Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1083: Big devil

This sudden change made Su Yun and Ling Qingyu feel inexplicable. They looked around and felt that the situation was getting worse.

However, the magical spirit of this rippling, let Su Yun feel peace of mind, at least this is the magic of the people who are not connected with the devil?

At the foot of the sky, it is magical, the snow-white and bright clouds have been rendered by the magic gas, and the temperature in the air has become cold and cold in an instant. It lasted for a long time, and it slowly became a dark one. Hail, it is very uncomfortable.

Su Yun saw it, did not hesitate, and took the sword to the past.

"Su Suyun!! What do you do??"

Ling Qingyu’s anxious voice reappeared, but people have already entered the sword.

"The situation outside is too sudden. It is more appropriate to stay in the sword in the rain. If something happens, I am worried that I will not be able to take care of you." Su Yun opened the way.


"Do not be willful, rain!! You were not like this before, don't let me worry!" Su Yun said bitterly.

Ling Qingyu still wants to say something, but after all, it stops the words and no longer snoring.

Su Yun sighed, but the nerves did not let go of it. The line of sight turned and looked directly into the distance.

Everything around it has dimmed, and the cold breath of the Sen is filled with everyone's body. At this moment, it is said that Su Yun does not dare to move, even the ethereal does not dare to move. This is pervasive, but it is extremely scary. The magic! She shivered and thought it was the means of Su Yun. I can think about it. Is such a horrible momentum really a means for this person to display? If he applied this method from the beginning, she dared to fight with Su Yun? I am afraid I have already escaped and went to Xianting to carry the rescue.

At this moment, the fighting between the round magic and Xing Bai was stopped because of this sudden change. People’s **** red eyes rising toward the sky, but seeing the blood red is like a Only a huge magic eye, rising from the rising sun.

The ethereal and horrified eyes looked at the blood red in the distance, and the trembling of the whole body became more and more powerful. Not long after, she suddenly said 'ah', the previous arrogant attitude has disappeared without a trace, and then Regardless of Su Yun, hurriedly mobilized the space of the surgery, running away from the distance.

The person disappeared directly, but it was gone, as if he had seen something terrible, and he did not want to stay there any more.

Su Yun stayed for a while, but when he saw this, there was a sudden chill in the back, and then a low voice floated out.

"Are you OK??"

Su Yun stunned, turned his head and looked back, but he saw that there was a shadow behind him. These shadows were all wrapped in strong magic, almost invisible, and even the human form did not look. Too clear, the only thing that can be seen is the blood-red eyes that are looming in the shadows.

Su Yun stayed and stared at the shadow behind him, but there was not much horror on his face. I don’t know why, even in this shadow that should be said to be extremely terrible, he found a sense of intimacy.

How come this feeling?

Su Yun’s heart was full of doubts, looking at the source of the voice, the **** eyes, he asked: “Who are you??”


The voice did not answer Su Yun’s words.

Just look at the black shadow of this group, suddenly stretched out a dark hand, and grabbed it toward the front. The place where the hand stretched out, the void was shaking, and finally it was directly twisted, like a kaleidoscope. There is no complete area, and this hand has become fragmented with the twisted space.

Su Yunyan’s eyes widened and he watched his heart pounding. What is this? What is this means?

At this moment, this one of the broken handcuffs was pulled, and a scream of screaming sounded. It was already an ethereal spirit that escaped without a trace, and was directly smashed out from this distorted void. .

Seeing this scene, Su Yun is almost stunned.

The hand smashed the ethereal, suddenly slammed, a huge force acting on the ethereal body, and then looked at the ethereal direct 'wow', spit out a large white blood, then the person fell directly down Her limbs seem to have lost any strength, and the skin beneath her body has also appeared as a hairy but intensive crack.

Seeing this scene, Su Yun knows that the fairy veins on the empty spirits have all been shattered.

Ling Xuan Xian five masters, and is a master of time and space, Xianting, not only by these guys forcibly returned, and directly abolished it in a few breaths! !

Are these people God?

Su Yun was shocked to see the black shadow, the shock of his heart has been difficult to describe in words! !

The ethereal spirit did not fall under the clouds below, but in the middle of the air was dragged by the huge black hand that did not know where it came from.

