Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1245: Shirk responsibility

Neither of them spoke, the atmosphere was weird and strange, and Su Yun was unexpected. Ling Qingyu’s sudden words made him feel overwhelmed. ≥∈≡.┮. However, the woman is very unconscious, she still looks at Su Yun, the momentum seems a bit aggressive.

I don’t know how long it took, Su Yun, whose lips have become a little dry, finally opened his mouth. He took a light breath and his voice was a bit dull: "You are right, I do doubt, but doubts are doubtful. Sitting down

"Then why don't you ask me?" Ling Qingyu asked.

"If you want to tell me, why should I ask? Why do you want to hide it?" he whispered.

Ling Qingyu's pupil was slightly magnified. After a moment, she couldn't help but smile softly. She said nothing but turned around and looked at the distance. The pink lips rose slightly.

Is this trust?


At this time, the earth trembled, the stones on the surrounding hillsides rolled down and brushed down. Su Yun looked away from the distance, and then saw the dark side of the sky. There was a dark and huge figure. This figure is a human being, a human body, and a whole body. Gray and black, about seven meters high, it is covered with white bone barbs, eyes like a copper bell, a lot of smoldering in the nostrils, the iron feet in the foot of each step, the ground will be torn apart, while splashing A lot of flowers are dead.

"It's a cow!! Be careful!!"

"Quickly alert!"

In the distance, a few medlars glimpsed the huge figure that was approaching, and immediately shouted, the mortal commotion, and even the inside of the devil's tribe rang a sound of another alarm. ≮≦≮∥.╬.

Su Yun stared at the distant cow, and now the ferocious eyes of the cow are staring at themselves.

Intuition tells him that the target of this cow is himself. Although he does not know where to irritate it, but since the other party is already close, Su Yun has no time to escape.

"The snail is the underworld created by the dead air and the resurrection of the original bovine bone in the underworld. It is very warlike and extremely angry. Your breakthrough has attracted them and stimulated the desire in their bodies. Now the spirit is here. The sacred cows that are cultivated by the mysterious gods will challenge you, you can use it to try and cultivate!"

At this time, the Lingqing rain next to it lightly opened the lips, softly popping out.


Su Yun pulled out the double-month sword, and Jianfeng pointed at the yak in the distance: "Although I have the seven spirits of Ling Xuan Shen, I feel that my combat power should be far more than this, just take it to test it. My true level."

After all, Su Yun stepped and walked toward the yak.

It is no wonder that the underworld will flood into so many masters of the world. The creatures here are so strong and the conditions are so bad. It really helps the breakthrough bottleneck. If it is in an extremely comfortable land, it will not be said that it will be a decadent. ≡ ≈⊥∥.

Su Yunchong came, the ox was provocative, and his mouth slammed, although it was a cow, but like a thunder, the slamming sound, it picked up the body, the two horns on the head like a crescent moon slanted down, right Quasi-Su Yun, after the hoof hooves, rubbed against the fierce emptiness of the void.

This is the most primitive brute force! The Bulls did not use the air and the dead air, it just used the simplest power to fight against Su Yun.

This is how it is confident in its own strength. However, Su Yun, who had the inheritance of the Great Devil, and the sword of the two-month sword, was also very confident in his own strength. Although the yak was repaired to suppress him, Su Yun did not retreat. He handed his hand to the sword of the Shuangyue Sword. With one hand clasping the hilt, hit the horn that hit.


The horrible brute force swayed around the sky with the sound of the sound. Su Yun felt his arms crisp, the pace sank, and the earth under his feet instantly burst. A circle of energy ripples appears in the center of the two people. This ripple is ruined, and all the hills around it are crushed into powder. The ghosts in the distance can't get close.

There was a lot of dead air in the nostrils of the ox, and a pair of eyes almost protruded from the eyelids. Su Yun’s arms trembled and did his best. The strength of both sides seemed to be half a catty.

After all, it is a level of pressure, and the ox is itself a powerful creature. If Su Yun can easily suppress this underworld in power, it would be strange. ∧≮网.╊┼.╇c┼om

At this time, the cow suddenly twisted its huge body. Obviously, it has already understood that it is impossible to defeat the other side with the force of Su Yun. The huge body has a large number of scorpions, and the scorpion flies to Su Yun. Open, full of dead air eroded Su Yun, and the ox bulls smashed his own corner and smashed his sword into the heart of the sword.

It is said that the cow is a temper, but this cow is not only unruly, but it is very flexible. Su Yun only felt that he was dying out of the sacred robes, and struck his body, so that his shackles and even the soul suffered a severe pain that could not be stopped. He was not shocked, his palms twitched with the two-month hilt, and the sword began to spin. The full of the fairy spirits ran along the sword and hit the sharp horn. He sighed and the horrible destructive power immediately broke one of them. The horns, the yak screamed, the offensive was dissipated, and the huge body stepped back a few steps. The palms of the hands screamed at the cattle house, and they saw the break of the horns and vented a lot of anger.

