Ren is the Poison Dragon and Shentuye roars to the sky, and the entire group of the Dead Sea does not stop, moving towards the Linghua Mountain and flies away. It seems that they are planning to merge with the daoist sect first, and then come to fight against Ding Hao and Ding Hao and the others.

Under Shentuye’s pursuit, Ding Hao had no choice but to follow closely, and the four people behind Fengyuegu and the True Demon Palace saw Ding Hao and Shentuye flying out, lest they might be lost. Xia also followed the two closely, chasing and fleeing like this, and gradually left the valley just now.

5 minutes later, when Shen Tuye and Ding Hao, they just flew over the wasteland of Pingchuan, a huge water pool suddenly appeared in front of them. The cold deep water slowly urged the air into the sky. Layers of water mist spread on the surface of the pool, covering the huge pool in a mist.

The entire group of the Dead Sea, after flying into this misty pool, disappeared in front of Ding Hao and Shen Tuye in an instant because of the thick fog in the pool.

Shen Tuye didn’t stay there, he didn’t even hesitate, so he roared and planned to rush directly into the misty pool. At this moment, Ding Hao was suddenly alert and could no longer allow Shentuye to come. He quickly passed away and suddenly appeared in front of Shentuye.

No nonsense, Ding Hao shot at lightning speed. Layers of Formation were laid out in Shentuye’s all around and immediately bound Shentuye, who had just returned to lively dragon and animated tiger.

After finishing this, Ding Hao shouted: “Calm down, there is danger in this pool!”

After struggling for a few times, Ding Hao shouted again. out loudly, like a basin of ice water pouring directly from Shentuye’s head, the obsessive and frantic mind gradually recovered, panting heavily, Shentuye was like a wild beast intoxicated, and gradually became quiet from violent violence. Come down.

Seeing Shen Tuye slowly recovering his mind, Ding Hao removed the Formation that had bound him, led him back a few ten zhang, staying on the blue void, secretly looking at the mist below. Waterhole.

After a while, the four members of Fengyuegu and the True Demon Palace, together with the demon Luo Haiyao, gradually appeared in Ding Hao’s sight from far to near.

As these five people arrived together, there were four other powerful demonic energy, but the tyrannical aura was all around, but the silhouette did not see it. Ding Hao knew that these four people should It is the hidden expert of Fengyuegu and the true Demon Palace.

After the magic charm arrived here, she stood beside Ding Hao silently, looked at the misty pool in front of her, her lips spit out softly: “This is a pool of deep mist, deep water is slightly cold , The fog keeps on all the year round, after going deep into the pool, you can only see the surrounding scenery!”

frowned, Ding Hao blamed: “What are you doing here, based on your cultivation base, After arriving here, there is only danger!”

With a smile, the magic charm zi zi took a step forward, took Ding Hao’s arm, and whispered: “Good, you will care about Yao’er! With you Here, Yao’er is not afraid of any danger!”

Ignoring her, Ding Hao turned to look at Fengyueguzhen’s Demon Palace and opened his mouth: “I feel this misty pool is a bit weird, the dead sea The few people from should be among them at the moment, but I think since they are here at this time, they must be confident!”

Nodded, Ying Caishan agreed: “Yes, if I didn’t expect it to be bad, Most of the people of the Dead Sea should be lurking in this misty pool. Although the Dead Sea and the daoist sect are embarrassed for annihilation, but the Dao demon is not compatible since ancient times, they definitely will not be stationed with the daoist sect. Together, this place is only a few hundred miles away from the Linghua Mountain where the daoist sect is located, and it is surrounded by mist all year round. It is most suitable for the Sect, who likes water and does not see the light, the Dead Sea!”

Ting Ying Caishan With that said, Ding Hao couldn’t help but laughed. Secretly thought that when he was enjoying the wine with the wooden tooth a few days ago, Ying Caishan and the others also complimented the secret of entering and exiting the Dead Sea. Didn’t expect it to be hostile today. This Silent Sea’s practice became gloomy and could not see light in her mouth.

“Since the dead Sea Sect man is hidden in the misty pool, we should not enter rashly, otherwise we will be attacked by the whole family of the dead sea. This is not a wonderful thing!” Ding Hao After pondering for a while, he smiled and said.

True Demon Palace’s palace lord Tian Jiguang nodded, agreed: “Yes, it seems that only after our doorman comes, we can slowly settle accounts with the dead sea, as Demon Sect. People, it’s an unforgivable sin to join daoist sect to deal with us!”

I smiled in my heart, Ding Hao secretly thought a few days ago, are you still thinking about cooperating with daoist sect? Such a devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence, if it weren’t for my well-knowledge of your actions in the previous few days, it might be true other than your model of is Demon Sect.

Several people were talking and laughing, but Shen Tuye didn’t even look at him. He was just looking at the misty pool with big eyes like copper bells, and there was a fierce light in his eyes, probably thinking about what. Kill the doorman of the Dead Jiehai.

