After a while, the boy grimaced and walked with Ding Hao’s storage ring half-dead, and looked at Feiyunzi with his head down and closed in fear, and then said to Ding Hao: “Elder Huang , This is all the instant jade mines mined in the Jinting mine. The total is 13,000 yuan, not more or less. If Elder Huang meets Elder Liang, please also ask Elder Huang to tell him When he left, Ding Hao raised his eyebrows when he left, and Ding Hao banged the boy’s head fiercely, without a trace. He took away the storage ring that stored the flash jade mine, and then said domineeringly: “smelly brat, this Elder is using Sect Master’s Command to collect the flash jade mine. How can Liang Xiufeng dare to defy the Sect Master’s Command! “

Speaking of this, Ding Hao delved into the storage ring, and when he found that it was indeed 13,000 spars, he couldn’t help but grinned, and was comforted again: “You can rest assured of this. Since this Elder is here, he will naturally take all the responsibilities. If Elder Liang asks, you can push it all on me!”

The real Elder Huang died in my hands anyway, Whatever you say has nothing to do with me anyway, Ding Hao groped to hide this windfall, and thought with a smile.

Listening to Ding Hao’s words, the Jingming Sect boy was determined in his heart. He hurriedly shot flattery with a flattery smile, served tea and poured water, and was extremely courteous.

Wei Wei snorted, Ding Hao didn’t want to stay here for a long time, so he unscrewed a middle grade armor from the storage ring, stuffed it secretly in the hands of this dísciple, and said in a low voice: After the remaining instant jade conditions are mined, you have to hide them tightly. Anyone who is irrelevant is not allowed to sell them, otherwise Sect Master will blame it, hmph!”

secretly glanced at the palm of your hand The middle grade treasure of Jingming Sect, the dísciple of Jingming Sect smiled happily. With his back to Feiyunzi’s “sou”, he collected the middle grade treasure, and then the smile appeared brighter, constantly nodded saying yes.

nodded, after doing all this, Ding Hao patted the boy’s shoulders, said resolutely: “Work hard, Sect Master will let you take charge of the mine here. It is to temper you well, I see you Brat is dedicated to his responsibilities, and he must have a bright future!”

Don’t wait for the boy to talk about flattery, Ding Hao eagerly ran to Feiyunzi, who was pretending to close his eyes, and gave a salute before bowing and gave a salute, laughed He opened his mouth and said: “Old Divine Immortal, regarding your acquisition of Shunyu, this Sect Master has already made a plan. If the old Divine Immortal is willing, please move it!”

Feiyun Zi long eyebrows flicked, opened those bright eyes, and glanced at Ding Hao with satisfaction, nodded, lightly saying: “Okay!”

Be careful with Feiyunzi Next to him, as soon as he walked out of the Jinting Mine, he saw Feiyunzi’s long white eyebrows trembled a few times, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he stared shiningly at the hiding place of the erotic demon Murongqian. , Said with a sneer hanging on the corner of his mouth: “The Demon Sect junior dare to peep here, really act recklessly!”

Heart startled, Ding Hao cried out his negligence secretly. With my heart, I hurried to the front of Feiyunzi, looked around sneakily, and lowered his voice to say resolutely: “The old Divine Immortal has magical powers, and he can be aware of that person’s existence even apart from several hundred zhang. Old Divine Immortal, this person was arranged by the Sect Master of this sect to come with the next. She is the person of East Continent, who came specifically for the sake of Shunyu.

The Sect Master of this sect has reached with her. I have reached a consensus, so I asked her to come with me to collect Shunyu, but because she is a member of is Demon Sect, Sect Master does not want the gatekeepers of the Jinting Mine to see it, lest they have doubts. If the old Divine Immortal is now If we do, not only is it difficult for Jingming Sect to do it, but I can’t tell Sect Master. The most important thing is that you can no longer secretly trade between you and me. It will be a big disadvantage to the old Divine Immortal!”

Ding Hao this remark s eems true seems false, in which Jingming Sect’s forces were used to oppress him, and then his own possession of Shunyu was used as an introduction. It really means that the sky is falling into a stalemate.

