The man was still resisting everything around him, and didn’t notice Ding Hao, he had sneaked into his side unconsciously. At first, there was a restlessness in his feet, and the person who was busy dealing with the hail falling, saw a little purple black snake under his feet, and was a little surprised.

For a moment, Eight Winged Purple Python shot at the soles of his feet like lightning, and a thick fishy smoke in his mouth had already expelled.

Not good! This person heart startled, and immediately remembered that he had seen this little snake on Ding Hao’s left arm. But before he exclaimed, he felt his body tightened, and then saw Ding Hao’s body appearing in front of him.

He was already seriously injured, and he was not prepared for Ding Hao’s sudden sneak attack. When Ding Hao did this, he immediately said something.

When Ding Hao flew in front of his eyes, the person who sniffed the Eight Winged Purple Python poisonous mist was wrapped up in Formation again. Even though his body was unable to move even a little bit, his eyes remained open. Seeing Ding Hao with a grin, he slowly approached himself.

Without the slightest hesitation, as soon as Ding Hao came to his side, he immediately used Promise Magic Power to swallow half of the true essence of his within the body, and then the Seven Infants were addicted to the soul and moved He pulled into it, and in the dim sky, the Seven Infant Soul Additive Array squeezed all the things that can be used in his body.

When I feel my true essence that is about to dry up, I am full of vitality again, and Ding Hao’s confidence also rises accordingly. Defying Heaven Demon Sword instantly burst into the sharp sword glow of several ten zhang, like a meteor galloping backwards, carrying the might of piercing the sky, and blasting towards the oppressive iceberg.

At the same time, the billion-hundred-hundred-hundred-thousand-hundred-hundred-thousand-hundred-thousand-hundred-thousand-hundred iceberg collided with the huge ice rock of five ten zhang spurred by Ding Hao. Together with the combined attacks of many super experts below, the hail condensed. The billion-hundred-hundred-hundred-thousand-hundred-hundred-thousand-hundred-hundred-thousand-hundred-hundred-thousand-hundred-thousand-hundred-hundred-thousand-hundred-hundred-thousand-hundred-hundred-hundred-thousand-hundred-hundred-thousand-hundred-hundred-thousand-thousand boom in the Tianchi pond stood for a moment.

Taking advantage of this extremely rare opportunity, Ding Hao walked away with a sword, Demon Sword swiftly rays of light ten thousand zhang, a sword glow from the tip of the sword soared into the sky, and Ding Hao instantly pierced the iceberg. , Struggling to go towards the sky above Tianchi.


With a lot of effort, he used layers of plot against. Ding Hao only felt his body loose, and realized that he had already rushed out of the iceberg. cover.

The whistling wind came from my ears, and the giant dragon-like lightning around one after another snaked and struck me. Looking down again, I found that the iceberg of billions of kilograms, at this time, the stagnant condition has changed, and it continues to smash to the bottom of the Tianchi like a formidable force.

At this time, Ding Hao knows the major super experts below, and I am afraid that most of them will be buried here. But because he has rushed out of the iceberg, he will definitely face the formidable power of Heavenly Tribulation. The people below can no longer provide the slightest help to themselves, and everything will depend on themselves.

Fortunately, just taking advantage of the Loose Immortal of the Supreme One Dao sect, he was injured. He swallowed him and supplemented the depleted strength. Otherwise, he would immediately face the most vicious calamity of thunder and lightning, Ding Hao also I really don’t know how to resist it.

After looking around all around, Ding Hao found that he was already at the top of Tianchi, with violent winds and thick dark clouds above it, in which thunder billowed and lightning glow wandered.

facial expression grave, Ding Hao coldly looked up at the oppression force above the mountains and the sea. The Sword Soul of Defying Heaven Demon Sword in his hand, after fusion with Ding Hao, allows Ding Hao to deeply feel his infinite fighting intent and arrogance that is not afraid of everything. From the Defying Heaven Demon Sword, the bursts of screaming sound , You can feel the murderous and brutal spirit of Demon Sword.

Dozens of giant dragon-like lightnings, winding and twisting in the void, and flashing in the sky, accompanied by the thunder of hong long long, following a strange trajectory, all moved towards Ding Hao forced to come.

Ding Hao knows that although the formidable power of Heavenly Tribulation is huge, he can only resist it and cannot avoid it. Because no matter how to avoid it, the formidable power of Heavenly Tribulation will not dissipate, and only if it is completely destroyed, it will not continue to attack endlessly.

A “hong long long” explosion slammed in his ears. When Ding Hao felt something wrong with the flow of air around him, a giant dragon flashed rays of light violently. His whole body also burst open suddenly.

The whole body hurts. Ding Hao knew that he had been blown up by the sky thunder when he was caught off guard. Even with the strength of Ding Hao fleshy body, it was black and blue under the thunder of the sky, and this is just the beginning. The saying that the formidable power increases as the sky thunder comes back, Ding Hao understands very well in his heart. .

After the sky thunder exploded, the meandering giant dragon lightning immediately came to Ding Hao’s side. Calm in my heart, Defying Heaven Demon Sword rises, and layers of dark magic light burst out from the Defying Heaven Demon Sword. After these magic lights burst, they stick together strangely, in a flash , And Ding Hao was surrounded by layers of cage-like shackles.

