Jing nodded said solemnly: “This zong will let Situ Elder get what he wants!”

Just when his voice just fell, Ding Hao took a big hand and grabbed the poisonous Demon King Yihan in his hand. His body changed and he flew to an empty space instantly.

The three people just discovered Ding Hao’s movements. Ding Hao has taken Wang Yihan out of ten zhang, and is about to escape from the three people’s encirclement. Then Wu Jing’s face is ruthless, and the next moment has appeared. In front of Ding Hao, the speed is extremely fast.

Seeing Wu Jing suddenly appearing up ahead of her, Ding Hao complexion turned cold, and at this time, the poisonous Demon King Yihan suddenly said: “If you let me go, your speed will be better than this person. But now I’m afraid I can only stay with him. You have to leave alone to have a chance to escape. I don’t want to be your burden!”

With a cold hum, Ding Hao said: “Wang Lao Hugh talk a lot, I have my own plan!”

As soon as the voice fell, Ding Hao suddenly had a peculiar punch medicine pill in his hand. He kept looking at Ding Hao’s poisonous Demon King. Seeing the item that appeared in Ding Hao’s hands, the complexity was greatly changed, and after seeing Ding Hao, who had been rushing and looking so calm, his desire to survive has risen again.

I saw a huge astral qi rising from the magic flame, sent directly from Ding Hao’s right hand holding the medicine pill. After the demonic energy rushed out, the medicine pill in Ding Hao’s hand had disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, Wu Jing suddenly laughed wildly. She did not retreat but moved forward, and quickly met the astral qi emitted by Ding Hao. With a big wave of his hand, a spinning wind snapped out instantly. , Blinked into the demonic energy sent by Ding Hao.

Seeing this man fooled, Ding Hao showed a cruel smile, his figure suddenly stopped walking, he paused for a moment, and fled in the other direction.

And at this moment, the demonic energy emitted by Ding Hao was dissipated by Wu Jing’s gang wind, revealing that weird medicine pill, and Wu Jing uttered a terrible scream. Retreat quickly like a stray dog.

In the blink of an eye, Ding Hao finally went out of several hundred zhang. Seeing that he was out of the explosion range, Ding Hao’s mind moved, and the mysterious ghost thunder was completely detonated!

Just listen to the loud noise of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry from the direction just now. Even if Ding Hao is far away from the impact of the air flow, you can feel the stern stern on your face. After the loud noise, a terrible cry From that direction.

Looking back, I saw that Wu Jing’s body was fragmented, and Nascent Soul moved towards Situ Jian and the two flew away. It was a bit more miserable than the Yin Yang of YinYang Harmony Sect that was bombed last time. After losing his body, Wu Jing didn’t want to recover after decades of hard cultivation.

Seeing such a sudden change, everyone is sucking in a breath of cold air, but I didn’t expect Ding Hao to hide such a vicious dark shadow thunder. The situation has changed too much unexpectedly. .

Haha laughed wildly, Ding Hao said: “Look at how proud Old Dog is. You want to kill Young Master, you are not qualified!”

The voice just fell, Ding Hao didn’t take a moment. While staying, Demon King Yihan quickly moved away with the heavily wounded Demon King. At this moment, even though Wang Yihan was extremely weak, he still laughed out loudly: “Good boy, with you, didn’t expect this old thief to turn back. I was hurt by you, I really took a sigh of disgust for me!” At this moment, the Situ Jian and the two can only watch Ding Hao go away, there is nothing to think about, they have lost their bodies. Wu Jing must be protected immediately. If he does not find a new body, he will not be able to exert his due strength, and the speed of the two of them will not be able to catch up with Ding Hao.

Following the crazy laughter of Ding Hao and the poisonous Demon King Yihan, the two went farther and farther, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. This time, the expert of Huo Tongzong was exhausted, and the conspiracy was exhausted. It was empty, and even the fleshy body of the Sect Master was destroyed. It was too useless. Thinking about it carefully, this time it was because of the sudden appearance of the demonic path cub. Without him, the Demon King would have been afraid of poisoning. Fu Zhu, thinking of this, these people secretly remember Ding Hao’s appearance in their hearts, and they are bound to kill him.

(To be continued)

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