Pengqiu Island, Ningbi Lake.

At this time, Ningbi Lake, wind and rain are masterpieces, thunder roars, and huge waves are overwhelming. The sound of wind, rain and thunder are intertwined, and I saw the Ningbi Lake that should have been tranquil, but now the raging waves are tumbling and roaring, the huge waves are emptying, and when it rolls and falls, raindrops splash on all sides, covering the entire Ningbi Lake in a storm In chaos.

In the misty water vapor, hundreds of silhouettes of beasts are in full swing under the sweep of the heaven overflowing giant wave. Because the ban on Ningbi Lake was broken, the Yuanlong Hall people and horses that were originally hidden at the bottom of the lake were all strikes out of the lake by Ding Hao and the others, and they began to kill in a flash.

This Ningbi Lake was originally just one of the most common lakes on three continents and one island. If there is any special place, it is just a little bigger than other places. But in such a place, there is a secluded path at the bottom of the lake leading to the Sea Territory outside Pengqiu Island.

It was the existence of such a secretly thought that allowed the palace king’s Yuanlong Temple forces to sneak into it silently. Later, under the repeated arrangement of the palace king, the entire Ningbi Lake was A large-scale prohibition and blockade did not even overflow the slightest strange breath.

Although the palace king is cautious and the layout is not unreasonable, but no matter how to say this place is also the sphere of influence of Limitless Devil Sect. Qiu Qiling, who has just taken over the affairs of intelligence, will join hands with Hu Shuo. Next, they immediately showed their extraordinary eyes and ears, and they just spied on the extraordinaryness of this place.

Finally, after some investigation by Qiu Qiling, it was determined that there was something wrong with Ningbi Lake here, and then after some inquiries, Ding Hao understood the situation. However, even though he knew that the power of Yuanlong Hall was at the bottom of the lake, the restrictions placed by the palace king were also not trivial, and they had a tacit agreement with the palace king himself.

It is precisely to ensure that Ding Hao acted when the king is away, Ding Hao brazenly troubled the Variety Demon Lord Ruan Baixiang, let the Variety Demon Lord Ruan Baixiang come forward, and in any case, drag the palace king for a while. , Lest he is in the vicinity, it will be difficult to destroy because of the same mind as the restraint.

After the Ruan Baixiang operation, Ding Hao incarnation became the appearance of the palace king, and finally destroyed the restriction of Ningbi Lake, and brought the power of Limitless Devil Sect and the other Sect faction of Sanzhou and Yidao to kill.

At this moment, huge waves on the lake are emptied. Experts flying with swords, or teaming up with Formation, or fighting alone, have already fought with the forces of Yuanlong Temple here. It was in full swing.

The sky is roaring with thunder and thunder, the sound of “resounding” from the impact of magic weapons, and the sound of the destruction of fleshy body one after another. The lake surface that was originally clear as a mirror has been stained with a layer. The red color and the pungent fishy smell rose to the sky.

There are nearly five hundred experts in the hidden Yuanlong Temple in Ningbi Lake, of which one hundred are the products of intercourse with snakehead monsters like humans and beasts, but these hundred monsters behave tyrannically , And the fleshy body is hard, which brings a lot of trouble to the alliance with the three continents and one island.

The remaining 400 or so experts are all traitorous scum of the Big Sects of the two previous Dao Mofang, and there are some loose cultivators mixed in them, and their strength is not weak.

At this time, Ding Hao is fighting with the Snakehead Monster. The Snakehead Monster at first was attacked by the Ding Hao incarnation’s Sneak Attack. There is already an extra one at the left arm joint where the scales are closed. If it weren’t for the thick black gas spreading in the deep bone wounds, I am afraid that Ding Hao’s entire left arm would have been cut off by Ding Hao.

Today, Limitless Devil Sect, together with the other forces on the three continents and one island, has nearly a thousand expert existences. With almost double the power, the Yuanlong Temple forces that encircle the blue lake are completely occupied. The advantage.

Except for the monsters combined with a hundred snakeheads and monsters, which is difficult to deal with, the other four hundred experts in the Yuantaki Temple are completely side-to-side when faced with twice the power. .

At this time, the king of the palace was anxious, and he returned to Pingsha Valley as fast as he burned his ass. He just arrived at Pingsha Valley and immediately shouted: “Attention everyone, call the doormen immediately, Ningbi Lake encircled and wiped out the power of the Limitless Devil Sect!”

