Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1206: Eight teeth arrival

The fairyland became tense because of the chaos of Xianting. Most of the Xianpai chose the Shuzongguan faction. They tried not to go out to mine the mines, expand resources, develop sects, and only led disciples to practice in the sects. . Most of the scattered immortals are still in the fairy city, and the vast fairyland becomes a bit lonely.

However, the closed sect does not stop the means of Xian Ting. In fact, the fairy tales are indeed as investigated by the sables. Many of the sects of the sects have been repaired, and many banned things have been used for the remedies. In order to reward, the Xianting people who came to investigate often added these banned things to the Xianting, so that many Xianpai suffered the disaster of Xianting.

The fairyland became confused with the series of compulsory measures of Xianting. Some sects were dissatisfied with the actions of Xianting, and stood up against the Xianting, but they were forced to suppress by the masters sent by Xianting, or die or surrender. Although many immortals surrendered to Xianting on the surface, after this incident, the immortals must be resentful, but the present is just daring to say nothing.

Su Shilu has long formulated a strategy to deal with the investigation of Xianting, so there is no need to worry about Xianting.

The immortality of Xian Ting has been eradicated. For a while, Xian Ting is unable to cultivate a new life force. It is much more convenient to ask Xian Zong’s actions in the future. Su Yun is not eager to take any action now, so his current The center of gravity was placed on the group of Xian Tingjun who went to the underworld.

It is reported that when the Xianting chaos appeared, the cold and white army that led the Xianjun slowed down, and at the same time sent people back to Xianting to ask whether to return to the aid. After the vice president did not send a fairy, he calmed the chaos and renewed the cold. Into the army, has now entered the real devil world, and headed for the river.

According to this speed, less than a month's effort, the battle of Xian Ming, will inevitably erupt.

Su Yun dispatched nearly a hundred people every day to investigate the movement of Xiandi, always paying attention. He did not know what means the underworld had to resist so many immortals, and did not know the situation of the true demon in the underworld. Unfavorable, whether he wants to respond, Wei Ming, Cai Tian, ​​Qin Qianlong, Xing Bai were sent back to preside over their respective sects. The current situation in the fairyland is complicated, and they can not leave the sect. They should deal with things that happen at any time.

During this time, the pattern of Wanjie will be broken, and Su Yun’s heart is becoming more and more anxious.

And when his heart was extremely upset, the underworld came.

When Su Yun got the news from Susilo, he could not believe it.

This time, the people who came from the true demon sect were actually eight teeth that had not been seen for a long time. He was assisted by Su Shiluo, disguised as a fairy, directly mixed into the door of the fairyland, and asked to ask Xianzong, all the way to surprise.

Su Yun was surprised to learn that the eight teeth arrived, and he was waiting in the Chamber early.

Eight teeth can be said to be all the way to the east, looking at the fairy, the eyeballs have been wandering around the buildings and disciples.

I asked the disciples in Xianzong that they had never seen the eight teeth. I saw this kid wearing a loose coat and looks pretty, and everyone was very eye-catching. After all, he was introduced by Su Shiluo.

"Hey, Miss Su, I said that you don't want to be a holy woman. How can you be willing to work for Su Yun? With your talents, you can be a master of the school."

After a round of laps, the eight teeth nodded quite satisfactorily, then returned to the girl in front of him and smiled.

"The owner of a faction doesn't have much fun, let alone I don't work for others. Su Yun is the brother of Luo Luo. What about his brother, can you call for a job?"

Su Shiluo Road.

"Oh, you can see it, but I can think that Su Yun will not appreciate it." Eight teeth smiled.

Although his words are somewhat inexplicable, Su Shilu has heard the clues.

This is reminding her not to try to ease the relationship between Su Shentian, Shen Xuexue and Su Yun. After all, this damage to Su Yun is too great.

Su Shiluo did not know much about the relationship between the eight teeth and Su Yun, but the eight teeth once said such words, enough to be visible, the eight teeth are also very concerned about Su Yun.

She did not say anything, came to the Chamber of Deputies, whispered: "Brother is in it, the eight-toothed lord, you go in yourself, there are things in Luo Luo, and temporarily lost."

"Miss slowly." Eight teeth hugged the fist, and then only went to the inside.

Entering the gate, his eyes began to look at the Chamber again, and his voice was uttered in his mouth.

"What are you looking at?"

Su Yunxiao, who was meditation in the Chamber of Deputies, saw the people coming in and said straight.

However, the eight teeth did not immediately answer his words, but left to see, right touch, for a while, only a smirk came together.

