Listening to the sound is getting closer, the Eight Winged Purple Python in the Ding Hao storage ring is getting more and more frantic and uneasy, and at this moment the cup full of Liquan is about to overflow.

Ding Hao, who originally planned to travel a little bit, felt the unusual change of Eight Winged Purple Python, not only stopped his pace, but also stepped back a little while watching The gaze of the crystal jade cup also shifted to the three holes that made the sound, and his heart was also making new plans.

Just after a drop of milk-white Liquan dripped on the five strange rocks at the top of the cave, three giants suddenly emerged from the three cave openings. As soon as the three things appeared, they moved towards still greedy. Watching Liquan’s Dao Demon and everyone rushed.

Ding Hao, who had been watching the three holes, saw three things appear, and immediately held the breath cold air, and then stepped back some distance.

I saw a huge two zhang spider sprang out from the leftmost hole. At this moment, Ding Hao’s gaze has long been different from what it used to be. When he first entered the Limitless Devil Sect, In order to find out the effects of Eight Winged Purple Python clearly, Ding Hao went through the information of the alien beasts recorded in the Limitless Devil Sect. Now when the red spider appeared, he immediately recognized that it was a blazing fire spider, this raging fire. Spiders are extremely poisonous. The flames it emits are highly poisonous. Even the cultivator being sprayed by its poisonous fire can’t be imagined. Except for a few extremely cold things, it can’t be restrained at all.

And seeing its size is so huge, it is obviously cultivated for thousands of years, no wonder the Eight Winged Purple Python in its storage ring has been frantic and uneasy, although the level of the fire spider is higher than the Eight Winged Purple Python. This Ancient Great Ominous thing is a bit worse, but the existence of this thing is not comparable to the Eight Winged Purple Python at this time. Depending on the situation, this thing can make the Eight Winged Purple Python produce violent emotions, then its strength is definitely not small.

And this flame spider is just one of the three things that just broke out!

What ran out of the middle hole was a bull-like body with a blue-gray body, a monster with a one-horned head and only one leg, and the monster’s body was still dazzling, Ding Hao immediately recognized This is the strange beast “Kui” recorded in ancient books. “Kui” is also a big and fierce beast with a very violent surname recorded in ancient books. This creature is as hard as iron, even the cultivator’s True Qi Gangfeng can’t wear it. Throughout, the speed of “Kui” is fast as lightning and also strong as an ox. All attacks are done by a single horn on the head, which is also an extremely difficult existence.

The appearance of these two things has already made Ding Hao’s heart confused. Didn’t expect that the strange beast that appeared on the right is even more peculiar. It turned out to be a monster with a human face and a bear body. This is also a big evil. Antiquity Variation Beast “Bear Cuckold”, just by looking at the black and thick huge body, the huge bear paw knows that it is definitely not to be trifled with.

Seeing the three things suddenly appearing, and the Dao Demon still greedily looking at Liquan, which is about to be full, Ding Hao is secretly refreshed, because he has hidden his traces, these three evil beasts will definitely not be discovered My own existence has made it even more chaotic since then, but not only has no effect on my own actions, it is even more beneficial.

Until these three ancient strange beasts rushed towards them, the two magic cubes suddenly found that the situation was not good at the same time. The animals that hadn’t taken seriously turned out to be such strange beasts. The attitude of these people There was a big change, Liquan was precious, but you had to keep your surname before you could enjoy it, otherwise everything would be just empty talk.

Only in an instant, the two sides of the Dao and Momen immediately judged the situation and divided them into waves of moved towards the three beasts. For a while, the attack in the mountain belly was dark and intense. With the flying Sword breaking through the air, the blazing fire, the loud shouts of people and the huge roar of the ominous beast, Ding Hao was so addicted to it, I almost forgot the real purpose of the trip.

Although the Profound Yin Sect and the Yidian sect who came to snatch Liquan are both cultivation base profound people, and their respective helpers are not lack of Peak experts who are new to the Body Fusion Stage, but here and now Facing the three bizarre ominous beasts, there is a feeling of nowhere to start. Although the mountainside is wide, it is not good for their swords to fly. Because of the large space in the mountainside, it even emits a sword glow. I’m afraid of hurting myself by mistake.

Because of this, their offensive has been discounted a lot, and they can’t give full play to the real formidable power. Even if they hit these three beasts, the formidable power is much weaker. Outside of that huge spider, there are monsters with incomparably thick skin, which can withstand the pain of sword glow. Although the spider is not a monster with incomparable skin, its actions are the most weird. With just one movement of the claw, it can quickly change the trajectory of travel, and it can spray out fire from the exit. Often the sword glow is melted by the fire before it reaches it.

The purpose of the two magic cubes was originally for Liquan, so they were not united. I don’t know when they fought. For a time, the situation in the mountainside became more and more chaotic, but it was because of induction. In the same breath of the mountain, the Eight Winged Purple Python of the storage ring made a weird sound again and again. Of course, Ding Hao could sense its ferocious mind, and cursed in his heart that the Eight Winged Purple Python hadn’t evolved completely, even though it was. The level of the alien beast is very high, but its intelligence is extremely low. It only knows the bloodthirsty killing, knowing that these three evil things are not easy to deal with, it is even so strange.

