A tall and wide old man with a mole on the corner of his mouth fought fiercely with another robust man with a bruise face and long hair cape. The two were fighting, while foul-mouthed cursing at each other.

Beside them, there are daoist sect people with different clothes and two camps. These dísciple saw their Sect Master suddenly fight with each other. They were all dumbfounded and froze for a while. on the spot.

“Damn it, Ling Duyang, you are not crazy. Didn’t I just scold you? At this time, you dare to attack me!” The robust man with blue face and long hair shawl resisted. Ling Duyang, who had a mole at the corner of his mouth, attacked, cursing loudly.

With a weird laugh, Ling Duyang panting with rage said: “You scolded and scolded, and you want me to be Sect’s Disciples as cannon fodder. What you think is beautiful, I have long seen you bastard not pleasing to the eye. I have to teach you today!”

The robust man who originally planned to die, listened to Ling Duyang’s words, immediately jumped into thunder, and snarled: “Mad dog, really mad dog! How can the spirit of Zhenzong be sent? You are such an idiot here, ah… you dare to commit a murder! Damn, this sect fights with you, you really think that this sect is vague, and your spirit real sect cannot be successful!”

Ling Duyang haha! Laughing, the mole on the corner of his mouth trembled again and again, and said proudly: “Our Spirit Realm is better than you, what can you do with me?”


The two people who had reservations gradually became angry, and they became more and more fierce, and they no longer show mercy between shots.

The trio of Mo Ji at the top of the ridge, with an uncontrollable smile on the corners of their mouths, watched the farce enthusiastically. Without even thinking about it, the three daughters knew that among these two people, one of them must be Ding Hao incarnation. They just looked left and right, and couldn’t tell the truth from the false.

The fire demon, the earth demon, the wood demon, were all stunned at this time, and then the earth demon “ga ga” gave a weird laugh, and asked the same strange-looking wood demon next to him: “You are the most It’s cunning…, oh, no, you have the most eyes, can you see what’s going on?”

“Yes, will daoist sect deliberately do it, trying to lure us into fools, Could there be some other conspiracy?” Huo Demon was also puzzled and asked about the demonic path.

The wood demon with a gloomy expression also shook his head blankly, puzzled: “This…that…I don’t see what it means. Don’t act rashly, lest it really is a conspiracy!”

As soon as these words came out, the earth demons and the fire demons all had an expression of approval, and the soil demons were even more nodded. He smiled and said: “They must be watching the Three Great Elders come to help. , I know that the big event is over, I want to use tricks to deceive us. Huh, I really think I’m a silly man!”

Then the local demon laughed triumphantly and whispered to the side magic girl. resolutely: “They can’t lie to me!”

The magic girl didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. Looking at the beast who believes oneself infallible, she didn’t know how to reply for a while, but could only say “Uh-huh “Prevarication.

On the other hand, Goddess Sikong Yanran in the mid-air, his straight lovable body trembled, and his towering chest was trembling, and for the first time he lost his calm posture. He actually gnashing teeth said: ” Both are stupid, see if I go back and take care of their two factions!”

Then took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in my heart forcibly. He was extremely shocked at his side, and only cared about the wry smile Ye Qiu said: “Brother Ye, go and deal with this matter quickly, you can’t delay now!”

Ye Qiu’s expression was shocked, carefreely smiled, and said: “Young Lady, but please rest assured, Ye Qiu will definitely stop them from messing around!”


As soon as the words fell, Ye Qiu turned into a flash of lightning, and instantly fell beside the two of them, shouting violently: “Goddess has an order, order you to stop immediately and wait for the thief of Demon Sect to be killed. Solve your own disputes in private!”

The robust man hearing this with long hair and shawl loosened his hand, and when he was about to let go and stop fighting, he suddenly felt a shock in his chest and became helpless. The blood arrow spouted. The messy shawl and long hair stood up instantly, and he snarled frantically, “Ling Duyang, you old fogey, you dare not even listen to Goddess’ orders. Benzong fights with you today, irreconcilable!”

At this time, Ling Duyang spurt a large mouthful of blood at the same time, looking even more embarrassed than the robust man with long hair and shawl, and also violently yelled out: “The sons and daughters of the real sect, please Let me go, kill this bastard for me!”

