Just after hiding in the mountainside, Lan Mei saw that there was no one around, and immediately entangled Ding Hao like a water snake. She was obsessed with her jade lips and gasped, “Master, I want it.”

Ding Hao low With a laugh, he hugged Lan Mei, and Lan Mei lifted up two straight and plump thighs and wrapped them around Ding Hao’s waist. The lower abdomens of the two touched each other. Under the influence of demonic Yuan, the clothes on the lower body were torn in an instant. .

Lan Mei didn’t know that she would gradually sink in every time she had fun in fish and water, until she finally became involuntary and became a tool of Ding Hao act wilfully.

Half a moment, a painful struggle flashed between Lan Mei’s eyebrows, and she quietly cleaned Ding Hao’s messy lower body, and then raised her head to look at Ding Hao, her eyes confused and complicated.

“Let’s go.” Ding Hao looked down at Lan Mei who was kneeling under him, said with a slight smile.

Getting up and tidying up, Lan Mei straightened her clothes, restored her previous aloof and remote posture, and walked slowly towards the forbidden area of ​​the Secret Beast Spirit Palace.

Only then came to a manor in the mountainside, suddenly Ding Hao frowned, staring at Lan Mei: “Why is Murongqian here?”

As soon as these words came out, Lan Mei was taken aback for a moment, and then she shook the head and said, “I don’t know. She is with my disciple Ning Ziying now, and I don’t know what to talk about.”

After Hao and Lan Mei walked into the courtyard of the mountainside, two beautiful girls walked out of the hiding place and said respectfully to Lan Mei: “Palace lord, Murongqian from the heavenly demon palace comes to see you.”

From Lan Mei’s mouth, Ding Hao learned that the current doorman of the Secret Beast Spirit Palace calls Lan Mei the Grand Palace Master, and the current Palace Master Ning Ziying of the Secret Beast Spirit Palace is just called It’s just the little palace lord. From this name, it can be seen that even if Lan Mei hasn’t appeared in ten years, the power of the Secret Beast Spirit Palace is completely in her control.

Originally, Ding Hao incarnation was Duan Muran, and I already had a good idea. Now I have completely mastered Lan Mei, which makes Ding Hao even more likely to win. Xie Xinzong and Shang Jia are now Coupled with the Secret Beast Spirit Palace, if these three forces fight against the daoist sect, they will definitely be able to provoke the Daoist Demon war, and at that time they will have no choice but to call the shots.

“Understood, I’ll go see what the hell is happening!” Lan Mei cried lowly, waved the girl next to her to retreat, and immediately walked towards the pavilion where Murongqian was.

Ding Hao hesitated for a moment, and finally got up to follow, walked side by side with Lan Mei, to the pavilion where Murongqian and Ning Ziying were.

Half a while, Lan Mei chuckled outside and giggled: “Girl Qian, what brought you here.”

Between words, Lan Mei and Ding Hao The two had already entered the pavilion between them. This place is not big, but the dress is extremely quiet and elegant. In addition to the Yanmo Murongqian, there is also a beautiful woman in the middle of the fit, who looks like Lan Mei’s disciple Ning Ziying.

“Master, you’re back!” Ning Ziying saw Lan Mei come in and immediately rose up in joy, moving towards Lan Mei with a sweet smile and bowed in salute.

What’s the change in Murongqian’s appearance? After hearing Lan Mei’s voice, she also got up and gave a salute, smiled and said: “Qian’er visits Aunt Lan, hey, Uncle Duan is also here!”

According to the generational classification, Lan Mei and Duan Muran are the same generation as Tian Devil Palace Master Murong Yuan. Murong Qian calls Lan Mei as Aunt Lan, and Ding Hao as Uncle Duan is as it should be by rights.

It’s just that when Ding Hao listened to Murongqian calling him Uncle Duan, he felt extremely weird. Although she is now dressed as Duan Muran, she who has always been called Murong’s big sister is called Uncle by her. It still makes Ding Hao feel weird.

Lan Mei is still her self in the face of others. She has extraordinary wisdom. Hearing Murongqian’s call, she immediately lightly said with a smile: “Girl Qian came to our Secret Beast Spirit Palace this time, What is it for?”

Ten years ago, the Heavenly Demon Palace and the Secret Beast Spirit Palace were still fighting each other secretly, but from the Three Sects unity to the Limitless Devil Sect, until later. For the battle with daoist sect, Three Sects hugged each other tightly, and their relationship with Three Sects has become much easier than before.

