Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1008: suffering

At this moment, the Huaxin Valley is completely different from the Huaxin Valley that Su Yun saw at the beginning. The original Huaxin Valley is full of flowers and flowers, and the grass is full of flowers. Although it is not a land of Fuze, it is also regarded as a smart treasure.

However, the Huaxin Valley that Su Yun saw at the moment is completely different from what he saw at the beginning.

Now Huaxin Valley, Taniguchi is crowded, but not the disciples of Huaxingu, but a large number of refugees who have escaped from the disaster. They are wearing a ragged, many people are even more injured, and their blood is red. Dilapidated clothes, some people have puss in the wounds, and sometimes people fall down, they can no longer stand up. There are even a few dead bodies in the crowd, but no one cares, one is just pushing hard inside. .

Taniguchi was completely blocked.

The disciples of Huaxin Valley could not see one. The mouth of the valley was replaced by a stench and **** smell. Some of the vegetation that should have been spiritually dead had already died. The mess here is beyond the imagination of Su Yun.

He stood in the distance and looked at the scene with some stunned.

"They want to go into the valley?"

"Yes." Chen Muyun sighed.

"What do you want to enter the valley?"

"One is healing, and the second is taking refuge."

"Healing? Is it only Huaxin Valley that can heal?"

“Hua Xin Gu is completely free of charge. Most of these people have no money.”

"That refuge? The strength of Huaxingu is not strong and can't provide any help."

"Other sects will never accept refugees. After all, they are just a group of humble people who do not have any force. Apart from Huaxin Valley, there will be no sects that will provide them with accommodation and food. Therefore, more and more people are facing Huaxin Valley is coming, they think that only here can let them continue to live, but Huaxin Valley is only so big, can not accommodate so many people, now the valley has been filled by the refugees, and Yao Wang even squandered the land of the owner. Come out, but it can only solve the urgent need."

Chen Muyun sighed again.

Su Yun thought for a moment, took a light breath, and said: "We are advanced valley."


The sound fell, Su Yun grabbed Chen Muyun's shoulders, and his feet became a white light, and he entered the valley.

"Look! Miracle!!!"

"Scorpio, is the true God coming??"

“Is it a living Bodhisattva in Huaxin Valley?”

"Buddha, save us!! Save us!!"

The sorrowful voices kept ringing, and the desperate people even stumbled and bowed to the place where the white light appeared, hoping that a **** could emerge and save those who had nowhere to go.

Into the Huaxin Valley, Su Yun discovered what he saw outside, but it was the tip of the iceberg. At the moment, the Huaxin Valley has been occupied by countless refugees. The mountains, the mountains, the stones, the houses and the houses are all innumerable. People, they sit on the ground, they are on the spot, some are resting, others are looking at the sky with confusion, and they don’t know what to do next.

A few flower-colored disciples who have already had some yellowish clothes are holding a huge steamer. The steamer is full of yellowed hoes. They are sending them one by one, although the spiritualists have little demand for food. But ordinary people are still necessary for two meals a day.

However, the wounded people are the most, and the disciples of Huaxingu are limited. The place that Su Yun saw was close to 400 refugees, but the number of disciples who could be healed was less than ten. Most of the injuries of the refugees were Very serious, one by one, some disciples have even been tired to kneel on the ground.

In terms of medicinal materials, it is also very serious. It is difficult for a woman to be without rice. Without drugs, even if she knows the condition of the patient, she cannot heal.

Su Yun even saw a lot of disappointments on the faces of disciples of Huaxingu.

Seeing this, Su Yun's face became gloomy.

Chen Muyun looked at Su Yun carefully and seemed to be looking forward to something.


Su Yun did not say a word, went directly to the land of the Valley.

"Ah?? Chen Chen Muyun Elder??"

"Chen Chang, how are you here?"

"It’s Chen Elder!!"

"Isn't Chen Elder taken away? How come here?"

"Don't he escape?"

"Escape?? Then let's take care of it, isn't it going to suffer?"

On the way, some disciples of Huaxin Valley saw Chen Muyun who came over, and all of them were surprised and surprised. They all looked like a bull's eye, as if they had seen a ghost.

Chen Muyun licked his lower lip and wanted to say something, but he stopped the words.

"Take me to see the owner."

Su Yun rushed to the disciples and said.

These disciples are all looking pale and weak, and the mysteriousness in their bodies has consumed a lot, and it is nearing the limit.

"you are"

The disciples looked at Su Yun with doubt.

"You will tell you the owner of the valley, my name is Su Yun." Su Yun said.

"Su Yun?" The disciples face each other. These are the disciples who are getting started. Obviously, they have never heard of this name, but seeing Su Yun’s appearance, and the costumes that are quite expensive, everyone can’t be scorned. The disciple embraced the fist and immediately turned and ran away.

Su Yun swept the road ahead and found that the corridor leading to the land of the valley was occupied by the refugees. This bluestone boulevard was very spacious, but both sides were human and the places where they settled were very narrow. .

Suddenly, Su Yun brows his head and moves to several of the refugees.

