Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1200: Su Yun VS Vice President

Space transfer? Is there a little space in the fairy world to jump over the river?

Ling Qingyu immediately reacted.

Yes, Su Yun’s current speed is simply outrageous. If he knows the specific location of the nearby space jumping river, it is not difficult to rush over. The space jumping river will fall into any of the existences randomly into the fairy world. At that point, if Su Yun jumped into it, no one knew where he was being transferred.

This is indeed the only way to escape.

Su Yun fled while urging the magic gas, condensing into a magic sword, stabbing in the air, he is like a spring that will never dry up, madly jetting the sword of magic, every magic novel sword can be smashed In addition to Ling Xuansheng, the power is strong, and the inexhaustible magic swords attack the sky and directly blacken the sky.

But the power of the sky is not a general generation, then the golden eyes suddenly flashed, and then a ray of light hit Su Yun.

The other side strengthened the spirit attack! !

Is this going to force yourself to collapse and surrender? ?

Su Yun died biting his teeth, and his **** sorrow broke out. He looked at the golden pupil without fear. A fierce spirit waved straight to the golden gong.

Yin and Yang Vientiane! !

What kind of horror is the yin and yang of the spirit of the spirit of the mysterious gods.

This is the moment of fighting. The two men put together their mental strength. Su Yun perceives his nerves and tingles, and his spirits are stunned. He has signs of fainting anytime and anywhere. This is still a slap in the face, if you just change a new spirit. God's existence, I am afraid that this moment has long been a mental breakdown, and it is directly mad.

However, he believes that the vice president is also uncomfortable. In the huge golden plaque, the pupil has become somewhat sloppy, and the power released in the eyes has become somewhat inconsistent. Obviously, he cannot ignore Su Yun’s attack.

However, Su Yun can't last long, but he can easily support it for a long time.

Such a hard fight, the loser must be Su Yun, and even if the fight has been over the vice president, there is a group of singer masters, and the final loser will only be him.

Su Yun snorted, and suddenly, his singer flashed a strange light.

Da Ling Shu Art! !

When I am in the midst of a thousand years, I don’t care so much.

This kind of mind reading is extremely sensitive, and the golden cockroach is actually taboo. It is aware of the magic of this spell. It directly closes the eyes and the golden cockroaches disappear.

Although Su Yun has a shadow and a big exquisite technique, but the other party has not appeared for so long, so that he has nowhere to start, if the attack, it is only based on the trajectory of the breath when the other party casts spells. And can't lock his pupil.

Jin Hao disappeared, Su Yun did not dare to fight, and immediately turned and ran.

But when he flew, the thick clouds in front of him suddenly squirmed, and then there were a lot of meteorites in the clouds. These meteorites condensed together and turned into mountains, constantly obstructing Su Yun’s way.

Su Yun whispered, the Promise Sword 诀 诀 , , 魔 , , , 无 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

at last.

The last mountain of the meteorite was crushed by Su Yun. However, the other side of the meteorite mountain was a completely distorted space, like a lake with a ripple of ripples.

Su Yun hurriedly stopped his body shape. He saved a magical spirit and cast it toward the distorted area. The magic gas slammed into it like a meteor, but it disappeared at the moment of touch.

Space spells! !

Su Yun’s eyes are tight.

The role of the meteorite is not to block the progress of Su Yun, but to delay his pace, so that the vice president to display space spells, completely block the path of Su Yun.

"This deputy president is really magical, and the power of Xianli, Divine Power, the Five Elements, and the Nether Spirit are all incomparable. Su Yun, it seems that this time you are very difficult to leave."

The voice of Ling Qingyu came out again.

If the other person is familiar with space magic, then it is difficult to escape by simply jumping into the river by space.

Su Yun's brow wrinkled into a ball: "Heavy rain, I want to find a way to throw out the sword, and then run in the opposite direction. You should leave with the ear, understand?"

"You stupid, what do you say stupid? Are you going to leave me and you?"

Ling Qingyu rushed.

She has known Su Yun for so long, and naturally understands Su Yun’s thoughts at the moment. If the space jumps without any effect, then Su Yun really has nowhere to escape. He can't escape to ask Xianzong, and the gate of the fairy world is also controlled by Xianting. The whole fairyland belongs to Xianting. Where can I go to the construction site?

"Rainly rain, don't be arrogant, although you are not high, but during this time, you study the fairy world, and you don't know less about Xianting. You should understand who I am facing this time!! Most likely, I can't live without it!!"

Su Yun suddenly bite his lip, his eyes overflowing with blood, and his fists are extremely tight.

"Su Yun, you can't just give up, don't be afraid, we won't lose, they can't kill us!!" Ling Qingyu was busy.

