Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1058: Pain in the heart

After receiving the elders of the Eight-Heaven Gate, the next thing will be easier. Most of the disciples of the Eight-Heavenmen still don’t know what is going on here. They only think that other Xianpai have come over, and they are very worried. The elders will appease, the great sects will retreat, the hearts of the people will be stabilized, and then the power of the elders will be used to jointly recommend a trusted elder to be the new head, then the eight-door can be completely controlled by Su Yun. In the hands, of course, in order to be on the safe side, the control heart must still be used.

These elders left, Qin Qianlong, Xing Bai and others began to discuss the next issue with Su Yun.

This action is not just for the eight-door, the main purpose is to disintegrate the Xianpai Alliance, which is headed by the Imperial Palace and peeping at the body of the gods.

Bahemen is just an introduction. It is a beginning of the four-centre party led by Su Yun.

Several people discussed it in the hall for more than half an hour, and finally finalized the preliminary plan.

"Adult, if that's the case, we will start preparing immediately."

When things settled, a few people nodded and were full of confidence.

This time, the eight-door door was closed again. Su Yun’s strength has skyrocketed again. These Xianpai leaders also feel that they are very energetic. Although they know that Sihai Tianzun may not be Su Yun’s opponent, they never thought of it, even He is famous for the Four Seas Tianzun, and he has no power to fight against Su Yun.

This is simply incredible.

What is the strength of Su Yun?

Being able to follow such an incredibly powerful immortal, not everyone can, the reason why the immortal world is established, because of the strong presence of someone attached, hoping to be placed under the immortal, get more benefits, over time, There have been so many Xianmen sects.

"Oh, yes, adult, since the eight-door has been reinstated, how do you solve the problems of the current eight-door?"

At this time, Xiangyang suddenly asked for a fist.

"Question?" Su Yun frowned: "What problem?"

"Sihai Tianzun has been killed by adults, but according to the plan of adults, this person who kills the four seas of heaven is the master of the temple of the stunned feathers. The adults are hoping to split the door with the smashing of the imperial palace to the eight-door gate. Xianpai, this method is really good, just because of this, I am afraid that there will be more Xianpai to the people who are shocking the Emperor."

"More fairy sentiment toward the imperial palace? Xiangyang, what centuries do you mean?"

Su Yun asked.

"Those who have been persecuted by the Four Seas, those who have been kissed by the four seas, and the four seas refine this evil, do not know how many immortals, if they know that the temple of the feathers has ravaged the four seas, 岂Can you not be grateful to Ding Yu Huang Dian? If they all come to the Imperial Palace, I am afraid that even if the people of Xianting arrive, they can’t help but be surprised.” Xiangyang said seriously.

Qin Qianlong and Xing Bai both heard the sounds and nodded.

"You think very well."

Su Yun smiled and said, "There is a point that you have to figure out. These people who are facing the temple of the stunned feathers are mostly not strong enough. We don't have to care. If it is strong, can you not? Looking for the troubles of the Eight Gates? Instead, let the Eighthe Gates continue to be rampant? Even if they go to the Jingyu Palace to plead for it, they will not have much use. Xianting will not care, even if Xianting accepts it, How can that be? The main purpose of this time is to divide this alliance. As long as other Alliances send people to dissatisfaction with the Jingyu Emperor, then this time our goal is achieved, so."

"But this time, the people you saved by the adults can all think that Qin Tang and Xing Dian have saved them. If they say this,"

"Isn't that better?" Su Yun's mouth raised a sigh of relief: "In this way, we are more convenient to do things."

More convenient?

The three faces are opposite each other, and they can't understand what it means to say Su Yun.

However, they are not allowed to ask more. Su Yun, as a leader, naturally has his ideas.

Sun was silent for a moment, and the line of sight inadvertently fell on the huge furnace in the center of the main hall. The spinner once again held a fist: "So adults, how should the evil spirits in this furnace be disposed of?"

"Bad Dan?"

Su Yun heard the sound, and then I remembered that there was another thing that made the eight-door door notorious. He turned and looked at the Dan furnace.

The other two also brushed their eyes and threw their sights away.

Then Su Yun walked over, and the evil fire at the moment was extinguished. The Dan furnace was still full of stench and burnt smell. He took a deep breath and reached out to open the lid.

Then I saw a chaos inside, and there was a body that was not refining, but under the head of the corpse, there was a green bead floating in the green. This bead slowly absorbed the corpse, and the body of the corpse gradually became For the granules, a little bit overflows towards the beads.

