Limitless Interpretations

One Thousand and Seventy: A shareholder meeting with fierce disputes (New Year's Day is approac

"Okay, in that case..."

He closed the document and sighed: "Then please follow me to the Chief Superintendent to explain it. After all, this document was approved with his signature. If you don't go, it will be difficult for us to do it."

"Okay, I'll go with you." Nie Yuanfang thought for a few seconds and nodded in agreement.

Half an hour later.

Nie Yuanfang argued helplessly: "Superintendent, you should understand my difficulties."

"You should understand that these are regulations, and you cannot cover up the past with just a word of complaint." The chief superintendent was also helpless, because the request of the Major Crime Investigation Department was indeed what it should be.

If they don't take it seriously, when the Ministry of Internal Affairs investigates, they will definitely be charged with incompetence, knowing the law and breaking the law.

"I..." Nie Yuanfang didn't know what to say.

The man suddenly said: "I have a way. Since Sir Nie is unwilling to say it, we will not force it. As long as Sir Nie is transferred back to the serious case side, the problem will be solved. Chief Superintendent, what do you think?"

The Chief Superintendent clapped his hands and all the worries on his face disappeared: "Hey, that's a good idea..."

"No. I still have arrangements here, so I can't..."

He spread his hands and sighed: "Sir Nie, this won't work, that won't work, you are making it difficult for us to do it."

Nie Yuanfang's eyes were red and he said word by word: "I know this is against the rules, but I beg you to give me a few days, okay? Three days, just three days."

"Then...okay." The man had no choice but to nod and leave with the document in hand.

"Thank you." Nie Yuanfang shouted a few words. After talking to the chief superintendent, he hurried back to the police station.


"Failed? Three days? Okay, I understand." Yan Wang hung up the phone with an expressionless face and snapped his fingers: "Xingzi, implement the alternative plan."

Today is the day when the shareholders' meeting is held.

"Let's go." Yan Wan got into the car, holding a file bag in his hand

Although Zhao Xing was curious, he still responded dutifully and started the car: "Yes, Brother Yan."

Tianxing Company.

Twenty-seventh floor rooftop.

Yan Wan entered the conference room under the respectful eyes of all the younger brothers.

"Hey, Yanzi, long time no see."

"Tsk, tsk, I'm fat again."

Yan Hahahahahahahahaha, with a smile on his face, he stayed in his position. He looked at the time and said, "The time is almost up, where is the boss? Why hasn't it arrived yet?"

Ye Bin replied with a smile: "Boss is not in good health recently, so he may be delayed for a while."


The door of the conference room opened. Chen Yueyue stepped on her high heels and came to Chen Yongjian's seat amidst crisp footsteps. She sat down without hesitation.

Ye Bin glanced at her and said softly: "Miss, now is not the time to fool around. Where is the boss?"

Chen Yueyue looked around and said calmly: "My father is still in the hospital. I will hold this shareholders' meeting on his behalf."



Deathly silence!

Before coming, everyone thought that the boss, Chen Yongjian, had summoned them to a meeting to discuss important matters. After all, shareholders' meetings are rarely held.

However, in the end, it was Chen Yueyue who convened the meeting privately under Chen Yongjian's name.

Chen Yongjian didn't show up? Is your health really failing? Yan Wang found that he seemed to have guessed something wrong. He also didn't expect that Chen Yueyue would be so bold.

Yan Wan played with the lighter in his hand and said in a nonchalant manner: "Miss, what you are doing is not in line with the rules, isn't it?"

Chen Yueyue was very aura. When she heard this, she raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "My father holds 40% of the shares in Tianxing Company. Now he is seriously ill. This..."

"Even if the boss is seriously ill, he hasn't left Hexi yet."

Yan Wang ignored the sign on the wall that said no smoking was allowed. He lit a cigarette and held it in his mouth. He chuckled and said, "The boss hasn't left yet. What does this share have to do with you?"

"You..." Chen Yueyue really didn't think so much. She has always been a rich lady and rarely participates in such things. For a moment, she was stuck and couldn't find the words to refute.

Ye Bin silently made a repair, stood up, straightened his clothes, and said with a smile: "Miss, if nothing happens, I will take the first step. After all, we all have a lot to do every day."

Chen Yueyue applied a little makeup, her pretty face turned pale, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Tianxing Company was founded by my father."

"There's something wrong with that." Xingzi shook his head and interrupted her: "In the beginning, it was Yan Zi who made the suggestion, and then the rest of us contributed the money, and the company was established."

"Without my dad, could the company develop to this point?" Chen Yueyue retorted forcefully.

"That's not necessarily true."

Changmao and others said aloud: "Yan Zi had planned the company very carefully at the beginning, and the boss just followed it. If Yan Zi hadn't been busy with something at hand, who could say for sure what would happen now? ?..."

Yan Wang put out the cigarette butt and suddenly said: "Well, the boss's illness is not terminal. During this time, everyone should worry about taking care of the company. We will wait until the boss recovers and is discharged from the hospital."

Are you starting to get involved in the company?

Chen Yueyue watched all this with cold eyes, thinking of Chen Yongjian's situation, and felt very sad.

The wedding was interrupted and her husband, Li Guangyuan, was taken to the police station and has not yet come out. My father was seriously ill and hospitalized again, and his life was in danger. Find Shuyuan www.

What happened in just a few days made Chen Yueyue feel like the world was falling.

She wanted to keep her father's business and help Chen Yongjian stabilize the situation. But the reality was so cruel. What she was thinking... was too simple.

Yan Wan, Li Xiao, Ye the three cornerstones of Tianxing, none of them were on her side at this moment.

At this moment, she really missed Li Guangyuan. If he were here... I'm afraid it would be much better, and she wouldn't be forced to stand up and take charge of the situation.

Chen Yueyue's voice was choked, her eyes were slightly red, and she looked at them sadly: "My dad is still unconscious. Do you just not miss the old relationship so much?

All of you here have been brought up by my father, and he has never treated you badly in these years..."

As soon as these words came out, the people present fell into silence.

When Chen Yueyue saw this, she thought that her emotional words had touched them, and she was about to continue her efforts...

However, Ye Bin frowned and his voice was a little cold: "Miss, what you said is a bit too much.

Why does the boss value us? Why support us? If we didn't have enough ability, do you think we would be in this position? "

Yan Wan looked around and said loudly: "How much money have we made for the company in the past three years? Miss, even if you haven't seen it with your own eyes, have you heard it from the boss?

Since ancient times, high officials and noble positions have been held by the virtuous. If you don't have the strength, it's called a lack of virtue and you're looking for death. I don’t think the boss will even look at us twice, let alone... support us.

But you, the eldest lady, have a red mouth and white teeth, after you say a word. What we have done, when it comes to your mouth, it becomes the boss’s credit? Furthermore, even if it’s the boss’s credit, what does that have to do with you? "

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