Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1079: Time and space

Su Yun looked at his hands in shock and felt the breath of his own body at the moment. However, all kinds of signs were telling him that the power of the magical demon spirit had disappeared without a trace.

"What happened? How could this be?"

Su Yun's brow is locked, his face is like a black carbon.

If at this time the power of the demon spirit is lost, then he will not have any capital to compete with Xianting.

"A good atmosphere, Su Yun, you may have been in the other side of the time to speed up the magic, so that the power of the demon spirit of this body disappeared."

Just as Su Yun was confused and completely unaware of what happened, Ling Qingyu in the swordsman once again made a sound.

"Time acceleration??"

"Yes, I am afraid this spell is a spell from the person called by the man." Ling Qingyu whispered: "You are surrounded by a lot of strange atmosphere, this breath is time-consuming, although only It works in your area, but it is enough. If it is a mortal, stay in this area for a second, afraid that it can be changed from a baby directly to an old man, and you are also the same, because of the acceleration of time, the magic of your body The power of the Holy Spirit has ended prematurely, so it will have such an effect."

Su Yun listened, and the heart sank.

If this is the case, then there is no solution, because according to common sense, if you don’t wait for a few months, it’s impossible to revive the demon spirit. If you ask Xianzong, Su Yun will choose to enter the special space world. After practicing for a few months, for the outside, but for a few days, you can let yourself absorb enough energy, and then remind the devil of the devil, but now, you can no longer rely on the devil to determine the victory or defeat of this battle. It is.


On the sky, the vortex turned faster and faster. In the rotating picture, a large number of fairy figures floated from the inside, accompanied by a thick space.

Space breath! For the spiritualists, this has always been a strong and mysterious atmosphere. I remember that when I was practicing in Tianwu, everyone’s mysterious spirits had different attributes. Even if they were Jianzu, they had cultivated the spirit of Lingling. Whether it is the mainstream atmosphere or the Lingshen atmosphere, it is better than this kind of space that can master time and time and space. Su Yun has not heard of this power, but he knows more about the cost of using this power.

In the blink of an eye, there are already 8,000 people flying out of the whirlpool. Each of these people has a strong atmosphere of unstoppable space. When they all appear, it seems that the whole four weeks. The entire area has been controlled by them.

And as the vortex gradually disappeared, the last person finally came out of this strange space vortex.

This is a woman who looks beautiful and has a slanted back and looks a heavy makeup. The woman is dressed in a **** red dress, her eyes are red lips, and she is extremely enchanting. She holds a crystal clear ball in one hand and smiles at the corner of her mouth. Stepping from the vortex slowly, walking slowly forward, every step, as if the body is soft, the meat will shake, the direct-looking population is dry and the fire is straight.

Among the people here, someone has recognized the woman who came here.

"Xian Ting ‘Time and Space Makes!! The ethereal adults!!”

The voice continued, Su Yun also heard a clear and clear.

Time and space? Another power of Xianting?

Then I saw the man who was full of trauma and Yuan Tianya saw the person who came out. He suddenly showed the joyful color. The dim eyes were full of excitement. He hurried forward and hugged his fist: "I have seen the ethereal adults!" ”

"Oh, Yuan Daren, what's the matter with you? How do you get so embarrassed? It's too bad!! It's too bad!!"

The ethereal snake eyes squinted at Yuan Tianya and immediately smiled at the lips.

In the face of ethereal, it seems to be a ridiculous word, Yuan Tianya did not show a little angry look, but instead directed at the head of Su Yun said: "The ethereal adult, this is not my incompetence, but the thief is too cunning, the horizon is not Be careful, eat a dark loss!!"

"Blackmail?" The ethereal snake head swept to the distant position, holding a dead sword and a dark cloak of Su Yun's look, and there was a burst of cold light in the eyelids.

"Yes, a demon, and there is that means. If I didn't sacrifice the life of a disciple in time to start a powerful fairy law that speeds up, I am afraid you have to explain it here."

"Sacrifice disciples?" Yuan Tianya stunned.

"His spells are too powerful. The usual time and space means can't break his law. For this reason, I have to use the soul of a disciple as a medium to motivate the great lapse and end his means."

"It turns out." Yuan Tianya nodded and didn't talk anymore.

"The adults are in a meeting, just today I am on duty, I received your help, I rushed here, huh, I really didn't think that the guy who made trouble today is actually a demon, very good! Very good, Yuan Daren Today, you and I will join this person and present it to the adults. I believe that you can get a lot of rewards."

The ethereal eyes smashed and the chill was not reduced.

"If the ethereal adults are willing to help each other, this credit is not a dare to receive it. It is just the current appearance."

"This is a minor injury, what is it??"

