Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1259: Transfer away

Into the patriarch's cultivation area, Su Yun's line of sight can not be attracted by the head of the dazzling treasure here, the Shenying family's treasure of the town 'Nine Gods Dzi Beads' is a baby that everyone wants to peep, and the Condor family What has been guarded for over the years is also this thing. Now there is a change in the Condor family. They will naturally concentrate all their forces in the location of the 'Nine Gods Dzi Beads' to avoid people attacking, and Su Yun’s raid The land of the patriarch, the purpose is to tune the tiger away from the mountain.

However, he knows that it is not easy to adjust the tiger to the mountain.

He took a deep breath, removed his disguise, put on a black cloak, covered the face, covered the breath, carrying a double-month sword, and quietly stood in the patriarch's cultivation ground waiting.

Without the effort of twenty interest, the horrible breath novel of the Condor patriarch swayed from a distance. Only he was alone. Obviously, he also worried that some people would adjust the tiger to leave the mountain. Therefore, only one person came over and the rest of the Condor’s power was one. Not taken.

Oh, la la la.

The previous defensive rushed in, but they didn't come long before the patriarch arrived.

"The patriarch!"

"The patriarch!"

The voice is constantly changing.

Su Yunshun looked at the sound, but saw the door coming into a handsome man with three pairs of huge wings behind him. The man looked cold, the eyebrows and the skin were white, and the appearance was similar to that of the Yangtze, but the softness of the Yangtze was less, more It is fortitude, and the wings behind him are also very special. The wings are all colorful, as if the rainbow has been dyed.

As soon as he appeared, the atmosphere of the entire cultivation land seemed to be a little lighter, and all went up, even the breath of Su Yun became very light. This is his power, his momentum!

He stared at Su Yun coldly, with no expression, and it was difficult to read anything from his eyes.

"I broke into my territory without permission, but did you do anything. Did you deliberately lead me here? Your purpose is ‘Nine Gods Dzi Beads’?” said the eagle clan.


Su Yun nodded, but shook his head again: "But my purpose is not 'Nine Gods Dzi Beads', I am not interested in this thing. The purpose of my visit here is to find the peeping 'Nine Gods Dzi Beads' People, I will stop her, don't let her get into the 'Nine Gods Dzi Beads' and take her away!"

"who's that person?"

"I do not know either."

"I won't believe you."

"You are a patriarch with a family of people, and naturally you will not trust others easily."

"You have this awareness."

"So, is the patriarch wanting to take me?"


He stepped forward, and the huge wings were shaking.

Su Yun took a deep breath and burst into a sigh of anger. He rushed into the hands of the two-month sword. He did not rush to the eagle patriarch, but slammed directly at his feet.

All the power is like a flood of the rushing, rolling down the sword of the two months. Under the wonderful blessing of the Excalibur, the power bursts and spreads around, and the sky is so loud that the entire Condor seems to be shaken. And shivered gently.

The scene appeared quite messy, Su Yun did not hesitate, immediately turned around, opened the building behind the cultivation ground, and directly smashed out.

"Want to run??"

The Shenying people snorted and chased the past.

"Have off!!!"

The rest of the Condor people also brushed toward the Su Yun.

The speed of the Condor patriarch is extremely fast. Although Su Yun is not weak at the moment, compared with this patriarch, the gap is extremely great. It does not say whether the patriarch can be smashed, even if the distance can not be kept close. Very amazing.

His speed! It’s so fast and astounding. Su Yun has never seen such a fast speed since he stepped into the spiritual repair. Even if he has refined the Fengshen swordsmanship, he is also sighing in front of this eagle patriarch. I am afraid that it is the president of Xianting. I can’t compare it with this patriarch in terms of speed.

If you simply escape, it is impossible to get rid of the Condor patriarch, and want to get rid of him, not just by speed.

Su Yun took a deep breath and took the sword all the way. He occasionally released the sword in the sky, and from time to time he released the sword on the buildings of the Shenying family. For a time, the upper part of the Condor was snarling and accompanied by A lot of explosions came.

When the eagle patriarch saw it and his brow was wrinkled, he had already guessed what Su Yun would do.

Sure enough, there were a lot of Shenying masters flying over the forest, and the sound of the wings vibrating kept on, and a gust of wind blew through, and countless figures rushed toward it.

At the same time, the three elders who were responsible for guarding the 'Nine Gods of the Dzi Beads' also came together, and he heard him screaming and shouted: "Why don't you dare to scatter in the wild eagle family, see how I am jealous." you!!"

The roar broke out, accompanied by the majestic figure of the steel claws. He unfolded the giant wings and people could not see the sky.

