Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1043: complex

After the end of the battle, Su Yun led the four factions to evacuate immediately, because the number was too large. On the way, he deliberately let the people of the Xiaoyao Temple and the Qianlong Hall temporarily leave, and they asked the elite of the Xianzong to be the same. Wei Ming went to the Da Linglong Palace together, and the thousands of miners who were captured were also taken to the Palace of Da Linglong.

Da Linglong Palace is a good martial art. Compared with Qianlong Hall and Xiaoyao Temple, it has its own unique advantages, especially the facilities in the door. It is not the comparison between Qianlongtang and Xiaoyao Temple. Xianzong, not to mention.

Thousands of people were all detained in the prison of Da Linglong Palace. The space bags and fairy instruments on them were all deprived, repaired and sealed, and there were masters monitoring day and night.

Although there are not many prisons in the Palace of Da Ling, it is just enough to pretend thousands of people. After learning that Wei Ming had shut all the people up, Su Yun immediately let Wei Ming’s confession. These thousands of people are from various factions who peep into the body of the gods. The things in their mouths are extremely valuable. It’s not easy for the practitioners to cultivate, and it’s not easy to be promoted to the immortals. These immortals can have a lot of hardships in today’s cultivation. I believe that no one wants to die in vain, so It is not difficult to put out words from their mouths. What's more, Su Yun has great exquisite skills. Even if they want to hide their hearts, it is impossible.

Three days later, Wei Ming personally came to the main hall of Da Linglong Palace and reported to Su Yun about this coalition.

It turns out that this coalition that peeped into the body of the gods was composed of thirty-seven fairy tales. The reason why these alliance sects cooperated was naturally for the body of the gods. However, it is surprising that the head of the coalition army It’s not the Chaoxian Road, it’s not a thousand heavens, but the Jingyu Huangdian, which is more powerful than the Chaoxian Road and Qianwaitian. It’s organized by the head Lin Yujing. All the people who joined the Alliance’s Xianpai were ordered. Yu Lin Yujing.

Su Yun did not even hear the thrilling palace, but for this fairy school, he did not know much, just know that this is a more powerful than the unparalleled faction. In fact, according to the truth, even if the Jingyu Emperor Temple is alone against the unparalleled faction, it is enough to be unparalleled. How can it also form a coalition force to make such a big move? ?

Su Yun thought for a while and asked: "Can you win the people who are shocked by the Imperial Palace?"

"This" Wei Ming hesitated for a moment, shook his head: "The people who were shocked by the Imperial Palace did not participate."

"Not involved?"

Su Yun brows up.

"Lin Yujing did not send any of the people who were shocked by the imperial palace to participate in this matter. Those who want to think about these immortals will be very happy. After all, the strength of the Imperial Palace is strong, and the people who send it must be masters of high hands. If they send people, even if they have the body of the gods, it is estimated that this body will fall to the temple of the feathers."

Wei Ming said.

"Since the strength of the Imperial Palace is strong, if they really shoot, I am afraid that these Xianpai people will be wary of them. When the plan is implemented, these immortals will not be able to calm down, and most of them will make the mission fail, so if I Lin Yujing, will not send people to participate in this action, the initiative to give up is the best."

Su Yun said.

"Is it difficult for Lin Yujing to give up the body of the gods?" Wei Ming said.

"Of course it is impossible." Su Yun's face was bursting with condensed eyes, and his eyes were filled with condensate: "If I didn't guess wrong, Lin Yujing should have sent a master and returned to the Union Army station from the unparalleled faction." The road is ambushed, waiting for the opportunity to snatch."

"Half-way ambush? It's also a good choice. Unfortunately, they can't wait for the body of the gods. Let's not say that the body is fake. Even if it is true, they won't get them."

"I don't think about this, but another, more serious problem." Su Yun sighed and said: "If the Jingyu Emperor really intends to capture the body of the gods in the middle of the road, then they must monitor these martial art. People, since we have slaughtered these people, I am afraid that most of them have already paid attention to us."

"But the subordinates have already checked out. All the eyeliners in our vicinity have been cleared. Even if the people in the Imperial Palace have sent their eyeliners to monitor these people, they must be destroyed. If they monitor the usage, we have already The shielding strategy has been done in advance. Although the strength of the Da Ling Palace is not as strong as that of the Jing Yu Emperor, the fairy is still not bad. It is not easy to shock the imperial palace to break the movement of our fairy and monitor the movement inside. ”

Su Yun heard the sound, thoughts will be, said: "This is the case, then the moment is, the Jing Yu Huang Dian sent eyeliner to monitor, but our people have cleared it, their monitoring magic can also be isolated, we can What is the matter, the Jingyu Temple has at least know that there is a special fairy organization like us that can clean up the existence of hundreds of thousands of immortals, they will take it seriously."