Secretly using his mind to appease the violent Eight Winged Purple Python, Ding Hao began to concentrate on the chaos in this situation, I don’t know when it started, the strange rock above the cave was dripping Liquan. It was already extremely slow, and the five crystal jade cups below were about to be full. Seeing that the time was almost up, Ding Hao’s original silhouette was also slowly moved towards the mountain belly.

Although the Dao Demon in the fight were fighting in their hands, their minds did not leave the impending Liquan for a moment. Even the movements in their hands were not fierce, and they did not exert their full strength at all. , And the three strange beasts are extremely profound, but for some reason they don’t seem to have their full strengths. It seems that the purpose of these three beasts is also that Liquan is undoubtedly. For a time, the situation in the field is extremely chaotic, but it has formed. Strange balance.

Ding Hao, who was slowly advancing, also felt the unusual changes in the field, and he did not dare to continue rushing deeper. Although the battle still seemed fierce, both humans and beasts kept a hand, secretly hiding his strength. , And now is the time when they are most cautious. Of course, Ding Hao does not dare to approach at this time, otherwise it would be ridiculous that he would miscalculate and give up all the arrangements.

Just when Ding Hao stopped, the rock on the top of the cave suddenly stopped and continued to drip down Liquan, and the five crystal clear and near-transparent jade cups that filled Liquan finally It was full, seeing such a change, the expressions of the people in the belly of the mountain suddenly increased, and the movements in their hands suddenly intensified, and the three alien beasts were suddenly extremely powerful, and it seemed that they had just shown their true strength.

The fastest movements are still the two Sect Masters of Profound Yin Sect and Yidian Sect. I saw that the rocks on the top of the mountain just stopped dripping from Liquan, and these two people moved as fast as lightning. towards The nearest cup of Liquan next to him rushed, and his figure instantly distanced from everyone. When everyone in the fight saw that the two had already acted first, they were unwilling to move towards the other three cups of Liquan and rushed away.

Just after the Profound Yin Sect and the two sects Sect Master of Yidianzong walked to the cup where the Liquan was in full bloom, suddenly the three strange beasts had arrived at some point, and the fire spider directly moved towards Ma Yunfei sprayed out a ball of rays of light, which is many times more fierce than the flame sprayed by this spider just now, and the other two also moved towards Profound Yin Sect Sect Master Zhang Song rushed away, It seems that these two things also exert true strength.

And the other Dao and Demon two men and horses, have not rushed to the cup of Liquan, have already fought again, but compared to the first time, they are much more fierce, at this moment tragic Only when the battle was really unfolded, and the battle just now can only be regarded as a warm-up compared to the current one.

Suddenly, all kinds of strange True Qi flying in the air and on the ground, sword glow astral qi also shot wildly, blasting the strange rocks all around, but I don’t know this. What kind of material formed the rock? Although these extremely expert, the sword glow astral qi blasted on the rock, it only left some scorched marks. It seems that the rock is really strong, otherwise, under this fierce battle, the whole The belly of the mountain collapsed long ago.

Seeing such a change, Ding Hao with the invisibility talisman also moved sneakily towards the belly of the mountain. His figure is cautiously, for fear of being noticed by these experts, then Defying Heaven Demon Sword does not know when he was picked up by him. In his hand, only a ghost-faced spell was posted on the sword. It seemed that Ding Hao had already prepared, and even Defying Heaven Demon Sword was hidden.

Although the situation in the field is constantly changing, the five crystal jade cups that are full of Liquan still stay in place, and no one can capture one first. Seeing that his body is separated from that As the party got closer, Ding Hao closed his breath and the pores all over his body.

This contender is exactly two of the old men who have chased their own Profound Yin Sect, and their opponents are the Elder, the protector of the Yidian Sect, and the other is the Yidian Sect. The sturdy rough man invited, the four were divided into two groups, and they didn’t notice the energetic participation of the surrounding people for a while.

Although the four of them are only two zhang away from the cup, they can’t get close, and Ding Hao sneaked into the cup full of Liquan three two zhang and then began to use Yukong Fetching. After half a moment, Ding Hao showed a weird look on his face. For some unknown reason, his own practice was applied, but the cup was completely motionless. This made Ding Hao very unexplainable, seeing that time is running out. , Ding Hao’s complexion was ruthless, his silhouette accelerated instantly, and he came to the cup in the blink of an eye. He lifted his probing hand and his complexion became loose. It turned out that this cup full of Liquan weighs too much, so it’s no wonder that his magic power can’t work.

The four people in the fight suddenly discovered that the cup full of Liquan suddenly disappeared, and the four people complexion big changed, and they moved towards Ding Hao and played a few tricks.

Ding Hao, who was sneered, was finally broken by Fajue, his body with Defying Heaven Demon Sword suddenly appeared in the eyes of the four! (Monthly pass monthly pass, smash in a few pieces!)

(to be continued)

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