With the effort of a cup of tea, the entire scholars of Dongyun Academy have all turned into corpses in Ding Hao’s hands. At this time, Eight Winged Purple Python was lurking and was about to evolve again. The corpses all over the floor could not be dealt with.

After swallowing the entire scholar at Dongyun Academy, Ding Hao’s injury did not fully recover, but at least it’s no longer a major problem. At present, the true essence has also recovered to about 80%. With the arrival of Heavenly Tribulation, I also have a certain degree of assurance.

“so that’s how it is, it’s no wonder that your cultivation base can enter so quickly, it’s an incredible technique!” Shi Yushuang’s cold and beautiful eyes flickered, staring at Ding Hao with emotion.

Because of the emergency, Ding Hao did not take Shi Yushuang into consideration and was by his side, and Yi Mantong also mentioned it a little when he came here. Shi Yushuang is not a fool, he naturally saw the Promise Demon. This time I couldn’t help but sigh with the mystery of gong.

Ding Hao knows the smoothness of Sword Devil Palace Shi Feng and the others. He has known this secret for a long time. The reason why he didn’t say it is because now it is on the same line with Limitless Devil Sect. There is a grasshopper, even more how faintly, there are some tacit understandings in several parties, Shi Feng Han naturally knows how to do it.

Looking at the two women, Ding Hao slightly smiled, and opened his mouth: “My second Heavenly Tribulation is coming soon, you are now a little farther away from me, so as not to be affected.”

Shi Yushuang still intends to say something, but after hearing Ding Hao’s words, he moved his lips and didn’t continue to say anything. Together with Na Yi Mantong, he slowly left the Dongyun Academy.

After the two women disappeared, Ding Hao looked all around and flew into a cave behind the waterfall, with a serious expression on his face. As for the External Body Incarnation, he stood on this mountain. Above, sitting indifferently crouched and motionless.

Heavenly Tribulation three times, the first time an external force strikes, the second time the Inner Strength Heart Demon is causing trouble, and the third time the Inner Strength external force strikes at the same time. During the second Heavenly Tribulation, it was not so much a fight with the sky, but a fight with oneself. As long as you pass the Heart Demon level, it is considered a successful Transcending Tribulation.

Compared with the first Heavenly Tribulation, the Heart Demon level is even more sad. It is also divided into two types: inner demon and outer demon. The inner demon refers directly to the heart, and the outer demon refers to the surroundings. The Evil Spirit between Heaven and Earth within a hundred miles is the soul flew away and scattered, and there is no possibility of second.

Just when Ding Hao was sitting cross-legged in the cave, all the tombs within a radius of one hundred li began to slowly undergo mutations, even some of the wild in the underground grass and trees. The beast and the tree spirit, as if being affected by summon, rushed into the Dongyun Academy.

For a while, the wind and cloud changed color, and the sky above the Dongyun Academy that had just recovered to be sunny, was slowly covered by the black and suppressed evil spirit, and the whole Dongyun Academy was sinking into a gloomy wail like ghosts and howl like among wolves.

Within a radius of ten miles, as long as it is invisible evil, it is subject to summon. The grandiose rushes over. The mortal cultivator’s soul after death, including the souls of some Spirit Beast tree spirits, each All kinds of evil things rushed in like a pilgrimage, and the Yin Qi rushed straight into the sky, making this area completely shrouded in darkness.

At the same time, Ding Hao, who had just sat down, instantly felt a shock in his mind, and various negative emotions followed. In a trance, Ding Hao realized that he was in another one. space.

The abandonment as a child, the misery of my own mother after being imprisoned, plus the appearance of those who were killed by myself, appear in this space one by one, and I myself It was as if I was experiencing it personally, and started to hook out the pain in my heart a little bit.

The inner demons have begun to show gradually, the outer demons have gathered more and more, and the entire Dongyun Academy is surrounded, all kinds of evil things appear, one by one cheering to Ding Hao The cave where I was flying over came, all directions except for the evil things in the shadows, nothing else could be seen.

At this time, “Qing Mingding” slowly emerged from the top of Ding Hao’s head. The fighting spirit and ghosts inside, feeling the harboring malicious intentions of the evil things around, one by one close and numerous Entangled on the “Qing Mingding”, under the moisture of the misty azure light, the souls of war and the ghosts were not afraid, and they laughed wildly and provocatively, seeming to be extremely disdainful of these similar people who were planning to erode.

