As soon as these words came out, the three of Bloodfiend and Lieshan were all overjoyed, their eyes shimmering at Ding Hao.

Seeing the attention of the three people, Ding Hao laughed and took out an object from the storage ring. When the bloodfiend looked at the mountains, he immediately shouted: “Soul Devouring Banner, it turned out to be this thing!”


Speaking of this, bloodfiend Lieshan’s expression moved, nodded said: “Maybe you really found a way!”

Haha laughed a long time, Ding Hao said: “Can you It’s useful, but I have to try it before I know that this Soul Devouring Banner is also the Sect Protecting Treasure of Soul Eater Sect. Soul Eater Sect deals with ghosts all day long, so there will always be some effect!”

When Ding Hao raised his hand, the Soul Devouring Banner soared into the sky, screaming in the void, and evil spirits appeared in the flags, desperately trying to get out of the shackles of the ghost flags, but no matter what they are So struggling, I was restrained by ghost flags, unable to move even a little bit.

After the Lord Soul Eater Sect and the bloodfiend mountain battle, the Soul Devouring Banner was put away by Ding Hao because of the huge huge Soul Devouring Banner that I saw at the time. Might, Ding Hao was also very curious, and spent a lot of time studying the Soul Devouring Banner afterwards.

even more how When the storage ring of the Soul Eater Sect master was also obtained by Ding Hao, it also contains information about the Soul Devouring Banner. Ding Hao could not play due to the basic exercises. All the formidable power of the Soul Devouring Banner is provided, but if it is used to collect the little ghosts, the evil ghosts in the town are not difficult.

Therefore, this Soul Devouring Banner just lifted into the sky, and after a moment of indulging in Ding Hao’s legal decision, it began to show the formidable power, the close and numerous evil spirits, and Soul Devouring. When Banner appeared, they all screamed and fled, seeming to know that Soul Devouring Banner can restrain them.

Although they have escaped again, the Soul Devouring Banner seems to have a strange suction power. Ding Hao and the others can’t feel it naturally, but the actions of those evil spirits become weird, often He fled five feet away, but suddenly backed back ten zhang automatically. After a long time, they all screamed and fell into the Soul Devouring Banner.

In the original battle with the bloodfiend mountains, the Soul Devouring Banner was badly damaged by the bloodfiend mountains. As the number of evil spirits increased, the black spirit around the Soul Devouring Banner was It became thicker and thicker, and gradually revealed the formidable power that was in the hands of the Soul Eater Sect master, but this time it was not an attack, but a ghost.

With the release of the Soul Devouring Banner, the evil spirits who originally attacked Ding Hao and the others have no time to escape and can no longer pose any threat to Ding Hao and the others.

Ding Hao the four of them smiled at each other and slowly moved towards the front, blocked by the Soul Devouring Banner. The four of them were relieved now, but they were not in a hurry and rushed over. During this period of time, the four of them were too tired, and now they finally got rid of the attack of evil spirits, they all walked slowly, and even more quickly recovered their true essence.

After all, the future is uncertain, and whether there is a greater danger waiting for it is not known. Of course, if you can restore the true essence earlier, you can restore it earlier. Only when you have recovered to the true essence of the flourishing period can you do it again. Facing a more difficult dilemma.

The Soul Devouring Banner is floating above Ding Hao’s head. Following Ding Hao’s formula changes, it has been closely following Ding Hao. Since then, the four people have lived through the evil All the ghosts gave way, and those who fled slower were immediately absorbed by the Soul Devouring Banner.

At this time, the white light in Ding Hao’s hand appeared, and dozens of pills of rejuvenation appeared. After swallowing a few pills, he gave it to the bloodfiend mountains and the others, feeling himself After the true essence recovery speed is much faster, Ding Hao secretly thought that although this medicine pill is the most basic of the medicine pill refined by the life-threatening Pill King, the style of action at the critical moment is not small. It seems that in the future, I still need to find the life-threatening Pill King and ask him to help me refine a few more medicine pills.

And the bloodfiend Lieshan and the others swallowed the Huanyuan Pill, and his pale face was slightly bloody. When Ding Hao saw their expressions, he suddenly felt a little funny, and then Ding Hao laughed uncontrollably.

The bloodfiend Lieshan trio just relaxed, and they found Ding Hao weirdly laughing. The trio of unfathomable mystery looked at each other, and when they found the embarrassing expressions they were dealing with, they suddenly realized Hehe smiled when he arrived. After all, he was considered a great expert. Didn’t expect to be so embarrassed in this Ghost Domain. If it weren’t for the last resort with the Soul Devouring Banner, I was afraid that this time I would really be here. Up.

After a while, the green robe Old Ancestor smiled and said, “You guys have a lot of Ghost Sect roads. If it weren’t for the Soul Devouring Banner this time, we can It’s really going to die! Hey, it seems that you are all broom stars. At first, this Old Ancestor passed through this area smoothly. After being with you, I encountered this incident. It’s really bad luck to get home!”

