Limitless Sword God

Chapter 133: I will help you (thank you)

(The outside is thundering, the window is open, the wind and rain blows through the window, but it doesn't feel cold, my heart is like a fire burning, 3000+ monthly ticket, no matter which month's monthly ticket score, it has not reached After this number of votes, this is only the beginning of the month, I don’t know if we can rank in the position of the monthly ticket list this month, but I know that we wished the brothers and sisters of Rongzhi’s arm to fight and fought, and did not yield. Thank you all, thank you to the brothers and sisters of Zhu Rongzhi, and to all the friends who support me. Thank you, you made me understand more and gained more. Tonight will have In the first chapter, the 11th on the shelves will break out, in order to give back to you. In addition, especially to the lovely book fans, happy to say thank you, learn to cheer!)


In the vast night sky, a snowy and slender flying sword is rushing.

On the sword, a man in a sword suit stood up with a **** head, and the wind picked up his long hair and blew his robes.

"I didn't expect that you would actually save the man, kid, but you spent a lot of money and the 'plastic meat Dan' refining in ten days. You are such a self, just give him this? This is not like you!"

The sound of the old sword of the sword came out.

"How is it not like me? Is it not good to save people?"

Su Yun is a light road.

"Are you not a demon?" The sword is old and wonderful: "In the past, you were so savage and cruel, killing people without blinking, how can you do such good deeds today?"

"Magic?" Su Yun lowered his eyebrows and gently shook his head: "The **** evils are done, the cruel and sorrowful, the devil is more than the people in the mouth, but he is called a man, what should I say? Devil, not cold and ferocious existence, they all have their own attachments, their own bottom line, treating the enemy, they are fierce and cruel, desperate, but treating the dear, they will do everything they can. I don’t want to kill, but sometimes, I Must kill!"

The sound fell, Su Yun quickly rushed!

The sword is old, and after a while, he suddenly laughs and laughs very deeply.

The town where the winter home is located is not far from Jinghu Town. The sky is not yet bright, and Su Yun will arrive in Jinghu Town.

Before the blood was used, the blade of the 'Yinyin' was used as the treasure, but it was the magic weapon of the blood. It connected the blood-passing life and passed the blood. This 'passion of the yin' was turned into a common blade. Su Yun wanted to take it for himself, but he still gave up after understanding it.

The battle of blood, the loss is not awkward, although Su Yunxiu is more than seven products, but in the move and magic, but won several levels.

Especially in the last fight, the storm swordsmanship was able to perform perfectly, the sword was sorrowful, and the blood was smashed. He was almost incapable of guarding, and this was planted.

However, this battle is also thrilling. At the critical juncture, the trajectory of the temperament of the storm swordsmanship has reached a 'one mindfulness', which is successfully applied, killing each other, and the trajectory of the qi is as slow as usual. Shoot, the death will not be blood, but Su Yun, 'Tongyin Blade' will cut his head in the next moment.

It must be said that at the moment of life and death, people's potential is most likely to be stimulated.

Although the current implementation of ‘一念成气’, but still not familiar, the more the product challenge is a little rash, not super-spiritual heart five products, there is still a battle, if it is the spirit of the six products, I am afraid it will be difficult.

Qianyuan landed, people entered Jinghu Town, they went straight to kill the list.

When the time is up, the sky is not yet bright, there are not many people in the list, but more than ten people, they are surrounded by each other, and they are working together to pick up a list of more than 20 people.

The person in charge of the side of the killing list yawned and stood there waiting for the person to uncover the bill.

Su Yun raised the head of the blood, and slowly walked to the list.

The white canvas has been dyed red, and the blood spilled over the canvas and dripped onto the ground.


Su Yun threw his head on the ground and reached out to remove the list from the storage ring.

"Who is the first level?"

The person in charge wiped his eyes at random and was careless.

"Blood through!" Su Yun will take out the list, and then spread out.

If the sound, this is a quiet night is even more silent...

"Through... blood?"

The person in charge raised his eyes.

The stalking hunters on the side of the plaque also stumbled, and the brushed eyes locked the eyes of Su Yun.

The person in charge seems to be somewhat unsure, rubbing his eyes hard, and the eyes are so huge that they almost fall out of the eyelids.

To be sure that this list is indeed sent out from this list of killings, I am amazed: "Really... is it blood?"

Someone has already ran to untie the canvas of the head on the ground. When he saw the person's appearance, he was amazed and surprised, and it was difficult to stop.


Su Yun handed the list over.

"Oh! wait, adult, wait a moment!"

The person in charge was excited and said quickly, then hurriedly took out a small silver key and stabbed it in front of this huge killing list. Then, he posted the list of ‘Blood’.

At the moment when the illuminating paper was overlaid on the list, the paper immediately turned into a little starlight, and then a strange storage space was opened on the list, and a ticket was flowed out from inside.

The person in charge hurriedly picked it up, then held it in both hands and handed it to Su Yun respectfully: "Congratulations, adult, you succeeded in removing a major evil from the Qilian area. This is a reward for the people in the Qilian area. For the 150,000 spirits, please collect it!"


Su Yun nodded and stuffed the ticket into the storage ring.