"Hey, Master of the Monarch, I really didn't think that you are in the fairy world. This is the more mixed, the things here, each one is placed in the real magic sect, it is all baby! It's amazing! Great!! You are now developed, when will you promote and promote my hard-working children?? Let me taste some sweetness."

The eight-toothed smirk laughed, and the white face was particularly cute.

Su Yun gave him a look and said: "How is the situation in the underworld?"

"Don't you ask me what I have been doing recently?"

"Look at you now, don't ask."

"You are really ruthless."

The eight-toothed casually found a chair to sit down and saw that the chair was applied in a row. After the urging, sitting on the head can not only ease the body, but also relax the body's veins, and it is able to absorb the impurities. Let your body be stronger and smarter, and the benefits are numerous. Just sitting like this, the eight teeth are amazing.

"Well, since you came to ask Xianzong, you will definitely not leave for a while. These things, you will not look late in the future. Let’s talk about the situation in the underworld. Xiantingjun will soon open. Has there been a response to the other side of the underworld??"

"Yes." Eight teeth touched the stool under the buttocks and smiled: "There must be a coping strategy. The demon does not have to worry too much, but when I came, I heard some things about Miss Xian’s that Miss Su said. Devil, are you okay?"

"No problem."

"I don't know a lot about Xianting, but as a ruling power in the celestial world, this horror is so imaginary that even the imagination can't be imagined. The lord can not die in the hands of the vice president. You can see that you are strong now. I don't know soon."

"Positive point."

"Good, I am talking about the right thing."

Eight teeth smiled and said: "This time there is nothing important to come here, just come here to deal with the things left by the elders of the demon, nothing more."

Speaking of the word "the devil", his smile clearly converged a lot.

Su Yun was silent for a moment, then closed his eyes.

"It is obviously not appropriate for the things left by the devil to be handed over to other people. The original lord is going to let other elders come to help you with these things, but after thinking about it, I still think that I am coming over, so take the initiative." , rush here."

"Why would you choose to come over at this festival?" Su Yun opened his eyes and looked at the eight teeth.

Eight teeth smashed for a moment, took a deep breath, and the look on his face became extremely serious.

"Nature is also hoping to be able to contact you and help this battle of fairy tales."

Eight teeth finally said the main purpose of this time.

In fact, Su Yun has already guessed, but he does not understand about the underworld.

"Who is the leader of the underworld? Who is responsible for this war? How much power does the underworld have to resist the Xianting Army?"

Su Yun directly spoke and said all the confusion in his heart.

This is what he always wanted to know. After all, he knew nothing about the underworld.

Eight teeth looked at Su Yun, the two looked at it like this, the silence in the Chamber of Deputies, not long after, he gently opened his mouth, but the sound seemed extremely dignified.

"There are no leaders at the moment, and the underworld is not prepared to deal with the Xianting Army. At the moment, the underworld is almost equivalent to a loose sand. Nothing can stop them except for the gate of the underworld to resist the marching pace of the Xianting Army. It is."

Eight teeth said.

Su Yun was stunned.

It’s hard to come back for a long time. He looked at the eight teeth with a stunned look and said: “The underworld has not organized the army?? What about the gods?? Where is he??”

"The **** is a legendary existence. Many underworld people have never seen him, and can you pin your hopes on him??"

"What about the Royal Sword??"

"It has been gone for a long time."

"Three Ming Shuai, Wu Ming will? These people do not know that the Xianting army is approaching? If you send people to contact them, they will be convinced that they will rise to the top, build strength, resist foreign enemies!!"

"The three meditations and the five meditations are no longer the pillars of the underworld. There are also countless contradictions between them. The people in the real devil world are attached to one of them, because most of the real devils People can't compare with the sacred people, so our position in the underworld is relatively low. The Wei dynasty has a lot of friendship with the lord. Although I have not been treated with enthusiasm, I am not ill-treated, so I can store it in the underworld. In the end, the underworld is not our homeland. Coupled with the immortal forces, the contradictions between the sorcerers and the sorcerer are intensified. The lords are worried that other meditations will use us as an excuse to attack the sorrowful, so that the situation is critical, the real devil and the underworld are I am in a land of annihilation, so let me come here and discuss with you."

"Consult a counterattack?"

Su Yun condensed.

With Su Yun’s current strength, counterattack is absolutely impossible. I don’t want to counterattack. The current situation in the fairyland is so tense. Any change in his will definitely cause the attention of Xianting, and then he will be in trouble.

"It is a counterattack, but it is not a counterattack."

Eight teeth shook his head and whirls.

"What do you mean?" Su Yun did not understand.

But after hearing the eight teeth again, the sound is also very heavy.

"This action is not for the fairy world, but for the underworld!"

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