Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1072: action

When I heard Su Yun’s decision, both of them were worried.

"Do you want to start the martial arts of those members of the alliance?" The round sorcerer stunned for a while, and whirls his fists and screamed: "Adult, if so, the round magic will ask you to think twice."

"What do you want to say about the elders of the round?" Su Yun looked at the round demon and said.

The demon thoughts got up, and then said: "The devil is an adult, you said to us before, although Lin Yujing entered the Xianting, the legendary dragons have no head, but the overall strength of the Jingyu Emperor is not damaged, plus Luo Wu Ling and other immortal masters sit in the town, this time the Jing Yu Huang Dian is actually not good to deal with, perhaps can not say that it is not good to deal with, I am afraid more powerful than before, because in front of the Jing Yu Huang Dian, has stood a Xianting At this juncture, if we do something to the Alliance members, it will not only expose our identity, but will offend Lin Yujing. Others will know that the people who kill the Four Seas are not Lin Yujing, but There are other people!!"

"I know." Su Yun smiled slightly and said: "But have you ever thought that if these people in the alliance really attacked the Jingyu Emperor, what would happen?"

"Their purpose is to weaken the strength of the Jingyu Emperor, especially the Lingshan outside the temple of the stunned feathers. They are the targets of their attack. If they can take the Lingshan, they will take it for themselves. It can be a long time, no longer afraid of the feathers of the imperial palace, so that the alliance will not break, the strength of both sides will be flat." Next to the sun said.

"They don't plan to destroy the horror of the sacred feathers. In fact, they can't do it. In fact, these alliance members will not invade their full strength, but the momentum still has to be put together. Now these sects are not as good as ever. It’s so powerful, this time it’s necessary to start with the thrilling royal palace, then they have to hollow out the power inside the Zongmen. As a result, their martial art will be extremely empty, which is a golden opportunity for us. I mean, immediately lead all the forces, to sweep all these factions out of the thunder, to seize resources, and to strengthen themselves, if our door can really swallow all of them, then even if Lin Yujing excused the crime, exposed us It doesn't matter to me, because at that time, we can not put the horror of the feathers in the eyes!!"

Su Yun said quietly.

Dozens of sectarian alliances, now all empty, it is like a treasure of no one, waiting for Su Yun to fetch, if this battle is successful, Su Yun’s hands are more powerful than the strongest sects in the shoulders It is.

This statement fell, the sun was shining, and the heart leaped.

If this is the case, then he is also a slap in the face.

"The original devil is this."

The round demon can understand the words of Su Yun. He has been thinking for a moment, but he has not expressed any opinions. He neither agrees nor opposes it.

When Su Yun sees it, the right is the default.

"Xing Bai will come tonight, and the person who is away from the temple should be faster. Xiangyang, you will quickly prepare, and all the medicines, the fairy, the organs and beasts will be ready. We can start at any time."


"The elders of the demon, you have worked hard, and immediately contact the eyeliners placed around these centuries, and report all the movements they have seen about these sentiments at any time. Anything can't be let go!! ”




"You will go to the Imperial Palace and give me a look at the movement."


"In addition, let Susilo come to see me!!"

Su Yun called again.

Zi Zi was busy with the sentence and hurried away.

The action of the crowds and the violent actions came, and asked Xianzong to shake up.

Su Yunyan took a breath and his eyes were full of war.

If this is successful, then there will be no more rivals in this fairy field.

In a short while, Susilo came to the cultivation site.

She stepped forward to the front door, and made a courtesy of the dignified rules. The pink lips began to start slightly: "Luo Luo saw his brother."

"Come in and talk."

Su Yun, who is still thinking about things, said.

Su Shilu immediately went in.

Seeing Su Yun standing in the head, Su Shiluo Ming Ming suddenly brightened, his face hangs a hint of light smile.

"Brother called Zhao Luo, but what is the order?"

"Oh, you are coming." Su Yun came back and looked at Su Xiaoluo, who was smiling in front of him. He looked a little awkward. He gasped and said: "Luo Luo, Xian Ting, you can master What is the point of the information?"

"What is your brother?" Su Shiluo's face is confusing.

"Sin Ting is about to hold a ceremony, can you know?"

"Is it a fairy ceremonial festival in Xianting once in a hundred years? This 琉 近期 recently heard the few people mentioned, it is a rough knowledge of a little fur. It is said that this ritual was used to worship the founder of Xianting, which has evolved to this day. It is a ritual used by Xianting to reshape the upper level of the Xianting. The Xianting people are of a grade-level, number of people, but those who are not urgent must participate in this ritual."