After a while, Shen Tuye said: “This misty pool is filled with mist. You Fengyuegu and the gatekeepers of the true Demon Palace, even if you come, if you go deep into the deep water to fight, your eyesight will be fine. Will be greatly affected. But the dead Sea Sect person’s influence on this aspect is extremely weak because of the practice. We Ten Thousand Poison Sect have a deep understanding of this. If we enter rashly, we may not be able to occupy it. How cheap!”

Shen Tuye said that, Ding Hao, who had been worried all the time, finally let go of his mind. Since he said such a thing, it means that Shen Tuye has regained his sanity and has not lost his correct judgment due to hatred.

If you talk about the understanding of the Dead Sea, even Fengyuegu and the True Demon Palace here are not as good as Shentuye. The Dead Sea has always been secretive, and the place where their sect is located is relatively remote. Although Fengyuegu and the True Demon Palace have frequent contact with them, they are not like Ten Thousand Poison Sect, and the Dead Sea has been large and small. How many games.

Therefore, there is indeed no one who has more say in matters concerning Dead Silent Sea than Shen Tuye. As soon as these words came out, Na Ying Caishan and Tian Jiguang looked at each other, and at the same time they thought silently.

Although their understanding of the Dead Sea is not as good as that of Shen Tuye, they know that if the people of the Dead Sea fight against people in the water, they can indeed have a lot of advantage. This light is from their Sect.” The word “sea” can explain a little. At this moment, the dead Sea Sect people were in the misty pool in front of them. At first, they occupied the right place. Now that Shen Tuye said that they were all very little affected by the fog, they couldn’t help but immediately began to weigh their gains and losses.

Half a moment, Ying Caishan of Fengyue Valley smiled slightly, looking at Ding Hao and said in harmony: “Ding Sect Master, even if the gatekeepers of Fengyue Valley and the true Demon Palace come, if we are in such a waterhole In the battle between the inner and the dead sea, it will be won in the end. I am afraid it will be a tragic victory. Even more how daoist sect two sects are not far from this side. If they come halfway, I am afraid that this time we will not only give up our previous achievements, but may also Lose it to the end.”

“Yes, Ding Sect Master, the Demon King of your sect has not yet appeared, and there is no Heaven Jue Poison in your hands. If you are in this place, Dead Sea and Daoist Sect If we join forces, I’m afraid we will really suffer a big loss!” Tian Jiguang, the palace lord of the real Demon Palace, said with the same worry.

When the two said so, the magic charm Luo Haiyao glanced left and right, and finally tugged Ding Hao’s arm, and said softly: “Bad guy, what can you do? ?”

Since Ding Hao broke her, the “Big Brother Ding” that she had been talking about has also been abandoned by her. Instead, she has changed many more ambiguous titles. Ding Hao is also a more unscrupulous intimacy, not as restrained and unnatural as before.

Ding Hao calm expression, with big hands groping around Luo Haiyao’s plump waist, squinting her eyes slightly as if thinking about something, after a while, she smiled indifferently and opened her mouth to correspond to Caishan Tian Jiguang Road : “As long as the doorman of the Dead Jiehai Sea is forced out of this misty pool, we can fight him?”

Ying Caishan was taken aback, Xiang Nang said softly: ” Yes, before in the valley, we have already killed part of the gatekeepers of the Dead Sea, and even Cao Qiuhan and Duan Muya were killed. Now the gatekeepers in the Dead Sea of ​​the Dead Sea in the misty pool must not have our Fengyue Valley and the True Demon Palace. There are many, as long as they leave the misty pool, we will be sure of victory!” Ying Caishan said, Ding Hao nodded, and then turned to look at Tian Jiguang, the lord of the real Demon Palace. He smiled and asked: “What did the Lord Tian say?”

Hehe smiled, Tian Jiguang affirmed: “As long as the people of the dead sea leave the misty pool, we will start the war as soon as the gatekeepers of the Demon Palace arrive. Even if their Ten Thousand Poison Sect’s Tian Jue Poison Sect is not available to the people, we are sure that the Sea of ​​Silence will not be able to eat it!”

The brow first frowned and then loosened again, Ding Hao raised his head. looked towards Ying Caishan’s back, and smiled indifferently: “It looks like you two sect people will be able to come here soon. In that case, we can proceed. First of all, I will let the doorman of the dead sea from The tortoise-shrinking mist is coming out!”

“Hey, Ding Sect Master, have you already successfully refined Tianjuedusan?” Tian Jiguang’s heart moved and asked in astonishment.

Shaking his head laughed, Ding Hao said relaxedly: “No, you will know when you look at it!”

As soon as this was said, Ying Caishan and Tian Jiguang looked at each other, and they were all puzzled. Perplexed, he watched Ding Hao helplessly, and walked towards the misty pool step by step, with his eyes shining, condensed on Ding Hao.

(To be continued)

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