The people of the Sea Territory in Pingsha Valley also felt a little bit about the movement of Ningbi Lake. It was just the power position of the palace king regarding Yuanlong Temple. Even his son Xing Yunzhi didn’t tell it, and it was even harder for others to know. So even though these people knew that there was something wrong with that place, they didn’t act immediately. They just sent a few Sea Territory dísciples to investigate.

Now as soon as the king of the palace came back, he immediately yelled and yelled. Those in the crafty Sea Territory immediately guessed at the first moment where the movement should be related to the hidden place. Takiden is related.

The two people headed by the evil king Tang Yuanhai looked at each other, and at the same time they began to arrange their forces to prepare themselves, but they were so busy, these two people did not forget to exchange a taking pleasure in other people’s. Misfortune’s smile.

Tang Yuanhai’s mouth is smiling, and his heart is secretly happy, who has kept you hiding the power of Yuanlong Temple. It’s good now, just because I want to work less, I don’t know that the first bad luck is the strength of Yuanlongdian. It is really reap what you have sown!

The palace king with a gloomy face, after summoning the doormen of the dragon Demon Palace, he rose into the air without saying a word, glanced at the evil king and Tang Yuanhai coldly, and said: “If the two are busy Now, can you set off right away!”

Under his anger, the palace king’s tyrannical aura was no longer deliberately hidden. For a moment, the evil king felt cold all over, and he was secretly shocked by the palace king’s cultivation. base is very high. As for Tang Yuanhai of the Sea Emperor Sect of the Body Fusion Stage, he was rushed by the impolite breath of the palace king, and his body was stiff, his mouth was slightly opened, but his body was coldly speechless and unable to move even a little. bit.

The cold sweat followed the spine and quickly soaked Tang Yuanhai’s back. If it weren’t for a Loose Immortal of the Sea Emperor Sect, who had seen something wrong with Tang Yuanhai and immediately helped, I’m afraid Tang Yuanhai stayed there, and I don’t know when. Can he recover his stiff body?

After all the people of the Sea Territory gathered, they immediately started flying to Ningbi Lake. During the midway, Xing Yunzhi said with a malicious smile: “Limitless Devil Sect includes the Demon Sect forces on the three continents and one island. There are only a thousand experts. The strength of our Sea Territory and the people of the Northern Continent of the Evil King, there are more than 1,500 people. They don’t stay firmly on the Dragon Roar Mountain, but they dare to come out. It’s clear. It’s just looking for death!”

If Xing Yunzhi didn’t speak, the evil king wouldn’t think much about it. After saying this, the evil king was taken aback, suddenly startled, and opened his mouth: “Yes, but Ding Hao will definitely not be such a reckless person. If he is not sure, he will definitely not act hastily. Since he dared to leave the dragon roar mountain, he must have been sure, the palace king will fall into Ding Hao during our trip. In the plot against?”

In this way, the palace king’s expression changed slightly, but after the divine light in his eyes shone, he said with hatred, “This king knows Ding Hao’s cunning, but Sanzhou The Demon Sect forces on the island have that many people in total. This king can’t think of any tricks they can play. From my point of view, they are planning to swallow my layout with all the forces on the three continents and one island in one fell swallow The men and horses of the Yuanlong Temple, this trick of attacking more and less is simply because they dare not collide with the forces of our Sea Territory. When we get there, it must be when they retreat quickly!”

The king of the palace said, the evil king and Tang Yuanhai and the others think about it, it seems that there are no Limitless Devil Sect allies nearby. With the power of the Demon Sect alliance of three continents and one island, facing the king of absolute superiority and the others , Really couldn’t play any words, after thinking about it, only the explanation of the palace king passed.

So after the evil king pondered in his heart, he opened his mouth and said with a smile: “Yes, when this force is destroyed, three continents and one island will be our territory. I am not greedy, just three continents and one island. The island’s Zuzhou, after all, Zuzhou originally belonged to my Evil Meizong site!”

As the Evil King said, Tang Yuanhai, who was still a little worried just now, immediately showed a greedy look in his eyes, slightly nodded. with a smile said: “Since the Evil King has chosen Zuzhou, Yingzhou will give us Sea Emperor Sect. As for Pengqiu Island and Xuanzhou, you will naturally arrange the distribution by the Palace King!”

