When I saw the two enter the house, I just glanced at it and didn’t say anything!

After a while, Sect Master Li Nantian gritted his teeth and said: “Black Devil Sect’s arrogant look and several Elders have also seen it. People are just one of the Elders of the Black Devil Sect, yet they dare to treat me like this! If our sect had not fallen, how could we be willing to be insulted by it? Several people like me must have learned from it this time, and must not say so muddledly!”

Several Elders looked gloomy and speechless, Ma Feng angry look said: “The reason why my sect is weak is because of the slow cultivation of the Promise Magic Technique and the weak formidable power! If Sect Master will take out the green evil spirit sooner. Share with me, this sect will not fall into such a field!”

As soon as Ma Feng said this, several people shirked each other’s responsibilities. It seemed that they were all at their own fault, and they did not condemn it after a long quarrel. Come out the right way!

Waving his hand, Li Nantian stopped several people from continuing to quarrel and said: “It has been too many years to say nothing! After this meeting, we must find a proper way to improve this bad situation. Said the shame repeats itself again and again!”

Paused seeing Ding Hao and said: “Hope Ding Hao, you can start from this meeting first, so that the image of our sect will be changed!”

” Ding Hao will live up to the drag of Sect Master and Elder!” Ding Hao’s words really come from the heart!

I can look up at everyone’s eyes. Except for Master Chen Ling, the others are looking at themselves with pity, and they secretly scold these people as being shameless. There is no way to save them!

“Well, since that’s the case, you all meditate on the cultivation. Tomorrow, I can return to the sect when I send Ding Hao to the soul training venue!” Li Nantian said.

One day is fleeting. In the morning, Purgatory Devil Sect sent one or three generations of dísciple to the Soul Refining Sect meeting place!

Leading the way dísciple seems to look down upon the Limitless Devil Sect. I have never seen a few people with the straight eyes along the way. It seems that this person’s cultivation base has also reached the mid-stage of integration. Ding Hao of the Zonghui is even more disdainful!

A few people just walked through the “Nine Cauldrons Asking the Sky Formation” and they saw someone standing in front of him. When Ding Hao saw this person, his expression was bitter, so he didn’t expect it to be Purgatory Devil Sect. surnamed Wu Elder.

After the boy who led the way came forward to pay him a visit, he returned along the same path. At this time, Wu Elder raised his head and met Ding Hao’s peeping eyes. Wu Elder immediately showed surprise. He who has not yet come and asks, Ding Hao He has stepped forward and said: “Don’t trifling under the mountain for a few months, didn’t expect the kid to be able to listen to Elder’s teachings again, so happy!” After that, he winked at him.

As soon as Ding Hao said this, everyone in Limitless Devil Sect was puzzled!

Wu Elder was stunned, and seemed to have realized something lightly said with a smile: “The little brother Ding is serious, hehe, it seems that the little brother appears to be participating in the soul refining meeting of this sect. It’s interesting and serious. It’s funny! Young Lady guessed all the time, it’s ridiculous that the little brother has lowered his eyelids!”

Ding Hao said with a bitter smile: “I also hope that Elder will not tell her what he sees today, otherwise It’s going to be troublesome again!”

Wu Elder also said with a bitter smile: “The little brother is wrong. If his subordinates don’t report it, then I can’t afford it. Hope my little brother also Be considerate of the old man’s difficulties!”

The two of them left the Limitless Devil Sect and the others aside. Li Nantian looked at Ding Hao in surprise and couldn’t think of Ding Hao. Shi had a relationship with the people of Purgatory Devil Sect, and seeing that surnamed Wu Elder look, it seemed that there was something hidden!

What’s even more strange is that Wu Elder is the cultivation base of the dignified mid-distraction stage. He didn’t even sell Ding Hao to Ding Hao. Instead, he talked with his peers, which really makes a few people wonder!

Ding Hao said with a bitter face to Wu Elder: “Business matters, Elder will take me until the club is important!”

At this time, Wu Elder has time to look at Li Nantian and the others, glanced at a few people and said: “In this case, the old man will take you to the club first!”

Although his tone is polite, he is not as warm as he was when talking with Ding Hao!

But it’s much better than the boy who led the way just now. Everyone in Limitless Devil Sect knows that he must be so polite by looking at Ding Hao. Otherwise, he would not be so polite with his skills as a cultivation base. So polite!

Wu Elder kept asking Ding Hao all the way. He seemed to be very curious about Ding Hao, but Ding Hao was unbelievable, but this person didn’t care and kept questioning repeatedly. A few moments later Man finally came to the trial field of the Soul Refining Sect Association!

Except for Purgatory Devil Sect, the people of several Sect have arrived first, YinYang Harmony Sect, Blood Fiend Sect, Black Devil Sect, Soul Eater Sect, Talisman Sect Five Sects are scattered at the entrance of a dark mountain cave In addition to Sect Master and their respective Elder, there are dozens of dísciples of three generations in each case. Among them, YinYang Harmony Sect participates in dísciple the most, with 18, followed by Blood Fiend Sect Black Devil Sect with 15 and Soul Eater Sect with 13 One, the weaker Talisman Sect also has ten participating dísciple.

