It took half a month to deal with the Dragon Roar mountain with the Poison Demon. After the Bloodfiend Mountain and the Venerable Huoyun went out of Xiangyangtian, Ding Hao realized that Xiangyangtian had also passed the first place smoothly. Heavenly Tribulation.

Seeing that the entire three continents and one island were restored to peace again, Ding Hao talked about what happened on the Dragon Roar mountain last time with the Bloodfiend Mountain Fire Cloud Venerable Xiang Yangtian, and then Instructed them not to continue to fight around in a short time, as long as all three continents and one island are tightly protected.

As for the Dao Devil battle that seems to have not really started outside, Ding Hao just asked Hu Shuo and Qi Ling to pay attention to it. As long as the purgatory demon Lord Feng Aotian does not come forward, Limitless Devil Sect will not intervene for the time being. The Dao Demon Controversy.

An Xin accompanied Feng Xingran on Dragon Roar for half a month. During this half a month, Ding Hao did not forget to use Yin and Yang Dual Cultivation while accompanying her on a scenic tour. Pass into the true essence to her within the body.

After everything was in place, Ding Hao and Demon King Yihan went from Transmission Formation Law to Ghost Domain.

Over the dark and boundless Ghost Domain, in a gray area, Ding Hao and the poisonous Demon King Yihan came to the Ghost Domain next to the completely preserved Ancient Teleportation Formation method.

“This Ancient Teleportation Formation, can it really take us directly to the Southern Continent?” At this time, the poisonous Demon King Yihan was still puzzled. After looking around in surprise for a long time, he said astonished. .

carefreely smiled, Ding Hao nodded said solemnly: “I think it should be so. We haven’t been anywhere else, but according to the Ancient Teleportation Formation, I have been to East Continent twice. According to me Guess, since the Ancient Teleportation Formation method can reach East Continent, and the writing on it clearly has the character’South’, it seems that it is also as it should be by rights to reach the South Continent through it!”

What Ding Hao said, the poisonous Demon King Yihan still looked a little surprised, cry out in surprise: “Unbelievable, unbelievable! The ability to teleport to a single continent through Shunyu has already made me feel incredible. Didn’t expect to pass this Ancient Teleportation The Formation method can also be teleported across the continent. Therefore, if there is enough true essence and instant jade, our Limitless Devil Sect can not reach any area of ​​Heavenly Profound Continent through this Ancient Teleportation Formation!”

Ding Hao nodded, calmly said: “According to the truth, it should be the same thing. This time, in addition to getting the Ten Thousand Poison Dementor Bell, it’s best to get some instant jade again. It is said that the flash jade is not too expensive in the South Continent. If possible, we’d better search all the flash jade, so that we can take the initiative in the future!”

Ding What Hao said, the poisonous Demon King also laughed dumbly, and after shook the head, he said, “What you think is beautiful. If there are too many flash jade in the South Continent, we don’t need to scrape it. After all, the mine is deep. Buried underground, we are basically impossible to get all of them. Besides, Treasure Gathering Sect has already known about this. If this matter is feasible, Treasure Gathering Sect should have taken the first step. Where is the turn of our outsiders who travel far and wide to buy!”

The poisonous Demon King Yihan said so, Ding Hao was right to think about it, nodded no longer refuted, and said: “That’s the case, let’s go to the South Continent first.”

As soon as the words fell, Ding Hao took the poisonous Demon King with anxiety , Slowly crossing into the center of Ancient Teleportation Formation, after placing the spar in the arc groove, the pointer in between pointed to the word “South”.

With the last teleportation experience, Ding Hao has never encountered other disturbances this time. After being surrounded by a silver moon, Ding Hao and the Poison Demon are safe. Looking around.

After the brilliance of all around disappeared, Ding Hao and the Poison Demon realized that they had appeared in a wide stone chamber. The stone chamber contained an Ancient Teleportation Formation method. The walls of the chamber are engraved with all kinds of poison insects. Among them are poisonous snakes with long letters, centipede with gleaming green eyes, huge red scorpions, and weird spiders with sharp teeth. Sarcomas are densely populated with disgusting ball-like toads.

In addition to these, there are also some other unknown insects, including some lush branches and leaves that look a little hideous.

