Just after escaping from the mountain spring, when Ding Hao was about to leave, his face suddenly startled.

In the dantian, which used to be exhausted like a pool of stagnant water, the circulation speed of True Qi seems to have accelerated a lot. Ding Hao closed his eyes and used Divine Consciousness to peer into his whole body. He found that his originally stiff meridian seemed to have become a lot more flexible. Every cell within the body seemed to be cheering, making Ding Hao surprised.

After groaning for a while, Ding Hao’s heart moved. Could it be that the two springs of the extremely cold Extreme Hot just had an effect?

Thinking of this, Ding Hao looked at the misty mountain spring behind him, decided to try again next time, and then Ding Hao went to the mountainside of Moyinzong leisurely and calmly.

When I was about to reach the wing where I was, a faint, ethereal, low groan began to sound in my ears, and the sound was sweet and gentle like a trickle converging, and like an ethereal mountain within the valley. The wind blows the leaves, so Ding Hao can’t help but indulge in it.

Ding Hao only woke up when the low groan slowly drifted away and in the void. The secretly thought magic sound school deserved the name of “magic sound”. The voice has fallen, this kind of reverberation still lingering in my heart, ethereal and grandiose, and constantly whistling and whistling in my Divine Consciousness.

As Ding Hao gradually approached the pavilion, Ruan Tsing Yi’s extraordinary and refined face has fallen into Ding Hao’s eyes.

Relying in a pavilion not far away, Ruan Qingyi has a wisp of azure clothes, and his jade face looks at the blue void, making the dark eyes of the stars filled with stunned thoughts. She held a cup of tea in front of the table, and slowly turned it blankly, with a hint of hope in her expression.

Not far behind her, Xiaoling with two pigtails on her head is lowering her head and fiddles with the headdresses given by Ding Hao. Seeing her happy face, she seems very happy. .

Until Ding Hao’s deliberately aggravated footsteps sounded, the two masters and disciple seemed to feel it, and at the same time turned their heads and cast their eyes to Ding Hao.

“Are you back?” Ruan Qingyi smiled indifferently, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Indifferent nodded, Ding Hao did not answer, and went to the wing where he was.

After returning to the wing room, Ding Hao covered all the doors and windows of the wing room, making an invisible posture, and then sitting cross-legged to adjust his breath.

The Nguyen Tsing Yi master and disciple, the two came to the door of Ding Hao’s wing, looked at the closed doors and windows, the two masters and disciple looked at each other, and at the same time understood what Ding Hao meant.

Xiaoling has benefited from Ding Hao, and her attitude towards Ding Hao has obviously improved. She just pouted slightly and didn’t say much. Ruan Qingyi was indifferently smiled, and took Xiaoling away without saying a word.

And Ding Hao only smiled slightly after hearing the two people leave. He stood up from a cross-legged posture, and began to set up a “ten-square magic array” in the wing. It was not until the arrangement of the “Ten Fang Magic Array” was completed that Ding Hao leisurely continued to fall back to the bed, closing his eyes and waiting for the rabbit.

Although the loss of strength is severe, with Ding Hao’s current knowledge and various skills, others would not be so tolerant if they want to hurt themselves. even more how A little magic sound school, a few clowns who are not on the table.

Closed my eyes and waited for the scene. On the second day of the night, a silent silhouette gradually approached Ding Hao’s wing.

Slightly smiled coldly, Ding Hao secretly thought came. Now Ding Hao’s strength is too great, and he can only vaguely feel the opponent’s position, but the cultivation base of the incoming person can’t detect it.

But with the mystery of the “Ten Fang Magic Array”, Ding Hao believes that even the surname Shang is the cultivator who has reached the Body Fusion Stage. As long as you fall into the “ten-square magical array”, you will certainly not get the slightest benefit. Even the bloodfiend mountains at the beginning have suffered a loss in this Formation, let alone the demons?

The visitor’s behavior is unscrupulous. Perhaps you know that Ding Hao was originally a cultivator in the Nascent Soul Late Stage period, and now he is seriously injured. It must be easy to win Ding Hao. That’s why Dare to behave so unscrupulously.

He took care of the door of Ding Hao’s wing and secretly turned away with his inner strength, this person thought that Ding Hao was bound to die. But before he could take a shot, a white sky suddenly appeared and his eyes appeared.

Just when he was at a loss in his heart, Heart Demon had automatically approached the door, and he fell into the attack of Heart Demon in a daze.

Ding Hao, who is indifferently leaning on the edge of the bed, saw that the strength of the man was nothing but Nascent Soul Middle Stage, and his expression was startled. Secretly thought, I made a fuss. It seems that the Shang surnamed, looked down on me at all, and didn’t make the shot himself.