Ding Hao, the person of several Sect, is completely ignorant, and the only mad old man who has ever seen Black Devil Sect, pointed Ding Hao to the dísciple behind him and whispered something, those Black Devil Sect dísciple heard his words repeatedly nodded, looking at Ding Hao with a cold expression.

Although I don’t know the sound, Ding Hao already knows the meaning of the expressions of a few people, and sneers secretly in his heart!

The people of Five Sects saw the arrival of the Limitless Devil Sect, and they were all face surprised. After seeing the following Ding Hao, they looked even more disdainful. After all, Ding Hao currently sees it as a cultivation base that integrates Early-Stage. Worthy of qualifications to participate!

After Li Nantian took a look at the dísciple of several Sect, the complexion changed! The weakest cultivation base of several Sects in the dísciple is also in the mid-integration period. It seems that bringing Ding Hao to participate is entirely inviting humiliation to oneself. After looking at Ding Hao, he was silent!

Other several Sect elders are careful to explain what to participate in dísciple, while Limitless Devil Sect is cold and cheerless, and no one talks to it. Several Sect sees its eyes without any color other than contempt!

Wu Elder glanced at Ding Hao deeply and said: “Little brother, please feel free, I will come as soon as I go!” He disappeared in a blink of an eye!

As soon as this person left, Li Nantian took the lead: “didn’t expect this surnamed Wu Elder to take you so seriously! How did you get to know Ding Hao?”

” Reported to Sect Master, the kid was chased by daoist sect when he went down the mountain to experience. He was rescued by Wu Elder, so he was a little familiar! But the kid didn’t know that he was a Purgatory Devil Sect, but he did not report to Sect Master. Hope Sect Master can atone for it? “Ding Hao said respectfully.

nodded, Li Nantian coldly said: “Oh, it’s really that simple? But listening to your two people’s words seems to be more than that?”

“It is true, how dare Ding Hao Deceive Sect Master, I hope Sect Master will see!” Ding Hao bit to death.

“It’s better to be as you said, otherwise, hmph!” Li Nantian said coldly.

Ding Hao also looks down upon him in his heart, let alone afraid of him, tunnel no longer answers!

After waiting for the big one hour, the people of Purgatory Devil Sect finally arrived. First, the body was majestic, the tiger stepped wind, and the whole body was domineering. The square-faced side was not angry and mighty, except for purgatory. Demon King Feng Aotian who has such a spirit!

Feng Aotian is still on the road, and various sects Sect Master has hurriedly greeted him and made a bow!

I saw Feng Aotian that’s all give up, and everyone shouted loudly: “The Soul Refining Sect is about to begin, and I’m so ashamed to wait for you all! Well, the number of people who participated in the dísciple this time seems to be higher than in previous years. It’s more and more powerful. I’m really gratifying for my Soul Breaking Mountain lineage achievement! It is with this new blood that I can dominate the Western Continent so far, and Aotian is in the first place. Thank you all!”

Various sects Sect Master didn’t even dare to say, after all, Soul Breaking Mountain Purgatory Devil Sect is the real master, and they are only attached to Purgatory Devil Sect, and the relationship between master and slave is different. How can people be confused!

Paused Feng Aotian continued: “This time the Soul Refining Sect meeting place is the cave in front of everyone. I know what mysterious participants enter in the cave. After the participants enter, my sect will be responsible for closing the cave. It will be opened again in a year, and the one who goes out of the hole first is the first, and so on. There are ten prizes for this event. All attacks on defensive magical artifacts are available. Hehe, the top ten people have a share, and it is guaranteed that they will not be ordered. Participants are disappointed that the rules of the Soul Refining Sect will remain the same, regardless of life or death, survival of the fittest, there are no restrictions!”

After these words, the various sects, the battle Qi, are high and cold-eyed. Look, except Black Devil Sect who took a few glances at Ding Hao, no one noticed it!

At this moment, Feng Xingran accompanied Wu Elder and Ding Hao knew why Wu Elder suddenly disappeared for a moment. It turned out to be to inform this woman!

Sure enough! As soon as Feng Xingran arrived here, he walked towards Ding Hao without a word, beautiful eyes staring at Ding Hao, colorful!

“Lee Sect Master long time no see, didn’t expect your Limitless Devil Sect to participate in this meeting this time. It really surprised the stars, oh? This little brother is so tight, Could it be the person who participated in Limitless Devil Sect!”

Although Feng Xingran spoke to Li Nantian, his attention was always on Ding Hao, and afterwards, it was logical to stare at Ding Hao.

Li Nantian felt flattered, and repeatedly explained: “Feng Young Lady has a torch, Ding Hao is the one who participated in my sect. Ding Hao has only been in my sect for only a few decades, and Young Lady doesn’t know. It’s also common sense!”

Everyone in the field feels unfathomable mystery. This woman has always been difficult and seems to have no interest in any sect young, talented people in Soul Breaking Mountain. How can there be such a weird behavior this time!

Feng Xingran stared at Ding Hao with beautiful eyes fiercely, and said leisurely: “Yeah! It turned out to be the rising star of Limitedless Devil Sect. Fortunately, I will be fortunate to meet you! Well, I don’t know if Ding Hao fellow daoists currently have a cultivation Dao. Companion!”

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar!


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