Dashing eyebrows was deeply locked. After pondered a while, Ding Hao said: “The worst plan is to abandon Tianzhu Mountain and go to the Ghost Domain. But now I can still rely on’Eight Wilds [***] Yin Demon’s formation will resist for a period of time, so we have to prepare with both hands. The weaker dísciple, which is not capable of fighting, will now immediately evacuate from Tianzhu Mountain from the secret road.

Experts above the Body Fusion Stage, all Enter the periphery of the’Eight Demon [***] Yin Demon Array’, through the cover of Formation, to block the daoist sect of those who are trying to break the formation.”

After Ding Hao’s words fell. , Miao Caifeng of Demon Cloud Sect’s Daitianxing Soul Sacrifice Pavilion, and Yuan Demon Palace’s Xuanyi and the others have already begun arrangements. As for the poisonous Demon King Yihan, he also temporarily left the arrangement under Ding Hao’s eyes.

Not long ago, Ding Hao, who was sitting cross-legged, stood up again and looked at the prepared poisonous demon and the others. After nodded, he opened his mouth and said: “The expert enter the formation method of the Body Fusion Stage Defend against the periphery, and will act according to my instructions. The’Bahuang[***]Yin Demon Array’ is unusual. If you move indiscriminately, you may even be injured.”

After Ding Hao’s words fell, a group of people had already moved towards the periphery of “八荒[***]Yin Demon Array” at Ding Hao’s orders.

“Bahuang[***]Yin Demon Array” is hunting in the dark and wind around the periphery, ghost calls one after another, which is accompanied by the wanton roar of a hundred Yin Demon. Let’s not talk about the huge danger contained in the “Eight Demon [***] Yin Demon Formation”. After entering the formation first, the original strength will be reduced by several percent due to the influence of Formation.

Except for the gatekeepers of the Limitless Devil Sect who has been cultivating in Formation for a long time, the rest of the people who come here often are more or less affected. However, the Sect Master of several Sect, because he often came to Tianzhu Mountain to discuss important matters with the Limitless Devil Sect, it was not affected too much.

But some of the Elders in their door are still affected by Formation and feel extremely uncomfortable. If Ding Hao had not explained it, they might have thought they were sick and poisoned.

After Ding Hao came to the outside of “Bahuang[***]Yin Demon Array”, he closed his eyes and sat cross-legged down. After the spiritual sense was released, he sensed “八荒[** *] Every area of ​​”Yin Demon Array” seems to be under control.

Originally, this Formation was arranged by Ding Hao himself, and I am very familiar with every area of ​​Formation. In addition, several key formation eyes have echoes with Ding Hao. In addition, Ding Hao Divine Consciousness cultivation base is becoming more and more tyrannical, so if you don’t understand Profound Mystery of Arrays in this “Eight Demon [***] Yin Demon Array”, even the Sword Immortal Red World Divine Consciousness is not necessarily Ding Hao is wonderful.

The people of the Demon Sect alliance who went deep into the periphery of Formation heard Ding Hao’s words constantly in their ears, and proceeded to different areas according to Ding Hao’s instructions. Yin Demon, who was originally boundless and wandering in all directions, turned a blind eye to all those who acted in accordance with Formation.

After a while, everyone gradually dispersed. They were all gathered in small groups. There was a strong figure with one or two weaker ones. , Guard on one side.

After a short wait, the entire “Bahuang[***]Yin Demon Array” received a light scream from Ding Hao: “Come on, everyone, be careful!”

Ding Hao’s voice was not loud originally, but through the effects of Formation, it spread throughout the entire Tianzhu Mountain top covered by the “Eight Wilds [***] Yin Demon Array”, even the gatekeepers in the Formation Center , Can also hear clearly.

Those daoist sects who just don’t know Formation profound mystery, even if they go deep into it, they can’t hear this whistle. This is one of the magical effects that Formation can produce.

“Bahuang[***]Yin Demon Array” is different from the “Nine Cauldrons Questioning Array” which covers the entire Purgatory Devil Sect. The most important role of “Nine Cauldrons Questioning Array” is that Gather Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi and give it to Purgatory Devil Sect. On the other hand, it generates boundless illusions.

“Bahuang[***]Yin Demon Array” is a pure attack on the Ominous Array. Although it has a little effect on gathering Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, it can be compared to “Nine Cauldrons Asking Heaven Array”. Much inferior. However, the danger lurking everywhere, the lore of danger lurks on every side, has made up for the shortcomings in this regard. The hundreds of Yin Demon roaming endlessly are carefully refined by Ding Hao.

Yin Demon is a hundred times inferior in formidable power compared to Ding Hao’s blood Ghost Spirit within the body, but these Yin Demons are expensive in number and have been kept in captivity in the “Bahuang[***] In the Yin Demon array, it has been integrated with Formation.