"Rainly rain, you don't have to comfort me. I am not afraid of Su Yun, but I am afraid of you to die!! Rain, I am begging you, with a sword, with a slap, leave here, no matter what, Safe and sound, you have to be safe!!"

Su Yun whispered, then suddenly looked up and jumped, and went straight into the sky.

He is like a dragon, the thick clouds of the sky are scattered, like a black sword mans running through the sky.

"Su Yun!!!!!!"

Ling Qing Yu shouted, she wanted to stop, but Su Yun seems to have made the decision. He held the sword with one hand and swayed his body in a crazy way. The sword of the sword is like a full eye. The muzzle, the madness of the madness, accompanied by the endless and violent fairy, tearing the heavens and the earth, sweeping the fairy world, endless destruction filled all over here.

"Be careful!!"

In the distance, those masters of Xianting saw that Su Yun had issued such a terrible blow. They retired and were sheltered, and the light above the sky was dimmed in this moment.

Su Yun took the opportunity to quietly turn the Wuji Sword into a sword and directly shoot into the distance. These are not noticed at all.

When the sword went away, he flew away from the area and entered the safe zone, and he was relieved.

As long as he is safe and sound, he has no scruples.

The sword rain stopped, and the whole sky was completely cleared. The masters of Xianting were all forced to retreat without exception, and the light above the sky was completely dull.

Su Yun panted, stepping forward and jumping over the sky. When he jumped over the thick clouds that had not been scattered, he finally saw the existence on the sky.

It was a huge colorful ball of light. There was a vague figure in the ball of light. It was impossible to see the men and women. It seemed that no clothes were worn. The golden light was very dazzling, but it was not noticed that he had overflowed any breath. It can be a sacred supremacy, but it is around Su Yun.

"You surprised me, the devil."

Seeing that Su Yun was not far from his own, the figure in the golden light gave a voice of overlapping men and women.

"You are the vice president of Xianting?"

Su Yun clasped the sword and asked.

"Can you tell me your name?"

The voice starts again.

"My name is Ye, called Yee!"

"Ye Ye?" The voice hesitated for a moment.

"Suner, really sincere." Su Yun laughed.

The figure was silent for a moment, and the spinner snorted: "The low-level jokes of such ordinary people are actually used on me, the devil, you really are not ordinary."

"You don't have to talk nonsense anymore. Since you have already chased it, I have nowhere to escape. It is better for us to hit a game."

Su Yun slashed the sword across the chest, and the fairy spurred it. The sword was wrapped in magic, and the sword was violent.

The war is gathering and rising.

Sometimes, since you can't escape, why not face it calmly and work hard? Escape without life, perhaps, let go of a fight and be able to get a new life.

Even if it fails, at least you have done your best!

One person is born, there is not much, even if it is eternal, there is no difference with a moment.

But you must not leave regrets. The swordsman must be free and easy to succumb to the world. Why should he be bound by all this, bound, and how can he call it a sword?

Su Yun closed his eyes, the breeze blew, blowing off his hood, revealing a pale but firm face, long hair fluttering in the wind, his eyes, only a deep war.

The figure in the golden light quietly looked at the Su Yun at the other end, and I don’t know how long it took, the sound drifted out.

"Promise swordsmanship! What you use is the swordsmanship of Jianzu, isn't it right?"

"What about it?"

Su Yun said: "There is no such thing as a sacred sword, but also sent people to harm the sword ancestor. Although the sword ancestors did not know what you are doing, I know."

"You seem to know a lot about my fairy court."

Jin Guangzhong’s figure said: “You just used mind reading for me. If I guessed it right, Zhan Zuoyang, who has been missing for a long time, should be harmed by you? You read his memory, so you know so much. ""

"You are not stupid."

Su Yun smiled slightly, although he tried to hide a lot, but the other's eyes were sinister, some details have been captured, but fortunately, this news has no effect on him.

"In this case, you know so much, then you can't leave you, the devil, you don't surrender, then you will die!!"

The figure in Jin Guang began to be serious. He snorted and the whole golden light came directly to Su Yun.

Su Yun is not afraid, staring at the other side's power, head-on, he holds the sword with one hand, one-handed reminder, all the magic into the sky, in an instant, half of the sky, one side for the golden light, one side for the dark Color, in the dark sky, a lot of blood red light flashed, and then it was like locking the vice president, and it was fierce. But the golden sky is also different. A lot of immortal imaginary figures with gold armor fly out from there, like a thousand troops and horses flock to Su Yun.

This epic scene directly led to the dementia that the masters of Xianting who came over saw it.

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