“Okay, you are Ling Duyang! In that case, Xu Yang Sect’s dísciple follows this order, first take down this old fogey, let’s Then deal with the demonic path thief of Netherworld Demon Sect!” The robust man with a bruise face in anger, at this time, can no longer worry about that many, and ordered the doormen to surge in the same way.

Suddenly, the two people who were still working alone, after Ye Qiu arrived, they turned into a two-sects melee with just one sentence!

Ye Qiu, who was planning to handle this matter, to attract the attention of Goddess Sikong Yanyan, when he saw the current situation, it was as if he had eaten thousands of flies alive, his handsome face seemed to be rotten. The eggplants are wrinkled together in blue and purple, it’s hard to see the extreme!

The earth demon at the top of the ridge rubbed his chubby belly, and said at a loss: “This…that…daoist sect conspiracy is a bit too much!”

Mu Mo’s cold eyes revealed a trace of bloodthirsty excitement, “jié jié” said with a big smile: “You idiot, they are really turning back in their dens, dogs biting dogs!”

The fire demon also smiled, twisting the sledgehammer in his hand that was out of proportion to the body, and planned to join the battle. Just suddenly stopped by the wood demon, the wood demon yelled: “Now they are in their den, as soon as we go, they will join hands to deal with us, what are you doing?”

As soon as these words came out, the fire demon Immediately reacted, stopped, lightly snorted, and said: “You have more eyes!”

The three magic girls looked at each other, and all the corners of their mouths evoked a beautiful arc, all showing one. Fuyihui’s deep smile continued to watch the developments over there with interest.

At this time, Goddess Sikong was almost speechless. Originally thought that Ye Qiu could solve this problem, but he did not know that he had become a melee of two sects, and the people of Demon Sect who came to the rescue are conserving strength and store up energy, looking at the daoist with mocking eyes. The noise in sect.

“Old Zhang, Han, you guys… to deal with this, I will look at the’cold flame glass cover’, hurry up…” Sikong Yanran barely controlled her emotions, intermittently instructed .

The two indifferent elders who could not stand for a long time, heard Sikong Yanran say this, without even answering the words, the baleful aura rushed down into the sky, and flew straight to the two fighting parties.

Incarnation is Ling Duyang’s Ding Hao. He has already seen the two people rushing down sharply, and hastily pretended to fight with the sweat of the purple face with the hair erected, and then let out a miserable cry and his body was far away. Throw it far into an uninhabited area.

The corpse of the real Ling Duyang who had been killed by the Ding Hao sneak attack suddenly appeared here. There was a “crack” noise in his body, and Ding Hao was once again incarnation for another person, with small eyes and big head, thin body, corner of the mouth flow blood, and flew to those Sects who were watching the battle in a panic.

“Stand in great numbers, what’s the matter with you?” An old man with a crested hair and a strange face, looking at the corner of the mouth flow blood, step by step, Ding Hao hurriedly asked.

“Big brother, Xu Yang Sect’s Sect Master, regardless of whether it is red, red or white, even hit me. Pity I was caught off guard and caught his hand!” Ding Hao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, very miserable. Cried out sadly.

As soon as Ding Hao’s voice fell, he fell slightly, as if he had suffered much damage.

Sect Master of Hidden Sword Sect, my big brother of stand in great numbers, Lin Ding, when he heard Ding Hao’s words, he immediately jumped into a thunder, cursing loudly: “Fang Jian is bully intolerably, I dare to hurt you. He goes on the theory!”

At this time, Ding Hao realized that the Sect Master of Xu Yang Sect, whose face was bruised and his hair stood up, was Fang Jian, who had been fighting with him for a long time.

“Ah! Ling Martial Uncle, Ling Martial Uncle is dead…, Fang Jian, you actually killed us Ling Martial Uncle, our Ling Zhenzong and you Xu Yang Sect are endless!” With a scream, Just now the direction Ding Hao was coming from was sent out, and then there was a more chaotic battle.

Seeing Ling Duyang’s death, the disciple of Lingzhenzong finally lost his mind completely and moved towards Fang Jianyong crazy.

