Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1041: massacre


The owner of the Fengfengtang saw the tragic situation around him. His face was already particularly ugly. His eyes were trembled and his body and mind were completely wrapped in fear.

How come there are so many immortals? Where did these guys come from? What is their purpose?

Full of doubts and envy filled his heart, it is difficult to confuse, but everyone knows that if you stay here at this time, I am afraid there is only one dead end.

"Do you want to do this? The number of these guys is too much. They are afraid that they are prepared, and our coalition forces are completely broken up by them!!"

A senior member of the Hurricane Hall rushed over and shouted, he still had blood on his body, and he did not know whether it was his blood or the blood of others.

The Lord of the Windsor saw the shape, biting his teeth, and made a strong calm: "The other party suddenly smashed out, but I was afraid to come to the body of this god. We have a big idea. After catching the oriole, these guys may be early. Just stared at our coalition army! When we seized the body of the gods, they came to grab us. Thirty-six counts as a measure, now!! All people retreat, people in the windy hall, withdraw!!! ”


The people of the Fengfengtang heard the sound and quickly got out of the battle. The Lord of the Winds gathered together in the past. The owner saw the situation and quickly turned his head and rushed out.

Since the Alliance Army has already been defeated, it is no longer necessary to struggle. Moreover, he is not obliged to fight for these people, and he can earn one point.

The people of Hurricane Hall began to evacuate, but what was surprising was that none of the immortals who had fought with the Alliance Army planned to retain these guys, and they ignored them. They smothered those who did not plan to escape. .

The people of Hurricane Hall issued a retreat order, and other Xianpai people naturally did not want to stay in this place for a long time, and they followed suit and shouted to prepare for retreat.

Some people sacrificed magic weapons, some people urged Xuanqi to withdraw. In the blink of an eye, half of the coalition forces have given up their resistance and have chosen to flee.

An unexpected scene appeared.

Those who intend to flee with the fairy genius method found that their fairy and fairy sects had no effect at this moment. They looked up at the sky and were shocked to realize that they were surrounded by the area. In the isolation of the enchantment, it is impossible to pass on the people, and even the message can not be transmitted. Here, it is completely sealed off from the outside.


One immortal squatted and rushed toward the looser side of the left side.

However, the immortals who attacked the coalition forces still did not stop, but they still only smothered those who resisted.

Such a scene, let the Lord of the Wind and other people worry about it.

Does the other party not want to fight for a long time?

do not care! At this time, it is not the moment to consider such a problem. He took a breath, the breath was quick, and people were like a meteor, and the center of the battlefield was taken out between the eyes.

The people in Hurricane Hall followed closely, and everyone was pulled into a long thin line. At this time, everyone just wanted to escape quickly and save their lives. How can they manage other things?

Hurricane Hall ran the fastest. His eyes were fixed on the square. The fairy in his hand was pinched by him. At this moment, he was far from the main battlefield. According to the truth, this is already Safety zone, but somehow, his heart is still unable to withstand an inexplicable tension.

As he gets farther and farther away from the battlefield, this tension is getting stronger and stronger.

He believes in his instincts that the other party will not be that simple!

But still not waiting for him to react.


The clouds in front suddenly shattered, and then the dense beam of light hit the place like a raindrop.

The Lord of the Windsor Church squatted for a while and hurriedly urged the magic weapon to dodge.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom

The inexhaustible beam of light is fiercely smashed on his protective magic weapon. The baby of the royal device is broken instantly, and the light beam runs directly through his body. The person immediately falls and falls on the cloud, and the latter follow. The hurricane of the hurricane, but he is not so lucky, the intensive beam of light directly through their bodies, their vitality is better than the master of this high-strength, directly with the soul to penetrate.

The people of Hurricane Hall slid down like sand, and they fell on the clouds, and the blood filled them.

When the Lord of the Windsor saw it, his face was pale and he hurriedly looked into the air, but he saw the sky in the distance. There were a lot of immortals. They stood behind the clouds, like a wall of people, completely surrounded by them.

The basic number of people is too much!

There are not only immortals, but also a large number of huge fairy instruments, even the organs of the beasts have appeared.


The owner of the Hurricane Hall shouted and frightened to climb backwards. He could climb for a while and he stopped.

run? It’s useless at all, but looking at the other’s actions, it seems that they are not going to kill here. They are more like being there! The huge fairy wares have been aimed at here, and behind them, there is still a colorful light, like the color of the enchantment.

The immortal's look is solemn, and the line of sight is closely staring at this side. Although the previous offensive did not break the hurricane, the other party does not seem to intend to attack him again. It is only to keep him in the attack. Where, to prevent anyone from fleeing? ?

