Not long after flying out, both Ding Hao and the others sneered. It turned out that Xuantian Daoist Leng Cunyu had already sensed that someone was following, and there was more than one person, and the speed was extremely fast.

Think about it with your toes, and I know that the one who came to follow me must be someone from the Dao Demon. However, they are only tracking, and no large-scale operations.

In the Ding Hao team, there are bloodfiend Lieshan and Xuantian daoist Leng Cunyu. How could this stalker succeed?

So at first Ding Hao and the others are just at a moderate pace at a moderate pace. After leaving the sinking valley, a group of people quickly speeded up and even went around the sinking valley. After turning around, changing seven times and eight changes, and after Xuantian daoist Leng Cunyu nodded, Ding Hao relaxed, knowing that his group had already left the stalker behind.

It was also at this time that Ding Hao had time to ask the green robe Old Ancestor about the Venerable Huoyun Xiangyangtian.

“I said Old Ancestor, whether you are really acquainted with the Venerable Huoyun, you can be sure of where he appears.” Ding Hao asked.

“Nonsense, Old Ancestor has a fateful relationship with this old fellow. Where can he hide in Yingzhou? Others don’t know how this Old Ancestor can’t understand. Hehe, you brat fight What kind of abacus, this Old Ancestor knows it well.” Green robe Old Ancestor said proudly.

Haha smiled, Ding Hao said: “If this is the case, then it would be great. Originally, I was worried about the Taixuan key again. I didn’t expect this Venerable Huo Yun to provide timely. help, I got the key. After this, I’m pretty sure about the profound treasure.”

“Well, yes, this Old Ancestor didn’t expect it to be an old fellow like Huo Yun. I’ll take you to the old fellow’s residence later. Don’t make any wrong ideas. Even if you get the profound treasure, you can’t lose his benefits, otherwise this Old Ancestor won’t stick to it!” Seeing this Ding Hao is a little proud Looks like, green robe Old Ancestor hurriedly reminded.

“Old Ancestor, please rest assured, since this Venerable Huoyun knows you well, I am not a stingy person, Ding Hao, even more how he also has a key in his hand. Of course I can’t do without his benefits. But… Venerable Huo Yun also risked his surname to get this Tai Xuan key. Will it really save you face and share it with us?” Ding Hao said with some worry.

As soon as these words came out, this green robe Old Ancestor looked a little angry, fiercely looked at Ding Hao, and said: “What does you brat mean, look down on the relationship between this Old Ancestor and Huoyun, an old fellow Why?

Don’t worry about this, even if we don’t have the two keys of Yidianzong and Profound Yin Sect, even if this Old Ancestor comes forward, he Huoyun will add this Old Ancestor, even more how we have another certificate in our hands. He Huoyun will never deny me the face of green robe.”

Seeing this green robe Old Ancestor is a little angry, Ding Hao indifferently smiled , Hurriedly accompany the green robe Old Ancestor, and explained: “Old Ancestor calm down, I don’t mean that, but I think that the key is very important, and I don’t worry about it. Old Ancestor doesn’t have to think about it. Well, that fire. Where is the hiding place of Venerable Gen. Yun?”

At this time, green robe Old Ancestor still seemed to be unreliable. He gave Ding Hao angrily and was unwilling. Leng Ran said: “Come with me, the place has no name, you will know it when you go.”

Listening to this green robe Old Ancestor, Ding Hao smiled and smiled at bloodfiend. and the others nodded, following behind this green robe Old Ancestor, moved towards Southwest and flew towards.

After flying for about one hour, Ding Hao entire group gradually moved away from the high mountain range, and unexpectedly came to the border of Yingzhou, an area close to the sea.

After this green robe Old Ancestor came here, his flight speed became slower and slower, and he looked all around from time to time, not knowing what he was distinguishing.

Seeing his appearance, the poisonous Demon King also asked in surprise: “I said green robe, did you forget the way?”

As soon as it came out, green robe Old Ancestor was taken aback, then his expression was slightly embarrassed. He touched the straw-like messy hair on the top of his head, fiercely rubbed it a few times, the hair that was originally messy, now that he gets it done like this, it’s even more disgusting.

Green robe Old Ancestor took a look at the poisonous Demon King and said to Ding Hao: “I haven’t been here for decades. I’m a little unfamiliar, hehe, look. Look, let’s take a look first, get familiar with the environment.”

Sure enough! Just looking at the expression of green robe Old Ancestor, Ding Hao knew that it was very possible, and now listening to him say this, it has confirmed that his guess is good, shook the head, Ding Hao didn’t say much, and he didn’t dare to make any confusion. Bothering green robe Old Ancestor who is thinking hard, can only hope that he can find the right way out sooner.

After a while, green robe Old Ancestor tightened frowns and gradually stretched, also ignore Ding Hao and the others, and walked towards a piece of rocky seaside with self-care. He was still muttering to himself.