When Su Yun saw it, he was overjoyed. However, when he turned his head, he saw that the eagle patriarch had surrounded him, and a breathless sense of depression instantly enveloped him.


The eagle patriarch directly reached out, and the seemingly slender hand suddenly became a illusion, turning into a vigorous and powerful eagle's claw, directly holding Su Yun's neck, Su Yun's brow wrinkled, and the future reaction Then I feel a wonderful force overflowing from the claws, infiltrating my body, and going to my own pulse.

The eagle patriarch is trying to seal the celestial spirit in his body! ! Let him have no resistance! !

However, Su Yun had already prepared. He did not stop the action of the patriarch. It was extremely difficult to stop with his strength. However, he still spurred a bit of scent, stored at the fingertips and shot at a distance.


This faint fairy scent directly passed through the crowd and went to the forest in the distance.

The eagle clan's brow wrinkled and noticed this strange. He did not understand the purpose of Su Yun doing this, but he was still alert.

It doesn't take long

boom! ! !

A sudden bang suddenly broke out from the woods, and the whole Condor trembled fiercely. This countless eagle people were all wrong, and they didn’t know why. The steel claws looked at the source of the sound, and their faces changed dramatically. "Well, we have adjusted the tiger to the mountain. This guy is a bait. His companion must be going to get the 'Nine Gods Dzi Beads'!!"

"Fast! Go to the forbidden place!!"


The Shenying people are constantly crying and anxious.

The eagle clan's brow wrinkled, staring coldly at Su Yun. He raised another hand, turned his hand into a talon, stared at the heart of Su Yun, and finally hesitated, and the claws filled with horror. The destructive element, with the shaking of his arm, slammed into the heart of Su Yun.

He is going to destroy the body of Su Yun. As long as the body is destroyed and only the soul is left, then Su Yun will no longer be threatened and cannot escape.

The eagle patriarch played a good calculation, but he obviously underestimated the means of Su Yun, and he saw Su Yun suddenly burst into a magical power, although this power is not a thing for the eagle patriarch, but the power depends on the past At that moment, the power between the palms of the Condor's clan suddenly weakened a lot. When he was hit on Su Yun's body, he could not kill him, but left a gravure on his chest.

Su Yun's body trembled and did not suffer much damage.

"You continue to spend time with me here, I am afraid that 'Nine Gods Dzi Beads' has fallen into the hands of others." Su Yun coughed and whispered.

The eyes of the Condor eagle became colder and colder, and the look became extremely horrible. However, he did not lose his mind because of Su Yun’s words. On the contrary, he accepted Su Yun’s words, and he slammed and turned and disappeared directly. The forest rushed inside.

When Su Yun saw it, he immediately turned and left, but he did not go to the forest, but rushed outside the forest.

The eagle patriarch is not a vain name. This palm down, although only left a mark on Su Yun’s chest, but it also caused Su Yun to suffer an unbearable injury. The rest of the head has not been scattered. He coughed a few times, his mouth was bleeding, although he did not spy, but also know that the gas in his body has been affected by a small impact, the fairy is agitated, and it is not easy to calm down.

But now that he is not paying attention to this injury, he has taken a breath and speeded up.



Su Yun mouth whispered.

The direction of his sprint is the export of the Condor.

There was no guard there, and all the guards were attracted to the explosion by the forest.

However, when Su Yun approached, a figure was smashing out of the entrance. His eyes were fast, and immediately a flying rush, the double-month sword in his hand filled the fairy, and the figure passed to the past.

The figure noticed the sudden offensive, and immediately evaded sideways, the speed was unusually light, but the figure just avoided, Su Yun's figure suddenly disappeared. When it appeared again, it was already on the side of the figure. He held the sword with one hand and the other hand. Directly hug the figure, once again spurred the sacred robes, the divine power constantly poured into the figure, madly swallowed the fairy, added to Su Yun's slightly exhausted body.


The figure gave an irritating snoring sound, and the whirlwind pulled out countless dead and gray air. These breaths were like a needle-like hit on Su Yun’s body, which made people feel painful and their souls shuddered. People can't stand it. Su Yun secretly gritted his teeth, but did not let go. After a while, the dead air and gray gas weakened, and he let go of his hand and went straight back.

When he lifted his eyes, he saw the person in front of him. This is a woman with a full body and looks like a charm. The woman is bulging and squatting, her body is unusually hot, and a black tight-fitting suit is wrapped in her perfection. The body, a slender black hair falls vertically, with the exquisite face, afraid that it will make all men covet. At this moment, her cheeks are red, and her eyes are like burning, and she is staring at Su Yun here.

"You are not a hawkish man!! Who are you?" The woman gnashed her teeth and whispered.

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