Sure enough, after Ding Hao said this, Feiyunzi immediately stopped trying to make a move, frowned and faintly pondered, then stomped angrily and said, “Hey, How can you do this, trading with the Demon Sect thief is the purpose of humiliating the daoist sect! If this happened in our Hiragaki Sect, I would definitely not let it go, but since it is your Jingming Sect, hey, forget it, forget it , What the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over, what the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over!”

Ding Hao secretly thought you Where did Hiragakizong do any just and honorable things? When I was on Three Continents and One Island, in order to deal with my Limitless Devil Sect, you old gangsters did all those things that humiliated the purpose of Daoist Sect. Pretend in front of me.

“The old Divine Immortal is very handsome, and admires him. Go, go, we find a place where we can talk, and have a good talk!” Ding Hao repeatedly bowed and played haha, at a moderate pace Go to the right one deep within the valley.

Feiyunzi originally planned to continue to teach Ding Hao to express his moral upholding of Pingyuanzong. But seeing that Ding Hao didn’t respond, he had already left first, and he couldn’t help but swallowed the words behind him, hurriedly following Ding Hao’s back, and walked towards the deep within the valley.

Mountains within the valley, birds singing and dancing, green trees twisted and tangled, and a few rocks born like beasts are weird, either creeping or roaring to the sky, it looks unique.

After arriving in this valley, Ding Hao observed it and secretly liked it. With its beautiful scenery and sparsely populated area, it is really a good place to do bad things.

“This… old Divine Immortal, let’s talk about it with confidence now! Although Sect Master has ordered it, we can still do it for the Lord, only one or two thousand yuan of instant jade You can just close your eyes and give more to the old Divine Immortal. There is no problem. Hey, old Divine Immortal, what are you doing, don’t you!” Ding Hao at first said with a smile, and then I saw Feiyunzi around. Taking a glance, while Ding Hao was caught off guard, hehe smiled and shot a white light from the sleeve, and flew to Ding Hao’s body with a “sou”.

Fuck, this old miscellaneous hair actually did it first, I really underestimated the shameless cunning of the person in daoist sect, Ding Hao cursed in his heart, his face looked terrified, seeing The formidable power hit by the white light was only enough to kill the expert in the mid-integration stage. He couldn’t help but resented his body rapidly, and made a complete plan when he escaped.

With a “pounce”, the white light fell on Ding Hao’s body, and Ding Hao’s body instantly black light appeared, blocking the white light, and then Ding Hao sprayed “Wow” With a big mouthful of blood, a weird breath poured into Ding Hao’s within the body, bound towards Ding Hao’s Nascent Soul.

Damn, this Old Dog has a poisonous heart. Not only does he intend to kill, but even Nascent Soul does not intend to let it go. He is considered to be worthy of the word vicious. Ding Hao secretly is coldly snorted, straight up Where I lay, blood spilled on my chest, and my life was gone.

Fei Yunzi saw Ding Hao as a dead body, slightly smiled, and said to himself indifferently: “What kind of identity do you dare to bargain with me? I’m so impatient to live. You and I two sects look alike. , It was originally in a state of secret competition, Shunyu is such an important thing, how can I let it leave any piece of it from my hands!”

While smiling and talking, that Feiyunzi calm He walked to Ding Hao’s side and watched Ding Hao’s eyes furiously staring at him. Feiyunzi hehe shook his head and said with a smile: “The kid is also sleek in his mind. Unfortunately, my strength is different as heaven and earth. You can count as bad luck. When I take Shunyu, it will destroy your Nascent Soul and completely send you back into reincarnation!” When I was laughing, Feiyunzi wrinkled and withered. His big hand flicked, a wisp of silk-like white glow overflowed, slowly tied to the storage ring worn on Ding Hao’s hand, and waited until he covered the storage ring containing the instant jade ore with the white glow. After playing with it in his hand, Sudden smiled with surprise for the first time.

At this moment, the mutation protrudes.

