I collected the bloodfiend mountains of Baojia, with red eyes, staring at the black energy that wanders and reincarnates in the Fruit Tree.

“The thing in the black air is the strongest existence at the bottom of this Flaming Mountain. Even Master White Eyebrow is not its enemy!” Although his eyes are flushed, murderous aura overflows. , But the tone of bloodfiend Lieshan is flat and tight.

In fact, there is no need to list mountains to remind Ding Hao. Ding Hao also saw the clues. If the black air was not at all just drifting here, Ding Hao would naturally not go with the bloodfiend mountains to get the treasure.

Ding Hao knew in his heart that the things in the black qi are definitely not the one that can be matched by his current self. In other words, it is not something bloodfiend can handle.

“for a nobleman to take revenge, ten years are not too late! As long as you can get the reincarnation result this time, with the special surname of Promise Magic Power, you and I will instantly increase in strength. At that time, there will be strength rewards. The enemy of this blow!” Ding Hao whispered softly.

Nodded silently, Bloodfiend Lieshan didn’t say much, but his eyes were full of red glow, staring closely at the Fruit Tree of Samsara.

At this time, the black air shook sharply and moved straight towards the nearest white crane Fairy Sun Xia bacteria.

The Dao Demon people, at this time, are always paying attention to this sudden black energy. When the black air shook, Sun Xiajun was shocked and hurriedly retreated.

Because of the reincarnation of the Fruit Tree, the entire bottom of Flaming Mountain has fallen into the most chaotic moment. The flames rushed, the rock monster flew around and attacked everyone, and the lava, also flew out from the lava Tan, moved towards all directions and shot.

even more how White Crane Fairy has been supported until now, the true essence has been consumed a lot, and we still have to face all kinds of chaotic attacks at the bottom of Flaming Mountain, where is the incomparable imposing manner and the astonishingly dark opponent .

Where the black gas passed, the surrounding lava was cleansed and the “flames in the center of the earth” burst one after another, and the huge rocks were shattered. The rocks all over the sky are like stars in the sky, bringing up a little red star, and they all moved towards the White Crane Fairy and smashed them away.

Under the fright of Fairy Sun Xiajun, the white crane’s flourishing jade hand opened suddenly, and blossoming orchids bloomed from between her hands, shining with a bright white halo, moved towards the black air.

Before he got close to the black energy, he was blown away by the hundreds of boulders that had rolled from him. As the blossoming orchids suddenly appeared, they disappeared quickly.

a groan, Fairy Sun Xiajun, a white crane, trembled all over, her face was as pale as paper, and she was eager to collapse, staggering back a few steps.

At this moment, two “flames in the center of the earth” suddenly appeared, one after the other, moved towards Sun Xiajun.

With a sound of “choking”, the white eyebrow master Lu Xuanfeng’s Flying Sword unsheathed, sword glow shot three feet, and then shot out two cold star-like rays of light, moved towards attacking Sun Xia bacteria The two “flames in the center of the earth” shot away.

The rays of light like a cold star, like a ray of electric light, are flying at extreme speed. Lava’s tidal space cannot prevent the slightest, cold star-like sword glow from passing by. Lava seems to be forcibly torn apart by great force, turning into a trickle of one after another.


The cold star-like rays of light fell into the two 鈥渇lames in the center of the earth鈥?that moved towards Sun Xiajun. The original direction of the “flame in the center of the earth” suddenly stagnated. Then a crimson flame burst out, burning ragingly, and it rolled towards the black air.

Almost at the same moment, the Dao Demon above the Fruit Tree of Samsara, together with Tian Ling Daoist Jiang Tian, 鈥嬧€媠eemed to have reached a certain tacit understanding, and they shot one after another, but the target of the attack was that Group of secretive black air.

It seems that everyone feels the threat of black air, and for the reincarnation of the future, there is no word or phrase, but an incredible tacit understanding has been reached. Seizing this rare opportunity and choosing to make a shot at the same time, it is bound to want to eliminate the threat of black energy.

For a time, the monstrous offensive continued like a river!

The colorful light group sword glow is emitted from the hands of the elders of various monster levels. Or needle-shaped cold star, or arc-shaped light cluster, or astral qi in the shape of a beast.

Although the method of attack has nothing common with each other, without exception, everyone did not keep it anymore and tried their best. Strive to kill the things in the black qi with a single blow to prevent regenerating changes later.

The explosion of hong long long completely concealed the vibration of the bottom of Flaming Mountain. That piece of black air was also sharply distorted, swaying around, as if avoiding it.

