Limitless Interpretations

One thousand one hundred and seventy-six: Who will the throne be passed to?

Fortunately, there is a town not far ahead.

When he arrived at the contact point in Dongchang and was about to lead his horse away, a falcon suddenly arrived and handed him a secret letter: "Sir, an urgent secret report from the capital."

Yan Wan had a bad premonition and quickly opened the letter. When he saw the few words on the secret letter, his face changed drastically. Without even thinking about what to say, he got on his horse and hurried out of the town.

The content of the secret report: ‘The Holy Dragon is in ill health, please come back soon! ’

Running on the official road, his mind was still full of doubts. The emperor was probably in his fifties now. He had various treasures to maintain his health, and he had many battles in his early years, so he should be in good health.

Why did it suddenly...

"Could it be that the emperor has not attacked the eldest prince because he has known about it for a long time? Want to see how long he can last?"

Various thoughts were swirling in his mind, but he could not come to an accurate conclusion.

Although he didn't understand this, Yan Wan knew that the eldest prince would definitely not be lonely. This was probably an important reason why Liu Fu and others secretly ordered him to return to Beijing as soon as possible.

But having said that, most of Dongchang's power is now in the palace, and there is absolutely no way to successfully usurp the throne with the help of the Jinyi Guards in the capital alone.

So, if the eldest prince wants to take action, what will he do?

Don't forget that he is still observing mourning in the imperial mausoleum, and the imperial mausoleum is behind the Forbidden Palace. As long as he makes a move, the people in Dongchang can take advantage of him.

The emperor put down the memorial and was about to stand up, but suddenly his face changed slightly and he whispered: "Help me up."

"Master, you are not in good health. You should cultivate yourself more." Liu Fu stepped forward, took his hand, carefully lifted him up from the dragon chair, and persuaded him softly.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, people always get older." The emperor looked at it openly and smiled nonchalantly.

In just a few months, the emperor seemed to be a different person, with sunken cheeks and dim eyes.

The body is much thinner than before, and the dragon robe that used to be decent in the past feels empty when worn on the body.

As he stood up, he could faintly see blurred spots and loose skin on the back of his hands.

If we talk about the past, we can call it old and strong, and the power of the tiger is still there. Now... the emperor seems to be really old. If he were not defending his throne in dragon robes, he would be no different from an old man on the street.

Liu Fu said in a low voice: "Master, our family has issued a secret order, and Yan Wan will return to Beijing soon."

"Where is Prince Ping?" The emperor frowned.

Liu Fu replied: "Falcon Eagle reported that Yan Wang killed a total of seventy-five members of King Ping's family in one night some time ago. They killed all of them. Their heads are still on the road and they will arrive in a few days."

"Okay. Okay." As if returning to the light, a bit of rosiness appeared on the emperor's face, and his dim eyes also shone a bit at this moment.

The corner of Liu Fu's mouth trembled, and he couldn't help but sigh: "Master, our family..."

"I know what you're going to say."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words started, the emperor tightened his hands, shook his head gently and said: "Zhu Li is still young, I can't ruin my Ming Dynasty because of my personal desires."

"But, but... big,"

As the emperor walked, he said: "Although the eldest prince has done such evil things, he is my only son besides Li'er.

Maybe he is not a wise king, but at least he will not be a faint king, let alone be ignored by the nobles in the court, so as to ruin our Ming Dynasty.

It was also my fault. In order to polish his temperament, I did not allow him to participate in court affairs, but unexpectedly it had the opposite effect, leading him astray and making such mistakes.

I know my body.

Rather than lingering for a while, it is better to take advantage of this opportunity to remove all obstacles for him, whether it is infamy or criticism, let me take all these things away. "

Liu Fu's body froze slightly, his face was full of tears, and he choked several times. Fang swallowed his words and lowered his head silently: "Master, you will definitely get better."


The emperor laughed, let go of his hand, turned around and stared calmly at the dragon chair and table in front of him, his eyes gradually fell to the jade seal that symbolized the fate of the country.

"I believe that my Ming Dynasty will last for thousands of years and everything will be prosperous!"

"Yes, our family believes it too." Liu Fu agreed, but the worry in his eyes became more intense.

In a daze, Liu Fu seemed to see again the old emperor who had just ascended to the Nine Five-Year Plan, with a tall and straight posture, and scolded Fang Qiu...

Imperial mausoleum.

The eldest prince got up, dressed, washed and cooked as usual.

Yes, cooking.

In the past, he had servants to take care of everything, but now he has to do everything by himself.

Suddenly, his body trembled slightly, and he stared at the wood strips on the stove that were as thick as a finger and as long as an inch, with a sparkle in his eyes.

Seeing no one around, he crushed the wooden strips to reveal the silk cloth wrapped in dense wax.

The silk cloth unfolded, revealing two lines of small characters: 'The Emperor's body is ill and his time is short. The Lord needs to prepare, something big is about to happen. ’

"Four months."

The eldest prince threw the silk cloth into the stove fire and murmured in his heart.

He spread his hands and stared at the calluses worn out on the joints of his palms. These were the marks left by months of work.

Suddenly, the eldest prince rubbed his cheeks violently, feeling the roughness he had never felt before.

The killing intent in his eyes was as turbulent as the sea.

The past ten days are passing by.

With a weathered face and a heavy look of exhaustion on his face, Yan Wan got off his horse, walked into an abandoned thatched hut, and started to light a fire.

This place is still three hundred miles away from the capital. If you rest for a while and travel overnight, you should be able to return to the capital at noon tomorrow.


Yan Wang took a breath of hot air, rubbed his hands, took out the iron box, dug out a box of white snow outside the house, and put it on the fire to bake. Then he took out dry food from his bag.

Yan Wan broke open the cold dry food and stuffed it into his mouth with the snow water. He had not eaten hot food for two days, and when the hot water entered his stomach, he immediately felt a sense of warmth.

These days were spent on horseback. If he had not reached his limit, he would not bother to find a place to rest here.


The sound of branches breaking was jarring in this silent environment.

Yan Wan raised his head when he heard the sound, but immediately his foot slipped and he leaned up, almost touching the ground.

In an instant, several rays of black light flew past the tip of his nose, and the arrow pierced half of the wall, and the tail of the arrow buzzed and trembled.

"There is an order from above. See Mr. Shuyuan and you are not allowed to enter the capital."

More than a dozen Jinyi guards appeared from everywhere, armed with knives and armor, and slowly approached.

Yan Wan stuffed the last piece of dry food into his mouth, picked up the iron box and took a sip of hot water, feeling the warmth emanating from his body.

He stood up and stretched his body, looking at these unkind people, and said loudly: "If I were you, I wouldn't be so careless."

"Haha, it's hard to beat with two fists..."


Four crossbow arrows were shot from his wrist while he stretched. It penetrated the throats of two people accurately.

Yan Wan leaned over and drew his sword, took one step forward, and brought out a silver dragon, which instantly passed over a person's neck.

PS: I got the Outbreak badge and will resume updating three times a day from now on. Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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