Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1016: Shen Xuanmen visit

If it is worried that the Xianzong will be investigated, this problem is naturally not big. It can be used by the Da Linglong Palace to send an application to Xianting, and he will take the initiative to investigate the Xianpai around Xianzong and ask the Xianzong to wash it together. However, the focus of Su Yun’s current moment is not this, but the people who are constantly coming in from the door of the fairy world.

"How about the elders of the round demon, Da Ling Palace?" Su Yun asked.

"Everything is carried out according to the plan. Now, all the elders of Da Ling Palace have been completely controlled by us, loyal to us. As long as they are controlled, those disciples will not leave. After the death of Kwai Yang After a series of turbulences, it is now calm down. I purposely let the Da Ling Palace stop the recruitment work for the time being, let all the elders fully appease the disciples during this time, and then choose a new Da Ling Palace. Bring the Da Ling Palace to the formal." br Fiction


Su Yun nodded. For the round magic, he has always been very assured.

"Through this incident, I believe that Qin Qianlong and Xing Bai should also be dead to me. After all, even Kwai Yang is planted in my hands."

Su Yun said.


Just then, a cry suddenly sounded from the outside.

Su Yun looked up and saw, but saw a demon dressed as a disciple of Xianzong walked in quickly, kneeling in front of Su Yun.

"What happened?"

Su Yun looked dull and asked.

"Returning to the adults, the subordinates are in charge of monitoring the unparalleled faction. Recently, there are a large number of other immortal people who are quietly approaching the unparalleled faction. They are worried about what kind of heresy will arise, so they will report to the adults here!"

“Any other sentimental person is close to the unparalleled faction?”

When Su Yun heard it, his face changed: "Can you know who those people are?"

"I don't know, some people deliberately conceal their own strength, but there are still some people who seem to be completely ignorant of the sky. They are trying to sneak into the unparalleled faction, and they don't know what to prepare. These sneakers have not yet crossed the enchantment. The patrolled disciples found that most of them were killed on the spot and a small number of people were caught."

"It will still be like this"

"Adults, this kind of thing has not been eliminated. There have been such things happening in these days. It is bold to speculate that these people are not together, but they have the same goal, and this goal is in the unparalleled!! ”

Said the man.

Su Yun listened, nodded, and the voice snarled: "You return to the unparalleled faction quickly, and then stare at me, there is any wind and grass, let me know the first time!"


The devil held a fist and then turned and hurriedly retired.

Su Yun and the round magic sounds, it is full of dignity.

The same goal? Isn't that just a slap? In the entire unparalleled faction, perhaps only the singer can make a mortal person instantly become a **** to be able to make countless people crazy obsessed?

Upon hearing such news, Su Yun has more than half of the confidence that the change of the door of the fairy world is related to Su.

Who has such a huge ability? Can you launch so many people from all walks of life to come to the fairy world to die? Do they rely on spells or confuse words?

"Adult, what do we need to do?"

Asked the round magic.

Although Su Yun did not deliberately say it, the round magic still knows a little bit of it. The unparalleled faction can't do anything. At least, some people in the unparalleled faction can't have something. This is what Su Yun hopes.

"For the time being, don't act rashly. Xianting has not yet fully released the 'Lingju Order', indicating that they still have more strength, and the unparalleled faction can't make it up, not to mention the fact that the unparalleled faction is not bad, so it is the place where the ordinary immortals can just scatter wildly. ? Let's wait and see, let's do it yourself."

Su Yun is sinking.

The round magic sounded and nodded.

During this time, Su Yun has been indulged in the development and integration of his cultivation and Da Ling Palace. For everything else, he has no longer expressed his concern. At this moment, he has completely gone out of the lost period. Have your own goals.

Since he has separated from Su Shentian and Shen Xuexue, Su Yun has completely gathered his heart and no longer thinks about those annoying things.

The operation of the Da Ling Palace is much smoother than expected.

The Da Ling Palace is huge, but the previous management system has great drawbacks, and Su Yun is now exploiting this loophole. Because of its large scale and numerous disciples, the Da Ling Palace has implemented the elders' jurisdiction system. The vice-presidents manage the elders, while the vice-presidents are obeyed by the palace masters. Such a system makes many disciples of the Da Ling Palace have little contact with the palace owners. Most of the time, the elders were contacted, so that the disciples’ feelings for the Da Ling Palace were mostly built on the elders. This makes Su Yun take over the convenience of the Da Ling Palace.

There are many treasures in the Da Ling Palace, and there are countless medicinal herbs for cultivation. Especially the exquisite color, this powerful miracle that can increase the mood of the people, almost can’t believe its power, if it is holy The robes are horror gods that completely shelter the flesh, so the exquisite enchantment is the horror **** that shelters the state of mind and cures the state of mind.