Seeing his expression like this, Ding Hao and the others knew that perhaps the green robe Old Ancestor had thought of something, and they followed him closely.

After a while, this green robe Old Ancestor laughed heartily, and the laughter was so harsh that it was hard to hear, just like the unwilling wailing of a dying person who was cut through his throat. As soon as this sound came out, Really heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, the waves on the Sea side seem to be a little daunting, and the churning becomes more turbulent.

As for Ding Hao and the others, they have a bitter face, secretly enduring the strange howling of green robe, and even the indifferent Xuantian daoist Leng Cunyu frowned.

Feng Xingran had already covered his ears with both hands, and made a hehe haha ​​cry like a mess, but it was much lower than the green robe Old Ancestor’s howling, and Compared with the influence of the green robe Old Ancestor’s whistle, it is even worse by vast distance.

This green robe Old Ancestor wail like ghosts and howl like wolves. Not only did Ding Hao and the others stop suffering from the painful expressions, but it became more and more intense, even bloodfiend the mountains. When there was a cry of coldly snorted. Suddenly another kind of howl came out from nowhere. Although it was not exactly the same as the green robe Old Ancestor’s howl, it was the same unpleasantly sound.

With the appearance of this howling, the unbearable complexion of Ding Hao and the others gradually stretched out. It seems that the green robe Old Ancestor is making such an unpleasant howling for Call that Venerable Huoyun Xiangyangtian.

Sure enough, as soon as the whistling sound appeared, it gradually approached. When everyone was in the most painful time, the two equally harsh whistling sounds stopped at the same time.

It was a huge laughter.

“green robe, you beast, why did you think of coming to see Lao Tzu?”

As soon as these words came out, Ding Hao and the others look at each other in blank dismay, not seen The person, first hear his voice, but with these two sentences, you can know that Venerable Huoyun Xiangyangtian is definitely not a good bird, and this green robe Old Ancestor is indeed a virtue, otherwise it would not be so vulgar. . No wonder green robe Old Ancestor said that he had a good relationship with him. Now just listening to the voice of Venerable Huoyun Xiangyangtian, Ding Hao was a little bit convinced. These two people are truly a perfect match.

With the sound of the sound, from the northeast, a cloud of blazing flames appeared slowly. This cloud seemed to be the size of a palm at first, but when the words were finished, Then the cloud already has two zhangs away.

I can’t see whether it’s a strange person or not. Anyway, there is only a faint shadow rolling in the center of the cloud. As the cloud approaches, the surrounding temperature also rises sharply, even Ding Hao and the others The sea behind him is full of billowing heat, as if the fire cloud that has not yet approached is about to boil.

At this time, the green robe Old Ancestor haha ​​laughed loudly, “Huo Yun, you old fellow, the fire cloud magic is finally making progress, but can you take that fire cloud treasure?” Get up, don’t show off in front of Old Ancestor. The weather is already hot, so don’t add fuel to the fire!”

As soon as this word fell, from the flame-like cloud, it continued Venerable Huoyun’s cursing sound contained extreme dissatisfaction with green robe Old Ancestor. It was nothing more than saying that green robe Old Ancestor did not understand words such as appreciation, and of course, it was indispensable to mess with swear words.

Seeing this, Ding Hao felt that the relationship between Venerable Huoyun and green robe Old Ancestor seemed to be really unusual. He also faintly believed in the assurance that Green robe Old Ancestor had just given to him. Up.

After a while, the fire cloud was floating above Ding Hao and the others. Although the temperature of all around was still rising, Ding Hao and the others knew that the fire cloud did not Malicious.

Sure enough, the fire cloud seemed to be observed, and then slowly faded and smaller, gradually from a few meters in size, slowly shrinking to the size of a palm again.

As the flame cloud shrinks, from the prescription position, a tall, purple-red and radiant, plump-headed person gradually appeared. This old man is dressed in red clothes and hangs on his body. It’s full of a mess of small pieces of strange ore.

Hair is also like a green robe Old Ancestor, messy and scattered. If the green robe Old Ancestor’s hair is a mess of grass, then Venerable Huoyun’s is simply a bird’s nest, and with his two eyes the size of a copper bell, it looks extremely strange. As long as one glance, he will never forget his face.

First, I hugged green robe Old Ancestor with laughed heartily. With the laughter, various swear words continued to be heard from the two people, and even the ancestors who greeted each other and dealt with each other from time to time. You punched me, I punched you, and after a long time of tossing, it gradually calmed down.

After these two people have had enough trouble, the Venerable Huoyun didn’t even look at anyone. He just stared at Feng Xingran. Haha smiled and said, “Little girl, who are you? Is there anything on your body most? Firm most Yang’s treasure, why can my Fire Cloud Treasure be able to feel the extraordinary in you across the storage ring?”

As soon as these words came out, Feng Xingran laughed and said, “Fire Cloud Old man, I’m Feng Xingran from Purgatory Devil Sect. There is a treasure in my ring, hehe, but I won’t show it to you.”

(to be continued)

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