Gao Zhouyang said a lot of words, but still failed to clear all the doubts in Ding Hao’s mind. After Ding Hao digested Gao Zhouyang’s words, he asked again: “You just said me What’s the matter with your Yin-Yang Baozong’s God of Wealth and Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror?”

For a moment, Gao Zhouyang suddenly realized Haha said: “We Yin-Yang Baozong have a lesson, just hold the Yin-Yang Treasure. Mirror, if it is not the Sect Master of Yin-Yang Baozong, it is the God of Wealth of Yin-Yang Baozong. If Yin-Yang Baozong is in the hands of Sect Master, Sect Master is also the God of Wealth, but if Yin-Yang Baozong is not in Sect Master’s hands, it is The person holding the yin and yang mirror is the god of wealth. If the yin and yang mirror does not appear, the place of the god of wealth is suspended.

The yin and yang mirror has a huge role in searching for treasure, so the person holding the yin and yang mirror is the god of wealth. The God of Wealth has been a member of the Yin-Yang Baozong in the past, and has various missions to collect treasures by the inspectors. However, since you are the Sect Master of the Limitless Devil Sect, our Yin-Yang Baozong can only give you a name, but the actual rights will not. Here you are.

As for Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror, it is our Ancestral Master Yin-Yang daoist handed down the cultivation collection. The first half of the Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror records are some cultivation techniques, including Some treasure hunting tricks. The lower part of the Yin Yang treasure mirror records a few secret art with powerful attack power, and some unique arrays of the Yin Yang treasure sect.

until now we The reason why Yin-Yang Baozong is not good at fighting is because there is only one cultivation base true essence, but there is no powerful attack secret art. But now that we have obtained the lower half of Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror, we Yin-Yang Baozong This situation will be broken. In the eyes of the world, Treasure Gathering Sect will be more than just a wealthy trading place.”

When this word came out, Ding Hao’s heart was shocked. No wonder it was secretly thought. Jubao sect people are not very interested in cultivation. It turns out that the bottom half of Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror does not exist. If you think about it carefully, even if you’re cultivating a true essence, if you don’t attack the tyrannical secret art, your cultivation base is equivalent to a white cultivation, which is completely incomparable to those of the same cultivation base. The painstaking cultivation does not have much effect. .

With a turn in his heart, Ding Hao hehe smiled and said: “Big Brother Gao, I am a little interested in the ancestral language of your Yin and Yang Baozong. I wonder if Big Brother Gao would like to teach this language?”

Gao Zhouyang crafty glanced at Ding Hao with a smile, nodded, and happily took out a jade slip from the storage ring, and threw it to Ding Hao, saying: “In this jade slip, there is something to the ancestors. However, Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror is the secret art collection of our Yin-Yang Baozong. I won’t give you an observation!”

Ding Hao took the jade slip from Gao Zhouyang After a glance, he smiled and said: “Big Brother Gao is so worried, I’m just curious about this kind of text. I just glanced at the pool just now, but I don’t know what the mess is written on it! “

nodded, Gao Zhouyang looks in a very good mood, hehe laughed on the shoulder of Patted Ding Hao, and said loudly: “Go, let’s leave here, today you helped us Yin Yang Baozong A big job, I will naturally not let you go home empty-handed. I promised your terms before and I will honor it to you immediately!” When Gao Zhouyang said that, Ding Hao was ecstatic in his heart, but on the surface he was indifferent. , Smiled and said: “Then Big Brother Gao will take heart!” There are Spiritual Qi’s top grade magic weapons, seven high grade magic weapons, sixteen middle grade magic weapons, seventy Such a low grade magic weapon. Top grade spar 1,000 pieces, high grade spar 50,000 pieces. There are fifteen pieces of Wugang Stone, eight pieces of Xuanxin Iron, two pieces of Chiyan Gold, and six pieces of Xuanji Yanyu. Apart from this also includes three hundred-year-old Soul Condensing Grass, and some other miscellaneous things.

Looking at these things falling into his storage ring one after another, Ding Hao narrowed his bright eyes and smiled into a line, and the loud “Big Brother Gao” in his mouth also called even more enthusiasm.

For Yin-Yang Baozong, the Yin-Yang Treasures obtained after opening the forbidden area have incalculable benefits for them. The rewards given to Ding Hao are nothing compared to Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror. .

For Ding Hao, the annotation jade slip of the ancestral language given by Gao Zhouyang, after Ding Hao translated a few words verbatim, he already knew the ancestral language of Yin Yang Baozong in his mind The memory is the complete Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror, not the lower half of his original imagination.

Not only did you get the complete Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror of Yin-Yang Baozong, but also got such a huge income. In addition, the flash jade promised by Gao Zhouyang will also be sent to the Peng of Sanzhou and Yidao. Qiu Street, all these add up to make Ding Hao feel as beautiful as floating clouds.

From the first time that he accompanied Feng Xingran to Juqu Mountain, Ding Hao had fiercely’s plan to scrape the treasure sect. But after Ding Hao learned about the relationship between Jubaozong and Limitless Devil Sect, he thought that he couldn’t do anything. Knowing that the pie fell from the sky, the current situation has completely fulfilled Ding Hao’s early dream.

