Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1263: Do you think I am afraid?

Seeing the look of the Queen of the Underworld, Su Yun’s face showed a strange smile: “The Queen, maybe you don’t know me, although I am a high-powered person, my cultivation time is not long, I am the reason Being able to have such strength in such a short period of time is entirely because I have cultivated a magical exercise. Do you know what this exercise is?"

The Queen's face was a little white, and her lips trembled: "What is the practice??"

"Nine days of Xuandi double repairs a big man. Law!"

Su Yun mouth chanted, the name was completely made by him.

""Nine days of Xuandi double repairing a big man. Law"?"

The Queen of the Underworld heard the sound, and the body suddenly trembled, and the pace could not help but step back.

Listening to this name, she should also know what this evil thing is. Looking at Su Wei’s weird face, she is more and more afraid in her heart. Su Yun’s strength is strong, she doesn’t know much, and now she is in a bad state. Not in the underworld, how to deal with Su Yun? ?

Could it be said that today is to be defiled by this wicked person?

The Queen of the Messy was trembling and thinking.

"You better not to mess around, I am also a means of my queen, but you can imagine, I advise you to get out of the way, or if I am angry, I can let you go away at any time!"

The Queen of the Ming Dynasty forced her to calm down. She took a deep breath and tried to keep her mood steady and her voice gradually sinking.

"I naturally do not doubt your means. Your strength is not strong, but you can mix it into the Condor family without knowing it, and destroy the altar and capture the 'Nine Gods Dzi Beads'. This is actually irrelevant. For the realm, but about the means and IQ, Queen, I admire you, even if you fail this action, but I believe that if I don't stop, you are likely to succeed, but you are facing me now. I believe that you and I face to face, any means of yours will be pale and weak under my absolute strength."

Su Yun stared at the emperor's eyes like a starry sky, said with a smile.

She can see the looming fear in the eyes of the Queen of the Underworld.

"You are a bastard!" She gnashed her teeth and angered her hair, but couldn't take Su Yun.

Suddenly, she suddenly raised her head, and the pair of hands holding the chest tightly suddenly lifted up and hit Su Yun, and saw a large number of purple flashing silk threads in the palm of the hand. These silk threads touched Su Yun. In an instant, it quickly spreads, and the dying effort, the human nerves did not react, Su Yun was entangled in this thread to get rid of it, and the body was tied up.

Seeing that Su Yun was tied up, the pale face of the Queen of the Emperor and the trembling delicate body directly settled down, and the scared color of this face disappeared without a trace, and the person seemed to have changed his face.

Then she saw a trace of disdainful smile, and her eyes were full of provocation and triumphant look at Su Yun. She said: "The silk spit out from the purple spider is the strongest silk in the underworld. Anyone can break free of its silk, the kid. Although you are stronger than me, your IQ is obviously not enough. What is any means that is pale and weak under your absolute strength? Hey! You are not planted in my hands?"

Su Yun struggled a few times, did not break the spider silk, looked at the Queen of the Emperor, smiled and said: "It turns out that before you are so scared and helpless, it is just pretending to be the purpose, it is to paralyze me, good Launching a sneak attack! The Queen of the Devil is really the Queen of the Underworld. It seems that I have to look at it!"

"Look? Hey, I don't think you can see it!!"

The Queen of the Underworld is cold: "The ants in the area are also daring to give me greed!! Look at me to dig your eyes first, then break your heart, destroy the body, imprison the soul, slowly torture!! I want Let you survive, you can't die!!"

After all, the Queen of the Emperor had to do it. She had a little breath, and gathered with the long fingers of the jade, without hesitation, directly stabbed the eyes of Su Yun.

It is simply merciless.


Just as her fingers were still flying in the air, a vigorous and powerful big hand suddenly came over and grabbed her wrist directly!


There was a voice coming from the wrist, and the Queen of the Underworld looked at it, but saw that the hand was actually stretched out by the bundled Su Yun.

She looked at it again and found that Su Yun had already broken away from the spider silk of the purple spider, and there was nowhere to be entangled.

"How is it possible?" The Queen of the Ming Dynasty lost her eyes, but just as Su Yun was approaching, she felt that Su Yun’s body floated with a circle of wonderful atmosphere. This breath is not a fairy, but a divine power!

"It's no wonder that the purple gold spider silk is made of fairy condensate crystal, your power can swallow the fairy, so you can collapse immediately!!"

