seabed nine thousand zhang.

Ding Hao shuttles among the corals and strange rocks, a few ferocious strange fish hide away from Ding Hao’s side, trembling with fear.

Along the way, there were a few strange fish that didn’t open their eyes. They tried to appetite Ding Hao, but Ding Hao killed them into blood slices between their gestures. The blood then stimulated dozens of fierce sharks to chase away. Here, it was also crushed by Ding Hao.

When Ding Hao went to the place later, all the creatures evaded one after another, and no strange fish dared to come forward.

The seabed is vast and boundless, Ding Hao wandered around and released Divine Consciousness. He wanted to find the tyrannical breath of the cultivator, but he couldn’t sense it for a while, and he could only sway around aimlessly.

It wasn’t until after turning for one hour that I felt a demonic cultivator in the mid-out of his life, rushing around in a panic.

With a move in his heart, Ding Hao’s figure disappeared in place, and the next moment has appeared in front of that person. Apart from anything else, Ding Hao had already taken action to restrain the man, and asked, “Where is the geocentric magnetic mother?”

The gill of this life’s sharp-billed monkey, with a goat’s beard, looks unusually frightened. , I didn’t expect someone to stop suddenly when I was on the move. When I was looking at it, I found that Ding Hao was also a member of Demon Sect, and he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, saying, “It turns out to be the same. The seabed dragon Demon Palace and Sea Emperor Sect of the earth core magnetic mother have both.”

“Oh, that is, where is the dragon Demon Palace and Sea Emperor Sect near here?” Ding Hao asked again. .

Looking at Ding Hao in fear, this person anxiously said: “The people of Sea Emperor Sect are chasing and killing me, let’s get out of here soon!”

Ding Hao has long been I felt that there were several cultivators with daoist sect aura coming here, but the tallest of the three was not distracted in the mid-term, so Ding Hao naturally didn’t put it in his eyes.

Listening to him, Ding Hao’s expression remained unmoved, indifferently said: “It doesn’t matter, whether it’s the Dragon Demon Palace or the Sea Emperor Sect, as long as it gets closer, you will take me over!”

“Senior, let’s wait until you have escaped this disaster! The people of Sea Emperor Sect are not easy to provoke. In the ten thousand li Sea Territory, only the dragon Demon Palace can compete with them. Your cultivation base Although it is high, it is better not to provoke them!” the person said anxiously.

Suddenly, shout out loudly, and the three figures fell in front of Ding Hao instantly. The three of them looked at the beak-mouthed monkey cheek repairer who was controlled by Ding Hao, and couldn’t help but reveal a trace. A surprised look.

But just for a moment, the Cultivator at the forefront of the highest cultivation base, the highest distracting mid-stage Cultivator, showed a sneer, coldly said: “Lin Hongyu, you are really impatient to live, how dare you? When we collect materials in the Sea Territory of the Sea Emperor Sect, today you are afraid that you will not be able to escape!”

The Sea Emperor Sect also participated in the siege of Tianzhu Mountain last time, so Ding Hao just looked at their clothes and recognized that these people were the gatekeepers of Sea Emperor Sect. When they were in Tianzhu Mountain last time, they didn’t take advantage of it. In the end, Ding Hao had to figure out the Dragon Demon Palace. After the fierce battle between the two sides, they suffered damage to each other.

Ignore these people, Ding Hao just looked at Lin Hongyu in front of him, indifferently said: “Which way is closer?”

Lin Hongyu’s face Very bitterly, I looked at the three Sea Emperor Sects who looked at me mockingly in front of me, then looked at Ding Hao, who seemed to be fine, but the killing intent was endless, and finally said: “Sea Emperor Sect is closer, just?”

“That’s it, I’m not familiar with this seabed, you take me over!” Ding Hao suddenly interrupted the person’s words below, and said.

Helplessly nodded, Lin Hongyu’s eyes lit up slyly, then looked at the doormen of the Sea Emperor Sect, and said: “Senior should plan their three people first! “

Turning around, I noticed that the three Sea Emperor Sect doormen were unconsciously scattered and approaching this side, Ding Hao indifferently said: “This is easy!”

As soon as the words fell, Ding Hao’s figure suddenly moved, shooting out like a sharp sword, and his whole body of demonic energy surged, falling in Lin Hongyu’s eyes, only to see a black glow flashing, and then three mournful scream sounded.

Then the dust settled, Lin Hongyu saw only a small piece of blood appeared in the area where the three people were just now, leaving nothing left.

But Ding Hao’s figure fell beside him again, indifferently said: “These three are dead, can we set off?”

Lin Hong The fish’s mind was blank, and he looked at Ding Hao blankly, and said, “Oh, good, good!”

Lin Hongyu, who was surprised by Ding Hao’s thunderous method, was very respectful and careful at this time. Before he planned to act, Ding Hao showed a look of astonishment on his face. Then raised his hand, a black lightning glow lit up, and the Lin Hongyu was tied firmly.