“Hehe, it’s nothing big. Hey, why is Aunt Lan suddenly radiant, even I am envious when I see it!” Murongqian avoided Lan Mei’s question first, and then criticized it. out in surprise, pointing to Lan Mei.

The blue Mei’s discipline Ning Ziying also whispered, surprised: “Yes, Master, you still looked gray before you left, why suddenly you seem to be a different person.”

As soon as these words came out, Murongqian and Ning Ziying kept staring at Lan Mei and commenting, their expressions were shocked. Lan Mei knew in her heart that it was all because of the crazy joy with Ding Hao. When she left the Secret Beast Spirit Palace, she knew exactly what it was like. Now, after hearing the questions from the two of them, even Lan Mei’s cleverness didn’t know how to answer, so he couldn’t tell why.

Murongqian stared at Lan Mei carefully, then looked at Ding Hao next to him, she seemed to understand something suddenly, her pupils flashed a strange color, and she secretly had a vigilant heart. .

until now, although the Evil Heart Sect and the Secret Beast Spirit Palace hug each other, they still have scruples between each other and are not truly sincere cooperation. Lan Mei has been staying in the Secret Beast Spirit Palace these years. According to the news Murongqian has received, Lan Mei has had a very bad time and her temper is extremely weird and exaggerated, but now she is back from the Evil Heart Sect with Ding Hao. The whole person seemed to have completely changed, which had to make Murong Qian think about it.

Lan Mei was a little embarrassed. She walked to a chair and sat down on her own. She concealed herself and poured a cup of tea to drink. Then she recovered her peace and said to Murongqian, “Qian’er went to the Secret Beast Palace, What is it for?”

The Yanmo Murongqian did not ask much about Lan Mei. Hearing her say that, she immediately said resolutely: “It is said that Ding Lie’s remains in Aunt Lan’s hands. Nascent Soul, I don’t know if this happened?”

When these words came out, Lan Mei was shocked, her tender red face sank, and she stared at Murongqian and said: “How did you know about this?”

slightly smiled, Murongqian mysteriously said: “Your Secret Beast Palace has its own way, and naturally our Heavenly Demon Palace also has its own way. This time I came to the Secret Beast Palace, because I wanted to borrow Ding Lie’s Nascent Soul in Aunt Lan’s hands is used, and she intends to use him to call Ding Hao to come and die.”

Ding Hao held the tea cup and drank silently, listening to Murong Qian’s As soon as he said, his heart moved involuntarily, and he stared at Yan Demon Murongqian suddenly.

“hmph, Qian girl joked. Don’t say how precious Ding Lie’s Nascent Soul is, will I lend you? Even if I lend you, you might hand him over to Ding Hao. Who knows the relationship between you and Ding Hao, when we dealt with Limitless Devil Sect, you didn’t even listen to your father’s persuasion, and you were imprisoned by him. Instead, you’re talking about using Ding Lie’s Nascent Soul to treat Ding Hao. What a joke!” Lan Mei’s face was cold in vain, to Murongqian.

“Aunt Lan’s words are wrong, because I understand the terrifying of Ding Hao and Limitless Devil Sect. I didn’t want us to conflict with Limitless Devil Sect. It turns out that what you did is fundamental It’s wrong. Otherwise, if we unite with Limitless Devil Sect, the current daoist sect would have been cleaned out.

But this is the end of the matter. The hatred between our heavenly demon palace and Limitless Devil Sect is inevitable, for heavenly Demon Palace and my father, I have to do my best to deal with Ding Hao, after all, Ding Hao and I are just friends, not as important as my father and heavenly Demon Palace.” Murongqian retorted Lan Mei, whispering and firm.

Ding Hao is holding the tea cup, eyes squinted, just staring at Murongqian like this, staring at her without moving.

“hmph, who are you deceiving with these words, Qian girl, you play this set in front of me, it seems that you are looking for the wrong person. Others say that once a woman falls in love with a man, she will act desperately He thought, originally I didn’t believe it, but looking at what you are doing now, I really believe it.

Do you want to see Ding Hao when I don’t? You want to put Ding Lie’s Nascent Soul, take it from my hand and give it to Ding Hao. I want to resolve the hatred between him and your dad. At least I want Ding Hao to let your dad go. If I can’t see this kind of careful thinking, Lan Mei, wouldn’t it be white? I have been the lord of the Secret Beast Spirit Palace for many years.