It was a family of three, a man lying on the ground, groaning in pain, his arms were broken, and it was entangled in the cloth, but the blood was dyed red. Next to the woman who is quite young, the woman doesn't look too old, but the skin is dark, the cloth on her body is full of patches, the hair is scattered, her face is dusty, she is not hurt, but she is carrying that It seems that the little girl who is seven or eight years old is especially miserable. There are several scary knife marks on the little girl's body. The blood has not stopped yet. If some people are repaired, they can clearly feel the wound. There is a mysterious force floating, although this mysterious force can be said to be low for Su Yun, but it acts on this ordinary little girl, but it can cause her unprecedented pain, the little girl’s right eye has been stabbed. But the wound was not treated in time, just took a few pieces of herbs and chewed it a little. Her face was very pale, her face was sweating because of pain, her little hand was tightly grasped. Living in a woman's cloth, a small silver tooth almost bites, this pain, placed on ordinary people of any age, can make it hurt, but this little girl is holding back pain, not crying Not even he kept a throat.

How much perseverance should this be to achieve this?

Su Yun walked over.

The woman seems to feel that someone has come over, looking up at Su Yun coming, her eyes are filled with confusion and embarrassment, her body shivering, and the little girl who is tightly clutched in her arms.

The little girl did not care about Su Yun, she was suffering this pain at the moment, even if the outside world collapsed, she could not feel it.

"Don't hurt us anymore"

The woman started the chapped lips with a weak voice, and the voice trembled.

"Reassured, I will not hurt you."

Su Yun whispered, then reached out and gently placed it on the little girl's shoulder.


The woman shouted and turned suddenly.

Tears reappeared in her eyes. It was tears of pleading and tears of hatred.

Su Yun stunned, probably did not expect the reaction of the woman would be so fierce

Chen Muyun, who stood behind, saw it and sighed again and again.

Su Yun thought for a while, squeezed a little smile, gentlely said: "I am a disciple of Huaxin Gu, please don't be nervous, I can heal your daughter's injury, so, can you let me see your daughter's injury?? ”


When the woman heard it, she trembled and suddenly became like a person. She hurried to the front of Su Yun and shouted: "Buddha! Bodhisattva! You are finally here. If you don’t come again, my daughter will not persist. I beg you, let me see my daughter! Let me show it to my daughter!!"

She almost cried as she cried, and her voice seemed to be hysterical.

Su Yun turned his head and looked at Chen Muyun inexplicably.

Chen Muyun shook his head helplessly, respectfully said: "Su Yun adults, Hua Xin Gu's manpower is somewhat, there are too many refugees, we can't cure everyone in time, so every day someone will die seriously. These are most of the disciples who didn't see it here in time. ""

"I know." Su Yun nodded and whispered: "All this must end."

He reached out and pulled the little daughter's small hand tightly on the woman's coarse cloth, injecting a little breath, the soft breath is like the most holy light on the cheek, especially comfortable and soft, the woman is covered The pain disappeared in an instant without a trace.

Her twisted face suddenly stretched out and her face raised her smile again.

"Good comfort"

The tender voice sounded.

Su Yun reached out and buckled the herbs on her eyes. A **** blurred eye reflected her sight.

Su Yun stared at the scar for a moment, slightly closed his eyes and pressed his hand on the eye.

When she saw Su Yun’s action, the woman was shocked.

However, the little girl not only did not have a sense of pain, but enjoyed it very much in her arms and received the treatment of Su Yun. The big hand's palm was full of white halos, especially magical.

After a while, Su Yun removed his hand.

A miracle that people can't believe is coming!

Just look at the little girl's **** eyes, it is disappearing, replaced by a beautiful clear snow bright eyes!

Complete recovery is as good as ever! !

The woman is stunned.

Chen Muyun also stayed.

This means, afraid that the real Buddha can not do it?

The little girl reopened her eyes, and the innocent and pure eyes looked at the man in front of her. She was curious and somewhat puzzled, but she knew that her pain was already given by her big brother. Take it away.

"Big brother, I was really hurting. Did you cure me?"

The little girl said with a tender voice. She looks very generous and not afraid of being born.

Su Yun smiled and nodded.

The little girl suddenly got a hi, and picked up his feet and kissed him on Su Yun’s face.

"Thank you big brother."

Su Yun touched his face, but his heart was complicated.

"How was she hurt?" Su Yun asked.

He can hardly believe that such a small girl, why would someone still hurt?

Chen Muyun had not had time to talk, the little girl could not wait to open her mouth, her voice seemed a bit angry, although angry, but the anger of such a small girl seems quite cute.

"Who else? Of course, those bad guys in the South Tiger Kingdom." The little girl clenched the powder punch, said, but said, and the face appeared to be scared again, seems to remember the original pain.

"South Tiger Country"

Su Yun closed his eyes again and his fists were slightly pinched.

(I heard that on the evening of October 3rd, there will be a LOL competition organized by the friends of Rongrong's arm. The game will be broadcast live. There are prizes for the host, but the players seem to be a little less. Do you want to participate in the small partners? If you have any questions, please contact the Seven Remnant Children's Shoes and the Godfather!!)

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