Speaking of which, the souls of the war spirits and some of the cultivators inside, including the ghosts from the Soul Devouring Banner, are among the most fierce evil creatures in the world. After being subdued by Ding Hao in the “Qing Mingding”, there is a ghost nest as a place for cultivation. The entry is even more fierce. All are bloodthirsty and violent extremely evil generations, completely controlled by Ding Hao. How can these solitary souls, unbound ghosts of the same kind be comparable!

The Yin Qi and the wind filled the entire Dongyun Academy. For a moment, the Yin Qi filled the sky with ghost qi, and the whole place was like hell, with ghosts crying and laughing everywhere, even a few hundred miles away. The evil things also seemed to be stimulated, and gradually gathered here not far away, turning the entire space into a human descent.

However, the spirits of war and ghosts are naturally extremely fierce, evil and evil things. In addition, the “Qing Mingding” can provide continuous support, each of them is extremely fierce, and Ding Hao The cave where it is located is firmly blocked, and no evil objects are allowed to enter it.

The violent fighting began immediately. The evil fights against the evil, and the war spirits and evil ghosts stationed in the “Qing Mingding” are not let down. There is no need for Ding Hao’s body to have any instructions. The close and numerous Evil Spirit souls crowded from hundreds of miles away were turned away.

And Ding Hao’s original mind, at this time, is in another space. Within this space, Ding Hao seems to be a lamb to be slaughtered without the power to bind a chicken. All the people who were killed appeared one by one, including the two siblings of Bingjian Bingying, who were killed earlier, also appeared here.

These people who were killed by Ding Hao before, each with a grim face, a slimy disgusting liquid in their mouths, they rushed at themselves like ghosts, and they kept talking about Ding Hao’s efforts. The hidden secret hit Ding Hao’s mind repeatedly.

In front of these people, Ding Hao only feels that his full body strength can’t be used at all. They seem to know every weakness of their body, and they can often tell the things they are afraid of at a glance, including those The characters who were poisoned by their own Heavenly Tribulation became liquid disgusting pieces of meat, and they just drowned themselves in it.

These people either chewed on their own flesh, or swallowed their own blood, or swallowed themselves into their abdomen, corroding themselves with his thick and disgusting gastric juice. The pain seemed to be magnified and varied, just a small boxing, it was like the Five Internal Organs six bowels were all shaken away, not to mention the horror and pain of eating flesh and blood.

Faced with the attack of there’s no resistance, a wave of helplessness rose from his heart. Ding Hao kept crying and cursing, but he was unable to resist what was happening, even the will to resist. Gradually lost.

With an extremely firm mind, facing such a situation, even Ding Hao has some Divine Consciousness collapsed. At this time, the bloodfiend Demon King is also cold, including Feng Xingran, Ruan Qingyi, his own Master Chen Ling Hu Shuo, the ever-changing demon King Ruan Baixiang, the corpse of the dead, everyone who is familiar with him, and all The hideous countenances appeared, and each of them hit Ding Hao’s most vulnerable side unfeelingly, while holding the magic weapon to kill him.

“Ah, don’t!” An unstoppable panic sounded from Ding Hao’s mouth. Ding Hao tried to back up continuously, but found that he could not move.

At this time, five selves suddenly appeared. These five selves had five expressions of sadness, fear, worry, misery, and anger. The five people surrounded themselves, all of them were baring. The fangs and brandishing claws either grab yourself, bite yourself, or speak out what you try to hide, adding to your fear and helplessness.

“You, who are you?” Ding Hao’s powerlessness and fear became more intense in the face of the five attacks of his own, involuntarily roaring and asking questions.

“We are you, haha! We want to die, you also want to die, we want you to die, and we want to die by ourselves…haha…” Five selves, with crazy tone, unclear speech or Crying or laughing, all rushed to myself.

“No, you are not me. You are not me, and I will not die if you die!” Ding Hao’s voice suddenly returned to coldness, and the whole person no longer struggled in panic, eyes There was Qingming in the middle, and said: “It’s just’Five Sorrows and Chaos Mind’, you die when you die!”

As soon as the words fell, he immediately punched out, bringing a face in front of him with anger. Ding Hao blasted and killed, and then he punched again and again, and the four Ding Hao surrounded by him were also blasted one after another, and then a cold long roar came out from his mouth. The enemies in the entire space included acquaintances, one by one. All shattered like a mirror, and eventually disappeared.