"They don't know who we are, what are the fears? We are dark, they are clear, no need to worry." Wei Ming laughed.

Su Yun heard the sound, and gave him a look, which made Wei Ming startled.

"You are very dangerous in this way. No matter what the situation is, since the two sides are right, it doesn't matter if it is dark. Even if you have gained a great advantage, you must take it seriously, understand?" Su Yun .

Wei Ming listened and clenched his fists: "Yes, the subordinates know."

Su Yun nodded and said: "The things that are going to be shocked by the Imperial Palace will be discussed later. Let me tell you everything you asked."

"Yes." Wei Ming did not dare to waste time, and quickly said again: "This time, the subordinates also asked a more amazing news, this news is about the door of the fairy world."

"The Gate of the Immortal World?" Su Yun screamed: "Is it the one who suddenly broke into the world?"


Wei Ming nodded and said: "According to several seniors who understand this matter, the riots at the door of the fairyland were completely planned by Lin Yujing. His purpose is to make the fairy world mess up and distract the power of Xianting. Then, he will start again with the unparalleled faction. With the strength of the unparalleled faction, it is not the opponent of the Alliance Army. The unparalleled faction can rely on Xianting. This is a trouble, so Lin Yujing carried out this plan."

“Just nothing?”

Su Yun condensed his eyes: "If it is just for the body of the gods, it would be a lot of trouble, it seems a bit uneconomical?"

"If you get the body of the gods, you can enter the peak of the mysterious gods and even the higher unknown. How can it not be worthwhile?"

"However, you have to know that this action is not only Lin Yujing, this **** body may not necessarily fall into his hands, so he has done so much to do so, for him More or less, I should have suffered a little bit. Lin Yujing, I have never seen it before, but I have heard others say that this person is good at careful calculation and is a master who never loses money. It is impossible for him to make such a big sacrifice. of."

"This is really not known." Wei Ming shook his head: "These captured people do not have the horror of the imperial palace, and they know that there are only a limited number of things, all of which are obtained through Da Ling's technique. I can't hide anything."

"Send some good hands to stare at the situation of the thrilling royal palace. Since this big head has surfaced, we can't pretend that we don't see it. We always pay attention to their movements. If there is any wind and grass, report to me in the first time. ""

Su Yun said.


Wei Ming held a fist and gave a gift, but he did not go any further. Su Yun intended to close his eyes and practice. He saw that Wei Ming still stayed here, and immediately questioned: "Can there be other things for Wei Daren?"

"Oh is such an adult. In addition to finding these news, there is a message under the subordinates. It just seems that the news is very big, but it doesn't matter to us. I don't know if it should be reported to the adults."

"Which is the news from whom?"

"It is the woman who faked the body of the gods." Wei Weidao.

The woman who faked the body of the god? Su Yun thought for a while, and immediately remembered who Wei Wei said.

The woman seems to have been completely abandoned by the unparalleled faction. According to what she said was a mistake, she was supposed to be executed by the unparalleled faction. However, she had to give her a chance to make up for it. Although she said that she would make up for it, she also Or in the eyes of the unparalleled people, this is actually no different from sending death.

He retracted his thoughts and looked at Wei Mingdao: "Speak and listen."

"Yes, adults."

Wei Wei paused for a moment, and Xuan Er said: "Adult, according to the investigation, the woman is called Zi Yan, who was a fairy who joined the unparalleled three hundred years ago. She is following a powerful cultivation, but because of her power. When she was defeated by her enemy, she escaped, and this flowed into the unparalleled faction. The purple pipa was good and the talent was good, but the heart was very weak. Before that, the great power would help her to improve faster and help herself in the future. She used a lot of equipment for her, so that her mood could not keep up with her strength. After entering the unparalleled faction, her mood still did not keep up. Instead, her strong cultivation made her win a lot in the unparalleled faction. Status, but for this reason, she has also been targeted by some unparalleled enemies. She was used by eight sentients in three months, which not only made the unparalleled faction lose a lot, but also made the unparalleled high-level celebrations unique. The son died, and the soul of his son was reborn by the enemy. Qing Lao was so angry that he wanted to kill the purple, but he was still blocked by the unparalleled. He said that everything should behave in a proper way. The secret of the unparalleled faction, I can't keep my mouth, and I have to commit so many big mistakes. I can only choose to die. So I will be temporarily detained, and I will be chosen for the sake of the day. I will see this thing, the pretender of the **** body. It must be that life is not guaranteed, and when no one is hesitating, some people propose to let the purple scorpion replace it, so there will be something happening later."

Su Yun listened and was really shocked. I didn’t expect this woman to be so complicated.

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