"Sihai Tianzun tried his best to catch so many immortals, only to refine such a remedy, presumably this medicinal medicine is definitely worth it."

Qin Qianlong couldn't help but open the door.

Xing Bai saw it and immediately stepped forward. He said: "Adult, we can't use the living people as the materials of the Four Seas, and refine the medicine. Even if we are not good people, we can't lose the bottom line. If so, fear that it is Even the demon is not as good as it is, but this Dan is a successor. Why are adults not taking it for themselves? Will the repairs of this medicinal medicine be turned into their own?"

Xiangyang saw Xing Bai say the words he wanted to say first, and suddenly he couldn’t stand it. He hurriedly said: "Yes, adults, the four seas are reluctantly refining such medicinal herbs, and now the medicinal herbs fall into the adults. Why don't adults take it and increase the amount of it? If so, it will not be the celestial beings who have been refining and dying."

Su Yun heard the sound, staring at Dan furnace and being silent.

What does this evil Dan represent? Simple confession is the word power.

Four Seas Tianzun is so expensive to refine this medicinal medicine, is it not just to use it to enhance its own strength? Although it has not yet reached the requirements of Sihai Tianzun, the present medicinal medicine can already be called Shendan. It absorbs the power of so many immortals, and the strength inside it is unveiled. The moment was felt by the people in the hall.


This medicinal herb is made from the innumerable immortal body. Even in the devil world, Su Yun has never seen such a drug, the devil alchemy, it is rare to use the body of Warcraft, and the body of Warcraft It is mostly the body of the dead Warcraft. This kind of lively input into the furnace is simply unheard of, unless it is the devil of evil and evil.

It’s not that Su Yun doesn’t want this remedy, but the depth of his heart. There is an inexplicable feeling that is repelling this remedy.

As a person, he can't be excluded. It's impossible to think about it because this medicinal medicine contains incomparably powerful power.

Even if he is enchanted, even if he becomes a fairy, he can never forget that he was only a person at first!

Can it be difficult to achieve this power? Although this power cannot do everything in this world, there is no power, and nothing can be done. Su Yun took a deep breath and recalled the things of the last life inadvertently in his mind, inadvertently recalling the past.

Now his power can change everything in Tianwu, and it can also change the part of the world of extremes, but for the fairy world, it can't be controlled.

Now that I have entered the fairy world, I have an unreasonable connection with the fairy world. If my strength is not strong enough, will the tragedy of the last world not be repeated?

In addition to the children, there are many people who need to guard themselves, foxes, fascinating, rain, dragons, and so on. Even if they are true, they need to guard themselves. Even if this is a remedy made from living people, should you give up?

His heart has been fighting for a long time, and finally, there is a decision.

"Since this remedy has been practiced, it should reflect its value."

He slowly said.

When this statement fell, the three would no longer speak.

"You all go out."


The three men clenched their fists and they went back.

The door of the main hall was re-closed, and Su Yun was still standing in front of the furnace.

Although it has changed hands here, the gloomy inside the hall is still very strange.

Su Yun stared at the Ding furnace for a moment, and the child stepped over.

This power must be held in the hand.

"Are you really deciding to swallow this remedy?"

Just then, a crisp voice suddenly popped out of behind him.

"Why don't you? Such a drug, if you miss it, you won't have it anymore. If you swallow it, how many cultivation time can you leave? How much strength can you increase? This, you must be clearer than me."

Su Yun said faintly.

"But there is one thing you don't know. This is a remedy made from living people. It contains not only the power but also the resentment of those who died because of this remedy. If you swallow it like this. I have to bear their resentment and pain. I don’t know how many people who called the Four Seas Tianzun refining this medicinal medicine, but from the energy contained in this medicinal medicine, at least not less than a thousand people, thousands Can you bear the resentment and refining of the immortals??"

She looked at Su Yun seriously, and even as she looked at his back, she continued to persuade as always.

"Why can't you bear it? It's just a sinister and spiritual pain. Why do you think I can't take it?"

Su Yun asked two sentences and seemed to be hiding something.

“What’s the spirit and the spirit?” Ling Qingyu said slightly: “Are there any pain other than these, is it more difficult to accept?”

"Yes." Su Yun thought for a while, faintly said: "The pain in the heart is the most painful."

(There should be two chapters before noon tomorrow, and two more chapters tomorrow, which means that there are four chapters before 12 o'clock tomorrow night, so stay tuned and seek rewards)

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