At the same time, the tightly closed eyes finally opened quickly, and the tone of his mouth indifferently said: “It’s very risky. This time Heavenly Tribulation is so terrifying. Didn’t expect it to be finally “Five.” The’heart-wounding technique’ evoked a trace of reason, and he just didn’t sink it all the time, otherwise it would really be dead end this time. It seems that Ye Qingtian’s terrifying blow has actually done him a favor.”

When talking to himself, Ding Hao looked around all around and found that the rays of light of the “Qing Ming Ding” blocked the entire cave with a piece of azure shining through the cave, close and numerous battle spirits and evil ghosts. , Hindering waves of attacks by foreign evil spirits.

I saw that the fighting spirit was the most fierce. He stood up to the door and turned the invading ghosts into light smoke with repeated stern smiles, lurking with Qing Mingding for a long time. Li Soul, the strength of each has also increased a lot, facing the same kind of attack, it seems to have taken advantage of it.

Now that the inner demons have been passed by Ding Hao with a firm mind, watching the invading outer demons all over the sky, I can’t help but relax a lot. Immediately standing up from the posture of sitting cross-legged, he waved his hand, and Qing Mingding fell into his hand. After being snered, he suddenly rushed out of the cave.

Under the rays of light of the “Qing Mingding”, Ding Hao has no fear of all directions and heavy evils. The seven blood ghost generals within the body are also revealed one after another Out of the body of virtual and real, the baring fangs and brandishing claws whispered repeatedly, and one evil thing was broken into pieces by the blood ghost.

“Hehe, this external demon also wants to invade my body and escape the suffering of reincarnation, but thinks about beauty!” Even with a sneer, even Ding Hao’s External Body Incarnation, which is also a lightning glow, shone. Came to Ding Hao’s side from within the originally beautiful mountain.

In the previous Heart Demon invasion, the External Body Incarnation was not affected at all. In addition, because he was a body of thunder, the external demon could not invade him at all. The External Body Incarnation moved to Ding Hao’s body. While nearby, all directions flashed thunder, and some evil creatures all died one by one.

Looking from a distance, all the black and compact are the existence of various evil things. The sky and ground of the entire Dongyun Academy all directions are filled with evil on one side of these illusory shadows, gathering around a hundred There are probably no less than one hundred thousand evil things in Lido. Among them, there are some cruel things faintly, but these things are the most cunning. Although Ding Hao can feel their existence, among the evil things of close and numerous, these are the most. The evil things are constantly moving, and it is impossible to detect their location at all.

coldly snorted, Ding Hao’s “Qing Ming Ding” was suddenly thrown out, and the sky full of cyan ray lights bloomed instantly, the azure light that just bloomed in circles, like waves The water pattern is normal, spreading towards all directions.

Except for the evil creatures that have been in the cultivation of the “Qing Mingding”, any other hostile evil spirits are illuminated by the azure light, and the “zhi zhi” becomes one after another The blue smoke, these blue smoke was still firmly entangled by Qing Mingding, and one by one fell into the “Qing Mingding”.

“Qing Mingding” was originally a Divine Item for suppressing evil things, so it can suppress even war souls, the most evil things in the world, not to mention these fierce ghosts, the wisps of light smoke are inhaled.” Ding Hao felt that Divine Consciousness was clear after being in the “Qing Ming Ding”. Knowing that the “spirit refinement” technique had worked again, he couldn’t help but jump in his heart, so he hurriedly made himself true at a faster speed. Essence poured into the “Qing Ming Ding”.

When “Qing Mingding” burst into flames, the evil creatures around immediately felt the terrifying aura like natural enemies, and they didn’t even dare to stay here anymore, and suddenly began to escape in all directions. Recently, It’s a lot faster when you’re working.

The sky that was originally black and heavy has slowly reappeared at this time. But at this time, the entire mountainside of Dongyun Academy heard a loud hong long long sound. The flying meteors nine days away seemed to be called inexplicably, and they were flying fast from the distant void. Came.

“No, come here! Just after the second Heavenly Tribulation, the third Heavenly Tribulation followed, what the hell is going on!” His face changed wildly, Ding Hao was right The sky screamed fiercely, with unspeakable anger and incredible.

(To be continued)

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