Seeing this, the hurricane master understands all this in a flash!

The other party is weaving a cage! ! A dead cage!

These people have to run away! They don’t chase at all, because they know that these people can’t escape at all. They just need to get rid of those who are still resisting, because the people who run away have no strength, they can take advantage of this opportunity. Quickly and better cut off the coalition's combat power, and when the rebellious people are completely slaughtered, it is the turn of those who want to escape. The people around them join hands with the people who carry the butchers. These people who want to escape Is there a way to live? ?

When I think of this, the Lord of the Winds is shivering. Who are these people? ?

Today, fear is his end, of course, it will be the end of many people.

"Damn!! I am fighting with you!!"

At this moment, a screaming snoring sounded from the battlefield, and then a fairy was seen shining in golden light, holding a thick scroll in his hand, and the whole person rose into the air, intending to release what powerful fairy magic, that Inside the reel, the horror of the fairy power, even if it is far apart, the hurricane owner can feel the horrible destruction of the inside of the reel.

People are being rushed, and everything can be done. These immortals are also forced to make a dead end. Naturally, they will not pay attention to anything. If there is any immortality, they will use any fairy technique. Even if they don’t want to live, they will never It will make the opponent better.

The immortal man stored the law, and several immortal immortals also rushed over together, surrounded him in the middle, intending to shelter him to complete the immortality, not to let the enemy harass.

Suddenly, a particularly thick and sturdy white light column rushed from a distance and directly penetrated these immortals. These immortals also had a miserable future, and they immediately turned into smog and disappeared.

Wan Xian shocked and looked at the source of this light column.

Look at the far away places, a group of immortals around the front of a huge statue of the dragon, this dragon statue is vivid, majestic, and the look of the dragon's eyes is simply heart-rending.

"Break the military cannon!"

Someone recognized it and exclaimed! !


The sound of horror has come and gone.

The other party actually took out the horrible things like the sacred guns! ! Are they really going to kill these immortals? ?

Those celestial beings were directly smashed with no slag. The broken sacred cannons broke out and shocked all the immortals here. Xing Bai and others pursued the victory and flew directly to the rest of the people.

Although there are hundreds of thousands of these immortal coalition forces, but the hearts and minds are not the same, and before the chaos, many people have suffered injuries, and have formed contradictions, and Su Yun has been caught off guard by one side, while fleeing while The people fought so much that the morale of these people was defeated and they were completely at a disadvantage. On the other hand, Su Yun’s head, the millions of people, the momentum is strong, the situation is like a broken bamboo, wherever they pass, they are not left in the grass, the body of the coalition soldiers is falling like a dumpling.

Sudden changes have already made many people unable to touch the north.

In this series of shocks, finally, some people’s psychological defenses collapsed completely, and they did not dare to resist again. The surrender sound began to emerge.

Su Yun scanned the four weeks. He knew that the battle had been controlled and the results were very obvious. There was not much suspense.


Su Yun, who took the sword back, shouted.

The sun in the distance immediately rushed over and hugged the fist: "Adult."

"The number of people has been controlled. I will gather them together, close them and take them together. It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. Leave early to avoid extra-budgets."

"Yes." Xiangyang should be convinced, but for a moment, his face is floating with hesitant color: "There are still more than 10,000 people in the adults, and taking so many people is afraid of bad control."

"It's not good to control, then kill some." Su Yun stared at him coldly and stared at him: "Not to mention, we have as many as a million people, can one hundred people control a few people??"

Xiangyang shuddered and nodded quickly and ran down.

The people who wanted to escape were extinguished by the Qin Qianlong Army, which was blocked in the periphery. The encirclement began to gather. These coalition forces also died one by one. The number of people began to drop sharply, and the war ended gradually. At the end, no one had resisted.

The girl who pretended to be Su Li looked at it all and looked at the innumerable immortals. She tried to look at everyone, but she really didn’t know who these were, from What sentimental forces

These immortals have begun to clean up the battlefield. All the things that can be used by the dead celestial beings are taken away. By the way, all traces of possible identity of the four parties are erased. The number of millions is too large, so here too It can only be roughly cleaned. Of course, here is chaos. Even if some evidence is dropped, it is irrelevant. After all, in such a chaotic place, anything can happen.

"Adult, what should I do with this woman?"

Just then, the sunny side over there suddenly pointed to the girl here and shouted.

The voice fell, and the girl almost didn't fall off the air. She curled up like a frightened rabbit and began to tremble.

The ground is full of dead bodies, the dead are the souls of the immortals, here is like purgatory, and there is the creator of purgatory

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