The Queen of the Underworld suddenly realized, but it is already late.

Su Yun did not intend to give her any more chances. She directly pulled her over and pressed it to the ground. The magical power of her body covered her body madly. The effort in the blink of an eye, the fairy of the Queen of the Empress was pumped out. Net, people's strength is not much, standing up is seemingly difficult.

Thinking of the woman’s sinful words, Su Yun’s heart was angry. He reached out and patted the white impeccable face of the Queen of the Underworld. The yin test said: “You will play very well, but I am still saying that your means cannot overwhelm my strength!! Now, what should we do??"

"You better let me go!!"

The Queen of the Underworld clenched her teeth.

"Does this boring words, do you think it is interesting?"

Su Yun said, while reaching out to the empress of the emperor, sticking out the clothing of the petite body, and said: "If you follow me back to the underworld, there will not be so many things happen, in fact, we are like this. It's not for your sake, isn't it?"

"If you don't touch me, I promise you, I promise to go to the underworld with you!" said the Queen of the Eve, she wants to struggle, but in the face of this mountain like Su Yun, she can't get rid of it.

"Now I promised?" Su Yunyan looked at her. The faces of the two men were very close. It seemed that they could feel each other's breathing. Soon, Su Yun moved his head away and shook his head: "But it doesn't work." I am doing this to you. You are forced to promise me. It is said that you can control the underworld beast. If I am so stupid to take you back to the underworld, you will not control the beast and tear me apart. No? No, no! This is absolutely not!!"

"Then what do you want to do?" Seeing that Su Yuntou is shaking like a rattle, the Queen of the Underworld is biting her teeth.

"You have to find a proper reason to convince me. Of course, the most important thing is that you can guarantee that you will be in a safe position after I return to the underworld, and you can also help the Royal Sword to defeat the fairy army. If you can do both, I promise not to touch you even a finger, how do you look?" Su Yun laughed.

Although the contact with the Queen of the Underworld is not long, Su Yun is more or less able to find out some of the woman's temperament. This woman is unfathomable and timid, otherwise she dares to use this to go to the Condor. Come to pick up? And what is the ‘Nine Gods Dzi Beads’? What is even more surprising is that the people of the Condor are still not aware of it. Is this resistant to the general? To deal with such a woman, you must be careful everywhere, otherwise you will suffer big losses at any time, one is not good, even life.

"I see you from the beginning, is this abacus? You want to touch me, but want to threaten me!"

"Do you think I can't touch you?"

Su Yun suddenly looked cold and whispered.

The Queen of the Underworld did not speak.

When Su Yun saw it, he sneered at it and grabbed the tall, soft chest of the empress of the emperor. When the palm covered the past, the soft and sinuous touch instantly passed through the palm of his hand and passed through him.

The Queen of the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty trembled, the hugeness of the eyes, a small face that was distributed with red because of anger, there was no blood, this time it was not like loading, she was watching Su Yun, as if it was lost.

Su Yun saw it, so he was curious.

Although the cultivators, both men and women, are mostly conservative, but the reaction of the Queen of the Emperor seems to have gone too far, right?

He grabbed it at any time, took his hand back, and said coldly: "Would you like to continue? Anyway, no one here, I will let you see, what I just said is true, I touched you, in the end is Threatening you, or is it for me to be happy?"

After all, Su Yun pretended to look forward to further action.

However, when he just had to raise his hand, the Queen of the Underworld reopened.

At this moment her voice was particularly cold and ruthless, as if she had abandoned any feelings, leaving only a dry soul.

"I can set a blood curse to you, return to the underworld with you, help the sword, and never harm you! Don't touch me!"

Seeing the expression of the Empress of the Emperor, Su Yun stunned, although the Queen of the Means was endless, and the wording was like a common meal, but I don’t know why, just after she touched her, she seemed to have changed.

He stared at the emperor's eyes and found that the woman is not afraid of herself at all. Not only that, but her eyes are as if she has no luster and she does not care about everything.

"What blood curse?" Su Yun whispered.

"With the soul and flesh and blood as the blood curse, I can stand in front of you."

The Queen of the Underworld is cold and cold.

Su Yun thought for a moment and nodded: "Good! If so, then it is!"

After all, he stood up from the Queen of the Underworld. The Queen of the Empress lay flat on the cloud for a moment, and the spine got up, holding down the ‘blood curse’ step and starting the planning step by step.

But at this time her movements are stiffer, just like a machine.

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