Ding Hao, who was supposed to be dead, had his eyes widened in anger and fierce blood, and the corners of his bloody mouth were slightly mocking. The whole person seemed indescribably terrifying and evil. Two groups of diametrically opposed flames, one red and one purple, took shape in Ding Hao’s left and right hands in an instant. When Fei Yunzi was surprised, he was caught off guard and directly blasted on his left and right waists.

Should be struck by lightning and lightning, the old Divine Immortal, who was originally a kind eyebrow and fluttering like an immortal, had silver-white hair and whiskers from the center of his face, half charred and burning, and the other was standing like ice. Two energies of extreme cold and extreme heat wandered around him within the body, and a muffled noise came from him within the body, instantly damaging any cell skeleton in his body.

“hehe, although the situation is different from what I expected, but now the result is the same. Old Divine Immortal, you really taught me another lesson, let me know more clearly that the person is in the daoist sect What a vicious heart is hidden under the polite appearance!” The corpse Ding Hao slowly stood up, and there was a “cracking” noise all over his body. The bleeding wound on his chest treacherously stopped, and he hurried quickly when naked eye was visible. Began to heal.

After Ding Hao stood up completely, he had completely restored his original appearance, tall and strong, so that the old Divine Immortal Feiyunzi was completely restrained, and his mind was broken. If it weren’t impossible to move, I’m afraid Will find Ding Hao desperately immediately.

shook the head, the neck made a few “creaking” noises, Ding Hao smiled indifferently, and said with a smile: “I still look good when I change my appearance. I’m really uncomfortable with another person. Now that you look at me and you know who’s hurt it, you should be dead at this time!”

Smile While he was talking, Ding Hao proceeded to take action and began to take the Second Tribulation Loose Immortal Feiyunzi.

An hour later, Ding Hao recovered from his injuries, and appeared contentedly in front of Murongqian, haha, with a chuckle, looked at Murongqian who was as beautiful as a peach blossom, and said: “Murong The big sister is very patient, but do you know that the old miscellaneous hair who just glanced over here from the hole has already noticed your trace?”

nodded, Murongqian’s eyes are shining brightly, said with a beautiful smile: “Naturally know that this person is a loose immortal, and he is close to me, of course he can detect my position, but where is a good younger brother, elder sister is not afraid of anything, elder sister just Knowing that you won’t let me do anything.”

“Uh!” Ding Hao was taken aback, didn’t expect Murongqian teased him, shaking his head and laughing dumb, Ding Hao said: “Big sister you It’s feel at home wherever one is leisurely tight, but I’m so sorry I was born to death, and I almost couldn’t see you alive!”

“How to say?” Murongqian looked at Ding Hao with novelty, and asked with a smile Tao.

After Ding Hao explained what he had seen, Na Murongqian’s “ge ge” smile spread out, her whole body trembling and almost standing unsteady, like jade’s lubricated cheeks stained with smile There was a layer of red, Qianqianyu pointed at Ding Hao and gasped, “Didn’t expect you little fox, he almost missed the old miscellaneous way. Fortunately, he did not see through your identity, otherwise you today I have to suffer a big loss! Hey, interesting, interesting, in the end, the geese will be pecked by the geese, and it’s funny!”

With a bitter smile, Ding Hao shrugged, helplessly said: “It was indeed once. A profound lesson, I have already imagined that daoist sect enough to extort everyone until now. I didn’t expect some scum not only extorted extortion, but also such shameless, it really surprised me!”

Murong Qian’s left jade finger rubbed the storage ring on the right hand unconsciously, as if she wanted to make the storage ring brighter, her beautiful eyes stared at Ding Hao closely, and her smiling lips lightly said, “A total of 13,000. A piece of jade, a good younger brother intends to sell how much to the elder sister. Let me talk about it first, but the elder sister is here exclusively for this jade. Based on our relationship, the younger brother, don’t begrudge it!”

slightly smiled, Ding Hao groaned, and when he was about to speak, he could not help but let out a soft “Yi”, looking at the door of the Jinting mine in the distance, astonished muttered: “How come they are here, don’t they even have to be here? I plan to let it go, hehe!”

(To be continued)

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