There are dozens of attacks by everyone. Even if the black energy is fast, it does not need to be completely affected by the lava, but it can’t be avoided completely. There are always a few waves of attacks, and it still falls into the black energy.

Unexpectedly, these attacks fell into the black air without making any sound, as silent as throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, their hearts were shocked, and they looked at the black air that didn’t seem to have changed.

Half sound…Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry’s wild beast howl, yelled out of the black air, accompanied by the howl, is the sharply twisted and condensed black air, And boundless imposing manner.

Then a monster with a snake-headed human body just yelled and revealed it in the black air.

The snake’s head is thick and long, and the neck is covered with thick scaly fins. Between the open and closed scaly fins, it emits a faint black air, and the thickness resembles the darkest ink. The sharp head is the appearance of a poisonous snake, but the human body is exceptionally majestic.

At the joints of the arms and thighs, there are sharp barbs growing in amazement, and the skin is blue and green, emitting a faint cold light. A dark brown animal skin covers most of its body, and the bare skin is covered by scaly fins.

The snake’s head is extremely ugly, its bloody mouth is wide open and it still screams, and its dense and sharp teeth make people feel terrified when they look at it. Two big green eyes, emitting rays of light without any surname.

Everyone is sucked in a breath of cold air. Even at the bottom of the Flaming Mountain, they still feel cold all over, and there is unprecedented fear in their hearts.

“What kind of monster is this!” Everyone was shocked, and they couldn’t help but wonder.

The monster with a snake head and a pair of big green eyes slowly swept across the crowd with the howling sound. Everyone who was swept by its green eyes felt heart trembled, and even Ding Hao felt coldness spreading across his body along his back.

“You…you…all…are going to die…”

In the bloody mouth, there was an unexpectedly blunt speaker human’s speech, although it was extremely stiff. But everyone still heard its correct meaning from its fierce green eyes.

“What the hell are you?” The black heavenly demon screamed out the hearts of everyone.

“I…I…I’m a human!” After a huge howl from the snake-headed monster, his eyes shot fiercely, staring straight at the black heavenly demon.

Swept by the big eyes of this snake-headed monster, Green鈥檚 big eyes, the black heavenly demon edged back two feet subconsciously, and then hurriedly faced the ensuing “flame in the center of the earth”. .

The scaly fins of the snakehead monster’s neck are one and one, and the thick black air drifts away. The green eyes without anyone’s surname are twinkling at the black heavenly demon. After a glance, they move like electricity. towards Bian Tu rushed over.

Before it took action, everyone noticed the attack by a group of people just now, and it was not completely in vain. At the very least, everyone saw the external skin with its scaly fins all over it, and a faint azure liquid came out-it should be the blood on the monster’s body.

It turns out that it is still injured!

Everyone thought in their hearts, and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief at the same time.

The snakehead monster flashed like an electric flash, and after the action, it turned into a cloud of black energy again, and the snakehead human body disappeared in the black energy. Everyone who has seen its body knows that the faint black aura is emerging from the monster’s own scales and fins. Although they don’t know what it is, it is certain that it can be swept away.

The black heavenly demon borders two triangular small eyes with cold light shining, and in the backward direction, faintly leaning on the seven kills daoist hating common people and the red-faced demon Lu Guang. It seemed that Bian Tu was already timid, and wanted to hate Cangsheng and Lu Guang together to deal with the monster with the head of a snake.

Unexpectedly, this snake-headed human monster turned into black energy. When it was halfway through, it suddenly changed its direction and moved straight towards the white crane Fairy who was watching. go with.

The white crane Fairy Sun Xia bacteria caught off guard, once again retreats in a hurry!

But this time the speed of the black gas is extremely fast, and a piece of black gas is shot out of the black gas in an instant. The black gas of the thickness of the arm, like a black line, rushes into the body of the white crane Fairy Sun Xiajun. protection Above the gang cover.

The black qi of the thickness of the arm fell into the body protection cover of the white crane Fairy Sun Xiajun, and made a “zhi zhi” sound, even at the bottom of the roaring and vibrating Flaming Mountain, this “zhi zhi” The sound is still clearly audible.

When Ding Hao and the others watched, they found the white crane Fairy’s jade lips spit out a blood arrow fiercely, and his face was as white as paper.

Without waiting for everyone to take a closer look, Sun Xiajun smiled sadly and suddenly moved towards Flaming Mountain and rushed away.

She actually gave up the fruit of reincarnation that was about to mature, and at this most critical time, she withdrew from the competition for fruit of reincarnation!

(To be continued)

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