When he got the reward, he didn't rush to leave, his eyes began to sweep up the list, and his eyes finally locked in the name of the sixth ‘Shihong’s.

'石宏颠', nickname 'demon power', rumors that its power is as eccentric as a demon, sometimes powerful, and sometimes clever, successively, repaired as: Ling Xuan Xin five products, reward: 140,000 Ling coins, magic: unknown, mysterious Technology: Unknown, the current location: Songshishan, it is reported that Shi Hongdi grabbed 17 low-level Ling Xuan people into the Songshan Mountain, intending to use the heart of these Ling Xuan people to cultivate his demon power, is extremely vicious.

The killing list is ranked by crimes and rewards, that is to say, the strength of this stone may not be lower than that of blood.

However, if you don’t try it, how can you cultivate ‘一念成气’?

After thinking about it, Su Yun directly reached out and unveiled the list of ‘Shi Hong’s.

The person in charge stunned: "Adult, you have to remove this ‘devil’ stone?”

"What's wrong?" Su Yun did not understand.

“This...” the person in charge smiled and said: “This demon power stone macro has always been a loner, mysterious, rarely in contact with people, cultivation is hiding in the mountains, and living spirit The Xuan people are cultivating the meat, and they are extremely cruel, and everyone is guilty of it. It’s just that this kills the information about him on the list, but six months ago, the place where the demon power Shi Hong was hit is not known!”

"half year ago?"

Su Yunyi.

"There were several people who received this task during the period, but there was no news. After the deadline, we decided that they had failed! Maybe they did not find Shi Hongdi!"

The person in charge smiled bitterly.

Didn't find Shi Hong? I am afraid that it is dead. If I have not found Shi Hong, I should reply to it.

Su Yun heard the words, nodded and meditated.

The people on the side are still talking about it, and their eyes are still locked in Su Yun's body.

"Is this person the rumored swordless sage?"

“It looks like, but... there seems to be a lot of people dressed like the Promise Swordsman!”

"That's all mixed, it's easy to kill blood, it's a power, this person must be a sword!"

"If you climb some relationships with them, you will benefit a lot. Maybe we can go with him to eliminate the target on the list and divide some coins!"

"Li brother, do you want more? Sword Master will act with us all?"

Several people whispered.

But at this moment, a call suddenly popped out from behind.

"If you can't find Shi Hongdi, you can help this adult in the next!"

People looked at it with a sigh of relief, but they saw a man who was honest and honest and did not know where to get out. He came here step by step.

He is very plain, just a gray leather armor, there are not many magic weapons on his body, only a machete is hung around his waist. This person is about thirty years old, and the spiritual masters are repaired, although Su Yun is better than him. One item is low, but Su Yun is confident that it can be easily killed.

"Do you help?"

The cold iron faces the thick man and sinks: "How do you help?"

The thick face of the person appeared a trace of depression, and flashed a trace of anger and pain. He whispered: "On half a month ago, my brother was caught by this stone macro, so I know that Shi Hong is at this moment. Where is it? He is a high-powered person. I can't fight him. I am waiting here. I know that my brother must be a fierce and sorrowful one. The only thing I can do is to wait here. If there is a great willingness to kill Shi Hong, I I am willing to be a guide! Help the great power to kill Shi Hong! Revenge for the younger brother!"

Su Yun heard the words and nodded: "Be good at forbearance, wait for the opportunity to move, and be the best policy. If you rushed over at the beginning, I am afraid that you and your brother are both dead at the moment!"

I really didn't think that this person is very honest, but his mind is so delicate. If he is changed to himself, the person who is close to him is being held up, I am afraid that he will fight for it long ago.

Su Yun thought.

I saw this man holding his fists in his hands, bending his waist and making a serious look.

"Also ask the adults to bring small, small will help the adults to kill Shi Hong, small, do not have a thousand coins, only for the **** enemy!!"

This person's voice is sincere and respectful, and he looks very meticulous and does not dare to have a slight slack.

The next person looked at it and couldn't help but feel a little moved.

The person in charge returned to God and said: "This adult, since he knows where Shi Hong is, you can let him take you there, so you can save a lot of effort?"


Su Yun thought for a while, and said: "You said it is good. If so, then I will go with him to find the stone macro!"

When he finished, he went over and helped the man up and asked, "What is your name?"

"Returning to adults, small is called A3!"

The honest man smiled.

"A three?"

Su Yun frowned, but did not ask, took a bag of Ling coins from the storage ring, handed it over, said: "You are going to buy two black horses now, waiting for me in Zhenbei, we will set off immediately to find the stone. Macro!"

Ah San heard the words, he stunned: "Adult, small, just watched you hand over the **** head, this does not rest for a few days, prepare for it, and then go to Shihonghong?"

"No need! Time is limited, but it will change when it is late. If it rests for a few days, Shi Hong will change the hiding place, then it will be troublesome. Come on!"

Su Yun insisted.

A three took the bag and hesitated for a moment, then hurriedly left.

Because the killing list is guarded at twelve hours, there will be spiritual practitioners paying orders in the middle of the night, so the shops around the list are all open for business.

Soon, A San took two batches of Xuan Ma to the north gate of Jinghu Town, where Su Yun waited for him early...

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