Fei Yuyan could sense the terrifying magic power contained in the black magic words. When his face was frightened, the “Moon Spirit” in his hand had already let go. I saw the “Moon Spirit” as soon as it came out. With the clear moonlight in the sky, these cold rays of light piled thickly, forming a Milky Way, blocking Fei Yuyan’s front.

coldly snorted, Ding Hao’s face is cold and severe, the big mountain-like hand suddenly slams into the silver white galaxy with the black magic word in his hand. After falling into the big mountain-like hand, the black magic word floats above the galaxy, while the giant hand turns into claws, violently tearing the galaxy condensed by the brilliance of the “moon spirit”.

However, this silver galaxy has a tough surname that Ding Hao did not expect. Although it is pulled by force, it still cannot be broken directly.

There was a stunned mind in his heart. Ding Hao was cruel, his big hand suddenly retracted, the black magic word suddenly rolled into it, and the “bang” burst, the silver river, instantly all split up and in pieces, was huge After a burst of magical power, the powerful Ren surname was also destroyed.

I was holding the sword at Ding Hao, planning to cross the obstacles of the galaxy and fight Fei Yuyan, but when he saw Fei Yuyan sneer, he said, “It’s just this, I want to It’s so easy to pass my galaxy, not at all!”

As soon as the words fell, the “Moon Spirit” in Fei Yuyan’s hand was thrown out and fell into the place where the blast was just now, and then “Moon “Spirit” exudes the cold silver light of one after another, and the silver fragments of all split up and in pieces that were originally scattered all around, unexpectedly condensed slowly again, and after a while, a galaxy was once again formed.

“Yi!” Ding Hao was a little surprised and couldn’t help but whispered softly, but this astonishment came from the surprise of Fei Yuyan’s mana on the one hand, and on the other hand, he felt External Body Incarnation has a wonderful sensitivity to that piece of the Milky Way, which makes Ding Hao even more surprised.

With a move in my heart, he was silently and silently towards the External Body Incarnation that Fei Yuyan had sneaked into. He suddenly revealed his body and changed the direction in an instant. In the blink of an eye, he reached the place of the Milky Way. With the body’s ability to sense the Milky Way, External Body Incarnation instantly fell into it.

Strange things have appeared. With the mind of External Body Incarnation, the galaxy water condensed by silver rays of light is quickly inhaled by External Body Incarnation like a whale. Within the body, a void appeared in the blink of an eye.

Just now, with disdain on his face, he stared at Fei Yuyan with cold eyes. When this scene appeared, he seemed to have eaten rotten stinky meat, and his face was so ugly and ugly. He even stuttered: “How, how, how is it possible?”

Between his words, more silver rays of light were sucked in by Ding Hao’s External Body Incarnation, Ding Hao’s External Body Incarnation showed an extremely enjoyable touch, and his face looked very contented, which made Fei Yuyan who was on the sidelines astonished and did not know what to do.

Fortunately, he is an expert in the realm of Earth Demon after all. He still reacted quickly, and his face was flustered, the magic weapon “Moon Spirit” in his hand was thrown out by him again, “Moon Spirit” this I came out again and again, but didn’t dare to burst into the cold moonlight like I just did. On the contrary, like Ding Hao, he quickly sucked the water of the galaxy inside.

Under the joint sucking of the two, after a while, the place returned to normal without the hindrance of silver rays of light. At this time, the External Body Incarnation expression changed, and I stared at the Supreme Treasure “Moon Spirit” of the Magic Moon Valley, and in a vague way, it seemed to have some kind of strange feeling with the “Moon Spirit”.

With a move in my heart, External Body Incarnation suddenly raised his hand and waved to the “Moon Spirit” twice, only to see the “Moon Spirit” in the floating and void, as if being led by Ding Hao. He tried to fly to Ding Hao staggeringly.

When such a scene happened, Fei Yuyan was so scared that Fei Yuyan immediately the soul flew away and scattered, not even think, immediately under the void sit cross-legged, he used all his strength to control the law decision, calling out with his mind.” “Yue Ling” returned.

When I saw Fei Yuyan’s look of fear, External Body Incarnation also moved in my heart, “haha” laughed loudly, yelled “Wonder” three times, and then learned Fei Yuyan’s void Sit down, waving his hands constantly, trying to summon the “Moon Spirit” to lean against him.

So, a strange scene appeared, I saw the Supreme Treasure “Moon Spirit” of Moyue Valley, under the summon of Fei Yuyan and Ding Hao’s External Body Incarnation, and for a while, she was facing Feiyu The inkstone flew away, and flew towards Ding Hao for a while, swaying in the void.

