Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1203: Face together

What's wrong with me?

Su Yun, who is ambiguous, feels that he is light and floating at the moment. There are people around him and what sounds are true for him.

What is this?

Am I still dead?

He tried his best to open his eyes, but he felt that these eyes were like two heavens and earth, heavy and incomparable, and he was already weak, as if he had no strength to mention a feather.

At this time, a fragrant wind suddenly plunged into the nasal cavity and entered his brain along the nasal cavity, stimulating his groggy thoughts. Su Yun seemed to be awakened, and the power of the whole body was used to open his eyes.

"Su Yun, you are fine."

At this time, a familiar voice enters the ear.


He gave a slight glimpse.

In the line of sight, the beautiful and light woman was reflected. At this moment, she sat down and placed Su Yun’s head on her knee. Then she gently lifted it and pressed it slightly on his thick chest. Slowly licking, a soft light overflows between the palms and is introduced into the body of Su Yun.

This soft light is like a body, just like the cold body, raining in the soft and warm sunshine, it is almost comfortable to make a sound. Su Yun’s weak body also recovered a little strength.

Ling Qingyu slowly opened the eyes, the lips were slightly open, and he was relieved, then he looked at Su Yun with some blame.


"You don't want to say anything! Give me peace of mind!!"

Ling Qingyu directly interrupted Su Yun’s words, and he sighed.


"You stupid, do you know what you were doing before? You are completely equal to killing!!"

Ling Qingyu seems to be not mad at all. He simply does not give Su Yun a chance to speak at half. Su Yun stares at her and can't say a word.

Ling Qingyu's pink scorpion is sturdy, but it is cute, but the blame in that scorpion is more and more obvious.

Su Yun knows that Ling Qing is in the air now, saying that she can't listen to it. She just has to give up and take care of herself.

Seeing Su Yun's good health recovery, Ling Qingyu no longer speaks, but the sturdy gang has not disappeared, apparently has not forgiven Su Yun.

Su Yun has raised a day of hard work. Although his body is still weak, he has been able to stand up. He looks around and his face looks floating. "Hey, how can I be in the sword?? I remember that I was not hit by the Vice President Xianting? How did I escape??"

He turned his head, his eyes were a little hot and he looked seriously at Ling Qingyu, who was sitting next to him, and asked seriously: "Are you saving me?"

"I??" Ling Qingyu squatted, then quickly shook his head: "How can I have that kind of ability to save you? You don't make a joke."

"How do I escape from the eyes of the vice presidents of Xianting and the masters of Xianting?" Su Yun asked.

"That is to save you."

Ling Qingyu hesitated for a moment and suddenly said.

"Pour it?"

Su Yun was full of fog and looked down the sight of Ling Qingyu, but he saw a lot of swords floating on the sky not far away. These swords were surrounded by a circle and were constantly swirling. The center of the sword is a huge ball of light. In the center of the ball, there is a graceful figure floating on it. That is Su Lier.

Seeing Su Guaner's state, Su Yun is stunned and has been unable to return to God for a long time.

"It’s raining, she’s what she is like?”

"The body of the demon has been fully activated. Now she is beginning to absorb the power hidden in the depths of her body. This power is the power that she deliberately buried before her reincarnation. The water of the fairy pool activated this for her. Power, originally according to the plan before the reincarnation, she should take nearly a thousand years to trigger this power, but because of your help, she began to absorb in advance, so this will be the case." Ling Qingyu explained .

"Where are these swords used for?" Su Yun looked at the sword table that was rotating around Su Pan, and was curious to ask, these swords can not provide any energy for Su Pan, after all, on the sword platform The swords are all in existence for the seal of the fierce sword. Their own energy is still insufficient, and there is no excess.

"I will arrange them to form a simple seal array, and seal the breath of Su Pei children with the energy generated when they move between them, so as to avoid leakage and create unnecessary trouble for us."

Lingqing rain road.

Su Yun listened and was shocked: "Can you easily control Jiantai?"

"What's so strange?" Ling Qingyu shook his head. "You have been here for a long time, and you can do it."

"Is it true?" Su Yun was a little unbelievable. He looked back and looked back at Su Li in the other side. He still had doubts in his eyes and asked: "The current moment is not still absorbing her own previous life. The power left, complete the reincarnation? Why does she save me?"