Ding Hao and I, Lan Mei hatred as deep as the sea, I definitely won’t let you do what you want, even more how even if you put Ding Lie’s Nascent Soul Give it to Ding Hao. According to his very ruthless, he will definitely not let your dad go. I think your wishful thinking is wrong.” Lan Mei sneered Murongqian coldly. After speaking, she turned away a little fearful to Ding Hao. At a glance, it seemed that she was afraid that Ding Hao would blame her.

At this time, Ding Hao not at all cares about Murongqian. Instead, he wraps the Divine Consciousness on Murongqian’s body, and even slightly closes his eyes to feel Murongqian’s original intentions.

For a while, Ding Hao smiled at the corners of his mouth, opened his eyes immediately, and said to Murongqian: “Girl Qian, you are really naive. The hatred between us and Ding Hao is no longer the same. Lie can be resolved. This time Ding Hao re-appears in East Continent, which is obviously revenge. The Huangshang family is over. Now it is our Evil Heart Sect and your heavenly demon palace, which is his goal. What you did It’s just superfluous.”

As soon as he said this, Murongqian’s eyes flashed a little panic, and immediately returned to normal, she said with a smile: “Uncle Duan doesn’t believe me either, I really want to deal with it. Ding Hao, he wants to kill my dad, I will not let him do what he wants. Even more how I and Ding Hao are just ordinary friends, and they are not his confidantes. Why should I help him.”

After the talk, Murongqian’s voice is low, seeming to be a little bit self-pity and self-pity, and her smile also seems a little reluctant.

Ding Hao had already learned what he wanted to know, and immediately smiled at the corners of his mouth. He stopped saying anything. He still drank tea silently, his eyes a little complicated.

“Girl Qian, let’s go. It’s not that Aunt Lan doesn’t help you, but it’s a matter of the rise and fall of Demon Sect Three Sects. If your heavenly demon palace really has this idea, you might as well let your dad personally Talk to me.” Lan Mei said to Murongqian with a regretful expression on her face.

Up to now, Yan Mo Murongqian got up, moved towards Lan Mei and Ding Hao and gave a bow. Without saying much, she left alone, looking a little lonely from her back.

When Murongqian left, Lan Mei opened her mouth to Nanning Ziying: “Ziying, Ding Lie’s Nascent Soul is there. Only you know that you went to fetch it and bring it to me. Useful.”

“Disciple, follow your orders!” Ning Ziying agreed, stood up and left respectfully, and disappeared immediately.

This Lan Mei deserves to be a wise person. In order to prevent herself from getting Ding Lie’s hiding place from her mind, even she just held it back and handed it over to Ning Ziying.

After Ning Ziying left, Lan Mei looked at Ding Hao and asked: “This Murongqian has a deep affection for you. You don’t know, how would you treat Murongyuan?”


frowned, Ding Hao glanced at Lan Mei coldly, and said, “Murongqian is Murongqian and Murongyuan is Murongyuan. Two people are naturally two different things. What does the relationship between their father and daughter have to do with me? .”

As soon as these words came out, Lan Mei felt cold in her heart, and then she sighed and said: “I know that you, a character like you, don’t care about your children’s personal relationships.”

“Come here.” Ding Hao looked violent and shouted to Lan Mei.

“Master, you want it again, but Ning’er is coming back soon.” Lan Mei was a little flustered, and under Ding Hao’s order, she couldn’t resist walking towards Ding Hao.

“Let her wait outside!” Ding Hao coldly snorted, holding Lan Mei up and letting her sit around her waist.

Every time I have a good time with Lan Mei, through Yin-Yang Joined Together Soul Controlling Technique, Lan Mei will gradually sink into decline, and gradually lose her self in front of Ding Hao. Now In unconsciously, Lan Mei’s hatred and revenge towards Ding Hao has gradually faded. Instead, she began to think about Ding Hao. This is the horror of sorcery.

Ding Hao understands this deeply and wants to completely destroy all of Lan Mei’s psychological defenses and let her sink in completely. If you want to reach this situation as quickly as possible, the Yin-Yang Baozong’s method of intercourse is the quickest and most effective way, so that Lan Mei’s survival is for Ding Hao.

From the conversation between Lan Mei and Murongqian just now, Ding Hao has already seen that Lan Mei is slowly sinking into decline, unconsciously, when facing herself, she has all begun to change her surname, taking advantage of this With a good sign, Ding Hao just added his strength to completely control Lan Mei’s body and mind.

(To be continued)

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