Xing Yunzhi laughed proudly, as it should be by rights said: “Pengqiu Island is naturally owned by our dragon Demon Palace. As for Xuanzhou, let it be distributed to other Sea Territory Sects who came with us. Our dragon Demon Palace chief I won’t treat you badly!”

Just as these people were in a better mood, and they all began to discuss how to distribute the fruits after victory, the palace king’s body swiftly stagnated and stopped in the void for an instant, and his mouth suddenly shouted. : “Wait!”

As the palace king said, although he was puzzled, the evil king and Tang Yuanhai of the Sea Emperor Sect also paused for a while, shouting that they would stop marching.

At this time, in front of the entire group, two bare cliffs stood up, and a line of cliffs said, leading to the destination of everyone, Ningbi Lake.

Although the trees and wild beasts of the two cliffs are extinct, they still have hundreds of zhang high. The two cliffs are abnormally steep, leaving only a gap in them. If you change the general to this point, you can naturally see at a glance that this place is the dangerous place that the soldier said.

But for cultivator, especially the cultivator that can fly through the skies or escaping through the ground, it will not be dangerous because of this kind of place. As long as it flies over these two cliffs, there will be no problem naturally.

“What did King Keshi find in the temple?” The evil king asked suspiciously after he was taken aback.

The complexion is heavy, the palace king’s eyes are shining, then the divine light is restrained, he closes his eyes for a moment, and suddenly opens his mouth: “Something is not right! Although I divine sense all around, I didn’t notice it. To something wrong, I feel that the future seems to be dangerous waiting for us!”

After the cultivator reaches a certain level of cultivation base, some people can indeed rely on pure feeling to come. Some kind of crisis was sensed like a prophet. Regarding this point, none of the people present would be alarmist as the king of the palace. Instead, they looked all around and looked at everything around them.

“Xiaobin, you fly over the two cliffs and take a turn to see if there is anything unusual?” The palace king opened his mouth to the dísciple in the mid-distraction stage of the Demon Palace, a dragon on the side. To.

The dísciple respectfully moved towards the palace king gave a salute, instantly flew up and flew towards the void between the two bare cliffs.

As long as you cross these two cliffs and do the time it takes half an incense stick to burn, you will be able to rush to Ningbi Lake to aid your own Yuanlong Temple forces. But at this time, the palace king who had a sense of heart still didn’t dare to rush into it. On the contrary, he was cautious and sent someone to spy first, and he was truly a shrewd person.

Under the gaze of everyone, the dísciple of the Yuanlong Temple named Xiaobin just flew over the two cliffs. Before he could get deep into them, it was unexpected to everyone. , A stumbling back suddenly fell from the void, until he fell into the Heaven’s Line between two cliffs, he cried out in panic: “Palace Master, something is wrong, it is really something wrong!”

Needless to say, everyone knew from his actions just now that there was indeed something wrong with this place. Xiaobin screamed and screamed. When he was about to go back fast, he suddenly stagnated in the void, his face suddenly flushed, and his whole body was slightly bulging. The skeleton burst with a “Peng” sound and turned into a ball of blood. Lek’s minced meat, Nascent Soul had just escaped, before he had time to react, a group of green wind blew by, taking his Nascent Soul straight moved towards the depths of the cliff and flew down.

Such a change happened suddenly, shaking the palace king and his party on the spot, each of them looked angry and panicked. They watched Xiaobin being taken away by the green wind, but did not dare to act rashly.

“What should I do?” Tang Yuanhai complexion slightly changed, asking flusteredly about the calm and gloomy palace king.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the others were all staring at the palace king’s body, waiting for the palace king to give a decision to fight for.

took a deep breath, the palace king hovered in front of the two cliffs, staring coldly at all sides, and shouted: “Where are the expert forces gathered here? I am Lord of the Demon Palace, Xing Sihai, together with The people of the Sea Territory are just to seek justice from the Limitless Devil Sect. I don’t know what festival we have with you, and I am waiting for you here!”

As the palace king’s words fell, bursting out Colorful smoke, thick smoke filled the entire space, and then drifted away in an instant under the blowing of green wind.

After the smoke has cleared, the two bare cliffs that were originally empty are already filled with close and numerous Demon Sect experts. You can count them at a glance, and there are more than three thousand. people.

All the people of Sea Territory, after seeing this situation clearly, their complexions all changed in an instant!

(To be continued)

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