Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1034: Already started

In the secluded courtyard, a pair of unparalleled female disciples dressed in dark red swords sneaked into the rockery in the middle of the courtyard, carefully laying a roll of red paper on the ground.

Around her, there is a circle of gray-white halo. This halo is like a circular wall that completely separates her breath from the outside world. The outside person feels completely as long as she does not see her. Not her presence.

The roll of paper was carefully laid on the ground by her. After all of it was spread out, the roll of paper was directly disappeared, and there was no trace of it. It seemed that there was no such thing as normal.

"Good, all done!"

The woman whispered, got up directly, took out the rockery, looked around, and then removed the spell from the body and walked away.

Not long after the woman left here, the darkness suddenly walked out of the two figures.

Both of them were dressed in unparalleled costumes. They were a man and a woman. When they appeared, they looked in the direction of the woman’s departure. They had not recovered their eyes for a long time.

"Sister, you really guessed that the autumn and winter have already betrayed my unparalleled pie!! Presumably she is already doing things for the so-called alliance at the moment?" the man on the left said.

"The last time we had a few sisters and sisters went to Jingyatian to find Wanxincao, but they were inadvertently attacked by many other immortals. I lost with the teachers and sisters, and only half of them escaped. People, and the autumn and winter did not disappear. Until halfway through, we met the injured autumn and winter, and I was seriously injured in autumn and winter. I didn’t care, but after she got better, we gradually discovered that she was not right. Her cultivation habits have changed quite a bit from the past. Although it is not obvious, I still pay attention to it. If I guess correctly, this person is not autumn and winter, the real autumn and winter, I am afraid that I have died in those immortals. In the hands of the people, those immortals are certainly not infamous immortals, perhaps the people of the Alliance, all of which is just that the Alliance wants to put a traitor in my unparalleled faction!"

The woman on the right said.

The man sighed and agreed to nod. "Stop the matter to the Supreme, ask him to decide!"

"The report is correct, but before I suspected that I was in the autumn and winter, I already told the Supreme that the Supreme had instructions. If the autumn and winter are really the people of the Alliance, we must not be amazed, let her act!"

"Let her act?"

The man's face changed slightly: "Sister, the magic weapon she just arranged is a very horrible atmosphere. When she removes the shielded spell, the rest of the smell that overflows on her body is not smelled, if this is not the case, if this is Let her do it, once the incident occurs, the consequences are extremely serious!"

"The brothers don't have to worry, the elders have already had plans. We are going to be quicker than the people in the league! They don't do it, we are in a hurry!!"

The woman smiled a little and said something inexplicably.

The man heard the sound, thought for a moment, but he didn’t have a clue, and he didn’t say anything.

When Su Yun returned to ask Xianzong, he returned to his own house to practice. As for the matter of dealing with the Lianzhu Temple and the Half Leaf Gate, he handed it over to Xiangyang and Yuanhui to solve the problem. The two sects were not too big or small, neither Difficult to deal with is not easy to deal with, but this time Su Yun does not want to personally kiss, this time, the right is a test of the round magic and the sun.

Cultivation is extremely boring, especially on the realm of Ling Xuan Xian. Every liter of product is difficult to climb to the sky. Even if there is a series of magic weapons such as the holy robes, the blessing of talent, the speed of Su Yun’s promotion at this moment has also changed. It is especially slow, compared with Ling Xuansheng period, it is a world of difference, even if it absorbs the fairy, the effect is very small.

The turmoil of the fairy world is beyond the imagination of Su Yun, and the speed of its change is really surprising. Su Yun never thought that he was facing such a situation, and he did not even think that he would be rampant in this immortal land. The time in the Tianwu continent was really embarrassing, and the excitement of the extreme Wu world is also very memorable. I don't know why, he suddenly missed the fox charm. If she was on the side, even if it was cultivation, she would not be so boring and boring. how is it.

Take a time, or go back to Beiyang to see it, lest the fox charm will not be seen for a long time, and the feeling of missing is too heavy.

Su Yun sighed and reopened his eyes and repaired it.

This sitting, I really don't know how many days I sat.

The thoughts in my mind turned round and round, and I thought about alternating with my dreams in my mind. I couldn’t get away for a long time. My thoughts seemed like a lot of legs, running around, and I’m like a long number of wings. Flying, this phenomenon, Su Yun has never experienced.

When he slowly opened his eyes, all the troubles in his mind were mixed, but it was disappeared, swept away, and a strange sense of tranquility rose in the body and mind. This feeling of incomprehension made him very comfortable. ! This is more comfortable, more from the heart.