Ding Hao glanced at it and felt nothing surprising, but Wang Yihan, an expert on poison, reported a name every time he saw something, “Five-Colored Snake” “Hundred-legged centipede”, “Red Scorpion”, “Heavenly poisonous spider”, “Hematoma toad”, “Octopus”, “Broken intestinal grass”… one after another weird names from the ancient Demon King Yihan, he said I’m frightened and flustered, and I’m amazed again and again.

Wang Yihan uttered these names in amazement, while his attentive eyes gleamed, staring at the weird plants and animals engraved on the stone wall. Not only that, but I don’t know when, there is already a tiny shovel-like thing in his right hand, which is digging against those things on the wall.

With astonished in his heart, Ding Hao finally couldn’t help but ask: “Old Wang, what are you doing?”

Wang Yihan, who is completely doing his own hands with attention attention, Hearing Ding Hao’s question, he couldn’t help but stopped the movement with extreme caution, took a step back slowly, grinned with excitement, some lost self-control happily said: “These various poisons on the stone wall, It was ground into powder from the poison from these poisons, and then slowly printed. The poison powder on the body of every animal and plant here is the rarest and precious thing in the world for the cultivator that uses poison. , You said I saw these things appear, should I collect a little of each.”

Poisonous Demon King Yihan said that Ding Hao immediately understood. After a turn of his heart, Ding Hao smiled nodded. , Opened his mouth and said: “so that’s how it is, it seems that we have reached the Ten Thousand Poison Sect in the Southern Continent. If there is that Sect in the Southern Continent that contains so many sacred treasures of the poison world, it must not be the Ten Thousand Poison Sect. Even more how, only Ten Thousand Poison Sect belongs to one of the 7 meridians. According to my experience in East Continent Demon Sect, this place should be the Holy Land inside the Ten Thousand Poison Sect!”

Ding Hao said that, the poisonous Demon King was also shocked. After a moment of stunned, he couldn’t help but nodded and said: “Yes, it must be Ten Thousand Poison Sect. Except for the ancestors of the poison world, Wan Except for the Ten Thousand Poison Sect of the Poison Venerable, there is no such Sect in the world. So many sacred relics of the poison world can be gathered. It seems that we are indeed in the southern continent!”

The words fell off. Afterwards, Wang Yihan hurriedly smiled and said: “Sect Master, take a break. The poison world sacred relic on this wall is sculpted from the venom of their own. Now that I have arrived here, it is absolutely impossible to be empty-handed. And return, according to my current cultivation base , I only take a little powder for each poison, so I can benefit a lot, so I am not greedy, but also take a small shovel. After I am busy with me, we will talk about other things! “

Wang Yihan was already talking while he started to use his hands. After he had finished speaking, he had already entered the Forgetting Self Boundary swiftly, staring straight at the poison world in his heart before him. On the sacred relic, the small shovel in his hand is in his slender right hand, “shua~ shua~ shua~” keeps turning, the focused look and the excitement in his eyes make Ding Hao understand that he is now Anything else, I’m afraid he won’t hear it.

Ding Hao smiled bitterly and shook his head to think in secret. As expected, everyone has a greedy heart. Until now, the poison Demon King and his party gave Ding Hao the impression. As if taking seriously nothing, Limitless Devil Sect’s various magic weapons and unique cultivation techniques. Although Wang Yihan understands its preciousness, he has always treated it indifferently. It seems that there is really nothing worthy of his attention.

Where did I know that after seeing these worthless poisons in his eyes this time, he unexpectedly showed such a focused and caring look for an instant. It seems that it is not that Wang Yihan is indifferent to everything and has no greed, just before What appeared was not what he really needed.

After Wang Yihan had collected some of all the poisons, he sighed with relief, and laughed complacently and said with emotion:” This trip is worthwhile, this trip is worthwhile! Even if I don’t get the Poisonous Dementing Bell, the poisons I get can greatly increase my cultivation base. Even if I break through to the Transcending Tribulation Stage in a short period of time, it is possible! “

Wang Yihan said, Ding Hao astonished, cry out in surprise: “These poisons are really so useful to you?” “