The reason why External Body Incarnation was able to absorb the water of the galaxy and summon this “moon spirit” must be because Ding Hao absorbed the “moon moon and eternal light” of the Demon Moon Valley. Up to now, Ding Hao’s within the body contains the “Demon Moon Desolate Light” of the Demon Moon Valley, which makes some of the magic moon valley’s techniques have no effect on Ding Hao.

This is like External Body Incarnation facing Shi Ruolan, Shi Ruolankong has a super strong Lei Gong, but facing Ding Hao’s External Body Incarnation, there is only a flat meal, didn’t expect it to be a short time later , Now Fei Yuyan faces Ding Hao’s External Body Incarnation, and he has to be restrained everywhere.

In anxious, Fei Yuyan has already exerted all his strength, the whole body is full of silver light, and even his eyes have turned into silver, originally on the verge of collapse “Moon Spirit”, Finally, without continuing to sway back and forth, he slowly flew towards Fei Yuyan.

However, just when Fei Yuyan was sighed in relief, Ding Hao’s body appeared in front of him. The body of Ding Hao was sneered holding the Defying Heaven Demon Sword with a bloodthirsty face. , Without any hesitation, the sword was already opened, the void suddenly plunged into the darkness, the demonic energy surged in, and the fierce sword force had the destructive power to destroy everything.

Strickenly startled, Fei Yuyan bit his tongue in desperation, and the imposing manner all over his body suddenly became stronger. The “Moon Spirit” that came slowly came suddenly faster. Times flew into his hands instantly. At the same time, Fei Yuyan let out a low groan, and his body suddenly rose up. Before Defying Heaven Demon Sword attacked, he had already fled to the sky in embarrassment.

Fei Yuyan who escaped from the void, without thinking about it, immediately put away the magic weapon “Yue Ling”, with a helpless smile on his face, looking at Shi Ruolan from a distance , As if she could understand why Shi Ruolan was so helpless just now, facing Ding Hao’s External Body Incarnation to evade.

Up to now, Ding Hao is also astonished. Because of the special structure of External Body Incarnation, his main method of cultivation is not based on the true essence of the body or the growth of the demonic Yuan. Incarnation within the body is the energy that is fused with various forces. This energy will not grow gradually by itself, but this energy can absorb the same type of energy in it, making the energy of the same kind. Melt into it.

Shi Ruolan’s Lei Li is the same, and Fei Yuyan’s cold moonlight is the same. As long as Ding Hao’s energy within the body exists, his External Body Incarnation can’t be harmed from the outside, and there are attacks. It may be absorbed by External Body Incarnation, which is really weird. Although this External Body Incarnation is not at all cultivation infinite magic power, this kind of strange ability is even more frightening than infinite magic power.

“Fei Yuyan, it seems that you only have such a trick, haha, maybe I don’t need my own action, just an External Body Incarnation can defeat you!” Ding Hao on the lower side , Laughing wildly, unspeakably proud and arrogant.

In this way, Fei Yuyan’s face was pale and blue, and he felt extremely stunned. Shi Ruolan, not far from the lower side, showed a sympathetic look, and she understood Fei Yuyan’s Feeling helpless.

Suddenly, Fei Yuyan’s face was gloomy and coldly shouted: “Your External Body Incarnation is only because you have absorbed the’Demon Moon’s Incarnation Light’, so that you can faintly restrain it. But we, Magic Moon Valley. , But it’s not just relying on the power of the magic moon, huh, you take this move and try!”

After speaking, Fei Yuyan shook his right hand and took out a magic weapon like a loophole, straight to Ding Hao covered his head, and there was cold in his eyes.

Ding Hao’s expression remained unmoved. He originally regarded Fei Yuyan as a great enemy, but now that he knows the External Body Incarnation, he also has the effect of restraining the magic of the magic moon valley, so he no longer regards Fei Yuyan as an enemy. Fei Yuyan took seriously.

Seeing this loophole-like magic weapon, coming from the top of his head, Ding Hao sensed that the demonic energy contained in it was not strong, and he couldn’t help showing a trace of disdain, his figure flew away suddenly, Defying Heaven Demon Sword is like a spike, directly hitting the funnel-shaped magic weapon.

At this time, Fei Yuyan smiled sullenly, as if the annihilation plan had succeeded, and a vicious cold light flashed in his eyes. I saw from the lower side of the funnel, a fishy, ​​turbid, dark brown liquid suddenly spewed out. Ding Hao was caught off guard. Although he tried his best to dodge, he was still sprayed half of his body.