Hundreds of Yin Demon are also in the shape between the real and the virtual. Without a special method, they can’t hurt their roots at all. But all the cultivators attacked by these Yin Demon critical strikes will soon become Yin Demon, thus strengthening the formidable power of the “Eight Demon [***] Yin Demon Array”.

With a sharp weird laugh, the daoist sect expert who has been standing outside Formation finally officially stepped into Formation.

The sharp weird smile came from a strong weird man with deep lips and a very dark complexion. This weird man is wearing a striped, colorful and bizarre costume, but the breath of the whole body is indeed exceptionally powerful. With Ding Hao’s spiritual sense, he can sense that he is a Transcending Tribulation Stage expert who has gone through Heavenly Tribulation once.

From his outfit, Ding Hao can guess that he should come from the expert with seabed. Thick lips and dark skin are the most obvious traces.

Just after this person appeared, seven or eight Yin Demon appeared around him, “zhi zhi” shouted for joy and stretched out bloodthirsty fangs, moved towards the person who bit them.

When the weird saw Yin Demon flying over, he seemed to be prepared long ago. There was another weird laugh. A ball of light azure burst out of his hands, and there was a fish leaping over the faintly in the ball of light. The pattern of the dragon gate twists and shakes the ripples of Zeng Zeng.

Seven or eight Yin Demon flying over, just when they were about to approach this weird person, they suddenly stopped in the air, looking around in a daze. The weird man was smiling strangely in front of them, but they seemed to ignore it.

haha The weird man with a weird smile, the laughter was raised midway, suddenly groaned, and involuntarily staggered back a few steps.

“Who is it? Who sneak attacked me?” The weird yelled, and began to look around blankly.

Shaking his head faintly sighed, Ding Hao knew that the shot was Green Robe Old Ancestor, but the green robe Old Ancestor is now the strength of the mid-fit, but the single blow did not hurt the root of that weird man. If green robe Old Ancestor is not impatient, and if Venerable Huoyun Xiangyangtian is next to him, the effect may be better.

But this is just the fuse. With the weird laughter of the weird man, dozens of figures all flooded into the “Bahuang[***]Yin Demon Array” like lightning. . As soon as they entered the within array, these daoist sects began to destroy everything around.

Although I don’t know the daoist sect of Formation Profound Mystery, they can’t see anything around them at all, but because of the strength of the people and the attacks from all over the place, they are hit by mistakes. , Can also destroy one or two dangerous land.

Especially the Loose Immortal of those few daoist sects, their strength is superb, and each has its own magic weapon body protection. Although not all of them can destroy Yin Demon, those fierce Yin Demon, even if they desperately entangle these Loose Immortal, the damage they cause is still limited.

In an emergency, Ding Hao suddenly closed his eyes and dispatched troops to dispatch Hong Shi, Mo Ji You Ji Ming Ji and the others to the area where the daoist sect Loose Immortal was located. As for the ordinary daoist sect people, just let them go and stop them through Formation.

So and so, after a while, the Red World and a few powerful characters, following Ding Hao’s whispering arrangements, each found their own opponents. In the dark, following the trajectory of the Formation, began to attack the daoist sects who entered the “Eight Demon [***] Yin Demon Array”.

The battle was instantly ignited, and the entire “Bahuang[***]Yin Demon Array” was filled with fighting figures. Among them, the daoist sect occupied the advantage in numbers, and the Demon Sect alliance was here. On the other side, there is the cover of “Bahuang[***]Yin Demon Array”.

For a while, the situation fell into a stalemate, among which the Demon Sect alliance members hidden in the dark still had a slight upper hand.

Among them, Ding Hao is the busiest one, and he has to look at all kinds of arrangements for the alliance members in Formation. On the other hand, there is also to provoke the Formation with mind, so as to attack the daoist sect people who have strayed into the fierce land.

Those daoist sect people, who have just evaded the offensive of the Demon Sect sneak attack, tend to loosen up. Ten sharp sword glows are emitted from the soles of their feet and fly towards them in an instant before. When he hurriedly responded in a rush, the attacks of the Demon Sect people hiding in the dark appeared again unconsciously.

Fortunately, many people who come in daoist sect are often alone by their side and can take the opportunity to relieve them. If the number of people on both sides is the same, with the help of the “Eight Demon [***] Yin Demon Array”, I am afraid that the daoist sect will no longer be supported.

On the Demon Sect side, the most depressing response is Sword Immortal!

Originally based on the transcendent cultivation base of the Red World, let alone with the Strength of Array, even if you face-to-face and face-to-face battle with the arrogant Hiragaki Sect’s Four Tribulations Loose Immortal, you can still have the absolute upper hand.

Because of Hongshi’s peerless Sword Art, it covers a very wide area. In order not to damage the surrounding array, Hongshi has scrupulous shots and dare not use the powerful Sword Art.

So up to now, Hong Shi and the Loose Immortal of the Four Tribulations of the Heigaki Sect have been fighting a few tricks. Not only did they not have the upper hand, but they fell down because of their hands and feet.

(To be continued)

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