The proud haha ​​laughed, Wang Yihan repeatedly nodded, and said: “Yes, the reason why my cultivation has not been able to advance quickly is that on the one hand, the poison attack is not pure enough, but the most important The reason is the lack of this very rare poison in the world as a medicine. This thing is something that may come by with luck, but not by searching for it. Even if our Limitless Devil Sect is big, it is difficult to search for these things in the ordinary Sect. So until now, in the face of what you think is invaluable Magic weapon, I always feel calm and motionless. Hehe, Ten Thousand Poison Sect is really Ten Thousand Poison Sect. Just the poisons remaining on the walls of this place can create a super expert in the poison world! “

“Very well, it seems that this time in the Southern Continent, Wang Lao will definitely be able to make great progress. After we get the Poison Dementor Bell, you will be able to cultivation base to go one step further and completely change the shackles of slow progress in the cultivation base after you and the Poison Dementia Bell are united! “Seeing that Wang Yihan is so happy, Ding Hao also smiled and praised.

At this time, Ding Hao suddenly moved in his heart, and then suddenly sat cross under the surprised eyes of the poisonous Demon King Yihan. -legged, in the palm of the right hand, the yin and yang mirror suddenly appeared, and the masterpiece of Huang Guang was floating in the void in front of Ding Hao.

Pinch a strange secret art with two hands, two golden light From Ding Hao’s palm into the Yin Yang mirror, and then bit his middle finger, a Blood Sword shot out, “Pa” hits the Yin Yang mirror.

Originally it was just reflected The yin and yang mirror of Ding Hao’s face, along with the blood sword of Ding Hao’s middle finger, spewed out, and immediately followed by an evil “ding bell”, revealing a picture.

Only seen in one Under the silt pool where the sewage is flowing and the black air is spreading, a huge centipede with a hundred feet, shining with poisonous green eyes, is swallowing the bright moonlight into the void.

Here is two bigger than people. On the back of the centipede centipede, a fist sized multicolored bell makes a wicked sound in “Dingling Dingling”. With the sound of “Dingling Dingling”, circles of colorful brilliance fall from the bell to Above the centipede of centipede, the centipede with green eyes, illuminated by the colorful brilliance on the bell, looked very excited, and filled the void of moonlight with full of energy.

This picture is just maintained. two breaths time, and then “clang when”, the yin and yang treasure mirror turned a circle, and it instantly turned into a yellow light and fell into the palm of Ding Hao’s right hand.

“centipede of centipede” , Wanpo Desperate Bell, must be these two distinct things! The 10,000 Poison Dementor Bell is so magical that it can even move the centipede, one of the very best poisonous things in the poison world! “As the yin and yang treasure mirror fell into the hands of Ding Hao, Wang Yihan opened his mouth and exhaled involuntarily after he was shocked.

Ding Hao, who was sitting cross-legged, could not help but put the yin and yang mirror into the body. He stood up, and said with certainty: “It must be these two distinct things, no doubt, I don’t know if my cultivation base is gradually increasing, and now the yin and yang treasure mirror will suddenly touch the spiritual sense in my heart to remind me. There is a rare treasure around me, and I will be born soon. This time, we have the yin and yang mirror in hand, and we have already taken a huge advantage. If we can’t get the Ten Thousand Poison Dementor Bell, I am really sorry to ask my yin and yang mirror! “

“Don’t worry, if I encounter the Devil Sect, I must spare no effort, and I will try to communicate with the Devil Sect, not only for Limitless Devil Sect and Qibao Convergence, even if it’s for myself, I have to blog like this once! “Wang Yihan was proud, and shouted after a loud laugh.

Nodded, slightly smiled of Ding Hao calm, said: “Bo needs a blog, but it is also necessary to find a good time. Since you have collected a lot of poison here, let’s leave here soon. Although we know the place where the Poisonous Dementing Bell appeared, because we are not familiar with the Southern Continent and don’t know what the area is called, we still need to go out and ask others! “

Ding Hao said so, Wang Yihan was also nodded, and urgently urged Ding Hao: “If this is the case, then leave here soon!” “

With a weird face, Ding Hao looked at Wang Yihan who was a little anxious, and said: “This area must be the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Poison Sect. Even my divine sense can’t pass through, so I don’t even know what’s outside the stone chamber. It’s good or bad, so I’m going to start a fight this time! “

As soon as these words came out, Wang Yihan looked startled, and then nodded said solemnly: “Let’s take a fight over there

(to be continued)

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