After talking about half true half false with Gao Zhouyang, a white light flashed by, and Ding Hao used the Transmission Array with Jubaozong to go directly to the Pengqiu neighborhood of Three Continents and One Island.

The shop where Ding Hao is currently located, not at all, has a sign of Jubaozong. On the contrary, it is a very ordinary shop in the Pengqiu neighborhood. But in the basement of such a shop, there is a Transmission Formation Law that penetrates the major areas of Jubaozong.

After walking out of this shop, Ding Hao did not rush back to dragon’s cry tiger’s roar mountain immediately, but swiftly went directly to the shop in the Pengqiu neighborhood where Purgatory Devil Sect was located.

After seeing the fat Gu Jian, Ding Hao immediately gave three hundred-year-old Soul Condensing Grass to Gu Jian, so that Gu Jian sent someone to quickly send Soul Condensing Grass to Feng Xingran’s Hands.

In addition, Ding Hao also told Gu Ji about Shunyu. Ding Hao told Shunyu that he has a way to get it, but it will take some time and may require a big purchase.

Gu Jian is also aware of this matter, and even said that Soul Breaking Mountain will be notified immediately, no matter what the price of the flash jade is, as long as Demon Sect several Sect appears, it will be a desperate acquisition.

Regarding Gu Jian wondering why Ding Hao had reached three continents and one island, Ding Hao only said that he did not stay in Jubaozong, but he went up and chatted for a few words before leaving. Gu Ji naturally knows that Ding Hao’s flying speed is superb at Cultivation World, so after listening to Ding Hao’s explanation, I don’t at all doubt it.

Pengqiu Island, Dragon Roar Mountain, in the Promise Demon Temple.

Ding Hao’s return to the mountain, all the doormen of the Limitless Devil Sect of Dragon Roar Mountain were shocked. Bloodfiend lists the mountains, Venerable Huoyun Xiangyangtian, including the poisonous demon green robe and the others, and of course the magic girl who was left by Ding Hao on the dragon roar mountain, the boundless charm. As for the red world of Sword Immortal, it is still secluded bitter cultivation in the dragon roar mountain, even if Ding Hao returns, it will not affect him at all.

Ding Hao smiled and asked bloodfiend Lieshan after everyone sat down: “Lao Lie, I don’t know the last thing about Cyan Cloud Sect searching for Loose Immortal of Dao Sect in Tianlei Dao Sect. What was the result?”

Lie Shan had already passed through the first Heavenly Tribulation at this time, and there was a faint smell of blood all over his body, and the two eyeballs sometimes turned into scarlet when they closed, Demon Sect The power of the murderer cannot be concealed at all.

Lieshan frowned, solemnly said: “In order to prevent Cyan Cloud Sect from jumping the wall in a hurry, we did not try our best at first. When we met on the narrow road at the end, a setback suddenly appeared. There was a woman named Shi Ruolan who arrived at Dao Sect of Tianlei. I wonder if you still have any influence?”

Ding Hao was taken aback for a moment, and a scene from Dao Sect of Tianlei suddenly appeared in his mind. Shi Ruolan is the daughter of Shi Ruohai, the Sect Master of Dao Sect, the original Dao Sect. The influence of this woman on Ding Hao is that she is strong and heroic. She has the iron bones of a man. She almost planned to burn both for the dying Dao Sect. jade and stone.

nodded, Ding Hao said solemnly: “I remember this woman, what the hell is going on?”

bloodfiend Lieshan sits in distress, indifferently said: “At the last critical moment Perhaps knowing the urgency, the divine sense of the person who came down from the Dao Sect Immortal Realm may have been lodged on Shi Ruolan. In a moment, Shi Ruolan forcibly gathered the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi of the entire Tianlei Mountain, and then A ray of light flashed by, and the entire group including Cyan Cloud Sect all disappeared. Then, at the border of Xuanzhou, there was a dísciple of the soul sacrificial pavilion and found the trace of the pedestrian, separated by 300 miles. Distance.

According to Sword Immortal Red World guess, Shi Ruolan is probably the best boarding body that Dao Sect’s immortal needs, Shi Ruolan is willing to let that person divine sense possess the body. Finally, after the man took Shi Ruolan’s body, he reversed Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi and used the telelportation technique, thus leading the Cyan Cloud Sect man out of the place of crisis.”

bloodfiend After that, Ding Hao’s face was gloomy and uncertain, speechless for a long time.

After a while, Ding Hao looked peaceful and nodded, and then from the storage ring, he took out a pile of blackmailed treasure sect and placed it in front of everyone, indifferently said: “From now on From now on, I will distribute the magic weapons and cultivation materials that I have obtained, so that every dísciple of the Limitless Devil Sect can be used by the body. In addition, some of the magic techniques of the Limitless Devil Sect, this time also Teach them all together, so that everyone can choose their own cultivation according to their own interests, except for the swallowing technique of Promise Magic Technique!”

Ding Hao said suddenly. After coming out, all the shocked people were in a daze. At this time, everyone was puzzled and inexplicable, but there was more excitement and excitement!

(To be continued)

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