"This is Su Yun, you definitely don't know how good it is in the past?"

"Have you seen the last generation of the world?" Su Yun asked without understanding.

"Not before, when you were in distress, you seemed to have been inductive and went to save yourself. At that time, she was somehow powerful, especially powerful. It should have exerted the power of the last life, so that she shocked those immortals. The master of the court, but her power seems to last for too long, just a short-lived, I took the opportunity to bring you into the sword, and left directly, those people in Xianting feared, one by one did not dare to chase, we will be smooth ran away."

"Is it true? But why do you suddenly have such a change? And run to save me?" This seems to be far-fetched.

"I can't figure out this. Maybe you have a heart and soul with you. You probably know that you are in danger, so you will have such a change." Ling Qingyu smiled slightly: "You really are a pair of heavenly creations."

"Really?" Su Yun still has some puzzles, but now only this explanation can answer him. If you think about it for a moment, you can't think about it, you can only give up.

However, Su Yun’s heart is even more serious about Ling Qingyu’s doubts. Although he knows that the rain will not harm himself, Ling Qingyu is more and more mysterious to him.

"Where are we going now?"

Su Yun sat down again and continued to nurse. He felt that his blood was solidified, the speed of his movements became stagnant, the whole body was cold, and the internal organs of the internal organs, the fairy veins, and the fairy eyes were also extremely fragile at the moment. , as if I have just experienced baptism.

"I am going to ask Xianzong to return."

Ling Qingyu walked in front of Su Yun, and his voice was screaming again and again, but his words were serious. He said: "Su Yun, you have listened to me. If you do anything in the future, you are not allowed to be so impulsive again. I am not allowed to take it anymore. Let me go, understand? What are we going to face together!"

"Yes, yes, we face together, we will fight together side by side in the future." Su Yun smiled bitterly.

"I didn't make a joke with you." Ling Qingyu flashed a little tears in his eyes, and his voice became a little choked: "Do you know how terrible the strength of the vice president is? Do you know how powerful those Xianting masters are? The special constitution of hermaphrodite is difficult to be a single person! He is a two-person cultivator, and his qualifications are top-notch. His strength is even more terrifying. Even if you have a peak of spirituality, it is certainly not his opponent. His physique is one of the best physiques. You are alone, and he is completely looking for death!! Do you know?"

"I know, but count you, do we have a chance to win?" Su Yun smiled bitterly: "The rain, I can't hurt you, so anyway, I hope that you are safe and sound, hope that you will be safe and sound."

"I may not be able to help you, but the sword can be ah"

Ling Qingyu said: "Su Yun, you don't want to take advantage of this sword. It can not only help you store the Excalibur, it is not just for sealing the fierce sword. If necessary, you can even use it as a threat. what."


Su Yun stunned.

"Yes, threat." Ling Qingyu suddenly stunned and whispered: "If you encounter such a situation, you use the fierce sword in the sword to threaten those who threaten you, forcing them to leave, you Then, if they do not leave, you will release all the swords in the sword, release the fierce sword seal, let the fierce sword die! Once the fierce sword appears, the entire fairy world will no longer exist, your threat will certainly not exist. So, the other party dares to hurt you?"

"Are you not chaos?" Su Yun shook his head and refused: "In this way, I don't want to kill myself? And how is it possible to do this? Once the fierce sword is in the world, the heavens and the world will cease to exist, just to I am Su Yun’s life, and let everyone be buried? Also includes my close relatives. Do you think I will do this?”

"You are stupid? You can threaten others."

"Not everyone will be fooled, and once this is done, the murderous sword will be exposed. At that time, I am afraid that it will lead to more troubles. It is not appropriate." Su Yun shook his head.

Ling Qingyu heard the sound, Zhang Zhang's lips, what I wanted to say, but still gave up, sighed, did not say anything.

Su Yun took a rest in the sword for two days, and then he took out the sword and looked at the outside. The sword was impossible to motivate on his own, but Ling Qingyu found a stone and injected a lot of stones into the stone. Carrying things, rushed to ask Xianzong.

This time, the battle of Xianting is over, and the whole fairyland will inevitably undergo earth-shaking changes. At least, the situation of the fairyland in the quiet and darkness of the current surface has been broken. After this incident, there will be more Xianting. The enemy emerges from the water, and the fairyland will welcome a new era, an era full of murder and fighting.

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