The two great experts in the Dead Silent Sea have all died here. Watching the rain of blood flowing down the sky, Poison Dragon Shen Tuye’s face is a bit dull, mumbling, I don’t know what to say. In a short while, Shen Tuye, who was extremely strong, slowly overflowed with two tears in his eyes.

For the death of Cao Qiuhan’s self-destruct, the remaining liquid with Poison Blood, Ying Caishan and the others have scruples, all of them slowly retreat and dare not approach That silently crying Poison Dragon Shen Tu Ye.

It was late at night, and the bright moonlight and flowing water shone on Shentuye’s body, giving people a feeling of desolation and loneliness.

When Ding Hao saw Tetsuo weeping, somehow he felt a sour emotion in his heart. Watching Shen Tuye showing such a true feeling after he killed Cao Qiuhan, Ding Hao knew that it was best not to disturb him at this time. After sighing softly, he slowly avoided it.

moved towards that Ying Caishan four nodded, Ding Hao entire group returned to the boulder again, sitting on the boulder indifferently.

The crescent moon is suspended in the sky, and the silver light flowing water is generally scattered, reflecting the surrounding water patterns, giving this place a layer of tranquility and beauty.

After sitting cross-legged, Ding Hao looked around all around and found that there was no sound in the large cave. He muttered silently and looked up at Fengyuegu Valley Master Ying Caishan. , Opened his mouth and said: “Did the other doormen of the Dead Jiehai also clean up together!”

Ying Caishan beautiful eyes looked around, her simple and elegant face shined in the moonlight, and another layer of beauty , When looking towards Ding Hao, he nodded his neck and said with certainty: “Those who stayed in the valley within the valley of the Dead Sea must have all been killed, so don’t worry about Ding Sect Master.

If the Lord of the Dead Sea is also within the valley this time, then our trip may not be so smooth, but because all the doormen after the Dead Sea stayed on the daoist sect, the only doormen who stayed in the valley within the Dead Sea A small number, plus we also have the poison that Shentu Sect Master personally deployed, while they are not yet prepared, it is a sure thing to kill these few people!”

Ying Caishan is such a one. Said, Ding Hao thought about it for a moment. He could not help but laughed, and said: “Congratulations, the Southern Continent Demon Sect Five Sects, the strength of Hiragaki Sect and Jingming Sect is not as good as before. The dead sea that has always been separated from you, Now I have lost hundreds of people, even Caoqiuhan and Duanmuya have been punished, and Dead Silent Sea is seriously injured this time.

Oh, by the way, let me tell you that the second person of Pingyuanzong The Loose Immortal Feiyunzi has also died in my hands. From now on, in the Demon Sect Five Sects of the Southern Continent, the rise of Wind Moon Valley and the True Demon Palace is something you can expect. Daoist sect two sects is probably impossible I’m pointing fingers at you!”

As soon as the words came out, the four of them looked at each other, hehe laughed hard to hide, and the surprised eyes were mixed with excitement, it looked like Ding Hao said this. , Is actually speaking to their hearts.

“Ding Sect Master is really extraordinary, didn’t expect Feiyunzi has also died in your hands, haha, we really Demon Palace and Fengyuegu, if we can raise our eyes in the South Continent in the future, it will be all Thanks to Sect Master!” Tian Jiguang laughed out loud and cheerfully, his tone indescribably cheerful.

Lishan’s mother, Fan Qiudie, was nodded again and again, with a smile on her face like a flower, even Luo Haiyao did not hesitate to move towards Ding Hao, screaming and screaming, “I’m more Laiyue feels that she has a unique vision, hehe, our Yaoer climbed the big tree Ding Sect Master, it is her great blessing!”

She said that, the magical Luo Haiyao doesn’t follow it. He smiled and whispered: “Master, if you make fun of people, Big Brother Ding won’t like them!”

“Nonsense, if Ding Sect Master doesn’t hurt you, how could he be there? When the thief wanted to kill you in Old Mu, dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety came to rescue, the little girl is really in the blessing and not knowing the blessing!” Ying Caishan looked at Luo Haiyao kindly, Pretending to blame.

The Fengyuegu trio talked so, what was the intention, how could Ding Hao not know, and immediately pulled his hands together, he picked up Na Luo Haiyao and sat on him In his legs, chuckled in his mouth: “You are my woman, how can I not love you!”

I was hugged by Ding Hao domineeringly, smelling Ding Hao’s body is extremely powerful The breath of a male surname, even the magic charm Luo Haiyao, who has been cultivating for many years, is a bit dazzled and somewhat absent-minded in an instant.

A hard thing suddenly protrudes from her hips, and it happens to hit Luo Haiyao’s soft private parts. Even with azure clothes, the magical Luo Haiyao can feel the evil thing under her Hot and hot, between twists and turns, a tingling sensation instantly spread from her private parts to Luo Haiyao’s whole body, making Luo Haiyao feel in ones heart trembled, and her loving body collapsed, even thinking in her heart, So just follow him.

