Slowly, the doorman of Dead Jiehai retreats while fighting, and is getting closer and closer to the Linghua Mountain where daoist sect two sects is located, but just for a while, due to the strong impact of Fengyuegu and the true Demon Palace, dead silence Hai also lost nearly forty people.

Because one-third of the people are over a thousand, true experts are extremely limited, and the experts of the Dead Sea are much less than the sum of Fengyuegu and the true Demon Palace, so It is simply impossible to protect the completeness of the people behind the Dead Silent Sea.

If it is as good as just now, after all, there is still a buffer area in the center. Although everyone is fighting, they are not fighting desperately. But now it has become a mess, and even the gatekeepers of Fengyuegu and True Demon Palace, who have the upper hand, cannot maintain a neat formation under the repeated shouts of Ying Caishan and Tian Jiguang.

The doorman of the Dead Sea of ​​Silence, who had been hit repeatedly, watched the side doormen being slaughtered one by one, and he lost his mind, only knowing that he escaped.

Ding Hao hovered under the nine heavens, staring at the chaos below. At this time, he also understood that personal power is limited, even more how it is Fengyuegu and Zhen that has the upper hand. Naturally, Ding Hao will not join the forces of Demon Palace.

The colorful sword glow is like lightning, winding and twisting underneath, one after another thunder-like roar, coming from every magic weapon collision with the expert, at this time, those cultivation centuries or hundreds The cultivator of the year, who was supposed to be aloof and remote Spirit of Heaven and Earth, will be knocked out of their original form accidentally, and even death will not have a whole body, and the soul will not enter the reincarnation.

Every miserable howl means that they, who have absorbed Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi for many years, have once again returned their bodies to between Heaven and Earth. After the collapse of three Immortal Souls and six Mortal Souls, all Efforts are in vain. Seeing everything that happened below, Ding Hao couldn’t help but feel a little sigh.

However, after the towering Linghua Mountain appeared in his line of sight, Ding Hao immediately abandoned all distracting thoughts. The heart that was originally a little emotional, suddenly became a rock version of the stone. move.

After being in the magical field, Ding Hao’s eyes all saw all the scenes in his heart. The Linghua Mountain was originally the cultivation Holy Land of a small daoist sect. It is said that the small daoist sect is attached to the Jingming Sect and is deliberately arranged by them to monitor the every move of the Ten Thousand Poison Sect.

In the three characters of Linghua Mountain, although there is such a “spirit”, the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi on the mountain is not abundant. The entire Linghua Mountain occupies a vast area, except for the large and small rocks. In addition, there are not too many trees and flowers, and it looks bare and a bit desolate.

When the doormen of the Dead Sea of ​​Silence finally retreated to the foot of Linghua Mountain, those doormen of the Dead Sea of ​​Silence, under the instructions of Huo Shanming, all flashed straight to the top of the mountain. Away.

After arriving here, the offensives of Fengyuegu and True Demon Palace have also weakened a lot. It seems that they are extremely scrupulous about the existence of daoist sect two sects, lest the Hiragaki sect and Jingming Sect’s sects suddenly appear. , And then joined the three forces of the Dead Jihai Sea to storm down.

At this moment, Ding Hao, who has been standing high in the sky, flies again next to Ying Caishan and Tian Jiguang, watching the two people and the expert in the door beside them speak in a deep voice. , Could not help but smiled and said: “What are you going to do next?”

When the two of Ying Caishan looked up, they couldn’t help but smile when they saw that Ding Hao was talking, and there was dead silence over there. The Man of the Sea slowly retreated into Linghua Mountain, and Shen Tuye, who was repeatedly stopped and reminded by Ding Hao, was also a rare person who did not lose his reason, and walked towards this side sadly.

“Ding Sect Master said that he has his own plan. Now we have arrived at Linghua Mountain. According to the truth, the gatekeepers of the Hiragaki Sect and Jingming Sect should have been lurking on the mountain. If you enter, I am afraid that you will pay the price of unimaginable. I wonder if Ding Sect Master can tell the countermeasures now?” Ying Caishan looked at Ding Hao and asked solemnly.

Looking at the towering Linghua Mountain with an air of ease, Ding Hao pondered for a moment and opened his mouth: “I don’t know why, I always feel that Daoist Sect’s actions are a little bit wrong. According to the truth, We walked with the Dead Silent Sea until we reached Linghua Mountain.

However, since daoist sect two sects reached an agreement with Dead Silent Sea, why did not even one person appear at this time? This is justified by common sense. There are some inconsistencies, so now I don’t dare to act rashly, but you can rest assured that as long as the Jingming Sect and Hiragaki sects appear, I will naturally have a way to deal with them, but they have not appeared now, so I still have to wait! “

Ding Hao said, Ying Caishan and Tian Jiguang ignored a glance, and at the same time dignified nodded, Na Tian Jiguang looked at the Linghua Mountain ahead, and opened his mouth: “Ding Sect Master’s doubts are also ours. Doubt, according to the truth, when the fog is heavy, the daoist sect two sects should appear. If the daoist sect two sects appear at that time, with the strength of the dead sea, and with the help of the foggy land, I’m afraid We don’t have any advantage at all. Knowing that Dead Sea has been waiting for so long, daoist sect just didn’t appear. I’m also wondering if there is any change in it. What the daoist sect intends to do is really intriguing!”