The ethereal smiled and suddenly reached out and grabbed the heart of the disciple.

Her movements were extremely fast. The disciples had not had time to react, and the heart was detained by the ethereal. The bright red heart was not only taken out, but even the three souls and seven scorpions in his body were pulled out.

The disciple didn't even have time to scream, and the body fell from the sky and landed on the cloud below.

The disciples around him saw nothing and were indifferent.

Then look at the ethereal to crush the heart, close your eyes, red lips squatting, seems to be chanting what swearing, then watching the soul with a heart in the palm of her hand struggles, but the soul of the surrounding seems There is a layer of imprisonment, no matter how it struggles, it can't get rid of it.

The immortal method is still stimulating, and the soul disappears little by little into the ethereal palm of the hand, eventually turning into a light blue ball. As her hand lifts slightly, the blue ball flies out. It fell on Yuan Tianya's head, and the whirlwind exploded. A blue drizzle fell and hit the broken body of Yuan Tianya. In an instant, Yuan Tianya's body quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, not only His body, even the clothes on his body, is so fast that he recovers quickly.

"Do you have time back?"

Ling Qingyu seemed to perceive the change of Yuan Tianya through the sword, and could not help but exclaim.

"At the expense of a disciple who is proficient in time and space, this spell is magical, but it is too cruel." Su Yun stared at the ethereal there, and found that the disciples around her were all expressionless. It seems that this kind of thing is already commonplace.

At the moment, Yuan Tianya has returned to a state of no injury, and with the help of an ethereal master, the Xianting power at this moment is no longer able to compete with Su Yun. He does not even have the last means of the devil and the soul, against Yuan Tianya. It is already very difficult, and how can it be that the enemy is over the ethereal spirit, a powerful immortal who can control the time?

"It seems that there is no way out."

Su Yun took a deep breath and said a touch.

"For the sake of the present, only retreat."

In the distance, Su Shilu flew over, staring at the Xianting people over there, opening to Su Yundao.

"Retreat? Even if you escaped to the devil world, it will not help. If you do not erase all these people today, I am afraid that it will not take long before the masters of the fairy world will launch attacks on the real devil world. In the current situation of the real devil world, fundamentally It is impossible to be an opponent of the fairy world. I am afraid that a fairy court in the district will be enough to destroy the real world."

Su Yun is sinking.

"What should I do?" Su Shilu whispered: "I don't want to go, don't go or not, so go on, is it dead here?"

"Go can go"

Su Yun thought for a moment, and said: "But you can't just go."

"What are your plans??"

Su Shiluo asked.

Su Yun turned his head and looked at the sword scorpion behind him. He said, "I have been in the ancient tomb of the real Mozong. There are a lot of treasures left by the strong devils in the tomb. There are many sacred magical techniques, especially A spell called Shadows allows me to easily face any strong person. If we retreat today, I am afraid that nothing can be changed, but if you fight for a fight, you may have a chance to win."

Although there is no demon spirit, Su Yun knows that he can't rely on the demon spirit. Sometimes, other spells on his body can bring unexpected effects to himself.


"what happened?"

Su Yun’s mind sounded Ling Qingyu’s voice.

"Can swords trap a spiritual fairy??"

Su Yun whispered and asked.


Ling Qingyu shook his head and said: "It is difficult to say that it is trapped. It is difficult to use my strength. After all, my current cultivation is not high. If I put a spiritual fairy into it alone, I am afraid I will Killed by him."

"Then I put in other spiritual mysteries to help you, are you feasible??"


"No face!"

Su Yun is low.

In an instant, the faceless people who fought bravely in the crowd immediately turned to Su Yun.

"Master." No face whispered.

However, Su Yun did not say anything, he took off his sword and shot it faceless.

A ray of light shrouded the faceless body, and its body was immediately swallowed by the light and disappeared.

"Is this person? Although the strength is strong, but it is not enough to deal with Yuan Tianya and ethereal."

The voice of Ling Qingyu rose again.

"Wei Ming!!"

"On the day!"

"Xing Bai!"

"Qin Qianlong!!"

Su Yun shouted again.

Several people heard the sound and immediately went to Su Yun.

The ethereal in the distance and Yuan Tianya saw that Su Yun had acted. Although he did not know what he was doing, the two felt that it would not be a good thing. The ethereal decisively shouted and shouted: "The scorpion demon, the rest are all 斩Kill, don't leave alive!! Kill!!!"

The voice fell, and the disciples behind them rushed to the law. Their bodies disappeared almost at the same time. When they reappeared, they fell into the center of several centuries and began to slaughter.

This is the technique of space transfer! !

When the people didn't even have time to react, they were added by the butcher's knife and they were caught off guard, and a **** flower broke out in the crowd.

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