Listening to what they said, Ding Hao feels disapproving. To be honest, he has other means. Even without the Soul Devouring Banner in his hands, he is sure to take them through this area, but it only costs himself. A lot of strength that’s all, of course, it’s not as convenient as this Soul Devouring Banner.

Ding Hao of course also knows that green robe Old Ancestor is a joke, chuckled and said: “Old Ancestor’s words are bad, don’t you think we can still get out of this area now? This area feels the joy of life and death. Isn’t it happy?”

I gave Ding Hao a weird look, just like looking at a neurotic person, green robe Old Ancestor shook the head and said: “This kind of feeling is only enjoyed by a little madman like you. Old Ancestor is too old and can’t bear it!”

As soon as this is said, the bloodfiend mountain and the poisonous Demon King Yihan too laughed heartily.

At this time, Ding Hao’s face changed and said, “This Soul Devouring Banner has absorbed so many evil spirits, and now it has recovered to the strength of the Soul Eater Sect master. , The damage caused by the old man to the Soul Devouring Banner has been repaired, and now the Soul Devouring Banner is still absorbing the evil spirits. It seems that we should leave this place soon, because I feel that if Let it keep absorbing it, sooner or later, I can’t control it!”

When Ding Hao suddenly said this, the three of them also looked tight. The speed of the original at a moderate pace immediately increased. They all followed Ding Hao, and quickly moved towards the direction that they had been moving forward, and the Soul Devouring Banner seemed to have eyes long, still following Ding Hao, constantly absorbing the surrounding evil spirits. .

Because there is no need to be distracted to deal with evil spirits now, the speed of this full-scale marching is more than five times faster than just before, and only four people are left in the void.

I don’t know how long it has been, days or months.

Ding Hao and the others loosened their faces and put out a breath slightly, because they already felt that the four of them had left the area just now.

In front of the four people, there is a slightly fuzzy island. Ding Hao four people immediately knew that they were moving in a good direction. The original black spots have now become small islands. It seems to be waiting. On this small island, you can get closer to knowing the answers to the facts.

After a while, Ding Hao entire group has come to the island. The entire island is elliptical. The environment is similar to the island you just saw. The only difference is that this small island The rocks on the island are all gray-brown.

moved towards bloodfiend mountains and the others nodded, Ding Hao looked at the mouth and said: “This small island should not be dangerous. The four of us searched separately, as long as we found the largest gray-brown rock. If you have the feeling of stars, then you will give a whistle to notify you.”

Listening to Ding Hao’s words, the other three people all understood and immediately moved towards the other three directions and flew out. See Ding Hao. When their three people left, they also moved towards the forefront slowly, looking up at the sky as they walked, and from time to time they took out the Defying Heaven Demon Sword and knocked east and west, seeming to calculate the coordinates and so on.

Just after Ding Hao acted for a while, from the direction where the poisonous Demon King Yihan had just gone, there was a loud howl.

nodded gave a faint smile, Ding Hao’s figure instantly accelerated, and he quickly moved towards the poison Demon King and flew in the direction where Yihan was.

Not long, when Ding Hao arrived, the bloodfiend Lieshan and the poisonous Demon King Yihan had arrived, but the green robe Old Ancestor had not arrived yet.

The three of them looked at each other and smiled. From this point, we can see that if green robe Old Ancestor wants to go wrong with Ding Hao, then the speed will not be able to catch up with Ding Hao at all, but Ding Hao is cautious. Be careful with the surname, I’m afraid that green robe Old Ancestor will have no chance to plot Ding Hao.

Just when the three of them were thinking like this, the green robe Old Ancestor also came, and when they saw the other three were all there, the green robe Old Ancestor was slightly embarrassed, poisoning the Demon King. Yi Han was originally here, of course not.

The bloodfiend cultivation base is quite higher than his own. It’s not surprising to be able to get there before him, but Ding Hao can also get there in front of him. Green robe Old Ancestor can’t help being somewhat pulled It’s not going to happen.

“smelly brat runs faster than rabbits!” green robe Old Ancestor whispered.

His voice is small, but of course Ding Hao and the others heard it. Indifferently smiled, Ding Hao didn’t say much.

Just pointing to the huge gray-brown rock in front of the poisonous Demon King Yihan and said: “Do you guys feel the same?”

Ding Hao said this, although it was Unfathomable mystery, but the three of them all know what Ding Hao means, all of them are nodded.

Seeing the three people nodded, Ding Hao said in a deep voice: “I just measured it. This island is located in the position of Big Dipper’s Dimensity Star. I also compared it with the stars in the sky. If this If the rock is indeed a meteorite from outside the sky, it must come from the Celestial Star. If I say this, do you know what I mean?”

The bloodfiend three people are nodded with strange expressions. His gaze was still unimaginable, but he obviously believed Ding Hao’s guess, because the facts had proved everything.

(To be continued)

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