Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1045: Accountability

The reaction is so intense, is this more afraid of death?

Su Yun stunned, he took a breath, his thoughts a little, and said: "I want you to work for me."

"Yes, I am willing to work for you, adults, as long as you don't kill me," the girl said quickly.

"But I am afraid that you will betray me like a betrayal. If that is the case, it would be too bad for me." Su Yun said.

The girl stayed for a while, whispering: "Under the subordinates, they will not sell adults. Although adults can be assured."

"If this is the case, then you will eat this." Su Yun did not know where to take out a remedy, handed it over.

The girl looked at the medicinal drug curiously, rubbed her neck for a moment, and then even carefully pushed the delicate little hand of the white scorpion out, pinched the medicinal medicine into the small mouth, and the pink tongue licked, it seems Feeling good, I swallowed it.

"Good sweet taste is really good, what is this?" The girl licked her lips and smiled and asked Su Yun.

"All said that the good medicine is bitter, this sweet, naturally poison." Su Yundao.

When the words fell, the girl’s smile suddenly disappeared. The pretty face that had just recovered the color was once again inconspicuous. Her tender body that had stopped shaking was shaking again. The whole person softened again, dry lips, whispering something. .

"Poisonous poison, I am going to die?? I am going to die?? What should I do? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?"

She held her head and shouted in confusion, like a frightened kitten.

When Su Yun saw it, his heart couldn’t help but laugh, and he said straight away: "This poison does not kill you."

The girl was shocked: "Really?"



"I can give you an antidote."

“Really?” The girl came back again.

"It depends on your performance."


The spirit that just came has gone down.

"If you do well, I will not only give you an antidote, but I will find a way to resurrect your Master."

"Really??" The girl is a bit suspicious this time.

"Of course this is true." Su Yun said calmly.

The girl heard the sound, and the doubt disappeared in an instant. Instead, she was full of excitement and excitement. She clapped her hands and excitedly said: "Great!! Great!! You are so strong, Master must be saved!! Certainly saved. !!!!"

"To save your master, you still have to look at you. If you are sincerely doing things for me, I can not only ensure that you are safe and secure, but also that your Master will be able to stand in front of you when you are alive."

Su Yun said: "I will arrange for you to ask Xianzong, when you will directly obey me, I want you to collect some information about certain Xianpai for me, you should be able to do it??"

"I will if I want me to go to the news, I am afraid I can't do it," said the girl weak.

"You go straight to steal."

"That's okay." The girl confidently said: "I have been practicing the magical powers that have been practiced for so many years. It is not in vain. In the face of my dedication, any enchantment is useless."

"That's good."

Su Yun nodded and whirls to Wei Weidao: "There are a lot of things today. For the time being, let's take her down. Send her back to Xianzong later."

"Yes, adults." Wei Ming clenched his fist and nodded to the girl and left.

When the girl saw it, she quickly ran away from Wei’s ass. She was afraid of dying Su Yun. After all, she was still in the sights of the singer, she was still vivid and not forgotten.

This purple scorpion is timid, why have you seen such a vicious person like Su Yun? Although she replaced Su Lier as the body of the gods and made the bait of this unparalleled faction, which led to the attack of the Xianpai Alliance Army, she did not know the insincere intention in advance. Otherwise, she would rather die on the spot. I will definitely not do this bait.

When the girl left, Su Yun waited in the main hall.

After a half-column scent, the former Wei Wei returned to the main hall.

"Adult, I have already arranged her properly." Wei Ming said with a fist.

"Yeah." Su Yun nodded and said: "After you ask Xianzong, tell Xiangyang, people keep watching this girl day and night."

"The adults are afraid of her betrayal??" Wei Ming said.

"That's not it." Su Yun sighed and said: "Although this girl has some ability, but she is timid, she is afraid of death. I know that I have fed her poison, she will not betray me, just her head. It seems that it is not very good. If someone tricks her, it will be different. She seems to have no defense against anyone."

"This is a fact." Wei Ming also agreed. A gimmick like this can live in the sinister place like the fairyland, and it really admire the luck of this gimmick.

"In addition, since today, you have prepared materials for me, and selected all the masters of the three classes of Ling Lingxian in the Linglong Palace, and re-edited them."

Su Yun faintly opened.

Wei Ming listened, the pupil zoomed in for a few laps, looked at Su Yun, and was surprised: "Adult, you are wanting"

"Although the people we captured don't know much about the alliance of the Xianpai, but they know very well about the immortals who make up this alliance. If you break a group, what should you do first? Do you know?"