Could it be a breakthrough?

Su Yun is inexplicable, but there is no increase in seeing it, but it is a state of mind, but it is more spacious.

He was used to it when he was there, and he didn't think much.


At this time, there was a slight and serious knock on the door outside the house.

"Come in!"

Su Yun looked up and said faintly.

Hey! ! !

The door was pushed open, and the round magic of the maroon robes came in. He closed the door and went to the front of Su Yun to hold the boxing ceremony.

"grown ups."

"Is things done?"

"After the completion, most of the resources of the Lianzhu Dian and the Banyemen have been looted. If they cannot be taken away, they will be destroyed. Now these two sects have completely lost their place."

The devil said respectfully.

"How is the decisive battle over the faraway hall?"

Su Yun patted the sleeves on his body and stood up and asked.

"The duel lasted for three days. According to what we planned before, Xing Bai was a good player. I won some first, then lost some, and dragged the people of Lianzhudian and Banyemen, and used the duel of the duel to attract them. Attention, when I finally counterattack, I will directly decide the war, and the Happy Palace will win."

"Doing a good job." Su Yun nodded with satisfaction.

"Xing Bai proposed a duel condition of 10 million yuan. As long as the Happy Palace won the duel, even the Pearl Hall would have to pay ten million yuan of the fairy tales. Now that the Happy Temple wins, even the Pearl Temple owes 10 million. The fairy scent, if it is said before, the two sects of the Lianzhu Dian and the half-leaf door will have to make up the tens of thousands of 玄 coins, it is still possible, but now it seems that this is completely a fantasy, even the Pearl Temple is incapable Paying the cents, then according to the rules of the immortal, they are violating the rules of the immortal, but the case of the Lianzhu Temple is catastrophic, and most of them will be understood. According to the enchantment, Xianting will give the Lianzhudian period more than half, so that it will be repaid soon. This tens of thousands of celestial coins, and then investigated the destruction of the Lianzhudian and Banyemen resources were ruined by the sect of the sect. The squadron of the squadron of the squadrons was required to repay the treasury. This is not a small amount, and the disciples are not able to Willingly repay the incompetent Lianzhu Temple? So at this time, Qin Daren will be able to collect a lot of masters of the Lianzhu Dian, even the half-leaf door, so that the plan of the adults can be realized."

The circle said, although it is not too slow, but the admiration in his words has no cover.

This result does not exceed Su Yun's accident. In fact, the strength of the round magic and other people is also good, let them go to do this thing, and most of them can not be missed.


Su Yun nodded and opened his mouth: "The resources of the half-leaf door and the Lianzhu Temple are all transferred to the question of Xianzong. It is used to develop Zongmen, a few cents, and now it is the most powerful." Weak, we must speed up its strength to cope with future turmoil."

"The future turmoil?"

"Yeah, and it's not far away." Su Yunqi took a breath and said, "What's the situation at the door of the fairyland?"

"It is reported that Xianting has begun to seal the border. This process will take some time, but it is estimated to be completed within ten days!"

The circle is respectful.

"Ten days? That time is a bit tight."

Su Yun frowned.

"Adult, this time, I don’t know when it will be opened. We need to inform the real devil first."

"No," Su Yun shook his head. "I didn't think of it before. It was really possible to let the Xianting people open the enchantment and open the fairy world. But now I still say that these are still tricks, but I still have to find a way to deal with it. The crisis."

"The current crisis?"

The round devil once again clenched his fist and seriously said: "Please also show the Lord of the Magic."

"Expressly? How do you need to express this?" Su Yun said: "The fairyland is sealed, and the people of Wanjie can't enter. The main force of Xianting must return from the gate of the fairyland, fully investigate the cause of the incident, and capture those from the fairyland. The Wanjie people who have been gated by the door, once they are found by the Xianting people, the planners can be in trouble, so I expect that they will be able to act within ten days. Once the planners start to act, they will once again win the gods. The body will bring a lot of commotion to the fairy world. We are asking for the combination of Xianzong, Xiaoyao Temple, Qianlong Hall and Da Linglong Palace. It is impossible to stay out of it!"

"What should we do?"

"Quickly integrate the resources of Lianzhudian and Banyemen, and then inform Qin Qianlong, Wei Ming and Xing Bai, let them quickly assemble all the forces in their hands, let the three of them come to see me, must do well before the turmoil begins. ready!"

“When did the adult think that the turmoil began before the turmoil began?”


Su Yun’s eyes raised a meditation and a half-sound, and said: “Maybe already started”

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