Fuyunzi was on guard, her eyes pierced and she dared not leave Ding Hao’s body. But even so, it is still impossible to grasp the trace of Ding Hao.

It turned out that in an instant, Ding Hao, who was clearly only one person, suddenly turned into several silhouettes. “Nine Nether Ghost Enchantment” from Ding Hao cultivation to the present, it is finally Great Accomplishment, capable of exerting nine virtual bodies.

After the nine Ding Hao appeared, they surrounded all directions moved towards Fuyunzi, let alone the shocking murderous aura, the imposing manner alone made Fuyunzi startled. .

Fuyunzi naturally knows of the nine people who fly by. Only one is the body of Ding Hao, and the other eight virtual images are not enough. But I knew that Gui knew, watching the nine Ding Hao kill them, he couldn’t tell the truth from the fake.

In desperation, Fu Yunzi had to use the most stupid method. The Flying Sword in his hand flicked, as if clouds were flowing within the body of the sword. Under the bright universe, a few floating clouds, dragged by the sword tactic, just hu hu floated towards the nine Ding Hao flying from all directions.

Sensed the abnormal movement of those clouds, Ding Hao didn’t realize that he was heart startled, secretly thought that Luofuzong’s exercises are indeed some Ghost Sect Dao. However, Ding Hao just saw how Lu Guang, the red-faced dog, cracked the “Clouds and Seas”, he also had a clear comprehension in his heart, knowing that sweeping the clouds with a strong wind is a wise way to crack.

So when I saw a few clouds floating around, I no longer used the “Zhu Shen Mie Tian Jue” to stubbornly. The Defying Heaven Demon Sword was flying in the same hand, and the fierce wind hurriedly rushed up. The clouds floating down were swept away.

At this time, Ding Hao also exposed the true and false illusions because of his body. At this time, after seeing Ding Hao’s body break through the clouds, Fu Yunzi did not retreat but moved forward. The Flying Sword in his hand condensed into unrolled bolt of white silk ordinary rays of light and shot straight towards Ding Hao.

coldly snorted, Ding Hao Defying Heaven Demon Sword broke out, carrying a group of dazzling cold light, swiftly greeted Fuyunzi. But the empty-handed body disappeared out of thin air, without even leaving a slight fluctuation of breath.

At this time, Fuyunzi, although the governor is strange, the disappeared Ding Hao must have sneaked an attack secretly. But now Defying Heaven Demon Sword has ushered in and can only fight first.

When the Flying Sword of the unrolled bolt of white silk silver light touched the Defying Heaven Demon Sword, Fu Yunzi immediately cried out something wrong. Originally, after the sword was cut, there was no sound of metal impact, but it was as if it was split in an empty space. After staring around, I realized that the Defying Heaven Demon Sword that flew by was just a shadow.

When I was shocked, a breath of tearing the sky suddenly poured in behind me. Without even thinking about it, the Flying Sword in his hand didn’t stop, and he immediately greeted him from behind, and a piece of emerald armor suddenly appeared all over his body.

“clang Dang” made a sound of metal clashing this time, but the sound of the impact was the staggered figure of Fu Yunzi and the drenched with blood of his right arm.

I staggered involuntarily and ran forward a few steps, and in front of Fuyunzi, there appeared a crystal clear ice like a mirror. Looking at the grinning shadow of Ding Hao reflected in the ice cube, Fu Yunzi immediately knew that the shadow of Defying Heaven Demon Sword that had just appeared was caused by the reflection of the ice cube.

At this time, Fuyunzi’s arm tendons burst a few, although the blood flow was temporarily suppressed with true essence, but the right arm was destined to be unable to move the sword art again, seeing Ding Hao behind him grinning. Lu Guang, a red-faced monk not far away, also hurried over, a long whistle, moved towards 49 below, and arranged the Flying Sword into an array and swept away quickly.

Just after Fuyunzi’s a long whistle sounded, a group of Luofuzong men who were still at war with Demon Sect abandoned their opponents. Like Fuyunzi, they fell into a five-zhang-sized area on the left one after another.

After a gang of Luofuzong troops fell, I don’t know what method they used, and all the criss-crossed sword glow in that area disappeared. 49 The Flying Sword seemed to just treat that area as a restricted area. Although it was still raging at a space in it, only that area leaked.

Everyone in Demon Sect, who was still fighting fiercely, posted such a scene suddenly. They were all stunned on the spot, and they didn’t know what to do for a while.

While everyone was still surprised, Liao Qian of Purgatory Devil Sect suddenly yelled: “Damn it, if you can’t beat it, you can run away. Don’t get into the doghouse, come out and continue fighting! “

Liao Qian cursed, while spitting thick phlegm from above to the area where the Luofu sects were located. It is not like a successful and extremely expert in the cultivation base, but the most rascal. Splashing skin is average.

