When the poisonous Demon King Yihan said this, the audience was in an uproar.

The name of Poison Demon is not weaker than Celestial Demon Nie Tian, ​​and because of his cultivation, the threat of Poison Demon King Yihan is even more difficult than Celestial Demon Nie Tian. It’s hard to see. He drove Celestial Demon Nie Tian off the stage, and suddenly came up with a poisonous Demon King Yihan. The expressions of the people of daoist sect Three Sects were as sad as swallowing a fly.

Although Three Sects Sect Master has long discovered that there are a few more strange faces in Purgatory Devil Sect, a bloodfiend mountain has been seen, and the Peerless appearance of the poisonous Demon King is also given to Three Sects Sect Master has a strong impression. Although he knows that his strength does not seem to be weak, he didn’t expect him to be the poisonous Demon King who disappeared for hundreds of years. What Limitless Devil Sect.

Limitless Devil Sect, the Sect daoist sect Three Sects Sect Master, has no impression at all. They only know that Soul Breaking Mountain has several other attached Sects besides Purgatory Devil Sect. They didn’t care about the specific name of Sect.

And now I suddenly found out that the bloodfiend Demon King Yihan didn’t even know when it became an offering to the Limitless Devil Sect. This Sect of the Limitless Devil Sect immediately made them more A little attention.

Seeing the poisonous Demon King Yihan walked into the field, Azure Cloud Sect Master Ye Piaoling smiled faintly, and asked the purgatory demon Feng Aotian: “Dare to ask this poisonous Demon King Yihan is really your Soul Are you from Breaking Mountain, why have you never heard of it?”

Haha said with a long laugh, and Feng Aotian, the purgatory devil, shouted loudly: “Of course, Limitless Devil Sect is one of my Soul Breaking Mountain forces. , And since the bloodfiend Lieshan and the poisonous Demon King Yihan are the people of Limitless Devil Sect, of course they belong to my Soul Breaking Mountain, but Sect Master Ye does not know that this is also as it should be by rights, after all Brother Wang just joined Limitless Devil Sect not long ago, hehe, do Sect Master Ye have other excuses now?”

shook the head, Azure Cloud Sect Master Ye Piaoling indifferently smiled, said: “It’s the book Zong is ignorant and inexperienced. In that case, of course there is nothing to say about this sect. Let the cold-faced master of this sect poison the Demon King as well!”

As soon as these words came out, Demonic path is considered to have no objections, and the first battle is settled. The poisonous Demon King Yihan confronts the cold-faced Venerable Xu Haoran.

Seeing that the poisonous demon rises into the sky, Ding Hao is also restless in his heart, and I don’t know if this battle is it fortune or misfortune, although the poisonous Demon King Yihan’s reputation is also very loud, and Ding Hao has also seen him take action. The mighty power, but Xu Haoran, the cold-faced butcher, is also a fierce man, and I don’t know whether this war poison Demon King Yihan can take advantage.

However, the poisonous Demon King is also defeated. The effect on Limitless Devil Sect will be huge. Now the Limitless Devil Sect Sect has been remembered by daoist sect Six Sects, presumably. No one can underestimate Limitless Devil Sect. There are bloodfiend mountains and poisonous Demon King. They are also in the clan, even if they don’t want to be famous, bloodfiend mountains have already become majestic and defeated the daoist sect’s fire idiot, Zhou Gong. Alan, as long as the poisonous Demon King Yihan can really defeat Xu Haoran, the cold-faced butcher, then the reputation of Limitless Devil Sect will reach its peak, and there is no need to worry about no newcomers coming to the clan in the future.

As Ding Hao was thinking secretly, the poisonous Demon King in the Standing Void Yihan and the cold-faced butcher Xu Haoran were already facing each other with big eyes staring at small eyes.

Seeing the two men moving in an imposing manner, everyone from Daoist Sect and Demon Sect showed a cautious expression. This battle is not only related to the future development of the situation, but also to the Dao Demon. The face is linked, no matter who it is, it is nervous.

As the poisonous Demon King Yihan lifted into the sky from the area where the Limitless Devil Sect is located, whether it was intentional or unintentional, Ding Hao always felt that in addition to Purgatory Devil Sect, the other Sect Peak experts were all Pay attention to the area where you are, and the eyes are very flickering. I don’t know what they are holding. But Ding Hao is not surprised and rejoiced. This fully shows that Limitless Devil Sect has left a deep impression in their hearts. The impression of danger lurks within the riches and honour, Ding Hao is of course fearless.

After a while, seeing the poisonous Demon King Yihan and the cold-faced butcher Xu Haoran started giving tit for tat, some strange True Qi fluctuations began to appear in the space centered on the two.

I saw the poisonous Demon King all around and the black qi surged, and the black qi seemed to appear out of thin air. It was surging everywhere, and in the blink of an eye, it had all around him all around the space within five feet. It’s flooded, and even among the billowing black air, the black lines formed by the astral qi of the fists stretch out, just like the huge tentacles of an octopus, it’s not terrifying!

The cold noodle butcher Xu Haoran is completely different. Xu Haoran is surrounded by white light, and he emits a white astral qi centered on him. The surrounding temperature changes due to the appearance of his white astral qi. It’s as cold as a cold winter, and Xu Haoran doesn’t know when he has a slender Flying Sword in his hand. The Flying Sword emits a crystal cold light, and the white astral qi is uncertain at the tip of the sword, more poisonous than it is. Demon King Yihan’s imposing manner didn’t let it go, but this person’s expression was so cold that he even doubted whether he had human emotions.