Looking up in the direction of Linghua Mountain, Ding Hao moved in his heart and turned towards Tian Jiguang: “Tian Sect Master, since the Four Tribulations Demon under your door is hidden, you might as well let him fly over Linghua Mountain. Use divine sense to snoop on Linghua Mountain and see what the specific situation is?”

As soon as this statement came out, Tian Jiguang’s face became awkward, and he opened his mouth: “If the daoist sect two sects and the expert of the dead sea are really both In Linghua Mountain, they have a total of four Loose Immortal dispersal of the Four Tribulations. If the Demon God of this sect swims among them, if they are aware of it and cause the battle of divine sense, I am afraid our Four Tribulations. Dispersal of demons will be greatly damaged, all……”

nodded, after Ding Hao laughed, he didn’t say much. Because this was originally the reason why Ding Hao did not dare to spy on Linghua Mountain at will. If the realm is higher, then you are not afraid of being noticed by others, but if the realm is similar or inferior, it is likely to be trying to Gain an advantage only to end up worse off, and you will be compensated if you are not good.

However, there are a lot of scruples in the heart, and there are also those who are out of anger. The true Demon Palace went deep into the bottom of the fog, and the Three Tribulations Dispersal Demon, which was affected by everyone’s blow, did not follow. Everyone stopped, still moving towards the summit of Linghua Mountain, and shouted: “I will go and see!” When Tian Jiguang saw him leave first, he announced that he wanted to stop him. It was too late, and I watched him leave, with a wry expression on his face.

Ding Hao saw this man so brave and couldn’t help but sigh with emotion: “You really are the Demon Palace, this kind of fearless performance makes me extremely admire!”

Fortunately, when Ding Hao said that, Tian Jiguang’s face was even more bitter, even the owner of Fengyue Valley Valley Ying Caishan next to her had an arc in her mouth, and she smiled faintly.

Ding Hao looked up and looked at the magical Luo Haiyao far behind. He said that Luo Haiyao was originally a master of Lishan’s mother, and Fengyuegu’s next valley owner. One of the hottest candidates, as long as you acknowledge allegiance of her body and mind, through her Luo Haiyao, can you directly control that Fengyuegu in your hands?

Fengyuegu is one of the Five Great Influences of the Southern Continent. Although compared to daoist sect two sects, and even the Dead Sea is somewhat not up to par, Fengyuegu, the Sect, also has a lot of potential. .

Especially the male female disciple of Fengyuegu, who are very good at charming others. Each female disciple is a stunner in the world, and they can often win a strong helping hand by themselves. Ding Hao at first for Luo Hai Yao was not at ease. Anyway, why Ding Hao knew her purpose. Since she was sent to the door, with Ding Hao’s surname, she naturally wanted to seize her and use her full potential.

If Fengyue Valley in the Southern Continent is in the hands of Luo Haiyao and he is completely recovering Luo Haiyao, this must be a powerful force, and even Ten Thousand Poison Sect will be able to be faster in the future. If there is a day when Ten Thousand Poison Sect stands on the top of Ten Thousand Poison Sect, if Fengyue Valley can be the owner of the valley by Luo Haiyao, it can also play a restrictive role for Ten Thousand Poison Sect.

Thinking of this place, Ding Hao’s mind turned sharply, his eyes flickered, and he constantly scanned the Fengyuegumen, secretly starting to measure the viable surname of the matter.

Although Luo Haiyao, the magic charm over there, is separated from hundreds of people, but she has been paying attention to Ding Hao. She still sees Ding Hao’s long-sighted gaze, and she can’t help but cheer in her heart. Ding Hao smiled sweetly at Ding Hao far away, looking bright and moving.

At this time, Ding Hao, who was scornful, saw Luo Haiyao moving towards this side and smiled, and there was no ripple in her heart, so she nodded slightly, secretly thought of Luo Haiyao’s Cultivation base, I’m afraid I can’t directly serve the public, it seems that only after subduing her, she can teach her the infinite magic skills alone.

At that time, I will completely control her in my own hands, and then follow the momentum of Limitless Devil Sect and Ten Thousand Poison Sect to seize the position of the Valley Lord of Wind and Moon Valley for her. This matter is still very good. A big viable surname. The more Ding Hao thinks about it, the more he feels that after this is done, Limitless Devil Sect will inevitably have many other powerful arms, but he still needs to consider it carefully.

(To be continued)

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