When the lightning strikes, as soon as it touches the layers of shackles, it makes a huge “zhi zhi” sound and falls into Ding Hao’s eyes. The giant dragon-like lightning is accompanied by “zhi The sound of “zhi” disappeared little by little at the same time as the Formation under the magic light cloth.

But before Ding Hao could breathe a sigh of relief, two lightning strikes came down again. With two blasts that shook the sky, Ding Hao only felt like his chest was struck by a hammer , Groaned immediately, a mouthful of blood sprayed out directly.

At the same time, Ding Hao clearly felt that the Formation arranged by his Defying Heaven Demon Sword, after resisting the tyranny of two lightning bolts, finally fell apart and dissipated the void.

A serpent-like lightning, also behind Ding Hao a groan, penetrated his defensive light, and fell on his body.

For an instant, Ding Hao’s messy hair, the roots of the blast were erected, and the curved ones were still emitting thick smoke. After the whole body was shocked, his skin was burnt under the scorching heat, and the whole body became like a piece of black coke, embarrassed to the extreme.

It seems that you still can’t just defend! Ding Hao smiled bitterly in his heart, and immediately flew up, slowly escaping from the top of his head, “Qing Mingding”, slowly wrapping Ding Hao’s whole body.

At this time, all the ghosts who had been in the “Qing Ming Cauldron” were all locked in the cauldron by Ding Hao except for the battle spirit. Because ghosts are not entities, ordinary attacks may not be feared, but this thunderbolt and electric shock has direct damage to ghosts.

It is precisely because Ding Hao can sense the fear in the hearts of ten thousand ghosts, that at this time, not at all, he used ten thousand ghosts to resist, so as not to waste the number of ten thousand ghosts in vain. Among them, there are only nearly a hundred war souls, who are not afraid of such a Heavenly Might. They escaped from the “Qing Ming Ding” and coiled on the “Qing Ming Ding”, baring fangs and brandishing claws against the sky. Howl.

At this time, Ding Hao is using Defying Heaven Demon Sword and Qing Mingding, constantly attacking Heavenly Tribulation’s thunder and lightning strikes, but also pay attention to the fierce wind blowing around. .

At this time, the iceberg below the billions of catties has completely sunk at the bottom of the Tianchi, and how many of the Big Sect super experts can survive, Ding Hao cannot know.

Under the thunder and electric shock of Heavenly Tribulation, the sky above the Tianchi seemed to be destroying heaven extinguishing earth. Accompanied by a loud bang, the entire Tianchi was riddled with holes, and there was a deep scorch everywhere. The huge rock at the bottom of the cave was blown by the violent wind, and shot Ding Hao directly, as if it were endless.

Even if you use Defying Heaven Demon Sword to fight with Heavenly Tribulation meet force with force, thunder and lightning will still fall on Ding Hao from time to time.

But at this time, Ding Hao’s whole body will be exposed to yellow light, and the pattern of the yin and yang mirror will appear on Ding Hao’s chest, bringing thunder and electric shocks into the yin and yang mirror. within.

Because of the help of the Mirror of Yin and Yang, Ding Hao was able to attack Heavenly Tribulation, and at the same time bear the constant blows to the body of Heavenly Tribulation, and to continue to fight for lively dragon and animated tiger. .

Like this, I have been here for a day or two nights, during which Ding Hao has dealt tirelessly. The true essence of the whole person has disappeared, and the whole body is bloody and bloody, and the hair that was originally erected has long been It disappeared, leaving only a bald piece of burnt black light.

There is no place in the body, it is not scorched, the whole person’s clothes are burned out, naked [***] Defying Heaven Demon Sword with one hand, and Qingming Ding with one hand, are still fighting with Heavenly Tribulation with determination. will.

At this time, the entire Tianchi has been raze to the ground, and there is no such thing as a Tianchi. Even the Tiancong mountain peaks are now riddled with holes, and there are pits and scorched caves everywhere. The Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi that was originally flooded with the abundant sky above the Tianchi Mountain is gone. Apart from the horrible sight, there is no other surprising place.

Heavenly Tribulation’s formidable power, after a day or two nights of continuous bombing, the dark thick clouds have also become thinner. The fierce wind that flooded the top of Tianchi Mountain, without the fierceness and brutality of at first, the original giant dragon-like lightning has also become like a small snake.

But now, Ding Hao has run out of oil and the lamp has dried up. It has been helping Ding Hao to resolve the thunderbolt and electric shock. It has also reached the limit of absorption and has fallen into Ding Hao’s within the body. , No matter what the call is no longer responding.

The dark clouds slowly twisted and condensed, becoming thicker and thicker. The dozens of lightning bolts like small snakes in the scattered and void are actually fused with each other. In the gradual growth, even the drastically reduced wind of formidable power has also shrunk Small Accomplishment into a small tornado that exudes The breath of danger.

At this time, Ding Hao understood that Heavenly Tribulation had finally reached the final blow!

(To be continued)

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