“hehe, this is the poison of bone decay, it will soften the skeleton of your whole body, and eventually the skeleton cannot support your weight and destroy it. Ding Hao, too confident, it’s not a good thing. !” Fei Yuyan laughed wildly, triumphantly.

“Push!” At the time of Ding Hao, Fei Yuyan saw Defying Heaven Demon Sword, which had been silent, penetrated him from the lower abdomen, and Defying Heaven Demon Sword’s surplus was overwhelming, hurriedly several After ten zhang, he was firmly nailed to a protruding rock. Ding Hao was full of stench and flew in front of Fei Yuyan in an instant.

“Wait, why, why is bone rot poison is useless to you, even in Devil Realm, bone rot poison is a vicious thing that destroys the Body of Immortal Demon, why?” Dead ashes, Fei Yuyan yelled sadly, his face full of unwillingness, as if he couldn’t believe the current result.

Open your hands, one after another black stinking liquid, following Ding Hao’s palm, flowed onto Fei Yuyan’s head, and I saw the head that was still held high, which smelled of black. The liquid stuck and stopped Ongli instantly. As soon as the “Qing Mingding” came out, it was already covered on Fei Yuyan’s head, looking at Fei Yuyan’s twinkling eyes, Ding Hao said with a smile, “Let’s see how you pretend, I want the Primordial Spirit to escape. , Deliberately confuse me with words, hehe, what you have played is wishful thinking, but now the “Qing Ming Ding” is over your head, I will see how you can still Primordial Spirit Leaving the Body!”

As soon as the words fell, regardless of Fei Yuyan’s skeleton becoming loose and soft, he slammed his hands on his head, said solemnly: “As for why I am not afraid of the poison of bones, I am not quite clear, but I I have swallowed the Inner Core of Eight Winged Purple Python before, and Hundred Venoms Immunity. Later, I experienced the most painful Body Refinement technique in Holy Land of Hundred Changes Sect. Every skeleton of the body has changed even I don’t know how much. Tyrannical. So, you die without resentment!”

At this time, Fei Yuyan was so soft that he could not even speak. The strong spirit strength of “Qing Mingding” formed a prisoner. The cage covered his body so that he could not Primordial Spirit Leaving the Body. Then, under the operation of the Promise Magic Power, he made himself a clever Fei Yuyan, and he was completely drained of Origin Energy. After the skeleton softened, the essence of the magic body was Ding. Hao quickly absorbed, leaving behind a thin layer of human skin.

After Fei Yuyan was sucked to death, Ding Hao curled one’s lip and said to himself: “Is there no difference? It’s the same as the feeling of absorbing true essence, but digestion is the same, but This Fei Yuyan, who is in the realm of heavenly demon, seems to be because of the lower realm, and his strength is not able to function normally. The magic Origin Energy is only twice as strong as me.”

raised Hand and beckoned, take out the storage ring from a layer of skin, take a look at it, and find that all the contents inside burst to pieces. It seems that Fei Yuyan knew that he could not escape Ding Hao’s poisonous hand, so he simply took all the contents in it with his mind. Ruined.

At this time, I started to have time to look all around. From this look, I found that Demon Sect had already gained the upper hand, but it did not gain an absolute advantage. The damage on both sides is still not Small, but the damage of daoist sect is more severe.

What worries Ding Hao most is naturally the casualties of Limitless Devil Sect’s doormen. After taking a look from a distance, I realized that among the unexpectedly, there are several Limitless Devil Sect experts, the original Four Great Elders. One, Zhang Li’s grandfather Zhang Heng, Elder Ma Feng, and several experts who only recognize but cannot be named, were also criticized at this moment.

Compared with other Demon Sects, Limitless Devil Sect’s damage is still the lightest. At this time, Ding Hao, who intended to kill Shi Ruolan and Ye Qingtian with External Body Incarnation, suddenly moved in his heart. Secretly thought At this time is the time when the strength of both Dao Demon and Dao Devil is attenuated. If I kill those two prematurely, Demon Realm Expert takes the advantage and will definitely reverse the current situation. It is better to guard your Sect and let Dao Demon’s The casualties continued to increase.

Whether it is Tao or Devil, if the Limitless Devil Sect in the entire Western Continent is to rule the roost, they must be greatly reduced in strength. When will there be such a good time today, with a smile in his heart, Ding Hao’s External Body Incarnation rushed to Shi Ruolan, and the body flew to the Limitless Devil Sect at the back, intending to protect his side with the strength of the devil and let them fight to death.

(To be continued)

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