Thousands of thick and black lightning glow shoots out from within Defying Heaven Demon Sword. Such an abnormal shape will turn Ding Hao side Yan Demon Murongqian, the horrified pretty face pale, staring at Ding Hao blankly, trying to wait for Ding Hao explanation of.

Only at this time, the astonishment on Ding Hao’s face is not much better than Murongqian’s. The eyes are dignified, looking directly at the Defying Heaven Demon Sword where the abnormality is occurring, and dare not relax for a moment.

At the same time, in the originally vast “Ten Square Magic Array”, thousands of colorful light spots, like miniature stars, gather from all directions and contain little energy. , Ding Hao feels extremely familiar and cordial.

Thousands of colorful light spots seem to be attracted by the thick black light pillars of Defying Heaven Demon Sword. After appearing out of thin air in the entire space, they have an autonomous consciousness, slowly Surge towards the hilt of Defying Heaven Demon Sword.

At this time, Ding Hao felt very strongly that from the hilt of Defying Heaven Demon Sword, there was an extremely strong wave. The feeling seemed to be true of using the infinite magic power to swallow others. The essence is somewhat familiar, but not the same. I feel that those ten thousand rays of light originally belonged to Defying Heaven Demon Sword.

In an instant, when Ding Hao and Murongqian were surprised, the tens of thousands of stars-like rays of light slowly gathered from all directions one inch from the hilt, and then in the two As I stared, the tens of thousands of stars gathered together and turned into a group of multicolored brilliance. In one of Ding Hao’s side eyes, this group of brilliance seemed to have its own life, and it slowly melted from the hilt of Defying Heaven Demon Sword. Go in.

Suddenly, Ding Hao closed his pupils and categorically shouted: “Let go of my hand, stand still and don’t move!”

As soon as the words fell, Ding Hao slammed Murong. Qian kept grasping her jade hand and let go, then sit cross-legged in place. At the same time, the tens of thousands of thick black electric lights were taken back by Defying Heaven Demon Sword in an instant, and then Defying Heaven Demon Sword instantly exploded with the aura of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, and a flash of lightning flew to Ding Hao’s chest, transforming. For a black lightning, he slammed into Ding Hao’s body.

This series of changes made Murongqian dumbfounded. Originally, Ding Hao stored Defying Heaven Demon Sword through storage ring, but this time Defying Heaven Demon Sword turned into black lightning and shot directly. Entering Ding Hao’s within the body seems to illustrate another point.

Murongqian is naturally not an ignorant and inexperienced person. After Divine Item chooses the owner, she will naturally become one with the owner. She is still clear. The current performance immediately let Murongqian know that the Defying Heaven Demon Sword that Ding Hao has always acquired, seems to be truly unified by him today.

At this moment, after Defying Heaven Demon Sword enters Ding Hao within the body, one after another vast expanse of ideas, directly forcibly implemented into Ding Hao Divine Consciousness, among which is included a lot of disorder Information, the origin of the 7 meridians, the emergence of the two worlds of immortals and demons, hundreds of thousands of years, the continuous struggle of 7 meridians, including the remaining information of the previous generations of Limitless Devil Sect Sect Masters, all flooded into Ding Hao Divine Consciousness The sea.

Even with the power of Ding Hao Divine Consciousness, these huge and disordered information cannot be absorbed by Ding Hao all at once. Fortunately, Defying Heaven Demon Sword seems to have anticipated this. Some of the information is Wrapped in the strange Formation, waiting for Ding Hao to slowly absorb, some of the most important information is forcibly implemented into Ding Hao’s mind.

In the eyes of Murongqian, the current Ding Hao is enveloped in a black magic light that is as black as ink, and the whole person exudes a long and eternal ancient atmosphere, Murong When Qian saw Ding Hao, she felt a terrible pain in her brain, as if she had been affected by Ding Hao now.

Murongqian didn’t understand what happened to Ding Hao, but felt that she had a headache, and she didn’t dare to look towards Ding Hao again, and quickly immersed her head in a crossed position.

Two hours later, Murongqian felt that Ding Hao seemed to be back to normal. When she looked up, she found that she no longer felt any pain, and Ding Hao’s black magic light had disappeared at this time. I was at a loss where I was, and I didn’t know what to think.

Murongqian looked at Ding Hao’s current state, as if he hadn’t recovered from her lack of consciousness, and didn’t dare to bother him rashly, but with a worried look in her eyes, she stared at Ding Hao in a daze. Silent.

I don’t know how long it took, Ding Hao woke up from the daze, looked at the side Murongqian, and asked calmly: “How long has it been?”

“Two or three hours have passed. , Are you okay, there is nothing wrong?” Murongqian was taken aback, watching Ding Hao wake up, and hurriedly replied.

Laughed faintly, Ding Hao was indifferent and nodded, and opened his mouth: “I’m fine, don’t worry, let’s leave here first!”

Ding Hao said that, Yan Demon Murongqian also relieved her heart, couldn’t help but smiled, leaving from a cross-legged posture, looking towards Fuya and Sikong Yanran, who had just left the vortex location.