After a while, seeing that the two are equal in imposing manner, no one can overwhelm the opponent first from the imposing manner. The cold-faced butcher Xu Haoran is coldly smiled, and his face emerges hideously, like a bloodthirsty demonic beast. As a white astral qi rushed towards the poisonous Demon King Yihan, Xu Haoran’s figure just moved, and the slender Flying Sword in his hand shot out a ten zhang-long Senhan astral qi, which also brought a harsh whistle. , Has rushed to the front of the poisonous Demon King Yihan first.

Seeing the imposing manner of the cold-faced butcher Xu Haoran, Ding Hao’s mind has also been raised to the apex. Although he had known that this person was extraordinary in strength, he still did not expect this cold-faced butcher to be so difficult to provoke, and he secretly thought The poisonous Demon King Yihan began to worry.

The expression of the poisonous Demon King Yihan is still very indifferent. It seems that there will never be anything that will make him really tempted. Seeing the intense astral qi attack that seems to be Tearing the Heavens and Splitting the Earth Now, the poisonous Demon King also coldly smiled, and did not see what he was doing. I saw the thousands of tentacles transformed into the spreading black astral qi suddenly shooting towards the sword glow emitted by Venerable Lengmian.

As soon as the black tentacles protruded out, they made wail like ghosts and howl like wolves, just like the demons trapped in the abyss of hell that just descended on the earth, thousands of black air instantly looked Towards the sword glow that tore the sky was wrapped, and in the blink of an eye, I saw the white sword glow emitted by the cold-faced Venerable turned into a group of black threads.

Originally, the lightning speed slowed down in an instant, and it was bound by the black line when it hit the east and west, but the astral qi sent by the poisonous Demon King Yihan turned into a strange black line. I don’t know exactly how the poisonous Demon King Yihan did it. Although the sword glow was extremely fierce, it just couldn’t cut the black line. On the contrary, it tended to tighten.

Seeing such a change happen, Ding Hao exhaled, and the original worry about the poisonous Demon King Yihan was slightly relieved. Didn’t expect this poisonous Demon King Yihan to be so. That’s it, it really is a man of no avail under the prestigious reputation!

And the cold-faced Venerable Xu Haoran saw that his sword glow was bound by the black astral qi of the poisonous Demon King and the black astral qi, and he couldn’t get rid of it. Her expression became colder and colder, and a cry of coldly snorted came out of Xu Haoran’s mouth. Xu Haoran, who was already extremely cold, had a pale and unhuman appearance. Suddenly Xu Haoran punched out technique from his left hand, and his right hand fist brought a violent wind. moved towards Poison Demon King.

And the law made by the left hand just walked to the side of Flying Sword’s astral qi, and suddenly burst out a group of brilliant white light, the black line of astral qi originally sent by the poisoned Demon King Yihan The Flying Sword sword glow wrapped around the ball suddenly split from the size of ten zhang, but in the blink of an eye it split into a sword glow of hundreds of fingers.

Due to the sudden decrease in size, the split sword glow suddenly broke free from the black line emitted by the poisonous Demon King Yihan, and moved towards the poisonous Demon King Yihan like lightning. The cold shot went away, but the surface of the white sword glow that was originally bright as a star was dimmed a lot. It seems that at this moment, the sword glow of Tearing the Heavens and Splitting the Earth was poisoned by the overbearing poison of Demon King. The last name has been corrupted.

If the time is dragged for a few more moments, the sword glow will all fade and lose its due attack effect, but even so, the formidable power of that tyrannical sword glow is greatly weakened. less.

At this moment, after the Sword Glow sent by the Lengmian Venerable had split, he rushed towards the poisonous Demon King Yihan again, seeing the Sword Glow, which had broken free from his black thread, struck again. , Poison Demon King Yihan’s expression seems to be unchanged, elegantly laughed, he played two bizarre magic decisions with both hands, only to see Poison Demon King Yihan’s magic decision just played, and an ink suddenly rises three feet in front of Wang Yihan. The black barrier just completely covered Wang Yihan’s body.

And at this moment, the hundred sword glow that struck finally couldn’t stop the momentum, and shot directly on the ink-black barrier just issued by the poisonous Demon King Yihan, crackle for a while The sound of the impact was endless, and after the ink-black barrier collided with the sword glow, a brilliant spark was exploded, and it was even more beautiful.

After a while, all the hundred sword glows issued by the cold-faced Venerable Xu Haoran collided with the ink-black barrier issued by the poisonous Demon King Yihan, and the original ink-black barrier also Gradually disappeared in the void. Seeing the sword glow that had broken free, the poisonous Demon King Yihan waved his hands, and the black lines that had just poured out of astral qi returned to the space where the poisonous Demon King Yihan was. Still fluttering around.

The slender Flying Sword of the Lengmian Venerable who lost his bondage also turned into a long rainbow thread and fell into Xu Haoran’s hands. Just now, the first encounter between the two ended in such a situation. Among the people, a fierce attacker and a guardian not one drop of water can leak out can be described as evenly matched.

At this moment, the poisonous Demon King Yihan just took back the black thread of astral qi, and smiled indifferently, saying: “Since Brother Xu has already attacked a move, I should pay it back. Come on, Brother Xu, take it!”

As soon as the poisonous Demon King Yihan said this, he moved towards Venerable Cold Face Xu Haoran and rushed away, carrying a billowing strong demonic energy, wail like ghosts. The cry of and howl like wolves is emitted from the surging demonic energy, like a demon who chooses people and eats to scream!

(To be continued)

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