Take a closer look, this black hand is like the hand of a giant, and it is completely magical. It is especially magical. Although it is angry, it looks extremely powerful. After the ethereal is dragged, it is slowly lifted over. .

At this moment, she was lying in the shadow of the shadows, but she was staring at Su Yun with a single line of sight. It was the desire to survive, and she was terrified, embarrassed and confused.

Su Yun also stared at her, and at the moment, he did not understand what was going on.

Just now he was forced by the ethereal to the road, the ethereal mastered everything, and controlled the situation, but now the ethereal is like a lamb slaughtered by anyone, lying in front of himself, unable to escape, unable to resist. The space-time means she is proud of is completely abolished! !

This is like a dramatic scene that simply makes Su Yun unable to understand.

He raised his eyes and looked at the large black shadow in front of him. His eyes gradually turned red, the blood in his body boiled to the extreme, and the magic of his body became more and more overflowing.

He seems to think of something, trying his best to look inside the shadow, the **** red eye seems to be able to see something different, but this time, what he glimpsed

There seem to be dozens of people standing in the shadow of the group! ! !

call! ! ! ! ! !

At this time, the big hand dragging the ethereal suddenly moved.

Then look at the huge hand of the magical hand, the five fingers curled up, and the ethereal spirit in the middle merged.

Seeing in the air, the screams of screams in his mouth.

"Don't kill me!!!! Don't kill me!!!"

However, at this moment, she could not escape at all. She could only watch the five huge fingers around her crushing her. The dark magic gradually wrapped her body. She could only cry desperately. In this dark and horrible world, her voice swayed back and forth.

Su Yun stared at all this and silently.

What he wants to do, but he doesn't know what to do, what he wants to say, but he can't say a word.

Gradually, the five fingers are completely closed, and the ethereal is completely swallowed up by the magical gas. It has completely disappeared into the magical spirit, and then the sound of the skin compression is heard in this magical spirit. The spinner is a blood. The flower blooms, and the ethereal and miserable shouts disappear.

Su Yun knows that the ethereal spirit has died, fearing that even the soul can not escape.

He took his eyes back and put it back in the shadow of the group. He took a deep breath and said: "Who are you?"

"You are the demon of the true demon?"

There was a voice floating in the head, but there was no answer to Su Yun’s words, but instead a question came out directly.

"I am, do you think the predecessors are also devils? Just don't know when the real demon has such a powerful demon." Su Yun Shen, although it is a demon, but these people are ignorant, or Be careful.

Unexpectedly, Su Yun’s words fell, and the voice immediately burst into laughter.

"Ha ha ha, demon, you don't know when the real demon has ever seen such a powerful demon?? You really don't know?? If you don't know, then I will ask you, your previous influence, Where did you come from? Where did you come from the yin and yang of the yin and yang? Where did you come from?

This sentence fell, Su Yun sluggish for a moment, the whirlwind shocked and looked at the group of shadows

"You guys are the great devils who have left the ancestor?"

"Are you finally reacting??" The laughter is not diminished: "Dare to shake in this fairy world, except for the guys of us, the ordinary devils can't survive here. When they appear, they are the fairy hawks. Nose, I am afraid that it will take a long time to kill and come over and put it out!"

"But what surprised us was that I didn't expect the demon of the true demon to go to the fairy world, and also made so many things."

Another old voice came out.

"Sure enough, it is blue and blue is better than blue!"

Appreciative laughter popped up.

Su Yun’s heart was excited, and immediately he held a fist and worshipped the black shadow: “Sue Yun, a younger generation, meets the seniors.”

"It doesn't have to be a vain, let's solve the problem at hand!"

The sound fell, and in the shadow, a beam of light was shot and directed to the sky.

In an instant, the lightning and thunder, the sky, suddenly opened thousands of blood-red eyes, these eyes are like the devil's scorpion, one by one staring straight at the place where the round magic and the sun and other **** battles, after the three interest, each In one of his eyes, he spurted a terrible horror, and hit the battlefield of the people below.

Su Yun stared at the past, and for a while, all the Xianting people on the battlefield were all killed by the shackles. No matter who they were, they were illumined, and they immediately disappeared. The people of the Xianxians completely looked at them, even the attack barrier. The people of the Wuxian Mountain are also sluggish, although the barrier is about to break, but at this time, they are like a statue, staying in the same place, they dare not move again.

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