At this moment, Ding Hao suddenly exited, and astonished asked: “Hold on, where are you going and what are you doing?”

The lovable body froze slightly, and Murongqian appeared strange. Turning back astonished and said: “Naturally, I left from that vortex!”

Wei shook the head, Ding Hao said indifferently: “No need, where to get to Tianchi, even if I know the correct way to go , At least six more Formations and three more Formations!”

As soon as these words came out, Yanmo Murongqian was shocked and looked at Ding Hao incredibly: “Do you know how to do it?” “

With a faint smile, Ding Hao nodded admitted: “Yes, I just learned that I not only know how to move, but also how this place is formed!”

“What’s the matter?” Murongqian’s doubts became more intense. After paused, probed: “But because of the unity with Demon Sword?”

“Let’s talk about these later, let’s find out first Xuantian daoist Leng Cunyu, let them talk about it!” Ding Hao replied.

After finishing this sentence, Ding Hao ignored Murongqian’s doubts and shot a yellow light from the palm of the right hand. The yellow light was accompanied by the yin and yang mirror.

According to the method of the Yin Yang treasure mirror, finally bit the middle finger, drip a drop of blood into the Yin Yang mirror, and then a rays of light shot from Ding Hao’s hand into the treasure mirror, originally In the empty treasure mirror, the face of Xuantian Daoist Leng Cunyu was immediately and clearly revealed.

At this time, Xuantian Daoist Leng Cunyu, and the Sword Immortal Red World, stood in a floating stone sea. All around them were large and small. The tens of millions of rocks, these rocks are as big as a hill, and the small ones are as big as a palm. They are strangely suspended in the void, hitting Leng Cunyu and Hongshi one by one in a strange trajectory. .

With the cultivation base of Hong Shi and Leng Cunyu, this attack won’t hurt them either. It’s just that the huge stones are thousands of pieces, as if there will never be a moment of rest, although they were hit by the two. , Floating in the entire space, but still continuously shooting at the two of them.

“It turned out to be here!” When Murongqian was surprised, Ding Hao couldn’t help but whispered.

Just after his words fell, a yellow light flashed in the mirror of Yin and Yang, and the images of Xuantian daoist Leng Cunyu and Hong Shi had disappeared, and nothingness was restored in the mirror of Yin and Yang. One thing.

At this time, Ding Hao had a strange smile on his face, the black lightning glow flashed on his chest, Defying Heaven Demon Sword reappeared in Ding Hao’s hand, and then a sword moved towards the empty space. , A black lightning glow flashed in the void, and the flat space seemed to be torn directly into a mouth, revealing an unfathomable and unknown gap twisted by colorful lightning glow.

In spite of Murongqian’s horror, Ding Hao stretched out the hand to grab her waist, and lightly shouted: “Calm down, Primordial Spirit clings to the heart, let’s go!”

As soon as the words fell, Defying Heaven Demon Sword was in front, Ding Hao and Murongqian slammed into this gap and disappeared instantly.

In another place, Sword Immortal’s lazily’s blow swept out, and all the huge rocks flying in the sky turned into nothingness. Looking at the side Xuantian daoist Leng Cunyu, Hong Shi separately said:” This is no way for us. These strange rocks are very annoying, as if they are never ending. Both you and I are not good at Formation. Although these strange rocks cannot harm us, it is indeed a bit of a shame to be trapped here. You can have a way to break the formation?”

shook the head, Leng Cunyu replied nonchalantly: “I have nothing to do. According to what we did, I calculated it. I’m afraid it will take three more days to get All the boulders are completely destroyed, and the Formation is directly forcibly broken. If Ding Hao is here, with his Formation attainments, perhaps he does not need to break the formation with brute force, but you and I don’t do it yourself!”

Leng Cunyu said that, Hong Shi slightly smiled, and said leisurely: “Yes, I don’t know what happened to that kid at this time. We want to reach the Tianchi on the Tiancong Mountain. I am afraid that it will take a lot of time. Hope Ding Hao’s good luck, I can find a way out sooner!”

“Ding Hao has always been lucky. I want to wait for us to break the Formation and reach Tianchi, then Ding Hao must have already reached Tianchi!” Leng Cunyu thought carefully. After a moment, he said seriously.

At this time, a space between the two suddenly exploded with a dark brilliance, endless demonic energy billowing, and when they were shocked, Defying Heaven Demon Sword With a scream, Ding Hao and Murongqian appeared suddenly.

In the crevice of the endless black space, Ding Hao showed a bright smile and opened his mouth: “If the two of you want to reach Tianchi, I still need me to send you a ride! Still stunned. What do you do, forcibly tearing the Formation through the Tianchi to form a channel, I have to spend a huge amount of true essence every moment!”

When these words came out, the two of them were shocked. After the horror of Hong Shi, he burst into a hearty laugh, and said cheerfully: “smelly brat, I really have a hand!”

(to be continued)

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