Limitless Interpretations

One Thousand and Thirty-One: The so-called finding wealth in danger

Then, he wrote the word "eavesdropping" and circled it. He took out his cell phone and gestured to communicate via text message. But he asked nonchalantly: "By the way, can I call for service here?"

"What do you want to do?" Xingzai joked, and at the same time pointed the phone screen at Yan Wan: Is there a way?

Yan Wang: Kowa has two sons and a daughter, so we can start with his children.

Xingzi: How to say it specifically?

Yan Wan: Kova himself cannot die, otherwise Kasha, who can dominate the sky with one hand, do you think she still needs to keep her promise?

Xingzi: Keep talking...

Yan Wan: Even if Kasha is willing to keep her promise, do you think those from New FXCM and those from Kowa will agree to trade with the person who killed Kowa? In order to appease them, Kai'Sa will either secretly arrange a deal or...

Xingzi: "Throw us out and kill us. Not only can we calm down the anger of those people, but we can also smoothly integrate them in the name of avenging Kowa."

This is a big problem, but Kasha didn't say it out loud at the dinner table before.

The seventh floor of the hotel.

Kasha was sitting by the window, smoking quietly, with several eavesdropping devices placed on the table. Among the rustling sounds, the conversation between Yan Wan and Xing Zai could be heard.

One of his men smiled and said, "Madam, it seems they have no other thoughts."

"They are smart people, especially the one named Yan Wan."

The corners of Kasha's rosy mouth curled up slightly, and she hummed like a cat: "Smart people never treat others as fools, only smart people do."

The subordinate bent down knowingly, gently pressed her shoulders, and said doubtfully: "Madam, I don't understand why we don't just find the killer. It's safer than them."

Kasha laughed out loud: "Looking for a killer? Do you think that when Kova dies, his power will dissipate? My purpose is just to take revenge on him. If Yan Wu and the others can really kill Kova, maybe we can still take advantage of it. Take some of his territory."

Listening to the conversation coming from the headset, the subordinates couldn't help but curl their lips and questioned: "They may not succeed, they are just a bunch of gangsters. Look now..."

Kasha closed her eyes nonchalantly and said softly: "Don't worry, in order to establish a trading channel with me, they have to kill Kova even if they try their best. Otherwise, their eldest brother will not be able to spare them when they return to the port city.

Moreover, no matter what happens to this business, we will not lose money. Anyway, the blame lies with Tianxing Society and the others. "

"Madam is so amazing." The subordinate complimented her at the right time.

Xingzi went back. When he went back, he had a complicated expression on his face.

I don’t know what Yan Wan said to him later.

After closing the door, Yan Wan took a bottle of beer from the refrigerator, knocked the bottle cap off the railing by the window, took a big sip, and looked at the night scene outside absentmindedly.

While eating, the system gave a prompt. Only now did he have time to open it and check it out.

System prompt: Task 2: Negotiation (Completed)

Kasha is a woman with mysterious origins. In a place where women's status is low in Thailand, she can rise up in one fell swoop and defeat several established forces one after another. She is definitely the best among them.

If you can successfully convince her, connect with Tianxing Society and establish a strong relationship of interest. The boss, Chen Yongjian, will look at you with new eyes, appreciate you more, and completely treat you as a confidant.

Completion reward: Skill points*2

Failure penalty: Kai'Sa's forces will launch an endless hunt for you until your heads are brought to her.

Perhaps it was because they happened to catch up with the good times and saved Kaisha's life during the crisis. So regarding the transaction, it was very easy to reach.

However, completing the task does not mean that the matter is over.

Because of the taskbar, a new task appeared, or should I say... a branch continuation task?

Task 2: Negotiation·Going Further (accepted by default)

You saw through the conspiracy between Kova and Xinfuhui, and saved Kasha at the critical moment. This has greatly improved your relationship with each other and successfully re-established trading channels.

But you, with your obvious ambitions, are not satisfied with the status quo. You have set your sights on a higher position. Kasha decided that if you kill Kovar or his relatives, her revenge will be successful. She will agree and only supply you with your request.

Completion reward: Skill points*4. (Depending on the importance of the character, it decreases)

Failure penalty: If you fail, Kai'Sa will not acknowledge your relationship. You will face Kova's comprehensive and endless pursuit until... you die.

In fact, besides this, there is a gray, unselectable option.

Task 2: Negotiation·Enough is Enough

You saw through the conspiracy between Kova and Xinfuhui, and saved Kasha at the critical moment. This has greatly improved your relationship with each other and successfully re-established trading channels.

If you stop in time and return to the club with this result, you will successfully complete the task and gain the trust of the hall leader Chen Yongjian.

Enough is enough and stop quickly. It's not too late for you to turn back now.

Completion reward: Skill point*1

Failure penalty: None

Yan Wang glanced at it casually. The second option was undoubtedly to take advantage of the situation and stop, and then return directly to the port city. Although there are only a few skill points, the advantage is safety.

But even if he saw it at that time, Yan Wan would not choose this.

Wealth is found in danger, isn't it?

If you want to gain greater benefits, you will naturally have to take greater risks. This is an eternal truth.

And now, it would be too difficult for him to climb up. Opportunities come by chance but cannot be sought, and he will not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Even if he succeeds this time, he will still be in his current position. But even so, Yan Wan must make his weight heavier!

But now, how should I use the reward points obtained from searching at Shuyuan

Yan Wan clicked on the specialization skill tree, hesitated, pondered for a while, and closed the system.

Save it now. If you don’t have enough, you’ll need it again later.

The next day.

Yan Wan woke up, washed up, and found Kasha. "I need more information about Kova, not only himself, but also the people close to him."

Kasha crossed her legs and threw him a cigar: "For example?"

Yan Huan shrugged: "His hobbies, places he frequents, living habits, etc., as well as information about his son or daughter."

"I didn't know, I thought you were a killer." Kasha smiled.

"We have to find a breakthrough. Just because Kova is hard to kill, doesn't mean his relatives are hard to kill." Yan Wan held a cigar in his mouth and looked for the lighter. Suddenly he spoke and then picked up the lighter from her leg as if nothing had happened.

I don’t know if Kasha did it on purpose or not, but she crossed her legs on the table, causing her short skirt, which was already slit almost to the top of her thighs, to open wide, revealing that conspicuous...***.

ps: Also, starting from today.

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