Su Yun went to the Da Ling Palace in these days, and rummaged about the secretary of Ling Xiao Cai, who wanted to learn about this god.

Imagine, if he can easily control the exquisite color, and then cooperate with the holy robes, then what strength should the combat power soar? These two items can be said to be complementary!

However, everything can't be perfect. Su Yun uses the sacred robes, and he is almost pseudo-invincible. Apart from spiritual illusions, other means can't hurt him half a minute. If you add exquisite color to your own mood and spirit. It has become very powerful. Doesn't that mean that you are completely invincible? Is there such a presence that will allow it to exist?

Su Yun did not know, he tried to control the exquisite color, found that this magic weapon is not difficult to control, but it does not have the characteristics of active attack, can only be used for healing and defense.

However, what is surprising is that the powerful spiritual increase given by Linglong Cai can promote the development of people, and the effect of the holy robes and the countless celestial coins. Su Yun’s cultivation is again increasing. Go straight into the realm of Ling Xuan Xian and step into the realm of immortals.

Since the occupation of Xianzong, Xiaoyao Temple, Qianlong Hall and Da Linglong Palace, Su Yun began to integrate resources for his cultivation, and to cultivate resources, as long as they can use them, they must not let go. He understands that there is only power in the world that can protect everything. The tragic experience of the last world does not want to happen again.

Stepping into the realm of immortals, everything in human beings has undergone earth-shaking changes. The human body is spiritual. The bones and flesh of the body seem to have their own unique life. Not only that, the immortals are better able to Communicate all things and communicate with all things. The people in this realm are not limited to people, but cover all, demon, devil, ghost, strange, beast, etc. Any existence with life, can be with The communication and communication belong to that category. This is a class of Dacheng, and it is also a class of complete evolution. It is a realm of detachment from the spiritual masters and a new beginning.

From now on, the mysterious spirits made by the spiritual masters have also changed, and all have become more exquisite and sacred, and thousands of spiritual eyes are merged into one place, turning into a fairy eye under the heart. The inside of the fairy eye overflows and circulates and implements every vascular network in the human body.

The immortal world is really unusual.

After the promotion, Su Yun tasted this strange realm. This kind of realm gave him the feeling that it was never given by other realms. It feels like he has turned into a **** of creation, opened up the earth and created a The new world has also discovered a whole new world.

However, the good times are not long.

Su Yunben still wants to continue to appreciate the wonderful feelings that Ling Xuanxian has brought to himself. The two elders of Da Linglong Palace sent a message to Qin Qianlong, and Qin Qianlong conveyed it to Su Yun. After Su Yun learned the news, his heart did not have a tight point.

Among the elders of the Da Ling Palace, Wei Wei is the most prestigious person. He is also the most obedient person. Qin Qianlong intends to train him into the palace of the Da Ling Palace. Su Yun also has this intention. However, in the present case, Su The cloud still had to personally contact Wei Ming, and then instructed Qin Qianlong. Qin Qianlong was also an understanding person. He immediately revealed some Su Yun’s identity to Wei Ming. Wei Wei was smart and knew who Su Yun was.

In one of the halls of the Da Ling Palace, Su Yun saw Wei Ming.

"Do you mean that the people of Shenxuanmen will visit Daling Palace after five days?"

Su Yun frowned and looked at Wei Weidao, who was at his doorstep.

"Yes, the messenger came to report yesterday. This time, I came to visit the Shenxuanmen of the Daling Palace. It is the main door of the Xuanmen Gate, Xuan Huang!" Wei Ming said seriously.

"Xuan Huang?"

Su Yun brows tight.

Shenxuanmen is a fairy who is stronger than the Da Ling Palace. It is so good. How can the owner of this fairy school think about it here?

"Do you know its purpose?"

"I still don't know, but the guess is that it is mostly related to the death of Kwai Yang!"

"The death of Kwai Yang?"

"Xuan Huang and Kwai Yang are old friends, and Kwai and the Xuan Huang's female Xuan Yue have a marriage contract. Now the Kwai Yang Palace is dead, and Xuan Huang is taken for granted." Wei Ming said.

Su Yun listened, and immediately there was a bit of a loss.

Is the sentimental **** Xuanmen coming to Kuiyang? However, he has a good reason, and Xian Ting admits that even if he is not satisfied, it will not help, unless he comes hard, but Su Yun believes that Xuan Huang should not be such an impulsive person.

Think about it carefully. Among the big factions that supported the unparalleled faction, it seems that there is a sacred threshold.

It seems that the relationship between Shenxuanmen and the unparalleled faction should not be bad. If it can be done, it is naturally the best.

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