Fang Jian, the Sect Master of Xu Yang Sect, who was extremely wronged, was still unfathomable mystery at this time, and only had one thought in his mind: “I didn’t meet Ling Duyang just now. Why did he die like this? “

Before Fang Jian clarified his clues, the disciple of Lingzhenzong had once again fought against Xu Yang Sect’s men and horses. And another voice suddenly rang in his ears: “Fang Jian, your guy even dared to fight with my younger brother, it’s so arrogant!”

Fang Jian, who is very irritable, thinks Lin Ding deliberately found an excuse to have trouble, and said impatiently: “Fuck, who has time to beat you younger brother, did you deliberately find things?”

One side is the irritable Fang Jian, the other is My dearest younger brother, Lin Ding didn’t even think about it, so he decided it was Fang Jian who didn’t admit it, and was extremely angry and said with a smile: “Okay, okay, I will look for something on purpose, what are you doing!”

“Fuck, everyone is crazy today! Come on, if you want to find something, this zong is to accompany you!” Fang Jian had a bad temper at first, so he was so angry that he couldn’t stand it. , Roared regardless of the consequences.

At the most appropriate time, Ding Hao kicked his legs again, rolled the eyes, and wailed miserably: “I can’t do it anymore, my big brother must kill Fang Jian for me and take revenge for me. !”

As soon as Ding Hao’s words fell, another Hidden Sword Sect dísciple exclaimed in that direction: “Sect Master, Martial Uncle Lin is dead!”

There was no possibility of redemption. The fiercest hatred instantly burned like fire. Lin Ding pulled out the sword in grief, and ignored the words of the indifferent old man Dao Sect, the two gods who had just flew down and were persuaded by his life. , Straight forward moved towards bad luck Fang Jian killed completely.

Of course, as soon as Lin Ding left, the doorman of Hidden Sword Sect behind him naturally did not dare to fall behind. He followed Lin Ding closely and united with the weak Lingzhenzong dísciple, moved towards Xu Yang Sect The doorman rushed over.

It’s messed up, it’s all messed up, it’s completely messed up, it’s out of control!

Ye Qiu looked at everything that happened suddenly, unfathomable mystery, crying without tears. In my heart, he greeted the eight generations of the ancestors of Lingduyangfang Jianlinding and the three of them, desperately looking at his own people, lest he might add chaos, and completely rejected the thought of persuading.

At this time, let alone continue to attack Nether Demon Sect, whether you can handle everything now and prevent Nether Demon Sect from taking advantage of it becomes a problem.

The three magic girls at the top of the mountain, watching what happened, couldn’t help but laugh, and laughed regardless of manners. While laughing, Sanji secretly said in one’s heart: “Sect Lord is getting more and more extortionous. Well, it’s too shameless…”

Seeing that even the three of Magic Ji are big When he laughed, the earth demon danced with his hands and screamed like a big frog gu gu: “Okay, good to kill, good to kill! Fang Jian is simply the savior of our Nether Demon Sect!”

As soon as this remark came out, Fang Jian, who was wronged to the extreme, spurt a mouthful of blood angrily. Before his body stood still, Lin Ding, Sect Master of Hidden Sword Sect, was like a killer with a hundred sword glow. Come, look irreconcilable.

Behind Goddess Sikong Yanran, an indifferent old man of the goddess Dao Sect trembled all over his body and couldn’t say anything. Sikong Yanran persuaded him: “Order the retreat, you have no face, no more I’m afraid the loss will get bigger and bigger if you leave!”

Sikong Yanran, with an extremely beautiful face, was flushed with anger, and his cheeks were as if he had drunk old wine, an intoxicating red, and a towering chest. Shaking, inhaling repeatedly to suppress the anger, and finally gnashing teeth said: “Retreat, those Sects who killed each other, don’t care about them, let them fend for themselves!”

When the words fell, I looked up. Over the sky, an angry shouted: “Don’t put away the’cold flame glass cover’!”

Over the white sky, a promise came from a sudden: “Yes!”

Gradually Yes, the mist has cleared, the 氤氲 disappears without a trace, the sky is clear again, and the warm shining voices spill out a golden-bright and dazzling rays of light.

Below, there is still chaos!

(To be continued)

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