However, the thick phlegm that he spit out, but it is full of wind and thunder, and the end is like a meteor that is fast and ruthless, but it has not yet landed in that area, and it is swept densely by the word array above. sword glow to the annihilation of the boom.

Although a mouthful of thick phlegm did not cause loss to the Luofuzong people, this humiliation made the group of experts who claim to be divine poise and sagelike features look pale. Tie Qing, especially the dignified and noble beautiful and alluring woman in it, was shiver coldly all over her body, pointing at what Liao Qian wanted to say, but she couldn’t find the right words.

Ding Hao felt extremely surprised by Liao Qian’s style, but apparently Ding Hao still underestimated Liao Qian’s power. Seeing the beautiful and alluring woman pointing at herself, Liao Qian gave a weird smile “jié jié” and said: “Little bitch, wave hoof, what do you point at Lao Tzu? There is something to come up, let Lao Tzu play with you. Play…”

The next unbearable insult, fireworks and firecrackers usually spurted from Liao Qian’s mouth, just this time, from Liao Qian’s mouth, what was said to be beautiful and alluring The woman seems to be as good as she can, and is afflicted with all the Luofuzong experts where she stands.

Fuyunzi and the others were so angry that they almost rushed up again desperately, especially the beautiful and alluring woman who was scolded for her skinless body. I don’t know whether it was just because of her injury or her poor tolerance. He just fainted in front of everyone.

Everyone on Demon Sect was also stunned, and the daoist sect didn’t put everyone down in the battle just now. With Liao Qian’s words and a few words, he just fainted an expert in the middle of the fit. This kind of thing made everyone wonder what to say for a while.

Even Feng Xingran, who has always been savage and savage, was flushed with shame in Liao Qian’s enthusiastic words, and he fled away with a “pooh”.

It wasn’t until the beautiful and alluring woman of Luofuzong fainted that Liao Qian stopped talking, laughing heartily, and triumphantly came to the area where Feng Aotian and Ding Hao were standing.

Slanted sideways, the strange looking Ding Hao is the same as Feng Aotian, Liao Qian curl one’s lip, proudly said: “What? I’m great, right?”

Feng Aotian’s dry “cough” “After a second sound, his face was like a toad that had been squashed, nodding his head every now and then. As for Ding Hao, he also laughed a few times, and said in a serious way: “Old Liao is really good, I admire it!”

Walking to Ding Hao’s side, patted Ding Hao’s shoulder vigorously, Liao Qian proudly Haha smiled straight, not feeling ashamed, and proudly said: “That’s natural. When I was young, I was more skilled than a cultivation base. I see you right, do you want to learn?”

“Uh, the kid is stupid, I’m afraid it will be difficult to perform one or two ten thousandths of Old Liao’s power!” Ding Hao didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, looking at Feng Aotian’s wink, he could only flatter.

When Liao Qian gave a weird laugh “jié jié” and was about to say something and so on, Feng Aotian next to him hurriedly asked: “Liao Lao, how can you crack this sword array? We can’t Is it so exhausting?”

As soon as this was said, Liao Qian picked his nose, and then sneezed fiercely. He looked very satisfied and extremely comfortable, and saw Feng Xingran coming from a distance. , Laughed and said: “This…When I am in a good mood, my nose is itchy and easy to sneeze.”

Speaking of this, Liao Qian looked at the sword array below and said nonchalantly: “This is Luo Fu Zong’s “Nine Qu, Eight Bends and Flowing Clouds Sword Array”, once this burst comes out, it will not stop at all without waiting for 49 to exhaust the Flying Sword and the Spiritual Qi of the spar. If you want to break the formation, you can only go deep into it. Even Luofuzong himself cannot roam freely in it. They can only stay in an area on the left without being attacked. Otherwise, the guys at Heaven Killings Demon Palace will be dead!”

Listening to what Liao Qian said, everyone was aroused. Feng Aotian was stunned, and said: “Lao Liao is so clear about this’Nine Songs and Eight Bends Sword Array’, he must know the breaking the formation method. . In that case, we will go down to break the formation and rescue the passage of Heaven Killings Demon Palace.”

Here I hate it, and after seeing the few people in Heaven Killings Demon Palace, they are settled. Many, now that I said so, their faces were even more joyful, moved towards Liao Qian, and said: “Please also Liao Senior, please hurry and save us Heaven Killings Demon Palace!”

Unexpectedly, after hearing these words, Liao Qian spread his hands and shook his head: “I don’t know how to break the formation, these all are what my wife told me. Otherwise, why should I waste my tongue and go down early? Kill these bird feathers!”

When he said this, everyone showed disappointment and sighed secretly.

Only Ding Hao looked indifferent and suddenly said: “I’ll go in and try!”

(To be continued)

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