Between the stars and the misty eyes, Luo Haiyao did not drink, on the contrary, he was even more intoxicating than Ding Hao, who was constantly drinking. Her breath was blue, her cheeks were red, and her lovable body became unstoppable and slowly. Elevated.

A dry cough sounded from the mouth of Fengyuegu Valley Master Ying Caishan in Luohaiyao’s misty atmosphere, awakening Luohaiyao instantly like an enlightenment, cold sweat on his forehead slowly emerged, Luo Hai Yao was so surprised that she quickly held her breath and faded away the thoughts that had just been in her heart.

With a sneer in his heart, Ding Hao’s lower body is resting on Luo Haiyao’s wonderful place, and in front of them are Fengyue Valley’s millet Ying Caishan and Lishan’s mother, Fan Qiudie, who at this time seized Luo Haiyao’s Cheap, Ding Hao only feels extremely stimulating. Anyway, Luo Haiyao is uneasy and kind when she approaches herself. Ding Hao is not a good man and believer. If she is allowed to take the initiative, it is not Ding Hao’s style at all.

Since I repeatedly reminded you that you have turned a deaf ear to it, then don’t blame me for being impolite, Ding Hao thought to himself, okay, don’t you want to play, then I Play with you, let you completely become the slave under me in this life, and you will never be able to turn over.

“Ding Sect Master, Yao’er is also heaven’s spoiled daughter in our Fengyue Valley. Now Fan elder sister betrothed her to you, you should treat her well, don’t be wronged!” A light cough was heard. After that, Na Ying Caishan saw that Luo Haiyao was not good, and hurriedly said.

Hehe gave a chuckle, Ding Hao tightly hugged Luo Haiyao in his arms, making her impossible to move even a little bit, smiling and saying: “Master Ying Gu, rest assured, such a Give me a beautiful and incomparable beauty, and I will naturally take pity on her, but I am willing to let her be wronged!”

With a happily smile on his face, Ding Hao’s lower body and Luo Haiyao’s plump and smooth buttocks Contact, the top of the lower body is close to Luo Haiyao’s private parts, the burning aura with a little bit of moist, makes Ding Hao really ecstasy, and across a stone table, opposite is Fengyuegu’s response Caishan and Fan Qiuche, but the two of them still pay attention to this side from time to time, which makes Ding Hao feel unbearable.

No matter what, it was you who sent her here. In that case, I don’t have to go against the purpose of Demon Sect do as one pleases. Ding Hao thought of it secretly under this stimulus.

The desires raged in my heart, and under the influence of Ding Hao’s true essence, the clothes under the two men violently tore. In an instant, Ding Hao’s lofty and hideous thing was completely attached to the privacy of the magical Luo Haiyao. The moisture of silver and her tenderness, without the hindrance of clothes, Ding Hao could feel more clearly.

The feeling of ecstasy was at its extreme. It passed through Ding Hao’s lower body and flooded his body like a tide. Under such a stimulus, Ding Hao couldn’t help but sip it gently.

“Ah!” The magic charm Luo Haiyao has already felt her moisturization in shame, her heart is already shy and scared to the extreme, and under the force of Ding Hao, the two of them went down the mountain and tore their clothes. The fiery fierce thing instantly reached her soft and moist area, and finally Luo Haiyao exclaimed in surprise.

This exclamation is already very loud. Unfortunately, under the package of Ding Hao’s demonic energy, this sound can not be heard by anyone except Ding Hao.

He was panicked to the extreme. Between shame and fear, Luo Haiyao unexpectedly rose from the bottom of his heart with a boundless pleasure. The tide-like pleasure hit Luo Haiyao, let her be in this Under the circumstances, I could no longer distinguish East, South, West, and North. I just felt the burning of Ding Hao’s lower body. Before he was really ecstasy, he was already vented.

With her cry out in surprise, Luo Haiyao only felt that her whole body was falling into the clouds, and she seemed to float up. Under the friction just now, her private parts were already muddy. Her body was originally different from ordinary people. Because of cultivation, she was even more sensitive. Under such a cry out in surprise, facing the opposite Master and Valley Master, She felt a convulsion in her body, but she didn’t know what was going on.

When the magic charm Luo Haiyao exclaimed, she regretted it when she was at a loss. Even if she was cultivation, at this time, if she was caught by the opposing Valley Master and Ying Caishan, especially the true Demon Palace Tian Jiguang and the others realized that he was so unbearable, how could it be better?

“Sect Master Ding, Yao’er cheeks are so red, did you bully her?” At this time, Valley Master Ying Caishan of Fengyuegu laughed weirdly and asked softly.

At this time, Ding Hao’s cheeks were also red, and he felt that the two men’s lower body was wet. Naturally, he knew what happened to Luo Haiyao’s body. This little girl’s body was really too sensitive, didn’t secretly thought Expect even vents like this. Thinking like this, Ding Hao also had to send an arrow on the string, chuckled and said: “No, no, I just said something private to her!”

After the magical Luo Haiyao vented himself, the whole The human eyes are hazy, and the cheeks are flushed from the neck to the neck. Listening to the conversation between the two, it is difficult to wake up.

(To be continued)

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