Su Yun Shen asked.

Wei Wei heard the sound, stayed and stayed, said: "Every break?"

"Yes." Su Yun nodded. "It's like a chopstick. It's hard to break it in one breath. We don't have this strength at the moment, so we need to cut it one by one. Of course, in the process of breaking. In the middle, we can also exercise our strength and increase our strength."

Wei Ming is not a fool. Su Yun’s words fell. He suddenly understood, and immediately hugged his fist: “The subordinates know what to do.”

"There are many high-ranking people in the captured people. Through the exquisite technique, we have acquired many secrets of the Xianpai. Now we have the initiative, and we will do a lot of things. Now they don't know that we have the information in our hands, so We must take advantage of this effort to integrate."

Su Yun said.

Although this is the case, it is insincere. The main reason why he wants to move these sentients is because these martial art attacks the unparalleled faction, but they also have an attempt at Su Paner. Now Su Yun is outside the unparalleled faction. With hundreds of thousands of immortals, these cents are all in an empty state, and it is a good time to pack them.

Wei Ming arranged it, and Su Yun also informed Xiangyang, Qin Qianlong and Xing Bai at the first time. If you don’t break the alliance at this time, Su Yun’s future days will be much more.

More than 300,000 immortals were destroyed. Although many people want to deliberately conceal it, they still don’t know who’s out of it. For a time, the whole fairyland was shocked, and countless Xianpai paid attention to it, especially the fairy. Court, after rushing to the original battlefield, almost on the same day, they issued a blockade order, the film battlefield was completely blocked, and no immortals were allowed to enter, even those who were unparalleled.

There are hundreds of thousands of immortals killed and injured. If there is not a large-scale conflict, it is impossible to cause such a phenomenon. There is only one conflict that people know. That is the conflict between these immortals and the unparalleled people. People All of us know that this war, the unparalleled faction has lost, and the unparalleled injury has been a negative injury. After the chaos of the unparalleled faction, it has received a lot of attention from the eyes. Even if you want to hide it, nothing can be done. However, after the people of Xianting went to the unparalleled faction, they could not avoid the unparalleled general acting. They were unwilling to inform the Xianting people about his plans. Therefore, when the Xianting people arrived, the focus of the unparalleled is that these are What is the identity of the attack on the unparalleled faction and strongly urges the Xianting people to trace it. For this, the Xianting people are naturally aware. Fortunately, there are too many bodies on the battlefield, and there are too many clues. They need to know what is not difficult for the Xianpai who participated in the attack on the unparalleled incident. .

However, it is not only the unparalleled faction and Xianting that focus on this incident nowadays, but also the Xianpai Alliance headed by Lin Yujing.

At the moment, in the Union Station.

Lin Yujing was sitting in front of the table in the Chamber of the Chambers, staring coldly at every fairy who came in.

And among the immortals who came in, each of them was pale and worried. People are either seated or standing aside, but no one says a word.

Soon, the chair in the Chamber of Deputies was full, and Lin Yujing, who was in the first place, stood up and glanced at everyone present with a cold look! !

"What exactly is going on?"

Finally, Lin Yujing spoke up.

The handsome face was murderous.

No one spoke.

"Don't you know what is going on?" Lin Yujing said again, his voice was full of anger: "Don't anyone can tell me now, who is it, destroy us?" 100,000 disciples?? Ah?? You are talking!"

However, despite Lin Yujing’s questioning, no one is still talking.

This time it was too sudden, too unexpected. Although these people had imagined countless possibilities before the action, no one thought that such a thing would happen.

The atmosphere in the Chamber of Deputies is very depressing.

Lin Yujing seems to want to talk, just want to speak, but just then, a fairy on the right suddenly made a sound.

"Lin Zhangmen, you know? When were our hundreds of thousands of disciples killed?"

The speaker is the owner of the Hilling Court. It is a medium-sized fairy. The strength of the Zongmen is not strong, but it is very qualified.

"What does the Greek Court mean?" Lin Yujing sighed.

"Nothing else." The owner of the Hilling Court said: "I just want to tell Lin's head. Our hundreds of thousands of disciples are destroyed on the way back to the Alliance after getting the body of the gods!! ”

This statement came to the ground, and the people present at the scene raised their heads and looked at the owner of the Hilling Court.

What does this mean? I believe everyone who is present is clear.

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