The increase in the strength of the two-month sword is simply shocking. If you do not have a double-month sword, but other weapons, you may not be able to break the corner of the cow.

The singer looked at Su Yun with his eyes open, but he stopped attacking. He stepped back a few steps and suddenly turned and fled directly to the distance, and actually gave up fighting with Su Yun.

Su Yun put down the double-month sword, and some of them looked at the cow.

"Is it just like this?"

"You broke a corner of it, its strength is backwards, can you be your opponent? This cow is a cow, but it is only a cow bone, and it is a dead spirit, not a dead cow spirit, so it has cattle. Features and strength, but not the cow's thinking, can't beat but run, this is a very natural thing. ≠ ≤ ∈⊥. ╇." Ling Qingyu next to him came over and said softly.

"It turns out that." Su Yun smiled and swept to the side, but he saw that the meditation and the devil in the distance had already been stunned, and they were all convinced by the power displayed by Su Yun.

A sword breaks the corner of the ox, how much destructive power?

When people wake up, the crowd is already boiling, and the people in the eyes of the people are wrong, and the eyes of the devil are full of excitement and worship.

"Look, that's the devil of our true devil!! He is no worse than you!"

"That is, the power of the Lord of the Monarch is all over the sky, there is him, and we will have a day of rise in the real world."

"Don't you dare to swear at us again?"

The devils were so high-spirited, as if they had won the battle, Su Yun shook his head, did not speak, and left with the sword, Ling Qingyu returned to the sword, and did not say anything.

After returning to the Devil's Horde for a few days, Su Yun received the news from Mo Zhihua. The Royal Sword called the Master of the Devil and the head of the Devil's Tribe, and went to the tribe of the Royal Sword.

Su Yun has been waiting for the reply of the Royal Sword, so it seems that the Royal Sword is also awakened.

He led a team of devils and went out early in the morning. The tribe of the Royal Sword is extremely rudimentary, and no one has settled in the past, but today it is very lively, and the elites of the cockroaches and the nine disasters are crowded with the inside and outside of the tribe.

Su Yun thought that he was early enough. He didn’t expect the flying dragonfly to come earlier than the nine disasters. The meditation people let the road open and let Su Yun go in and step into the tribe. It is a circular building with the building door made of bone. Cheng, Mo refers to the flower standing outside the door, seeing the arrival of Su Yun, and immediately greeted with a smile.

"Su Yun, if you come, you will be worse! Come in with me."

"Mo girl personally greeted, so that Su was flattered." Su Yun clenched his fist.

"Don't be polite, go in and talk."

It’s a flower that takes Su Yun’s hand and walks inside, but after two steps, there are some wrong things. I quickly release my hand and my cheeks are reddish. But I saw Su Yun’s reaction and rushed into the round shape. Inside the building.

The servants are waiting outside, and there are not many people inside. The scorpion, the nine sorrows, and the five meditations, except for the later Su Yun and Mo Zhihua, the most sitting on the top is the Yu Ming Sword.

Today's Royal Sword is different from the original injury. It has restored its former appearance. He is introverted and restrained. Others will not feel the slightest. He will never know that he is injured, and his repair is also a small retrogression.

Seeing that the Royal Sword is like nothing, Su Yun is also slightly relieved.

Yu Mingjian looked at Su Yun and nodded slightly. Then he said, "When people are together, everyone is seated."


Everyone returned to their position. Su Yun and Mo Zhihua were sitting on the right side of the second position. He looked at the people present. The flying dragonfly and the nine disasters were not the first time. Today, the two faces are extremely ugly and look. Some are awkward, and in the lower row of seats, there are five people sitting in the gray black armor, four men and one woman, all of them are raw faces, Su Yun’s eyes carefully fall on the faces of these five people, if not, These five people should be the five meditations.

"You should all know each other, so I will not introduce them one by one. I am convening everyone today, mainly to let me know about the situation in the underworld, and why the underworld did not organize the army to resist the celestial army. I also want to know about Qihe. If you are convenient, please don’t hide it. Tell me everything you know, can you?”

The voice of the Royal Sword is full of majesty, and the words fall, the people present are silent, and the atmosphere becomes awe.

But soon, the flying scorpion sitting there couldn't help it. He took the lead and stood up and shouted: "The sorcerer of the sacred sword, the reason why the underworld is defeated, is difficult to form because of the underworld, and all of this is actually Qihe’s fault!!!”

Yu Mingjian will lock his eyes.

I only listened to the flying scream: "Qihe is a handsome man, but he has actually invested in the Xianting army. He used various excuses to block us from forming the underworld, secretly colluding with Xianting, and I am in the underworld. I am defeated by the underworld, all of which are the faults of Qihe! Please also ask the Master of the Royal Sword to be the master of me!!"

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