With a punch and strikes down, a strange rock next to it just revealed a dark cave. Ding Hao slammed Lin Hongyu into the dark cave and said: “I’ll come here later! “

As soon as the words fell, Ding Hao disappeared in the blink of an eye like ripples in the water. Then a faint water pattern formed, moving towards the north.

When Ding Hao’s figure reappeared, the surrounding area was covered with large and small corals and rocks. Several silhouettes shuttled among them, and an extremely profound imaginary formation was immediately arranged.

With a little thought in mind, Ding Hao does not leak a trace of breath, his entire face is distorted and transformed into an extremely ordinary demon repairer, turning into a water vapor floating in it, and finally turning red Pasted on a coral like paper. Looking straight at the few people in front of him, he was astonished to the extreme.

The group of people in front of him, Ding Hao has seen a few, but only two of them really know each other. One is Xing Yunzhi, the son of the Dragon Lord of the Demon Palace, and the other has disappeared for a long time. Evil King!

At this time, the Evil King has obviously passed the first Heavenly Tribulation and reached the middle of Transcending Tribulation. He looked a bit less calm and self-determined than before, and a bit more resentful and gloomy.

After thinking about it, Ding Hao understood that the Evil King was originally an ambitious person who did not dare to be lonely. After returning to Sanzhou and One Island from the Northern Continent, he led the Evil Meizong to fight in the north and south, and finally united the Great Devil Sect Sect of Sanzhou and One Island with Limitless Devil Sect. The Daoist sect forced the death to death, flees and flees. The foundation of a blockbuster.

Unfortunately, because of his ambition, he conflicted with the interests of his Limitless Devil Sect. In the end, under the plot against of his own group of people, not only was the Evil Meizong destroyed, but he also succeeded. His women and daughters also died.

His years of hard work finally made him cheaper. Now the Demon Sect alliance has been firmly in his hands, and all the regions of the three continents and one island are all controlled by the Limitless Devil Sect.

He and Limitless Devil Sect obviously have an absolutely irreconcilable hatred. After he returned to the North Continent, Ding Hao never took him seriously, didn’t expect this time, he was in such a place. Saw him again.

Except for the Evil King and Xing Yunzhi, although Ding Hao can’t see it, he can feel the aura of two dispersing demons hidden in the dark, but these two dispersing demonic energy breaths are not strong. Ding Hao is not afraid that he will be discovered.

“Evil Senior Wang, it’s not the same when it comes to our dragon’s Demon Palace to discuss it. Why do we have to go to this area? This is the center of our dragon’s Demon Palace and Sea Emperor Sect. Sect’s people have noticed, isn’t it very wrong?” Xing Yunzhi, a sturdy figure, slightly smiled, and asked.

shook the head, the evil king said gloomily: “Since the incident between our evil devil sect and the Limitedless Devil Sect, this king no longer trusts the so-called allies. If it really comes to your dragon Demon Palace, if your dragon, Demon Palace, is thinking about it, wouldn’t it be difficult for this king to get away?”

laughed, Xing Yunzhi disdainfully said: “The evil King Keshi was scared by the Limitless Devil Sect, Ding Hao. The kid has seen it before, but it’s just commonplace. The strength of the combined Early-Stage is nothing more than that!”

As soon as this was said, the evil king’s eyes sparkled with spiteful rays. of light, and then coldly snorted, saying: “The cruelty and cunning of this kid Ding Hao is far from what you can understand. Combine Early-Stage, ha, Combine Early-Stage!

All dare to look down upon him In the end, none of his enemies could escape from the killing disaster. When he was distracted by Early-Stage, he could fight against the experts in the mid-integration stage without losing the wind. Now that he is in the early-stage integration, his strength has long been unknown. That’s the point!”

Laughed disdainfully, Xing Yunzhi obviously didn’t pay enough attention to the words of the evil king, shook the head and said: “I think it is you Senior. You were scared by him, right? He Ding Hao It’s only been a few years since I debuted, and I’ve been able to reach the point where I’m now integrated into Early-Stage. It’s already walked the lucky dog ​​excrement, and it may still be like what you said!”

I raised my head and laughed wildly. Very vicious, said solemnly: “Yes, this king is now afraid of him. If it weren’t for this, how could he secretly unite with you. Let alone talk about this, as for the grievances between you and the Sea Emperor Sect, can you let go for the time being? Wait for the Limitless Devil Sect to be eliminated, and then divide it again?”

Xing Yunzhi chuckled and said with a sly smile: “There are no eternal enemies, only eternal benefits. Everything is possible. , The evil king first talk about how great influence you can have?”

“There are two Demon Sect Great Sects in the northern continent behind this king. Is this weight enough?” The evil king laughed, said solemnly.

With a happy face, Xing Yunzhi said with a big smile: “Enough, enough, plus us and Sea Emperor Sect, this time their Limitless Devil Sect must be destroyed!”

(To be continued)

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