Shook his head and gave a bitter smile, Ding Hao said in his heart too. The strength he showed was only in the Nascent Soul Late Stage period, and he was still suffering from various injuries. I’m afraid in their hearts, they don’t even have the strength of Nascent Soul Early Stage now. Sending such a person here is already considered to be self-sufficient.

laughed, Ding Hao is not welcome, and calmly walks into the “ten-square magical array”, using the infinite magic power to leisurely swallow the person’s true essence and absorb it. Then he cut off his head with a sword, and the person’s body became “crunchy” into pieces of bones under the grasp of his big palm.

As soon as the magic flame came out, a burning smell came, and in a moment, this person had turned into a pile of coke.

The second day is early morning.

Ding Hao slowly crossed out of the wing, holding the head of the person who said yesterday’s sneak attack in his hands, and walking forward at a moderate pace to the pavilion where Ruan Qingyi was located.

The master and disciple of Ruan Tsing Yi heard Ding Hao’s unconcealed heavy footsteps, and he could not help walking out of the pavilion. When he saw the heads in Ding Hao’s hands, they were all creded out in surprise.

The woman named Xiaoling, with a sense of joy in her exclaim, laughed and said: “This Senior Brother Lin, there is only one head left!”


Ruan Qingyi stared at Ding Hao blankly, his face solemnly said: “Lin Yin is the dísciple of Shang Zirong, the Elder of the sect. Why did you die in your hands?”

“Yesterday Said I am in the wing to adjust my energy and breath, this person wants to control me and my mortal enemy!” Ding Hao said indifferently.

When Ruan Qingyi heard Ding Hao say this, she was looking thoughtful and black brows slightly wrinkle was silent.

But Xiaoling next to Ding Hao seemed to look more and more pleasing to the eye. She smiled and said: “Lin Yin is a smelly brat, trying to take advantage of me all day, didn’t expect to die. In your hands, haha, good death!”

While talking, Xiao Ling clapped her two small hands, her expression was indescribably excited and happy.

But when Xiaoling was cheering, an untimely coldly snorted sound fell into the ears of Ding Hao and the three of them. Then a Taoist man with a feather crown and a blue face slowly fell into the arena, with unmistakable anger in his eyes, looking straight at the three Ding Hao.

“I don’t know where Lin Yin irritated Ruan Elder, and let Ruan Elder kill him!” Shang Zi Rongyin tested.

Ruan Qingyi’s expression was stagnant, but he reacted instantly.

Ding Hao only has the strength of Nascent Soul Late Stage, and he was seriously injured. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn’t think it was from him. Xiaoling’s strength is not as good as Lin Yin’s, and she is naturally more impossible. The only explanation is that he shot it himself, no wonder Shang Zirong thinks so.

Brows slightly wrinkle, Ruan Tsing Yi said indifferently: “Shang Elder is relieved, Lin Yin broke into the guest room of Tsing Yi yesterday, trying to attack the guests of Tsing Yi, and forced Tsing Yi to take action!”

Listening to Ruan Tsing Yi’s words, Ding Hao’s face was taken aback, but Ruan Tsing Yi actually didn’t expect Ruan Tsing Yi to bear it.

Looking at Ding Hao coldly, Shang Zirong’s tone was aimed at Ruan Qingyi, saying: “I asked a drink to come to inform Elder Ruan yesterday. Sect Master will return soon. I would like to invite Ruan. Elder is ready for one or two. How dare a drink break into your guest room?

But even if a drink breaks into your guest room according to what you said, the crime is not dead, right? Ruan Elder Today, I don’t want to give me a reasonable argument. I will report to Sect Master and let Sect Master take charge of me!” I really couldn’t explain what I did, and Ruan Qingyi didn’t know how to say it for a while.

“A dísciple who commits the following crimes and does not know the etiquette, kills and kills, what kind of explanation is needed!” Ding Hao said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, Shang Zirong’s face was cold, and he looked at Ding Hao in a daze, surprisedly said: “Who you are, when is it your turn to intervene in the matter of our magic sound school? “

laughed, Ding Hao leisurely sat down on a chair in the building, looking at Shang Zirong indifferently, and calmly said: “Your magic sound school matters, of course, have nothing to do with me, but your disciple It is me who wants to kill, so it has something to do with me!”

“Don’t talk nonsense, what good is it for Lin Yin to kill you?” Shang Zirong coldly shouted.

The figure is straight, Ding Hao’s eyes are shining suddenly, looking straight at Shang Zirong, if there is any point, you know in your heart, do you really need me Can’t tell?”

Shang Zirong looked at him for a moment, and then quickly said: “What good can Lin Yin never know you, you are an outsider, what did he kill you for?”


haha laughed, and when Ding Hao was about to speak, a faint sound of footsteps fell into his ears.

After a while, a thin and wrinkled 60-year-old old man walked over slowly, with a few people behind him. The old man looked at Ruan Qingyi and Shang Zirong, and shouted. “What are you arguing about?”

“pay respects to Sect Master!”

Ruan Qingyi and Shang Zirong shouted together, moved towards the old man gave a salute.

(To be continued)

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