"So, the news that Ziyan found is correct. It seems that Luo Wuling is really ready to return to Xianting and participate in this ceremony." Su Yun Shen Dao.

Seeing Su Yun’s face is a solemn color, Su Shiluo glimpsed: “What is your brother’s plan to do?”

"The people of the league are ready to reverse Lin Yujing, and tomorrow will start on the temple of the shocked feathers." Su Yun said.


Su Shiluo was obviously taken aback: "They are not afraid of offending Xianting? Are they being punished by Xianting?"

"The law does not blame the public, let alone the purpose of this time is not to swallow the temple of the feathers, but to suppress it, just find an excuse, even if Xianting can not take them."

"That brother means"

"Swallow these fairy sects." Su Yun's eyes raised a stern.

"Hunting, the oriole is behind, my brother's thoughts are indeed very insightful. I am sure that my brother will let him come over today. I hope that Luo can provide all the news about Xianting for his brother in the first time." Luo laughed.

"Yes." Su Yun nodded. "At this time, when you are in desperate need of you, mastering the movements of Xianting is the key to our success. If the identity is exposed, the consequences will be extremely serious. I need you to do my best for me."

Su Shiluo heard the sound, nodded seriously, and the white face of Xiaoyan once again raised a soft smile: "My brother will be relieved, and Luo Luo will not let his brother down."

"Okay." Su Yun nodded. "Everything is ready. Now, look at the various actions."

Nowadays, the movements of all parties have been in control, and they have seen how they acted. Su Yun does not fight the unsatisfied embarrassment, and he knows the truth of knowing oneself and winning every battle.

When Xing Bai led a large group of Jingyao Temple to ask Xianzong, the blue sky was covered with a faint color. The day and night of the fairy world was not obvious, so the immortals in the cultivation often looked at the time.

Today's Xiaoyao Temple is now the same as before. Xing Bai took advantage of the large number of materials while at the same time. He continued to recruit powerful scent and strengthen his own strength. This group of people arrived, with more than 70,000 immortals. All of them are the existence of the second class of Ling Xuan Xian, and the strength is extremely powerful.

Xiangyang’s side is not to be outdone. When Su Yun’s order is reached, he carefully selects and puts together 30,000 Ling Xuan Xian’s products and two products. The 100,000 immortals are together, just like a sharp one. Incomparable, invincible sword, even if it is a thrilling royal palace, it is difficult to make such a lineup.

Su Yun stared at the dense immortal in front of him, and his heart suddenly smashed.


He called a sentence.

Susilo, standing on the left, immediately said: "Brother, what is your order?"

"I still remember the last time you said to me, Xianting has already noticed me, right?" Su Yun whispered.

"Yes." Su Shilu nodded.

"I think about it now, and I feel quite uneasy."

"My brother thinks this is a trap that Xianting deliberately set?"

"I don't know." Su Yun shook his head. "According to the truth, these Xianpai people should be cautious at this moment. It is good for them to live, but this action is too risky for them. Suddenly The decision was made between them, and it was a bit embarrassing to start a sect.

"My brother considered it really well, but what my brother said before is also very reasonable. If this is successful, then for my brother, everything will be unfavorable. Only a little brother must be careful."

"What are you careful?"

"Be careful with the people you control your brother."

"Xing Bai, Xiangyang, these people?"

"No." Susilo shook his head and looked at the elite who led a small group of immortals. The lips sighed: "It is the group of people who are careful of their heads."

"What problems do those people have?"

"The problem is not on them, but on Xianting." Su Shiluo said lightly.

When this statement fell, Su Yun suddenly lost. Su Shiluo hopes that Su Yun will be careful of those who may have the eyeliner inserted by Xian Ting'an.

After thinking about it for a while, he immediately summoned Xing Bai and Xiang Yang, and they were not allowed to divulge the purpose of this action, only to collect the mine.

Xing Bai and Xiangyang nodded and immediately retired.

After the elites of the two sects were all assembled, Su Yun waved his hand and gestured to Xiangyang and Xing Bai to advance.

Hundreds of thousands of immortals have jumped into the sky, and 100,000 beams of light have turned into meteor showers, and they are moving around the horizon. The gorgeous scene is beautiful.

This time there were only two sentiments, but on the occasion of the departure, the leaders of Qianlongtang, Dalinglong Palace and Bahemen received the news. After the order, the leaders of the three parties immediately acted and integrated the elite. Su Yun’s direction

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